magic eye doctor

Chapter 3097

Chapter 3097
In order to calculate as quickly as possible how many spiritual stones certain items were worth and how much grain and silver they could offset, the officials in the county governor's mansion quietly moved to the table, and everyone worked together to settle the accounts.

Shang Junjun left the matter of settling the accounts to his subordinates, and he was ready to be punished by the fairy at any time.

Sending someone to the west means that good things must come to an end. Since Le Yun has been a judge for a time, she naturally cannot give up halfway and continue with the business: "Throw out the trash prince and his belongings."

The eyes of the royal family were horrified. Wouldn't the guardian of the sacred tree even want to keep the prince's storage device?
Huang's servant didn't say a word, and without a moment's hesitation, he moved Prince Xin out of Ruyi House, and put aside the basin containing the prince's court clothes and accessories.

"One star and two stars, take off the storage device on that garbage toy, lift the person outside the hall and behead him, and bring back a bowl of blood." All that needs to be known is known, Le Yun doesn't want to waste time on garbage anymore. .

"Follow the order!" One Star and Two Stars swept out from behind the chair, rushed to Prince Xin's side, and grabbed the person to find the storage device.

The guardians of the royal family were heartbroken. The guardians of the sacred tree not only detained the prince's storage device, but also wanted the prince's life!
They did not dare to resist and kept sending messages to Huang Neishi to rescue the prince. The prince was patrolling the city on behalf of the monarch. If the prince was beheaded, the monarch would be really disgraced.

"I can't save her. This is the guardian of the sacred tree, or the guardian who brought the sacred tree to Yunlan after the Heavenly Fire Tribulation. Who dares to say no to Yunlan in front of her? If you have the guts to say no, just beg for mercy. "

Huang Chamberlain declined the encouragement of the royal family. Anyway, he would definitely die if he went back. If he died in the capital, he would still have the chance of reincarnation. This really angered the fairy. Not to mention his life was not guaranteed, and even the chance of reincarnation might be gone.

How dare the royal family to protest in front of the guardian of the sacred tree? They all hunched their necks and acted like quails.

The one-star and two-star work was very fast, and an armlet, a bracelet and two rings were swiftly removed from the prince's arm.

Erxing took the things he had picked up in his hand, picked out a necklace from the basin, and gave it to the fairy to see.

Yixing picked up the still unconscious Garbage Prince, flew out of the hall and landed on the ground. He knocked off the Garbage Man's head with a sword, then quickly took out the bowl and caught the bowl of blood before the body fell to the ground.

He sheathed the sword and quietly returned to the hall with a bowl of blood.

Le Yun put the blood of Prince Xin in a jade box and sealed it first. She looked at the royal family with a smile: "You accompanied the garbage patrol in the city. You must have received a lot of gifts along the way. I don't care about other monk families." Or the aristocratic family has paid tribute to you. I just wonder what the Xinyu family of Ningjun has paid to you.

I don't want to be cursed by this fairy and my bloodline will be cut off, so I put the items given by the Xinyu family on the ground without falling, and then took the rubbish court clothes and went outside the palace to collect the body of your prince, and then went back to the back hall to wait.

You will be able to leave only after the accounts are settled here, and you will be notified. The inner prisoner will stay, and I have other important matters to ask you alone. "

"..." When the royal family heard the word "curse", their soul couldn't help but trembled, and they silently took out something.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of boxes of different sizes were lined up in the center of the hall. The largest box was four feet square, and the smallest box was also one foot wide.

The royal guards left the gifts given by the Xinyu family, turned around without looking away, took the prince's court clothes, and walked out of the hall with fear before daring to fly.

The Mahayana monks quickly went down the steps, picked up the prince's body, wrapped it in cloth and put it away. They also used dust removal techniques to wash away the blood on the ground, and then ran to the back hall.

It wasn't until they entered the fourth main hall that the royal guards dared to show their emotions. Their eyes were filled with despair and sadness.

Waiter Huang, who was named to be left behind, had no idea why he was left behind. He also handed over the gift from the Xinyu family. What else could the fairy want to see him for?

Feeling unsure, he was so flustered that he just watched the royal family leave.

After the royal family left, Le Yun stood up slowly, moved to the inner prison in one step, and used spiritual power and consciousness to set up a defensive shield.

Seeing himself and the guardian of the sacred tree inside the light shield, Huang Chamberlain felt cold sweat on his back and bowed: "Fairy, the villain is guilty, but everything the fairy said when asking questions is true."

"I know." Le Yun indifferently agreed with the inner prisoner's argument: "I think you told the truth, so I will leave you to say a few words. You have spiritual roots, and the purity of your spiritual roots is also good. It should be that all the monks are willing to Why do the recruited talents have to be slaves?"

Waiter Huang raised his head in astonishment and saw the fairy's tender face and his own reflection in her eyes as clear as spring water.

