magic eye doctor

Chapter 309 Dinner Together

Chapter 309 Dinner Together
In the four and nine cities of the capital city, the rich are walking all over the place. Ji Lao can't be ranked among the rich, but he is not a master of money. Even if he smashes a few tens of millions of things, he only feels bad for the broken objects. No worries about losing money.

If the Jade Buddha is broken, he will at most feel distressed that the suet jade is damaged, but if it is fake, it is not a matter of money, but a matter of reputation.

Money is small, but fame is big.

It’s normal for the antiques industry to miss the mark. If you start with misunderstanding, it is considered to have paid the tuition fee. At most, you will be ridiculed secretly by the seller who knows it. However, if the authenticity is not detected after multiple appraisals after you start, you will be found to be false after you sell it. , would be considered a deliberate fraud, enough to discredit the buyer overnight.

Ji Lao, with a gloomy face, stood by the table, staring at the blisters in the bowl.

There are more and more blisters in the porcelain bowl, like boiling water, churning, blooming peony flowers, the sound of cooing is incessant, and another taste is gradually added to the strong medicinal fragrance, I can't tell what it is. Like turpentine like camphor like tung oil like..., the complex smell rushed into the nose and was very choking.

The boiling water lasted for about half an hour before gradually weakening, the blisters burst, and a layer of milky white grease appeared on the water surface in the bowl, which was bright and shiny.

Ji Lao took two pairs of long tweezers and gently moved the grease, the layer of grease condensed into a thick piece, and the tweezers were stuck like a frozen block of suet.

Peel off the grease and pick out the Jade Buddha. It used to be a suet jade, and the surface was slippery without leaving any grease. After a bath, it changed beyond recognition. It turned into a stone-like thing with white teeth. .

The test results are true and false.

Seeing a piece of the object taken out by the store, Milo blinked and was proud of the little loli child. Mmmm, Xiaolele is amazing. Not only does he know medicine, but he also has the wisdom of knowing gold and breaking jade.

Ji Lao looked very bad. He put a piece of the thing into another bowl that he had prepared earlier to wash it, rinsed off the grease, wrapped it with a soft cloth and wiped it clean, put it aside, and then took out a piece from the potion. Round thin jade flakes, rinse clean, thin jade flakes are like suet, crystal clear and lustrous.

The results proved that the little girl's judgment was correct, the jade Buddha was fake, and only a piece of jade less than seven millimeters at the bottom of the seat was real suet jade.

Wiping the suet jade piece with a cloth, Ji Lao sat down and looked at the little girl with a sweet smile from beginning to end, her voice was a bit sad: "Little girl, how do you know it's fake?"

"This, I can only say it's a coincidence," Le Yun blinked her innocent big eyes, her face innocent: "The raw materials used for counterfeiting are made of resin and medicinal materials in proportion, and mixed with jade powder, that kind of thing People who are not medical professionals, and who are not ancient Chinese medicine practitioners, can't tell the truth from the fake, and I happen to be a professional, so I noticed something strange when I smelled it."

"The little girl is a doctor?" Ji Lao was surprised.

"Yes, I'm a medical student," Le Yun said with curving eyes and a cute smile: "Sir, I really don't want to tear down the platform on purpose, it's really hard to change the nature of the country, I smell the strange smell and want to study it to understand it. , is another person who can't tolerate falsehood, and can't help but tell the truth.

In fact, if you don't meet Cheng Yaojin, who was killed in the middle of the road like me, you always sell the jade Buddha. As long as the jade Buddha doesn't fall into the fire, basically no one can find out that it is fake.

Moreover, your boss doesn’t need to be embarrassed. I guess the people who do this are not for money. The materials used in the fake are no less than [-] kinds of medicinal materials, and more than [-] kinds of resins or tree sap. It is not easy to collect those things. Later, it was called medicinal fat, which had many uses, and then added medicinal materials to make medicine. The total value was not lower than the price of the Jade Buddha. That person was probably too busy to use the precious medicinal fat to make a sanitizer. "

The little girl said it lightly, and Ji Lao almost didn't jump into a rage, a prank?Whoever he was so idle, he came up with a fake product and came to the market, which almost ruined his reputation.

