magic eye doctor

Chapter 3099: There is neither this nor that

Chapter 3099: There is neither this nor that

The guardians of the royal family boarded the spirit boat, thinking that once they were far away from the quagmire of Ning County, all the disputes would have nothing to do with them. They were still the Mahayana True King who was superior to the royal family and enjoyed the respect of all living beings.

When I heard the warning, I was scared to death.

People who are said to be guilty by the guardian of the sacred tree, even if it is a small crime, will be considered unpardonable by everyone.

The royal guards were heartbroken, but no one dared to feel resentful.

After openly threatening the royal guards, Le Yun told the nine Yinxing brothers: "Today's Xinhe royal monks are not good people. If they have evil intentions and secretly send people to intercept and kill them, you and Brother Yan will attack directly." Entering the palace and slaughtering the royal family is just the right time to replace them with virtuous people."

"Obey the order!" The nine Yinxing brothers took the order seriously.

The guardians of the royal family were so frightened that their hearts almost burst. If the words of the guardian of the sacred tree were spread, the ambitious tribes in the empire would definitely revolt and compete to seize the Xin family's regime.

The Great Mahayana Lord was frightened and bowed to apologize: "Please forgive me, Fairy! Some of the descendants of the Xin family made mistakes. However, our ancestors were diligent and loved the people, and there was nothing wrong. I ask Fairy to be merciful and give Xin a chance to correct his mistakes."

"Oh, you know very well that recent generations of monarchs were virtuous when they were princes, and they have no qualifications as monarchs at all, yet you choose to pretend to be deaf and dumb because they are from your bloodline. How dare you ask for mercy from me now?
Instead of begging me to be merciful, you should try your best to atone for your sins and strive to accumulate some virtue for the descendants of the Xin family in exchange for preserving some of the Xin family's bloodline. "

"Please forgive me, Fairy!" The royal family member could hardly stand on his legs.

"Whether I forgive you or not is God's business." Le Yun would not sympathize with this group of Mahayana people who clearly have the ability to influence the selection of the king but do nothing for their own selfish interests.

Not wanting to listen to the nonsense of the royal family, he urged: "Great ape, hurry up and set off, it will get dark if you delay any longer."

"I understand, I'm leaving now, little fairy, we'll try our best to come back for the New Year, and tell Brother Xuan that we must be included in the New Year's Eve dinner!" Da Yuan agreed happily and activated the defense of the spirit boat. Formation, running away in a spiritual boat.

"Don't worry, you didn't make it back in time to celebrate the New Year, your share will be reserved for you." Le Yun waved her little hand, it was still early for the New Year, so a group of foodies were thinking about the New Year's Eve dinner.

The great ape had already sailed up into the sky in the spirit boat. When a cheerful "Hey" reached the human eardrum, the spirit boat disappeared in a flash.

"All the garbage people have been taken away, so it's quiet now." Le Yun clapped her little hands and turned around with a smile: "Jun Shang, I want to lend your daughter to you for a while. Is she free?"

"Yes, just give her the fairy's orders." Shang Junjun immediately responded, and Shang Miaoyin also leaned forward to answer: "My little girl, just listen to the fairy's orders."

"That's good. This fairy will be in charge of the county magistrate's mansion for 49 days. It is not suitable to go out during this period. You can help me run some errands."

Le Yun grabbed a strong man and was in a good mood. She took two storage bags and gave them to the business girl: "These cloths, four treasures of the study, books, calligraphy and paintings in the yard are of little use to the county magistrate's house. You can help them to collect them alone. After counting the numbers and making a list, I exchanged the spirit stones for these items.

Binzhou is rich in treasures, and the fruit trees in each place have their own characteristics. You can collect the tribute fruits and pick out one or two seeds with seeds from various fruits for me to use as seeds. The other tribute fruits will be handed over to the county. Arrangements by the government.

The items in the rubbish storage container will also be put out to dry in the sun later. If there are cloths, the four treasures of the study, and books, you can do the same with them. "

The fairy asked her to run errands. Shang Miaoyin was extremely pleasantly surprised. She took the storage bag and listened to the items pointed out by the fairy. She was shocked. Fairies like mortal things, right?
Lord Shangjun was also very surprised and hurriedly responded: "The fairy upheld justice for Ningjun. Everyone in Ningjun was deeply grateful. They only hated the rudeness of offering the fairy. These cloths and the things in the study are all used by mortals. How dare you give them to us?" The fairy will exchange the spiritual stone for it, and the fairy will just take it."

"One code, one code. These things have been confiscated. It should be done in a business-like manner. No one can break the rules. Shang's Miaoyin, please listen to this fairy and sort out all the items clearly. Don't report any underreporting or omissions."

"Yes!" Shang Miaoyin obeyed the fairy's order unswervingly.

Fairy is fair and selfless. Lord Shang Jun was filled with emotion and respectfully said: "Fairy leads by example in everything, which is a blessing to all living beings. Shang Jun obeys!"

