magic eye doctor

Chapter 3065 Refuse to negotiate

Chapter 3065 Refuse to negotiate
Little Yuanying was decisive in killing and attacking, he didn't care about Naoshi's threat at all, Nao Wushuang lost face and was in a very bad mood, when he saw something flying towards him, he swung his sword and chopped it down in anger.

The sword light flashed, and a severed finger was sliced ​​into several pieces.

When Xuan Shao saw that the nun of the Nao family chopped off a severed finger into several pieces, he was immediately happy, and immediately said sarcastic words: "Miss Nao is really a cruel person. The Mahayana monks of your family worked hard for the family, because of him You accidentally became a prisoner, and you can't even tolerate his amputated finger. You don't fear the hearts of the people when you kill a donkey like this.

But this is also understandable. After all, Miss Naoshi is the next patriarch of the Naoshi family. She sits firmly on the throne of the quasi-patriarch and holds the power. It just happened to free up a position for others to have a chance to take the lead. "

When Nao Wushuang's sword slashed at the thing that was flying towards him, he realized later that he knew what it was, but it was too late, and the severed finger of the family Mahayana had already been divided into several pieces.

In desperation, he immediately withdrew his sword, and quickly took out a box to collect the severed fingers. On the way to rescue, he heard Xiao Yuanying's provocative words, and he was furious.

Immediately sternly retorted: "You don't sow dissension there. You have a vicious mind to cut off the fingers of our Mahayana monks, and then discard the severed fingers of our Mahayana monks like a pair of shoes, so that you can trap me in injustice, and your heart can be punished. "

The behavior of Nao Wushuang raising his sword to chop off the family Mahayana's finger really made the monks of the Nao family feel uncomfortable. They also knew that Xiao Yuanying was deliberately provoking the emotions of the clan, so they didn't think much about it.

The little Nascent Souls not only had the magic weapon to easily capture Mahayana monks, but also were decisive and ruthless. Everyone in the Nao family was afraid and put on high alert.

"You really know how to shirk responsibility. It is clear that you brought your clansmen to kill and seize treasures from us. It is your own decision-making mistakes. The culprit is yourself. How can you blame us victims.

The mentality of these superiors is similar. For the sake of their own reputation, no matter how big a mistake they make, they will eventually push it to the scapegoat to take the blame. "

Young Master Xuan never thought that he could provoke discord within the Nao Clan with just a few words. It doesn't matter if the monks of the Nao Clan are interested or not, as long as they can add trouble to the female cultivators of the Nao Clan.

Nao Wushuang gathered all the severed fingers that had been shaved into several pieces, put the box away first, and heard the little Yuan Ying was sowing discord again, he was furious, and swung his sword to kill the spirit boat.

"I won't be able to get rid of my hatred if I don't tear you to pieces!"

"As long as you have the ability to break through the defense of the spirit boat and kill this young master, I will consider myself unlucky." Xuan Shao smiled and beckoned to his friends: "Little friends, keep your eyes open and take note of the number of attacks."

"Understood." The four humanoid beasts responded in unison, their eyes turning into copper bells.

The magic sword swung by Nao Wushuang stopped abruptly when he was about to hit the golden mask of the spirit boat, looking at the little Nascent Soul in the spirit boat, he was so angry that his head was about to smoke.

Her complexion changed several times abruptly, and finally she withdrew the magic sword with a pretty face, took a deep breath, and negotiated again: "You guys return my family's Mahayana, and leave all the storage containers and contracted beasts behind." , we, Naoshi, will let you two leave safely."

"You have no brains, think everyone is as stupid as you? Stop talking nonsense, we refuse to negotiate, what conditions do you have to talk to the little fairy." Xuan Shao rolled his eyes in disdain, the ugly woman really thinks they are fools?

Listen to what this woman is saying?Said that as long as they returned the captives and left all the storage containers and contract animals, Naoshi would let them leave safely!

Don't say that you are going to lie to everyone and not believe it, you are going to lie to ghosts and even ghosts won't believe it.

"If you have the ability, you should find a way to break through the defense of the spirit boat, and we will talk nonsense when you capture him alive." Yan Xing was too lazy to chat nonsense with the Nao family, and opened the magic formation of the spirit boat.

A layer of mist like light smoke rose from the surface of the spirit boat's barrier, and the spirit boat surrounded by the phantom formation turned into a cloud of white mist and floated in the air.

The big and small monks of the Nao family could no longer see the little Nascent Soul and the human monsters in the spirit boat.

Nao Wushuang was so angry that her pretty face was black, but because of the decisiveness of the little Nascent Souls chopping off the Mahayana fingers before, it was not good to attack the spirit boat directly, the anger was simmering in her heart, and her eyes were burning.

Yan Xing opened the phantom array of the spirit boat, blocked the eyes of outsiders, took out another array disk and placed it in the center of the cabin of the spirit boat, then opened the barrier, and adjusted the barrier to match the spirit boat. as big as the world.

The enchantment of the array disk overlaps with the enchantment of the spirit boat, which is more secure.

Not counting the second layer of defense, he took out another talisman and attached it to the spirit boat's barrier.

The talisman is a magic weapon designed to restrain and defend against attacks of the mind. Once attacked or invaded by the mind, the talisman will not be opened until it is touched.

Let's see Naoshi's actions next.

If Naoshi forced a forceful attack, add a formation plate or activate the defensive barrier of the spirit boat, if Naoshi did not forcefully attack, the triple defense would be enough for self-protection.

Yan Xing used a square bed to cover the array, and went back to the bow of the spirit boat.

Xuan Shao stopped the bleeding for Naoshi Mahayana who had cut off his finger, there was no bandage, so he left him aside, and went to eat snacks among his friends.