The owner of the store, the old man, was sullen, as if it was going to rain heavily, staring at the stone stripped from the Jade Buddha, with a look of hatred and bitterness. Le Yun was afraid that the old man would break the thing in a fit of anger, so he hurriedly restored it Covering the stone with the real face: "Mr., I promised to verify the authenticity before. It's 1 yuan. Businessmen must be honest, and they can't just raise the price."

There is a saying that one hand pays the other hand, and in order to prevent the old man from regretting it, Le Xiaoxiao cleverly grabbed the stone and stuffed it in his backpack, and then took out a bunch of speculation and handed it to the shopkeeper.

The little girl took a stone as a treasure, and Ji Lao was speechless. That thing made him eye-catching. He really wanted to put it up in the office and look at it every day so that he could remember the lesson. It belongs to the little girl who finds out the real and fake things. She can't break her promise at this moment, so she can only be packed and taken away.

After taking a bundle of money, he did not count it, but asked with interest, "Little girl, what is the use of that stone?"

"What you brought is a stone, I can use it as a medicine, and it is one of the raw materials for the treatment of osteomalacia." The purchase was decided to leave the hand, and the silver was cleared. Le Yun was not afraid of the store's repentance, and was happy to advise.

"Very precious?"

"Stones are not very precious. When did the old man go to swim in limestone caves and see that stalactites are its kin, because they are soaked in medicinal fat, their status has been upgraded to a new level, and the medicinal effect is excellent."

"High value?"

"The value of the stone itself is similar to the pill I used just now. I want it because I have collected a lot of medicinal materials. Adding a new one can save some hands and feet."

Ji Lao's mind turned fast: "Little girl, the pill you used just now is worth ten thousand?" A pill is worth ten thousand, what kind of panacea is that?
"One [-] is still the lowest starting price. The price is clearly marked, and the old man is not deceived. Because the number is very small, people who have no friendship will not sell it."

"Little girl, what's the magic of the pills?"

"Detoxify and refresh one's energy. Whoever starves to death and eats one can survive for seven or eight days without dying, and can cure common food poisoning."

Ji Lao's eyes lit up: "Little girl, how about I exchange the cash you paid for a pill?"

"This, well, it's just this time, let's not do it next time." Le Yun glared resentfully, the old man has grown into a shrewd man, and the old gentleman is too shrewd.

The little girl's expression of cutting flesh made Ji Laole in a gloomy mood, and happily handed the cash back to the little girl. The little girl was young and had deep medical knowledge, but her temperament was extremely simple. The role of the stone is not concealed, such a heart is painful.

Le Yun took out the bag containing the pills, poured out a medicine, and put it in the old gentleman's hand: "Old gentleman, this should be sealed, if there is a jade bottle, it is best to use a jade bottle, and the glass bottle should be moisture-proof, and I have to make a statement. Ah, this is a detoxification pill, yes, it can detoxify common poisons, but it is not omnipotent. It has little effect when encountering special types of poisons, and it is powerless when the poison exceeds a certain amount. For a person bitten by Budu or Taipan snake, taking a detox pill will probably protect the injured heart from poisoning for a day or so, it will not save the life, it can only buy time for the injured to be sent to the doctor."

Elder Ji couldn't hide his shock. According to the little girl, the pills are similar to Wanneng Jiedu pills. They are not special medicines for snake venom. In Zhongtaipan snake or five-step snake venom, they can protect the heart for about 24 hours, which shows the efficacy of the medicine. how nice.

He wrapped the pills in a piece of clean paper, stored them in a small box first, and looked back with kindness on his eyebrows: "Little girl, I have a lot of antiques on the second floor, you can see if you like it. "

"You are always tempting me to watch antiques, do you want to exchange antiques for pills? I don't do this. It's getting late, and I'm going back."

Le Yun didn't want to be led by the nose, so she walked away, picked up the big-eared rabbit, and said goodbye to the old gentleman with handsome Milo.

The little girl is a thief and refuses to change her medicine. It can be seen that her pills are very precious. Ji Lao can't keep people, and she doesn't force it. She gives each customer a business card of her own store, and welcomes you next time.

After accepting the business card, Le Yun took a look. The old gentleman's surname was Ji, and his name was Ji Bogu. He called out "Ji Lao" in a friendly manner. Ji Lao's shop was called "Xinyu Pavilion", which she thought was probably taken from "Heart Jade, Pearl in the Palm". "the meaning of.