He sensed that the fairy meant no malice and looked down upon the eunuch, so he lowered his head and said in a softer voice: "Thank you, fairies. My spiritual roots were detected when I was young, and I was recruited and trained by a family that cultivates immortals in my hometown.

Because the villain was highly talented and did not want to be jealous of the direct descendants of the master's family, they secretly attacked the villain's family, causing the family to almost be wiped out.

The villain's parents, uncles, and more than a dozen cousins ​​all suffered misfortune. Only his younger brother, two cousins, and one cousin survived because he was not at home.

The villain was also secretly tricked and suffered the punishment of castration. In order to save his only remaining relatives, he was forced to endure humiliation and live an ignoble life. He left his hometown with his younger brothers and sisters. In order to support his younger siblings, the villain had no choice but to sell himself into the palace. . "

"It was not your fault that you suffered a disaster when you were young, and it was not your wish to be sold into slavery. Although you helped Lord Xinhun do evil, I think half of the reason was because you had entered into a master-servant contract with Lord Xinhun. You could not disobey your master's orders and were jailed. Forced to work as a minion.

In the hope that you have the intention to repent, this fairy will remove that soul contract for you, allowing you to enter reincarnation cleanly as a free body. "

Hateful people must have pity. It is hateful for Huang Nei to help the tyrant and abuse him, but he has unspeakable suffering. Le Yun has always been able to distinguish right from wrong, and will not confuse him with a faint king.

"Fairy, you... how do you know that there is a soul contract in the villain's soul?" Huang's servant was so shocked that his hands were shaking.

"Some things can be hidden from others, but not from the eyes of this fairy."

"The villain thanks Fairy for being considerate of the villain's suffering. If the soul contract can be removed, the villain is willing to do so even if his body is shattered to pieces!" Huang Chamberlain fell to his knees with tears streaming down his face.

People, as long as they can live, no one is willing to be a slave. As a monk with spiritual roots, no one is willing to be a slave.

But back then, he was forced to give up his dignity and sell himself as a slave for the sake of his younger brother and sister. Later, because of his good spiritual roots, he was favored by the royal family, who made him make a soul contract with the current king, who was still the prince at the time, and became became the slave of the king.

Because there is a soul contract, he cannot go against any of the monarch's wishes. Otherwise, if the monarch activates the soul contract, his life will be worse than death.

The soul contract is incomprehensible. He is a slave in this life, and he still cannot escape the fate of being a slave in reincarnation. He still has to work for the reincarnation of the king from life to life.

If he could break the soul contract, even if he died immediately, Huang Huang would be willing to do so. "You are ready. This fairy is going to enter your sea of ​​consciousness to capture the contract. This process will be very painful." The internal supervisor chose the right path, and Le Yun didn't waste any time, and took out a talisman for later use.

"Don't be afraid, villain, and you will never regret it even if you die!" Huang Naijian wiped away his tears, moved his body, and sat on the ground to make it easier for the fairy to move.

Le Yun stretched out her hand and put it on the head of the inner prisoner. Divine consciousness poured into his sea of ​​​​consciousness like flowing water, and then swept through most of the sea of ​​​​consciousness at the speed of the wind sweeping away the remaining clouds, and removed a ball hidden in the depths of the sea of ​​​​consciousness. The soul imprint is wrapped up.

Her consciousness turned into a net, sealed the soul mark, cut off its connection with the person's sea of ​​consciousness and soul power, and then forcibly pulled it out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Having been torn away a trace of his soul from his brain, the pain was like countless big axes hitting his head one after another. Supervisor Huang was trembling with pain. He pressed his hands to the ground, leaving a handprint on the ground of the hall.

But he didn't even hum.

The moment some force pulled something away from the sea of ​​consciousness, Waiter Huang felt a dull pain in his brain, and then his eyes turned white.

Le Yun pulled out a ball of marks, immediately sealed it with a talisman, then took a small box and packed it, and sealed it again.

She waited for a short while, until the inner prisoner's unfocused eyes became clear, and handed the small box over: "The soul contract is sealed in the talisman. You can keep the box yourself, so that the other soul can still reach the recipient who senses the contract." Yes, so as not to give rise to doubts."

Huang Chamberlain stretched out his trembling hands to catch the box, put it into his storage container, straightened himself, and kowtowed respectfully: "Thank you Fairy for your kindness! I have nothing to repay in this life. I wish you all the best." Wear a grass ring in the next life to repay your kindness!"

"You don't need to tie a grass ring to repay your kindness. Don't do evil in the next life to repay your kindness." Le Yun sighed: "You will definitely die when you return to the country. Those royal families will be cut off sooner or later. Whether your family can escape this disaster depends on you.

