magic eye doctor

Chapter 3086 Ningcheng

Chapter 3086 Ningcheng
With the answer to the doubts in his heart, Young Master Xuan stopped talking about the Ankylosaurus and the Nao's family, and discussed with great interest how to eat beast eggs.

As we all know, pangolins on the earth are mammals, that is, viviparous animals, while pangolins in Yunlanjie can lay eggs or give birth to viviparous animals.

That's amazing.

Xuan Shao is very curious about Poshanlong's eggs, and wants to try various cooking methods.

The seven beasts were salivating when they heard Brother Xuan and the little fairy discussing how to eat Broken Dragon Eggs, and they swallowed dryly while counting the number.

Xuan Shao and little loli chatted for a while, and also helped with the work.

The two young masters and the beasts classified the eggs and cubs according to their grades, and then distributed [-]% of them to Little Lori, and they divided the remaining [-]% into nine parts.

They took out more beast eggs, but they didn't catch many small mountain dragons. After dividing them, they each got about a thousand eggs and more than 100 small mountain dragons.

After distributing the spoils, the four humanoid beasts returned to their animal forms, and threw themselves next to the little fairy as pendants, coquettishly coquettish and cute.

The little beasts never stopped talking, they were happier than the chirping sparrows, and the spirit boat was quite lively.

Xuan Shao heaved a sigh of relief, oh my god, the little beauty is back, he finally doesn't have to bear the "when will the little fairy arrive" asked by the beasts like clocking in every day, and finally he doesn't have to wring his hands to comfort the little beasts. Try to find a reason.

There are many swamps around Pingze, and when they were far away from the territory of the Silver Armor Breaking Mountain Dragon family, Le Yun stopped in a valley to rest temporarily.

The three people and the seven beasts rested for half the night, and after dawn, they wandered around, looking for gexianmi and various spiritual plants that can be used as food in various swamp areas and valleys.

The beasts' favorite thing to do is still fishing.

During the decades that Xiaoxianzi stayed in Kuzhuling, she smoked a lot of smoked fish, marinated a lot of bad fish, and fish jelly paste when making spiritual meals.

The seven beasts were not too concerned about others, but they were most concerned about food. In order to accumulate food, they set their sights on fish in the river.

Xuan Shaoyan did not stop the beasts and beasts from catching them. They worked hard to find all kinds of spiritual plants that could be used as condiments and collected Ge Xianmi.

A group of little friends ran here and there in the mountains, like a group of bandits, scared the little animals and monsters either to escape or forced to "retreat".

The three people and the seven beasts stayed in the mountain for half a month before leaving calmly.

The spirit boat went straight to Ningcheng.

Pingze is about 5000 million miles away from Ningcheng, and the spirit boat traveling at a speed of 6 million miles only takes more than [-] hours.

Little Lolita set off from Baiyu Mountain Range at dawn one day, and the spirit boat arrived in Ningcheng in the evening of that day, and changed tools at a place more than a hundred miles away from the city.

The three Mahayana beasts hid in the wishful room again and did not show up, while the four humanoid beasts happily followed the little fairy.

Le Yun, Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the others stepped on flying swords and flew over the mountains and fields, and landed outside the south gate of Ningcheng. They were going to line up to enter the city, but they didn't want the city guard to open the back door and let them enter the city.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao also put on the veiled hat, and when they landed, they lifted the veil in front of the veiled hat, revealing their faces.

Little student Le also pulled aside a piece of gauze in front of the veiled hat, but it didn't reveal the whole face, only showing half of the face below the nose.

Ningcheng is the prefecture of a county. The city is 16 miles wide from north to south, [-] miles long from east to west, and the highest mountain in the city is [-] feet high.

The area of ​​Ningcheng has shrunk due to the changes of the times. More than 30 years ago, its administrator was not the current empire. The city was more than 5000 miles wide from north to south, and more than 8000 miles long from east to west.

More than 20 years ago, war broke out in the empire to which Ningcheng belonged, and Ningcheng became a battleground for military strategists. Part of the walled city was destroyed in the war.

After the war, Ning City was rebuilt. For safety reasons, after the wall to protect the city was built on the original foundation, another city wall was added on the periphery.

At that time, the administrators of Ningcheng built the outer city wall as the first line of defense to protect Ningcheng. With the development of Ningcheng, the original area was obviously not enough, so the original city wall and the first line of defense were combined. The site between the city walls has also become a place for city dwellers to settle down.

The current Ning City is divided into inner city, middle city and outer city.

The south gate of the outer city of Ningcheng has five gates, the middle is the main gate, the two gates on the left, that is, the west side are for people entering the city, and the two gates on the right are the passages out of the city.

Even if there are two passages into and out of the city, sometimes it is still overcrowded.

In the evening, there were still many teams from Ning Cheng going out of the city and entering the city. The teams entering the city were on the west side, and there were long queues in front of the two gates.

On the right side of the door opening out of the city, horses and people are also in an endless stream.

The city guard led the seven monks to the main entrance to apply for identity cards for entering the city.

The rules of Ningcheng are similar to those of some monk cities. To enter the city, one has to pay a poll tax. The charging standard is based on the length of time and the identity of the person. If the residents under the management of Ningcheng enter the city, they can enter the city on the same day and leave on the same day. They only need three spirit beads.

If people from other cities that are not under the control of Guining City enter the city, they will receive five spirit beads a day.

If you are a monk, you need a hundred spirit beads to enter the city. If you live in the city for one to five days, you need one spirit stone. If you stay in the city for more than seven days and less than half a month, you need to pay two spirit stones. .