When the little girl called "Old Ji", her eyes flashed, and Mr. Ji felt it, asked the surnames of the two guests, and escorted them downstairs.

Jingde was guarding the first floor, and when he saw the old gentleman accompany the guests down, the honored guests were getting along very well, he didn't know what to do. There was no one, so he asked in a low voice, "Elder Ji, how is the situation?"

"Fake. Put away the Jade Buddha's label and certificate and lock it." Ji Lao walked into the counter and walked to the second floor.

Fake... Fake?
Jingde almost got into a fight. The Jade Buddha was a fake. Not only were they slapped, but even the experts from the appraisal center were slapped. This..., the money for buying the Jade Buddha is considered as tuition, and that tuition is too expensive.

After being shocked, he hurriedly put away the Jade Buddha's appraisal certificate and price tag and other materials, and locked them in the cabinet.

After coming out of Xinyu Pavilion, Le Yun decided not to go shopping, and went back to the hotel where the handsome man Milo stayed.

It was getting dark, and the vendors in Panjiayuan were also preparing to close their stalls. There were few customers. Le Yun packed her backpack as she walked, and went to an unoccupied place to give Milo a small packet of pills.

The handsome young man was holding a small bag containing ten pills, his eyes full of surprise: "Xiao Lele, this is very precious, you said you can't sell it?"

"People you don't know don't sell it, Milo and I are friends, it's another matter to give it to a friend." Le Yun smiled and winked: "Miro handsome, you keep this, and take it with you when you travel around the world in the future. Don't give it to Mr Roberto if you need it, the old gentleman can't take these pills until the rectal tumor is cured."

"Okay." Milo thought for a while, didn't refuse, put the pill in his pocket, Xiao Lele is his little angel, it's a great blessing in life to meet such a lovely child!

When they came to Panjiayuan, they walked on their legs. When they went back, they took the bus, took a few buses, and arrived at the hotel. It was the first time they visited the hotel. Le Xiaoxiao wanted to buy some small gifts such as fruit, and handsome Milo directly Take people away and refuse to let them go. The presidential suite in a five-star hotel costs nearly [-] yuan a day. Everything is provided. Buying fruit is a waste of money. Besides, Xiao Lele's willingness to go to the hotel to dine together is the greatest passion for his godfather. and goodwill.

Roberto received a call from Miro in advance and told him that he would accompany the children back to the hotel soon. He and the housekeeper immediately tidy up the living room of the guest room and put fruits and pastries from the hotel.

After less than ten minutes of waiting, Milo arrived with the little girl from the East.

The old housekeeper Enzo opened the door, Oscar happily rushed forward, and shouted in Chinese with a bit of a Beijing accent: "Hello, Little Oriental Beauty! It's been a long time, I miss you very much, you haven't felt any discomfort recently, right? "

Milo's eyes were fast, and when he saw Oscar rushing over, he reached out and grabbed it, grabbing Oscar's collar with great accuracy and holding him up, preventing him from hugging Little Lolita.

Roberto wanted to cover his face: "Oscar, the more you learn Chinese, the more crooked you are, and your words are wrong. You should use English." After saying the adopted son, he smiled apologetically to the little girl who came in: "Dear child, please Don't mind Oscar's words, what he wants to say is to stay safe, because his understanding of Chinese is biased, and the sentences he composed are prone to ambiguity."

Le Yun entered the hotel suite and quickly glanced at the general situation. The suite is luxuriously decorated, the color is low-key, calm and not exaggerated, and every utensil is genuine.

After seeing the environment, she watched her heart and nose, and when she heard the handsome and handsome young man's words "there's nothing uncomfortable", she almost didn't laugh, she finally couldn't hold back her laughter, her eyes curved into crescents: "Old Mr. Good evening, Mr. Butler, good evening, handsome Oscar, good evening."

"Good evening, lovely lady." Enzo's old housekeeper closed the door.

"Brother Milo, don't grab my clothes, don't ruin my handsome image, you ruined my handsome image, the cute little beauty won't like me." Being pulled by the collar, Oscar shouted, using the Native language, easy to express.

"Be gentle with beautiful women. You are so rude, you will scare the cute little Lele. Be gentle and gentle, smile and be polite, don't run rampant, don't hug her, it's right to take care of her like a giant panda."