Le Yun waved her hand: "It is natural to barter. Will the county governor keep the confiscated rice for himself or sell it to others?"

"It is customary for various government treasuries to store grain every year, and the same is true for the county governor's house. Now that the government has enough grain, the new rice grain obtained as grain silver will probably be resold to grain merchants in exchange for spiritual stone stocks."

"It's going to be sold to anyone. This batch of rice grains will also be exchanged for this fairy." Le Yun quickly took out the storage container and handed it to Lord Shang: "Please transfer the rice grains to this fairy The storage container, after Miaoyin Zhenjun clears out some items, he will pay the spirit stones together."

"...Thank you, Fairy, for your consideration." Shang Junjun also knew that the Fairy could not receive the food in vain, so he simply didn't say that he didn't want the spirit stone. He took the storage device and handed it to the family monk.

Brother Shang took the storage container, took the storage container containing rice and grain from the grain official, and silently transferred the grain.

After finishing talking about the business, Le Yun looked at the purification array: "The items in the purification array have been cleansed of all the evil spirits and can be collected. Collect these and move the items from the trash prince's storage container out to dry in the sun for a quarter of an hour."

"Shang Jun understands." Shang Junjun asked the family's Mahayana elder and his daughter to collect the items, and then asked people to go into the palace to pick up several storage containers belonging to Prince Xin that were placed on the table.

A monk from the Shang family rushed into the hall to get the storage container and handed it to the young master.

Shang Miaoyin and Mahayana, who was in charge of Princess Xin Shu's storage device, entered the purification formation and moved their things.

With nothing to do, Le Yun chatted with Lord Shang again: "How Lord Shang is going to deal with the ore spiritual plant resources?"

"The county also needs some cultivation resources, so half of it will be kept as a spare, and the other half will be put up for sale publicly. Anyone in the cultivation family who needs it can exchange the spiritual stones for something."

"This fairy recommends that you keep it for yourself and prepare some elixirs and military equipment in advance. It is always good to be prepared."

The fairy said lightly, and Lord Shang's heart sank: "Fairy, will there be war disaster in Ning County?"

"Don't worry, everything will be fine for a hundred years."

There will be peace for a hundred years, which means there may be war in a hundred years. Lord Shang and the monks present all understood what the fairy had to say.

Why would there be a war a hundred years later? The four words "change of dynasty" cannot be separated from this.

A hundred years from now is still a long way off, so let's press the button first and discuss countermeasures later.

Le Yun asked again: "Does the Shang family or the county governor have a master of weapon refining or an alchemy master?" "Don't be afraid of fairies' jokes. Whether it is Ning County or other places, one county cannot support a master of weapon refining and alchemy." Even ordinary monk families cannot afford to support alchemists. Monks who are talented in refining weapons and alchemy, and grow up to the level of Nascent Soul, usually go to the monk city to find a better future."

"So, the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion, the Shang family and other families do not have masters of weapon refining or alchemy masters with good talent. Then, what level of elixirs and medicines can the existing alchemy masters and weapon masters in Ning County probably be able to refine? magic weapon?
How wide a storage container can a refiner make? "

The fairy is smart and knows the subtleties. Lord Shang is pragmatic and pragmatic: "The alchemist can at most make some ordinary elixirs such as bigu pills and hemostasis, and the weapon refiner can make some armors and swords. If you are lucky, you can make one out of about four to five thousand pieces." A low-grade magic weapon.

The storage device is more difficult to refine. Now the best weapon refiner in Ning County can only refine a fifty-foot storage device, and the success rate is about one in 150. "

"What a tragedy!" Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at it: "What if the counties, cities, and immortal cultivating families need to purchase magical equipment?"

"Go to Monk City to buy it, or bring the materials and ask someone to refine it."

"I feel that if I learn more about it in detail, I may worry about you all the time. For the sake of the sincerity of all the people in Ning County, I will show you the way to Lord Shang, and Lord Shang will send monks from the Shang family. Go to various cities and prefectures to buy rice and grain, and then ask my friend who is out there to buy grain to help the county governor make elixirs.

Wait until the other brother who went to the Imperial City comes back, and then ask him to help refine the weapon. "

A group of monks and officials in the county governor's mansion all had shocked faces.

Lord Shang was so excited that his breathing became rapid, and his voice cracked: "Fairy, is this... is this really okay? Wouldn't it be too unfair to your friend?"

"If you buy more rice, they won't be aggrieved." Le Yun smiled with crooked eyebrows: "Due to various reasons, my two friends are still a little far away from being a master of alchemy and a master of weapon refining. But his level is pretty good, even compared to the alchemist, a master of weapon refining at the same level.

You guys should sort out the materials for later use. I will tell my friend that he will wander outside for ten and a half days and then come to the Sheriff's Mansion to help refine the elixir after he has satisfied his shopping addiction. "

"Thank you so much, Fairy!" Lord Shang was overjoyed and bowed so much that his head almost touched the ground.