If you stay in the city for more than one month, you need to go to the City Administration Building in the city to get a temporary identity card for urban residents.

The team waiting in line to enter the city is accustomed to the behavior of the city guard first applying for the identity card for the monks to enter the city.

A group of three people and four beasts invited Lingshi for a month's stay, got the identity card for entering the city, and was led through the gate by a city guard.

The city guard sent the seven monks through the city gate, and helped to call for a carriage.

Inside the city wall, on the left hand side of entering the city, a piece of land about a hundred feet away from the city gate was set aside as a special field for carriages and horses, where large and small carriages were parked.

Those carriages are owned by Ningcheng officials, and people who go into or out of the city can hire a carriage if necessary.

The carriages in the yard are also graded, some are the simplest oilcloth sheds, others have ordinary bamboo shed roofs, and some carriages are ornately decorated, not to mention the carved railings and paintings in the carriages, even the deer and horses are equipped with decorations.

At the request of the guest, the city guard ordered a luxury carriage with eight horse-drawn carriages. The carriage was quite wide, and the interior was shaped like a hut, which could accommodate more than a dozen people.

There are two drivers in the luxury carriage.

The car is a good car, but of course it is also expensive, with a starting price of 50 yuan.

The most important thing for little lolita is spirit stones, Yan Shaoxuan also has plenty of money, so naturally he doesn't feel sorry for the little spirit stones for renting a carriage.

Young Master Xuan is a man who knows what to do. When the city guard called for the carriage, he gave him a tip of a spirit stone.

The city guard was very happy when he got the reward, he gave some instructions to the coachman, and watched the guests board the carriage and set off before returning to the gate of the city to be on duty.

The carriage drove along the avenue.

The upper part of the carriage wall is a hollowed-out branch window, which is hung with double gauze. There is a row of cabinets at the rear of the carriage, where there are vegetable leaves, a tea stove and a chess board. Guests can make tea or play chess to pass the time.

The carriage moved forward steadily, Young Master Yan found out the tea stove to ignite the charcoal and handed it to Young Master Xuan.

Xuan Shao took the pot he brought with him and put it on the stove, and then added Lingquan water.

After about a quarter of an hour, the water boils.

Xuan Shao brewed a pot of tea and took out the spiritual fruit.

Spirit fruit paired with spirit tea is extremely elegant.

The four humanoid beasts didn't have the potential to be elegant, and impatient to taste tea slowly, they took out a bag of nuts and cracked them.

Xuan Shao made tea for his own people, and took a plate of ordinary spiritual fruits for the drivers of the two carts to eat, and inquired about some news by the way.

The coachman had personally seen a guest rewarding a piece of Lingshi from the city guard, so he knew that this time the guest was spending a lot of money, he answered every question, and enthusiastically introduced Ningcheng's specialties.

Xuan Shao focused on inquiring about the rice grain market, where the rice grain was the most, and where the animal farms were the most.

The coachman did not shy away, suggesting to go to the DC area of ​​the outer city, the East City of the Midtown, and the South District of the XC area.

Animal Garden is located in the northern urban area and XC area of ​​the outer city, and the northern urban area of ​​the central city has the most. If you are looking for textiles and resources needed by monks, go to the inner city.

Xuan Shao found out the necessary news, drank tea with Xiao Luoli and Yan Shao, and discussed the itinerary.

Most of the shops were closed at night, and a group of friends didn't get out of the car, letting the cars and horses go on their way.

The antler carriage traveled all night, and arrived at the relatively prosperous area of ​​the southern city of Ningcheng Outer City.

Little Lolita and her group paid off the fare and went shopping by themselves.

The outer city of Ningcheng is also extremely prosperous, every street is a commercial street, no shop is empty, and there are a wide variety of goods.

Three people and four humanoid beasts frantically sweep up the goods.

The craziest shopper is still Little Lolita. She has a lot of money. Whether it is daily necessities, ornamentals, or edibles, she packs everything she likes.

Xuan Shao and Yan Shao focus on buying jars, rice grains, ingredients and other items. Seeing that the little loli buys a lot of oil and vinegar, she also learns from others, and buys what she sees.

The friends wandered outside Nancheng for ten days, and then transferred to the DC area.

The words of the coachman are not deceiving. The DC area is rich in rice grains. Not only the grain stores have rice grains, but the common people who make a living from agriculture have a large amount of grains in stock.

A group of people wandered around the DC area, emptied all the rice stores on several streets, and went to some estates to purchase, and did not go to Midtown until the last day of the one-month deadline.

To enter Midtown, you need to change your identity card and pay the Lingshi again.

The temporary identity card for entering Zhongcheng is limited to three months, and one person pays 300 yuan for Lingshi.

The little loli, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao happily handed over the Lingshi, took the city entry card and entered Zhongcheng.

The South District of Zhongcheng is also a grain-producing area. Xuan Shaoyan and his party entered Zhongcheng, and when they entered the residential area, they walked along the main road.

At the end of the day, the harvest is rich.

While shopping for a few days, I came to the city office building in Nancheng District.

The city office building is equivalent to the modern government, and it is the official office. There is a square in front of the building. One side of the city office building is the residential area for the district officials, staff members, government officials, etc. who manage Nancheng, and the other is a public garden.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the others were passing by, but when they entered the square, they saw a huge stone standing in the square, and a person stood on it, looking around curiously.

After a glance, his eyes froze - that stone statue was clearly Little Lolita!
(End of this chapter)

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