Yan Xing also got together with his friends, waiting calmly for Naoshi's reaction.

Nao's Mahayana, whose finger was chopped off, could not speak, his limbs were tied, and his eyes were full of horror as he looked at the two Nascent Souls and the four humanoid monsters.

When the little Yuan Ying and the monster were not staring at him, he blinked furiously at the Nao clan leaders outside the spirit boat, trying to tell the Nao clan to give up their actions quickly.

It's a pity, he didn't know that the spirit boat had activated the phantom array, he could see every move of the people outside, but the people outside couldn't see the people or things in the spirit boat.

The severed finger Mahayana's eyes were about to crack, and the Nao clan outside the spirit boat didn't respond to him at all.

Xuan Shao couldn't bear to see it, and reminded him friendly: "Don't bother, the spirit boat has activated the concealment circle, you can see outside, and people outside can't see you, even if you stare your eyes out, it's useless."

"Also, people outside can't hear us." Shui Dun stuffed a snack into his mouth, and took the time to add.

Severed Finger Mahayana lowered his head weakly, then struggled to get into a kneeling position, and kowtowed to the two Nascent Souls, his forehead hit the deck with a loud bang.

"Brother Xuan, why is he kowtowing so hard?" The four beasts looked at the human monk who was kowtowing in puzzlement, all with confused faces.

Xuan Shao rubbed his chin and smiled: "He just met Brother Ape, Brother Xiong and the others, so he may have a little guess about our identities."

The broken-fingered Mahayana who kowtowed suddenly raised his head, and the horror in his eyes grew stronger.

This time, Yan Xing also confirmed that the Naoshi captives had guessed their identities, and his face was as cold as ice: "It seems that he really guessed it. Unfortunately, it's too late."

Severed Finger Mahayana's pupils suddenly dilated, if... if it is what he guessed... Naoshi... a catastrophe is imminent!
Horror welled up in his heart, Naoshi Mahayana couldn't even maintain his kneeling position, and was on the verge of falling.

He tried his best to stabilize his body, kowtowed heavily again, hoping that the two Nascent Souls and several Orc Nascent Souls would forgive the Naoshi family for the sake of Naoshi's ignorance.

"It's useless for you to beg for mercy. We have no control over this matter." Xuan Shao shook his head pitifully: "We don't care whether you have often killed people and seized treasures in the past, but this time, you robbed the wrong person.

Xiao Guozi is the little beast of the little fairy, and this spirit boat is also the magic weapon that the little fairy gave us. Your robbing us is equivalent to robbing the little fairy. "

Naoshi Mahayana raised his head, looked at the two Nascent Souls and the wooden demon with green eyes, his eyes were dark, and he tried his best to knock down again.

He knocked his head to the ground, his forehead touched the deck, the skin on his forehead was torn, and blood slowly seeped out.

"You should save your energy and pray for your family's good luck."

Xuan Shao didn't want a prisoner to get in the way, so he knocked Naoshi's Mahayana unconscious, and then threw him into a wishful house, so that he could see nothing.

The spirit boat was wrapped in a thin layer of smoke, and the monks of the Nao family couldn't see what was going on with the spirit boat, they could only stare blankly.

The little Nascent Soul was very slippery, like a tortoise shrunk in its shell and couldn't get out. In order to keep the spirit boat from being destroyed, it was not appropriate to attack by force.

Now the two little Nascent Souls have captured a Mahayana from the Nao clan again as a hostage. At this moment, all the Mahayanas from the Nao clan are also wary of rats.

Nao Wushuang was holding back his anger and had to endure it.

Nao's Mahayana communicated with their spiritual consciousness, and after discussing for a while, they also came up with a solution - to bring the spirit boat and the people in the spirit boat back to the family.

The spirit boat needs to consume spirit stones to activate the defense formation, and it consumes a lot.

Maybe the two little Nascent Souls have a lot of property, but once the spirit boats are in the defense formation day and night, no matter how many spirit stones they have, they won't be enough to burn them, and it will last for a year and a half.

Bring the spirit boat back to the Nao's family and keep it under their noses. When the spirit stones of the two little Nascent Souls are exhausted, they will have nothing to rely on but the meat on the chopping board, which will be slaughtered by the Nao's family.

The Naoshi Mahayana discussed the result, took out the magic weapon, wrapped the spirit boat into a big ball, and then threw a golden bell magic weapon to cover all the magic weapons wrapped in the spirit boat, and then used a flying machine to bearer.

The Naoshi Mahayanas did not dare to put the aircraft carrying the spirit boat into the storage container, let alone carry it or let it close to each other. They took the aircraft separately and surrounded the aircraft carrying the magic weapon.

A Mahayana of the Nao family went to inform the allies on the ground, and the rest of them drove the aircraft up into the sea of ​​clouds and flew in the direction of Guiji City.

A team ambushing on the ground also set off to return to Jicheng by flying at low altitude.

The team of the Nao family flying in the sea of ​​clouds was always monitoring the golden bell and the spirit boat inside the other magic weapons. They were not moving fast, and it took five days to return to Guiji City.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao, and the beasts and beasts turned a blind eye to the Nao family's behavior of wrapping the spirit boat with magic weapons and "binding" them and the spirit boat away, and did not resist.

Speaking of it, throwing out all kinds of magic weapons in their hands, not to mention annihilating Naoshi's entire army, bombing them in sevens and eights, it is no problem to get away.

But this can't solve the problem fundamentally. If the Nao family and the alliance issue a reward, it will only be more troublesome when people from nearby continents, such as human cultivators and beast cultivators, surround them.

Weighing the pros and cons, the two young masters let the Nao family drag the spirit boat away.

(End of this chapter)

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