magic eye doctor

Chapter 3088 Lord Shangjun

Chapter 3088 Lord Shangjun

The noise in the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion was so loud that the surrounding people could hear it clearly. The nearby people were stunned for a moment, but the next moment, the residents retreated back home in an orderly manner, closing their doors and leaving the house.

Pedestrians on the street also avoided the shops on the side of the street, and those who were closer to the square rushed into the square.

The people working in the county guard's mansion remained motionless, the people in the square remained motionless, and some monks even jumped into the air with great interest to watch the excitement.

From the reactions of the surrounding people, it can be seen that Min Cong has strong confidence in the security of Ningcheng. In other words, it also means that the people have a high degree of confidence in the ability of the county lord and county government officials to handle affairs.

This also indirectly shows that the prestige of the county lord guarding Ningcheng is extremely high. He should be a fair, selfless, and loving parent official.

Originally, Xuan Shao and Yan Shao wanted to avoid it, but when they saw that the people around them were acting like they were used to it, they didn't avoid it anymore, and followed suit by jumping into the air to join in the fun.

There is so much fun to watch, how can we miss the gourd baby?
The gourd baby rushed up into the sky, and Shuidun, Baiyin and Yingsheng were not far behind, and rushed into the sky one after another, joining the ranks of the theatergoers.

Xuan Shao jumped into the air, took a few glances in the direction of the Sheriff's Mansion, and saw the situation clearly. There were three groups of people sparring in the air, two of which were male cultivators, and one of which was two female cultivators.

The men's cultivator didn't have much to see, anyway, it was a common way of fighting, both sides fought with weapons, magic weapons and spiritual power, you come and go, no one will let anyone else.

Moreover, the clothes worn by the male cultivators were all nondescript, and it was difficult to tell which ones belonged to the same group.

The female cultivator is easier to distinguish, one is wearing a gorgeous red palace dress, her hair is combed into a fairy bun, and her hair is full of emerald jewels. She has opened up the magic robe defense when fighting with others, wearing a golden halo, and her weapon is a golden long whip.

Another female cultivator wields a sword. She wears a light green coat and skirt with large sleeves. Her hair is simply tied into a half bun, and she wears a thin bead chain with a few small flowers.

The woman in court clothes and the nun in green were fighting together, a long whip whipped the air with a crackling sound, and the long sword fluttered with silver light as the wrist turned.

After taking a few glances, Young Master Xuan also noticed Ming Tang, the two female cultivators were both Nascent Souls, and their strengths were comparable, while the female cultivator in palace clothes was not very good at martial arts, she would drink a few words violently from time to time, her stern expression destroyed It ruined her temperament and made her originally beautiful face ugly.

The female cultivator in green was silent, indifferent to the opponent's scolding, with a face like ice, and the long sword in her hand just greeted the opponent.

The weapons of both sides are magic weapons, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

In addition to the right three groups of people, there were two other groups of people in the air. A group of ten or so people supported a handsome young man with a golden crown on his head and a purple gold robe; the other group consisted of five middle-aged and elderly male cultivators.

The two groups of people stood in the air at opposite angles and stared at the fighting monks.

Xuan Shao glanced at it for a while, grabbed a bag containing melon seeds, and while opening the shells, slipped to the side of some other monks who were watching the fun, and inquired about the identity of the female nun.

As a social cow, Young Master Xuan never came here and didn't care whether he was familiar with people or not. He smiled and asked: "Brother, do you know who the people over there are with whom? Look, why is this man in red so violent?" Dry, this posture is like a donkey with nails on the soles of its feet, wanting to bite whoever catches it;
Look at that one, alas, this face is as cold as ice in winter, not to mention getting close, it will freeze into an ice cube three feet away, this intense cold is simply the collision of ice and fire. . "

While chattering, Young Master Xuan also grabbed a handful of delicious melon seeds and stuffed them to the monk beside him, and then grabbed a handful and handed it to the companion next to him.

The monk who was asked hesitated for a moment when he saw the shells handed over, but was finally defeated by the temptation of the spiritual meal melon seeds, and took the snacks.

The monk who came to inquire about him was very good at business. Not only did he treat himself to snacks at the spiritual level, but he also didn't forget his companion.

Taking advantage of others, the cultivator knocked a delicious melon seed shell and gossiped: "Friend Daoist, you just came from afar, right? The female cultivator in green is Shang Miaoyin, the youngest daughter of Lord Shangjun of Ningcheng." , she is Bing Linggen, she looks cold since she was a child, but she is a nice person and never bullies others.

The female cultivator in red palace attire is the only concubine of the current monarch of the empire, named Shu, and she is Princess Xinshu. The young male cultivator wearing a golden crown next to her is the crown prince of the empire. They are brothers and sisters of the same mother.

Crown Prince Xin took the place of his father to tour the west, and Princess Xin Shu traveled with his elder brother. Crown Prince Yi drove to Ningcheng for half a month. Fellow Taoists must have just arrived, so I haven’t heard of it. "

"Ah, actually, I've been in Ningcheng for a while. I entered the inner city from the east side of the outer city. I was in the DC area a few days ago. I haven't heard anything about the imperial prince's parade.

Why did Princess Xin fight with the Junjun's daughter?Does Crown Prince Xin and Junjun bother? "Xuan Shao looked surprised, hey, they are busy purchasing, and they really haven't heard the news that the prince of the Xinhe Empire has visited Ningcheng on behalf of his father.

