magic eye doctor

Chapter 3090

After the prince's words fell, the guardians of the royal family felt that the prince was an idiot for the first time. The prince questioned who was wrong, and actually questioned someone pretending to be the guardian of the longevity tree?
Since ancient times, no one has dared to pretend to be the guardian of the sacred tree.

The meritorious deeds of the newborn guardian of the longevity tree after the sky fire catastrophe are unparalleled in the world. Whoever dares to show disrespect to her will worry that he will be struck by lightning. Tree Keeper.

Princess Xin Shu questioned Shang Jun's changing the subject, but it was still possible to get over it. The person who just appeared in the air hadn't shown his face yet. The prince first questioned the other party's fake guardian of the sacred tree, which showed that he was guilty and stupid.

The elders of the royal family feared that Prince Xin and Princess Xin Shu would say something irresistible, so Mahayana, who was personally protecting the prince and princess, quickly covered their mouths.

Even so, the panic in everyone's heart has not diminished at all, and the nine people staring at the sky can't help but feel frightened.

Le Yun, who climbed to the sky, faced the direction of the sheriff's mansion, put away her veil and hat to show her face, and said slowly: "Shang Junjun is free, you don't need to be polite, please stand up."

The royal guardians stared closely at the few people flying in the sky in front of everyone. When the person wearing a curtain hat took off his black gauze hat to reveal his figure, his pupils shrank.

The person surrounded by eight guards was a half-grown woman whose face was exactly the same as the person in the portrait hanging on the square!

The ears of the guardians of the royal family were buzzing, and their hearts were cold. The guardian of the sacred tree was actually in Ningcheng!

Princess Xin Shu stared at the female cultivator who showed her face, her eyes almost exploded. She struggled a few times in fear, and then collapsed softly in the arms of the Mahayana guardian.

The person I questioned was a veritable guardian of the sacred tree. Prince Xin was almost overwhelmed by fear, and he didn't even know how to use spiritual power.

The guardian of the sacred tree appeared, and Junjun Shang responded respectfully. He stood up straight and bowed again: "It is a blessing for the people of Ningcheng that the fairy favors Ningcheng. Shang Jun would like to welcome the fairy on behalf of all the elders in the city!"

"The fairy really has to come!"

"Greetings, Lord Fairy!"

When the people in the square heard Qingyue's female voice, they looked up at the sky and saw several people in the sky. They didn't know which one was the guardian of the Everlasting Tree.

But this did not affect the excitement in their hearts, not only did they not get up, but they prostrated themselves.

The monks looked up at the people in the air. The guardian of the sacred tree was neither wearing formal clothes nor her favorite blue. She was wearing a concubine-colored dress and a white silk gauze coat with half-arm shorts.

The long hair was not combed on the top, but only a handful was picked and tied up at the back of the head. The long black hair was loose on the back, tied at the tip of the hair with a ribbon and tied into a ponytail, and then rolled upside down and tied around the back of the head. waistline.

The attire is different, but the face is exactly the same as the face on the statues and portraits in the square, and the length and density of the broken hair on the forehead are almost the same.

The petite and exquisite guardian of the sacred tree stood in the air with his hands folded in front of his chest. Compared with the person in the portrait, he was only a sacred tree sapling.

After confirming the identity of the guardian of the sacred tree, the monks bowed again and saluted sincerely: "Welcome to the fairy! The sacred tree will flourish, and the fairy will be healthy!"

The monk beside him bent down, and Xuan Shaoyan's brows were so entangled that they were about to knit together, so what, should they follow suit?

Calabash Baby and her friends didn't know what entanglement was, and the four of them turned around, curiously looking at a group of people who were also standing stupidly above a certain building.

The guardians of the royal family were not staring at anyone and unwilling to salute, but were stared at by the monks with star-shaped patterns on their foreheads, their souls were trembling, and they dared not move.

"You don't need to be polite, please get up." Le Yun calmly accepted the monk's gift, turned to face the square, and shouted: "The people of Ningcheng are kind-hearted people, and this fairy feels your kindness and sincerity. Please get up! In the future, you don’t need to give a big gift when you see this fairy, just say hello to this fairy.”

The common people straightened their backs upon hearing the sound, but did not get up. They raised their heads and looked into the sky with fiery and pious eyes.

The monks stood tall, their eyes unable to suppress the surprise.

The people in the city were still kneeling on the ground. Le Yun had no choice but to look at Lord Shang: "The people love you so much. I have suffered so much. I have Lord Shang to help the people get up without courtesy."

"The merit of the fairy is in Yunlan, and you are worthy of the saints. All living beings should respect you." Lord Shang nodded, and said in a voice: "Fairy is kind and compassionate to all living beings. Fathers, please get up."

"Xie Xianzi!" The people who were kneeling on the ground got up excitedly, even though they couldn't see the guardian of the sacred tree clearly, they still raised their heads and saluted the sky.

The sheriff's words worked, Le Yun hissed secretly, and looked at the green skirt female cultivator behind the sheriff: "Miaoyin Shang, guess why this fairy let the guards hold the mouths of the Xin brothers and sisters?"

The current immediate boss of Ning County is the Xin family of the Xinhe Empire and the royal family.

The capital of the Dihe Empire is more than 8 million miles away from Ningjun. The distance is not far, and of course it is not close. Anyway, ordinary people in Ningjun will not be able to reach the capital in three lifetimes if they walk on foot.

Shang Miaoyin responded and replied in a respectful voice: "Back to the fairy, I don't dare to speculate on the fairy's intentions, but I know that Crown Prince Xin and Princess Xin Shu have broken the law and are punished like this."