"You're welcome in advance. This fairy has some ugly words up front. Half of the grade of a pill depends on the alchemist, and the other half depends on the spiritual plant. What kind of pill can be made, and how many pills can be made in one furnace also depends on the type and spiritual plant. Grade.”

"Shang Jun understands the truth. The county governor's spiritual plant can make any elixir. There will be no objection from the whole county."

"Well, Shang Junjun and everyone in the mansion first sorted out the spiritual plants for later use. In addition, the purpose of this fairy's presence in the governor's mansion is to bring luck to Ningjun and prevent villains from using evil magic to steal or destroy Ningjun's luck.

Therefore, this fairy needs to live in the main hall of the main palace of the Sheriff's Mansion. Before this fairy puts the soul-gathering and evil-suppressing Fu Baoan into the formation, no one is allowed to enter the main hall without permission, so as not to damage the Feng Shui fortune.

Later, Shang Junjun moved out all the items needed for office work in the main hall. If there were any important matters that had to be handled in the main hall of the main hall, they could be postponed if possible. They could not be postponed in the main hall of the west side hall.

During this period, if there are prisoners sentenced to be executed and beheaded outside the city, it would be best if the execution can be postponed until next year.

There is one more thing that Lord Shang needs to do personally. The Lord is going to find a brand new cyan or brown incense burner and place it in the center of the yard. From tomorrow onwards, every day after dawn, he will offer incense and pray to the Emperor, Queen and the Sacred Tree, praying for longevity. Sutra and merit sutra three times each, lasting 49 days in total.

It is important to remember to take a bath before offering incense and avoid sexual intercourse between men and women. "

Lord Shang naturally responded to the fairy's request. He wrote down the fairy's explanation and asked again: "Fairy, can all the people in Ningcheng eat meat and kill poultry during this period?"

"There is no need to be taboo about these things. People still live their lives as they did before."

"Shang Jun understands." Junjun Shang breathed a sigh of relief. If the whole city needs to fast, the people of Ningcheng will definitely abide by it, but this will still affect the normal life of the people.

The monks from each family were already very excited after hearing the conversation between the Fairy and Lord Shang. Lord Shang sent people to purchase food in exchange for the Fairy's two friends to help the Sheriff's Mansion refine elixirs and weapons. Can they also do the same? Purchasing food and then asking the two Nascent Soul Masters for help?

While speaking, Shang Miaoyin and the Mahayana monk collected all the items in the purification array, flew out of the array, and stood behind their father/young master.

Another Mahayana of the Shang family took the storage container of Prince Hard-working and flew to the outside of the purification array, and moved the items in the storage container out.

Prince Xin has a storage container with a width of two thousand feet and five thousand feet, two storage containers with a width of [-] feet, one with a width of [-] feet and a width of [-] feet, as well as dozens of small storage containers with a width of less than [-] feet.

Prince Xin does not have the large three-thousand-foot-wide storage container like his sister, but he is better in quantity. Because there are many small storage containers, many things are stored in categories.

Compared to Princess Xin Shu, Prince Xin's possessions are equally rich, including a large amount of ores, spiritual plants, spiritual jades, spiritual stones, spiritual beads, various magic weapons, elixirs, talismans and talisman-making materials, and only more than a thousand pieces of satin. There are only about twenty boxes of clothes and accessories.

But there are more gems like the Four Treasures of the Study and pearls and agate than Princess Xin Shu.

Generally speaking, the resources in Prince Xin's hands are far less than those of Princess Xin Shu, except for the number of spiritual stones. The types and quantities of spiritual jades and ores are three to four times that of Princess Xin Shu. The boxes containing spiritual plants are also nearly more than those of Princess Xin Shu. Thousands.

Princess Xin Shu had dozens of boxes of elixirs, and the boxes containing the elixirs were placed together with the boxes containing spiritual fruits. Prince Xin's elixirs were individually packed in a small storage container, and the number exceeded two thousand.

Most of the magical artifacts in Prince Xin's hands are low-level and mid-level, totaling more than 1000 pieces. There are also more than [-] high-grade magical artifacts and a box of low-level magical robes.

In terms of cultivation resources, the value of the resources in Prince Xin's hands is higher than that of Princess Xin Shu. After all, the resources in his hands are enough to attract a group of low-level monk supporters for him.

Mahayana Lord Shang moved the items in Prince Xin's storage to the ground one by one, stacked them in piles, and crowded the ground.

The heads of the monk families in Ningcheng couldn't help but be jealous.

Looking at the assets of the rubbish prince, Le Yun thought of something and asked: "Jun Shang, there should be spare elixir bottles and jade boxes in the governor's mansion, right?"

Lord Shang was a little shy: "No."

"Okay, I have to ask the alchemy buddy to refine some, and store the spiritual jade, high-grade spiritual stones and ores separately for the alchemist to select the materials."

"Yes." Mr. Shang Jun felt his face was getting hot. There was nothing he could do. In addition to Ning Jun's lack of rice and food, he had no training resources.

(End of this chapter)

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