"Hey, fellow daoist, it's not good for you to not care about external affairs like this. Sometimes the news is very important, so you should pay more attention to it in the future."

"Yeah, I've been taught, and I'll pay more attention in the future. Fellow Daoists haven't said why these two are fighting?" Young Master Xuan may have something to do, and he handed over his pocket to share snacks with others.

"I don't know the reason for this attack, but I know that Princess Xin Shu has a bad temper, and she will whip the whip every now and then, and she also fought with monk Shang on the street a few days ago.

Lord Shang has long said that no matter who fights in Ningcheng, they must not harm the innocent, let alone kill the people indiscriminately.

Lord Shangjun hasn't shown up yet, maybe it's the girls' little fight. "

The monk explained the reason why Lord Shang didn't care, and just as he finished speaking, a figure jumped out of the Sheriff's Mansion, and a loud shout resounded through the sky: "Stop!"

The monk who had just explained to the new fellow daoist was slightly taken aback, and said: "It's over, Lord Shang has come forward, there must be a death!"

"What?" Xuan Shao was dumbfounded: "This handsome and handsome young man who just emerged is the Lord of Ningjun County? My God, with such a high cultivation level, and such a handsome person, how can others survive?"

The monk who ascended from the county guard's mansion was wearing a scarlet robe, part of his long hair was tied up in a bun, and he was wearing a jasper crown.

His body is like bamboo, his face is like beautiful jade, with a pair of amorous peach blossom eyes under slender sword eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, he looks clearly a handsome boy!

Luo Shuyin, who shared the news with an unknown daoist friend, heard the unbelievable exclamation of the daoist friends around him, and nodded with sympathy: "Shang Junjun has never given a living to the people of the same age around him since he was born. This year is less than [-] years old, in the late stage of transformation, those geniuses who are the same age as him are still struggling in the Nascent Soul and the Void Refining Realm."

"This is too good, I can't accept it!" Xuan Shao couldn't help but look at the Shang Junjun in the distance, alas, this Shang Junjun is so handsome!
Especially that kind of clean-looking temperament, which is extremely rare, and probably only the beautiful brother of the little beauty can compete with it.

Xuan Shao couldn't help looking at the little loli, but he didn't know what the little beauty was thinking when she saw this.

When Xuan Shao, Yan Shao and the four humanoid beasts ran to the sky to watch the fun, little Lolita didn't move, she stood there calmly, and moved the Jiuxing Brothers out when no one was paying attention.

The Nine Silver Star Brothers were scattered beside the master, quietly like passers-by.

Although the person stood still on the ground, Le Yun let out a ray of consciousness to watch the battle in the air, and was slightly stunned when he saw the handsome monk ascending the air.

Junjun Shang turned out to be a spiritual root of the light system!

Walking in Yunlan Continent for many years, I have seen many monks, but this is the first time that Le Yun has discovered a single spiritual root of the light system.

I have met people with light-type spiritual roots before, but those people have light-type spiritual roots and other spiritual roots at the same time, so they belong to multiple spiritual roots.

Shang Jun, the prefect of Ningcheng, has a single light root.

The light is dazzling and warm.

Light symbolizes brightness.

Most of the cultivators of Guanglinggen are handsome and handsome, like the moon and the sun, exuding warmth.

Just like her beautiful elder brother, because he is a rare light root, he is as elegant and dust-free as a snow lotus, and like a warm spring breeze in three springs, it makes people feel kind.

Lord Shangjun's face is like a boy, but it is like a bright moon in the mist, misty and hazy, as if he is thousands of miles away from people, and he can only be seen from a distance but not close.

Shang Jun, who was standing in the air, heard the discussion from the square, glanced at the square, his eyes paused for a few people who were holding a cloth bag knocking shells and telling people gossip about him, and then closed it again. go back.

Xuan Shao who was glanced at: "..." Hey, he felt as if he had been illuminated just now, and he felt dizzy.

If you feel frightened, eat a few more melon seeds to suppress your shock!
Xuan Shao happily continued cracking melon seeds, and still did not forget to share the blessings with fellow Taoists around him.

Shang Junjun suddenly jumped into the air and shouted, and the three groups of people who were indistinguishable were beaten. The male cultivators separated their moves and retreated to their own team.

The two female cultivators were still fighting.

When Shang Miaoyin heard her father's yelling, she withdrew her move first, but Princess Xin Shu didn't go down the steps, she chased and beat her relentlessly, Shang Miaoyin had to fight back.

Princess Xin Shu regarded her words as the wind in her ears, Shang Junjun's face sank, and he took a step forward, inserting himself between the two fighting, his sleeves fluttering.

With a sweep of his big sleeve, he sent people flying backwards.

Shang Miaoyin flew seven or eight feet before she stabilized, her complexion was a little pale, but it was fine, while Princess Xin Shu was thrown more than ten feet away by the force of the blow, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of her mouth.

The elders and guards of the royal family surrounded the crown prince felt their heartstrings tense when they saw Lord Shang make a move. Seeing Princess Xin Shu fly out, a guard flew out to pick him up.

Princess Xin Shu, who was picked up by the guardian and brought back, was still bleeding from the corners of her mouth, her sleeves and shoes were stained with her own blood, her bun was messed up, and even the phoenix hairpin was lost.

Seeing his sister's tragic appearance, Prince Xin's face was also extremely embarrassed, so he acted first: "Shangjun injured the princess of the empire in front of my palace, why do you feel dissatisfied with the monarch?"

(End of this chapter)

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