"Let's talk about it." The youngest daughter of Ning County's prefect's family has a cool aura, like a green bamboo lingering in the wind and proud of the snow, and she is one of the people who are most sympathetic to Le Yun among the people present.

Shang Miaoyin responded, and faced the guardians of the royal family: "Princess Xinshu, as the royal family, Crown Prince Xin, it is impossible to know the laws of the empire. Those in high positions regard the laws as nothing, and those in low positions must follow suit. decoration.

Prince Xin and Princess Xin Shu knew the law but did not abide by it, because she knew the law and broke the law.

Relying on her status as a royal princess, Princess Xinshu commits murder in public, regards human life as nothing, and does not practice morals, which is a second crime.

As the elder brother, Prince Xin did not fulfill his duty of teaching his younger sister, instead he did not distinguish between the right and wrong, he saw his younger sister committing crimes with his own eyes and did not stop him, and even shielded her, which is a failure of virtue.

According to the laws of Ning County, Princess Xin Shu was punished by death and Prince Xin was punished with a hundred lashes. "

"You are still putting it too lightly. Prince Xinhe not only has a lack of virtue, but his virtue is clearly inappropriate." Le Yun raised her eyebrows and gave Prince Xinhe a good "evaluation".

The members of the royal family of the Xin family guarded the Mahayana as if falling into an ice cellar, and they were all covered in cold air. The crown prince is finished!

The prince of the Xinhe Empire was reprimanded by the guardian of the longevity tree as "unworthy of virtue". Not only will it become a joke of the Xinhe Empire, but it may also cause the Xinhe Empire and the royal family to be stigmatized for thousands of years.

When Prince Xin heard the words "virtue does not match", he was so frightened that he trembled all over and lost control of his urine.

Princess Xin Shu rolled her eyes and fainted.

Shang Miaoyin saw the reactions of Prince Xin and Princess Xin with her own eyes, and her admiration for the fairy was like the surging water of the Milky Way.

The prince and princess are useless, the royal guardians knelt down tremblingly, and the soft-faced servant Huang cried and begged: "The prince and princess are at fault, the old slave dare not ask the fairy to forgive the prince and princess from punishment, but only ask the fairy to spare them a lifetime of punishment." Tone!"

"The law is like a mountain. This fairy will not break the laws of Ning County and become the No. 1 that everyone despises. Lord Shang Jun is the lord of a county, so just deal with it fairly."

Le Yun turned around and left, begging her for mercy?It's not bad that she didn't kill people herself.

"Please have mercy on the fairy, please have mercy on the fairy..." Huang Chamberlain begged without giving up. Princess Shu is the only legitimate princess of the royal family, and her talent in cultivation is not inferior to that of the prince. Many fortune-tellers have read fortunes for the princess, saying that the princess has a precious destiny and is the key to the empire. Star.

If the star of the empire is lost in Ning County, the emperors and empresses would not dare to disrespect the guardians of the longevity tree, and these guardians would not escape death.

Huang's servant didn't dare to take the princess to escape. It was the most stupid way to escape in front of the guardian of the longevity tree. No one could guess what the generation of escape was.

Le Yun walked tens of feet away in one step, and when she heard ghosts crying and howling wolves, she turned around suddenly: "You are a servant in the palace, the person who knows what your princess looks like best, I ask you, your princess kills innocent people indiscriminately, who Did she ever forgive someone when she was begged for it?"

Waiter Huang was like a bird that had been strangled by the neck, and his wails stopped abruptly.

"You are a servant, how many palace servants did your princess kill?" Le Yun asked the second question.

Waiter Huang still couldn't speak a word.

"You don't dare to say it because the first princess of Xin Heguo enjoys killing people. She is 570 years old this year and bears 450 innocent souls.

If this fairy spares her life, where will the innocent souls who died in her hands go?

Who is not born of parents?Which family's children are not the jewels in the palm of their parents' hearts?Is it possible that the life of your princess is life, and the life of others is not life?

The daughter of the Xin family relied on being born in the royal family, treating the law like a child's play, and treating human life as cheap. The emperor and queen of the empire turned a blind eye, and you guardians also turned a blind eye. Do you still ask me to turn a blind eye?
You are the slave of the Xin Clan's foolish king, you can pretend to be blind, but this fairy is not blind, dare to take care of things that others dare not, and dare to behead those who others dare not.

The princess of Xin Heguo must die today, even if the Emperor and Lao Tzu come, she will not be able to save her life.

Lord Shang took the man down and executed him in front of the Sheriff's Mansion. He removed the remains of the deceased today and made Xin's daughter kneel in front of the deceased to be tortured.

Then instruct the person in charge of the punishment to flog Xin's daughter, one thousand four hundred and fifty five times, to accuse the dead soul of the deceased. "

Le Yun used a veil to cover herself, not to cause trouble, and she was not prepared to meddle in something bad when she passed by the sheriff's mansion.

It's a pity that she has to do it even if she doesn't want to.

The crown prince of Xin Heguo visited the country on his behalf, and Princess Xin was protected by the fortune of the country. Even though the Lord of Shang County has the heart to enforce the law impartially, the Shang family has all the hearts of ministers, so no matter how stubborn he wants to bring the princess to justice hard to accomplish.

Because the daughter of the Xin family has carried too many grievances, Lord Shang couldn't suppress Princess Xin who was protected by the fate of the country, so Le Yun didn't stand by and meddle in other people's business.

When the guardian of the sacred tree dropped the call, Huang Neishi's face turned ashen. The guardian of the sacred tree not only knew that Princess Shu's nature would kill the princess, but also scolded the monarch as a "faint monarch".

The words "faint king" of the guardian of the sacred tree are enough to destabilize the empire!

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