"Okay, I understand. Brother Milo, if you hold on to me again, I will lose face." Oscar protested to no avail, pouting for mercy.

Milo let go with a smile, showing a charming smile to the cute children: "Little Lele, to describe in Chinese, Oscar is a bear child, he is sometimes like a wild horse, sometimes very naughty and a headache, when he is not serious, you directly It's okay to kick him a few times, Oscar's flesh is very strong, and it doesn't hurt to kick him."

Roberto understands Chinese and fully understands the meaning. Oscar seems to understand but does not understand, and jumps to the little beauty in the east: "Little beauty, what is brother Milo talking about me?"

"Miro said Oscar was a bright and lively boy, as strong and muscular as the Roman and Greek mythological Hercules."

The little girl changed what she said a little bit into a compliment from a tall man, and Roberto and Milo laughed with starlight in their eyes.

"Brother Milo really said that about me? Brother Milo is the best." Oscar cheered. When he was in his own country, Brother Milo often said that he was not strong enough and had no strength. He trained him to death every time he had the chance. Back in front of the little beauty, brother Milo is willing to say good things for him, he is a good brother.

Oscar was sold and even helped to count the money. In this regard, Roberto was also drunk, so he couldn't stand upright with laughter, and asked the little girl to take a seat.

Oscar remembered Milo's words that he couldn't hug the little beauty, so he didn't dare to go and hug the girl again. He happily sat down with Milo to accompany the little beauty. He and Milo sandwiched the little guest and eagerly helped to cut the fruit. , make a platter.

Taking advantage of the empty space, Le Yun scanned Roberto with X-ray eyes. The traditional Chinese medicine that the old man took was also effective, inhibiting the spread of diseased cells. Those medicines were effective in a short period of time. After three months, intestinal diseased cells will be produced. Antibodies that resist the inhibitory effect of drugs.

After observing it once, I know what I have in mind. Out of prudence, I gave the old man a pulse and gave the patient confidence: "Currently, the effect of traditional Chinese medicine is still good, and it can control the proliferation of diseased cells in a short time. I am still waiting for the medicine. The medicine will be ready next week."

"No hurry, no hurry." Roberto was in no hurry at all, as if taking a reassurance.

Le Yun doesn't understand the laws of aviation and customs. She doesn't know which items can be brought on the plane and which items can't be taken out of the customs. She deliberately discussed with the old gentleman. We can only let the old man stay in the capital for a while, and go back after taking a medicine.

The same will be true in the future. If you can express by air, you can send international parcels directly, but not by air. You can only ask the old gentleman to come to China.

Have a discussion, eat some pre-meal appetizers, and go to dinner.

In order to show courtesy to the little guests, we dine in the box, which is quiet and elegant, with one table per box, and the atmosphere is very good.

Roberto accompanies the guests to their seats, and the hotel's personal butler who has been waiting for a long time passes the dishes. Roberto is also a strict person. waste.

When the dishes are ready, the hotel steward takes the waiter away, leaving the space for the guests.

Yi people love wine, and they love wine. The old housekeeper Enzo, Oscar and Miro drink red wine. Roberto is banned from drinking, so he can only sigh with wine. Le Xiao is not an adult, so it is also not suitable for drinking. She and Roberto Substitute milk for wine.

The level of chefs in a five-star hotel is not blown out. The dishes prepared are full of flavors and tastes. With the heart of learning, Le Xiaoxiao tasted them one by one. There is a bamboo bird's nest soup on the table, which is the most delicious.

There are twelve dishes for four people. Except for the chicken and duck, the rest is basically not wasted.

A dinner, the honored guests.

After the meal, there is Xiaoshi fruit. After eight o'clock in the evening, Le Yun couldn't stay any longer, so she said goodbye and returned to school.

Good girls don't stay overnight. For the sake of the little girl's reputation, Roberto did not hold back, and asked Milo to escort the children back to school.

Milo went back to the guest room to help the little loli children carry backpacks and big-eared rabbits, as well as some small gifts they brought from Yi country, and put them in boxes.

Le primary schoolmate originally planned to take the subway to go back to school. Roberto said that it is not safe for girls to take the subway at night, so he called a taxi and asked Milo to take it to Qingda University.

(End of this chapter)

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