magic eye doctor

Chapter 3067

When little Lolita made spiritual food, the clouds of spiritual energy and fragrance piled up layer upon layer, like mountains stretching for nearly ten thousand miles. When she practiced alchemy, the alchemy clouds piled up like a sea, and the sea of ​​alchemy clouds covered the sky for nearly thirty thousand miles.

In the first three years of alchemy, only the fragrance of alchemy permeated the sky. From the fourth year, the heavenly families of five rainbows and heavens, which were only born with elixir, appeared frequently, and the fragrance of alchemy continued to spread far away, even seven to eight thousand miles away The place can also smell the strange fragrance.

Waves of visions of Changhong Lietian attracted wave after wave of monsters.

Many fairy-level monsters are greedy for the pills of human-shaped two-legged beasts. When Changhong drinks the pills, they take the opportunity to rush along the Changhong to the human camp, trying to mix in Changhong and enter the alchemy land to take the pills for themselves.

It's a pity that they made a wrong calculation, either they were killed by the sky thunder or they were captured alive, and they all became the ingredients for door-to-door delivery.

And those monsters who do nothing and steal the fragrance are all safe and sound.

In the rhythm of busy refining medicine and alchemy, he only killed those monsters who came to snatch the pills with evil intentions, and turned a blind eye to the monsters who kept themselves safe and only sucked the incense of pills.

It took a year to refine a large number of Tianpin pills and Xianpin pills, and also refined a lot of sub-divine-rank pills, and then refined divine-rank pills.

Whenever a furnace of god-level elixir is released, there must be nine rainbows in the sky.

There was too much movement in refining the god-level pills, Le Yun only refined a dozen kinds of pills and stopped temporarily, and finally refined the flying elixir.

The Feixian Pill belongs to the Heaven and Earth Creation Pill. Even though some materials have been processed in advance, it still took a full six months to complete the pill when it was officially refined.

When the Feixian Pill was congealed, a total of twelve rainbows came one after another, stacked into three layers of rainbow beams.

Just when Le Yun thought that the vision of heaven and earth was complete, suddenly, a huge vortex appeared on the top of Yunlan's sky, and a beam of golden light with a purple halo descended from the sky.

The golden light falling from the sky is rich and thick, as solid as a golden divine gold pillar.

A huge pillar of golden light fell between the rainbows.

The dazzling golden light and the dazzling rainbow light blind people's eyes.

Le Yun, who was an alchemist, did not dare to face the blazing light and had to close her eyes.

In the dazzling light, nineteen pills flew out of the pill furnace, each pill was as big as an egg, round like beads, translucent, golden pills surrounded by natural runes.

In the golden core, there are talisman characters looming.

The nineteen pills danced and rotated regularly in the golden light and rainbow light. Every time a cycle was completed, the runes on the pill body became more complicated, and the characters inside the pill body became clearer.

The pills have gone through 81 [-] rounds, and finally come to rest, arranged in the way of the innate universe array.

It wasn't until the eyelids sensed that the light was not so dazzling that Le Yun opened her eyes, saw the pills floating in the air, and looked up at the sky silently.

When the Feixian Pill is born, there must be a Pill and Thunder Tribulation.

As soon as she raised her head, there was a muffled thunder in the air.

The rumbling thunder just rolled across the sky, and the dark clouds in the sky emerged like a tide. The thick dark clouds tightly covered the golden vortex, making the sky and the earth pitch black.

Those monsters who were lurking and secretly inhaling the fragrance immediately sneaked into the depths of the ground, and did not dare to show their heads again.

Dark clouds covered the sky, and the sky was silent.

The atmosphere was so oppressive that the creatures dared not breathe.

After a few breaths of effort, a purple light flashed in the thick dark clouds, and nineteen arm-thick, purple sky thunders as thick as pure lacquer struck towards the freshly baked Shenzhou.

Seeing Dan Lei coming, Le Yun jumped up, rushed into the golden beam of light and the rainbow light, stood on top of the pellets, and then threw conifers and round-leaved trees, asking them to accompany him to accept the pellets. thunder.

The dense sky thunder tore through the sky, mercilessly splitting towards the trees and people protecting the alchemy.

The coniferous tree and the round-leaved tree each withstood seven thunderstorms, and Le Yun blocked five thunderstorms by herself.

The two magic trees digested the sky thunder easily, and as an alchemist, the little loli had to accept the wonderful experience of the sky thunder empowerment again.

During the empowerment of the five thunderbolts, Le Yun attracted one thunderbolt to quench the body, and the other four thunderstorms were distributed to the star core space to swallow.

Feixian Pill is very special, it has a total of ten thousand and eight pills.

Under normal circumstances, the congealing rate of an alchemist's alchemy is about five to five points. It is good luck to get one pill in one furnace, and it is great luck to get two pills.

If there are more than one, it is not luck, but a blessing from heaven.

But Feixian Dan and Congealing Dan can only be said to be half successful, and only after surviving the Dan Lei Tribulation can it be considered a real success.

Danlei Tribulation is Dan's calamity, and only alchemists can bear it on their behalf.

If the alchemist himself is not strong, he may be seriously injured or even killed by the pill thunder, and the Feixian pill will also be destroyed by the sky thunder.

In the case of no one protecting the alchemy, about one of the [-] flying elixir can survive the alchemy by itself.

The elixir of flying through the sky thunder, even if a mortal takes it, he can fly to the immortal immediately.