A small part of the people in the honor guard died without mercy, and most of them are innocent people. Most of the people in the palace are also innocent. If you can find a way to protect them from the murderous hands of Lord Xinhun and the Queen, save them. Your life is equivalent to saving the lives of your family members. "

Thinking of the monarch's methods, Huang Shi was frightened and responded with a trembling voice: "The villain will do his best! I'm afraid that the villain's words are meager, but they won't have any effect and they won't be able to save the lives of innocent people."

"Just do your best. Tell Mr. Xinhun and let him and all the courtiers who participated in the scheme to figure out how to atone for their sins. I am in Ningjun. Do they sincerely repent? I only need to look at the anger of the capital. Know immediately.

You return to the capital of Xinhe and tell Mr. Xinhun that this fairy asked him to think about how his previous queens and family were lost. Tell him that for every innocent person who dies in his hands, there will be one less person in his direct bloodline. , if he continues to kill indiscriminately, his bloodline will no longer exist.

Fairy Ben is waiting in Ning County. If you don't see all the culprits put to death before this year, then let them be mentally prepared for their souls to be scattered and their blood to be severed. "

"Fairy... you mean... everyone involved must commit suicide to atone for their sins?" Huang's heart was beating fast.

"Yes, all participants including the Hunjun must die. Before the Hunjun dies, he must issue an edict of guilt and state his crimes. They don't want to, and when this fairy punishes them personally, those people will inevitably end up with their entire family exterminated and their bloodlines cut off. , it’s up to them to choose whether they die by themselves or be buried with the whole family.”

"But... it's already July. Even if the villains and the royal family travel alternately day and night, it will take more than ten years to return to the capital."

"I will send someone to take you on a journey. It only takes about three months from Ning County to Xin Heguo. By the way, I will ask Xin Hunjun to bring back the food and silver he owes to my people.

The royal family and Mahayana will definitely ask this fairy what you talked about while you were here. You can think of your own words. This fairy is about to withdraw the defensive formation. "

Le Yun said what she had to say, and without waiting for the inner prisoner to ask any more questions, she removed the spiritual power and consciousness mask, stepped back to the seat, sat down on the ground again, and took out the jade slip to contact Calabash Baby.

Waiter Huang had many questions to ask, but the fairy obviously didn't want to talk nonsense anymore and kept her mouth shut.

The fairy left the inner prisoner alone to ask questions, and also put up a defensive shield of spiritual consciousness. The monks were quite calm. When the defensive shield was removed, they were shocked to see the inner prisoner's face pale and with a shocked look on his face. .

What did the fairy ask that scared the prisoner so much that he looked like he was out of body?

The monks couldn't help being curious, but they didn't dare to ask, feeling as uncomfortable as a cat scratching their hearts.

Calabash Boy, his friends and two brothers followed the local natives here and there. On the way to the next grain store, they sensed the frequent movement of the communication charm and hurriedly took out the jade slip.

Realizing that it was the little fairy's summons, he quickly read it and then immediately grabbed Brother Yan: "Brother Yan, the little fairy sent a message asking you to take Brother Big Ape and Brother Xiong back to the Sheriff's Mansion. There are work arrangements."

Shui Dun, Ying Sheng and Bai Yin hurriedly asked: "Where are we?"

"Brother Xuan and we continue to buy food. The little fairy said that Ning County is safe and it will be fine without Brother Ape and Brother Xiong following us."

"Oh, that's no problem." The three humanoid beasts stood happily beside Brother Xuan.

"Okay, I'll go back then." Yan Xing simply took a spirit beast bag from Master Xuan, jumped into the sky, took out the spirit boat, and ran towards the county governor's mansion.

The spirit boat disappeared after a flash, Luo Shuyin and Yu Chen: "..."

Mahayana from both families also looked shocked. Do the fairy’s friends also have spirit boats?

Luo Shuyin was also someone who couldn't hold back his words, so he asked blankly: "Fellow Taoist preacher, you and Taoist friend Yan both have spirit boats? How fast are they traveling?"

"Yes, our cultivation level is too low. We are driving a spirit boat with a speed of 200 million miles." Mr. Xuan boldly hooked the shoulder of a certain fellow Taoist and whispered to the person: "I tell you, the little fairy hand There are three or five little spirit boats in there, whoever in your family has enough resources can try their luck."

Luo and Yu Mahayana were startled, and their voices could not be stabilized: "My little friend said that the fairy has a spirit boat in his hand?"

"Yes, it is a small spirit boat with a speed of about 40 to 80 miles. The price is not cheap. In the Golden Lion City, tens of billions of top-quality spiritual stones were sold for the 40-mile spirit boat. At this price, a 50-[-]-mile spirit boat The spirit boat requires about [-] billion top-grade spirit stones."

As soon as Nascent Soul Lord reported the price, the eyes of the Mahayana family of Luo and Yu dimmed, but they did not hesitate and immediately reported the news to the head of the family.

The heads of the Luo and Yu families were in the main hall of the county magistrate's mansion. Even if they sensed that there was a summons, no one went to check.

(End of this chapter)

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