In the Danlei Tribulation of Feixian Pill, the sky thunders will not be bundled into bundles, they are blasted one by one, and the power of each sky thunder is no less than that of a Mahayana monk promoted to a fairy.

The purple sky thunder that seems to be as thick as an arm is actually equivalent to the immortal thunder calamity that a monk ascends.

The thunder came one after another, and the coniferous trees and round-leaved trees greedily absorbed the mighty power of the heavens and the earth. Every time they were hit by a thunder, they would grow new leaves and roots.

As for Le Yun, every time she was hit by thunder, her skin color would darken.

Even if there is a star core space to absorb thunder, her clothes were burned after being hit by more than a dozen thunders. If she didn't have a magic robe to cover her body, she would have to lose all her clothes.

After enduring more than a thousand thunders, the originally white and clean little loli turned into a piece of black charcoal. After enduring nine thousand thunders, her hair straightened and became like a needle on the back of a hedgehog. Just as hard.

More than 1 thunderstorms struck for a day and a night.

After the [-]th thunder struck, Le Yun, who was darker than a crow, quickly moved away with the two trees, letting the last thunder blast the elixir.

Purple thunder fell like raindrops, and a thunderbolt bombarded a pill.

Danwan sizzled under the bombardment of the sky thunder, emitting white gas, and shrinking round and round at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Le Yun, who was roasted into black charcoal by the thunder, jumped outside the thunder area, watching the pills swirling in the purple lightning, and shrinking under the sound of "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, bean, bean, etc.", heartbroken I have to cover my heart.

How much medicine is wasted!
Every time the pill shrinks a little, it is actually Tianlei that has cut off a layer of the medicinal power of the Feixian Pill. If the medicine is cut off by a little bit, it is equivalent to a little bit of the Feixian Pill being weakened.

She has helped block [-] thunders, and the pill is still consumed so quickly in the last thunder. If it flies to the elixir and endures the thunder disaster by itself, will it be cut to the size of a small bean in the end? .

Just thinking about it makes Le Yun bleed from distress.

Every flying elixir consumes a huge amount of spiritual plants, and every bit of lost medicinal powder is actually the essence extracted from countless spiritual plants.

According to Tianlei's cutting, half of the composition of a pill may be cut off.

But no matter how heartbroken she was, she could only watch.


Le Yun saw with her own eyes that the pill she had worked so hard for was cut by the sky thunder. From the beginning, she wanted to scold the world, to being helpless, and finally became numb.

Cut it, cut it, cut it as you like!
Anyway, she didn't need to take the Feixian Pill herself, because she had all the ingredients needed for the recipe, so she tried to refine it out of curiosity.

With the lessons learned from refining the first furnace of Feixian Pill, I will resolutely not refine this kind of stuff until it is necessary to refine Feixian Pill in the future, so as to save myself from suffering.

Here, little Lolita's heart seemed to be fried in an oil pan, while Tianlei didn't care what the alchemist was feeling, just kept frying the pills to weaken the power of the pills.

The sky thunder bombarded for half an hour, and finally stopped the thunder.

The purple sky thunder returned to the sky without a sound, and the dark clouds also faded away like a tide.

Feixian Pill, which had been bombed by thunder for half an hour, was originally an egg-sized pill, but it was shrunk down to the size of a ping-pong ball. The surface was surrounded by golden pill patterns, and the pill core had purple pill patterns.

Danwan is like a finely crafted work of art, radiant and exquisite.

If it is not fragrant, it can be inlaid on the base of some materials as an ornament.

The granules that have been robbed by the pill still maintain the formation of the innate universe array, and the Changhong and Jin Guangzhu are still brilliant as before.

Seeing the granules that had shrunk several times in size, Le Yun didn't want to talk anymore, the potency of Feixian Pill was reduced by Tianlei to only one-third of its original potency.

The reason why Feixian Pill is called Feixian Pill is that it can make immortals who are not at the peak of Jindan take Danhou to fly immortals in place, and those who take Feixian Pills are taking shortcuts.

Therefore, when the Feixian Pill is congealed, the heavenly law will send down thunder and calamity, which will either destroy the Feixian Pill or weaken the energy of the Pill.

Heaven is fair.

Le Yun is a little guilty, it is good luck for others to make one or two pills of flying elixir, and it is an unprecedented record to make nineteen pills in one furnace.

Moreover, this batch of pills of hers contains enormous abilities, it is the purest flying elixir.

Tiandao didn't destroy the Feixian Pill, but only cut off two-thirds of its power. It's a mercy. It's lucky that only one can be left behind if someone else makes alchemy.

There are hundreds of millions of heartless music rhymes, waiting silently to receive the pill.

After waiting for another full hour, the Changhong and the golden pillars of light exploded like fireworks, and countless colorful light spots danced all over the sky, decorating the long sky into a colorful Milky Way.

The light spots flickered for a while and gradually dissipated, and the sky returned to its original color.

But the fragrance of Feixian Pill spread far and wide, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and the fragrance was everywhere.

When the rainbow and golden light were far away, Le Yun jumped up and jumped on top of the pill furnace, took out the pill bottle, put away the nineteen flying elixir, and then disposed of the furnace ashes.

The Dan Lei Tribulation lasted for a day and a night, and the ashes in the Dan Furnace were still extinguished.

Le Yun poured the Dan furnace ash into the stone space where the fertilizer was made, and then threw in a large pile of high-grade ingredients, mixed them well, and piled them up to make high-grade fertilizer.

After washing the alchemy furnace, put it in the star core space to dry, put away all the other tools, and went into the wishful room to take care of myself.

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