magic eye doctor

Chapter 3102 Steady, don't panic

Chapter 3102 Steady, don't panic

The people in the Sheriff's Mansion had a busy day and had a good night's sleep.

And Le Yun worked all night long to make the talisman. At dawn, she finished carving the last talisman. She also had time to sit in the main hall and listen to Lord Shang's reading of scriptures.

After listening to Shang Junjun finish reciting the prayer scripture, he took out the talisman paper and raw materials again and started drawing talismans.

A total of one hundred and eight talismans were drawn.

When the little Loli put down her pen, the golden eyes in the east also climbed to the top of the mountain, and the bright light shone down from the sky, casting a layer of golden light on the earth.

When all things were breathing freely, Leyun used the newly drawn talismans to place a concentrated Zhenyuan and evil-proofing array on the large book surface.

After the talisman paper is settled, place a talisman on the talisman paper in each direction.

At this point, the luck-suppressing and evil-repelling array condensed into a miniature version is truly completed.

The talisman array shimmered.

After the array was set up, Le Yun took two steps back and recited scriptures to ward off evil and eliminate darkness in front of the miniature array on the table.

After reciting a sutra, the work is completed.

"Done!" Le Yun clapped her little hands with satisfaction, slid to the back and sat on the Arhat couch. She placed another note in front of the couch, took out the Four Treasures of the Study, and drew the talisman meticulously.

In order not to affect the anti-evil formation, people must stay in the main hall, and there are some things that are not suitable to do. They can only draw talismans and carve talismans.

Even the drawing of talismans is subject to certain restrictions. Only talismans that can ward off evil spirits and slay evil spirits can be drawn. Talismans with inherent evil spirits cannot be drawn, such as bad luck talismans, yin evil talismans, etc.

Le Yun gave the talismans she had accumulated to Handsome Yan to carry with her for self-defense. She didn't have much in stock, so she took the opportunity to replenish her inventory with equipment.

She was concentrating on drawing talisman in the main hall and ignored what was going on outside the window.

The officials in the county governor's house were handling common affairs as usual, and those who were idle in the Shang family and those who arranged errands in the officials' families were also officially busy.

There are only two Mahayana monks from the Shang family who are guarding the governor's mansion. The monks above Yuanying Zhenjun all go to the cities around Ningcheng to buy, while the younger monks buy seasonal vegetables, needlework and other items in Ningcheng and the middle city.

Lord Shang was busy sorting out the spiritual plants and ores, and only used the big seal when he needed to seal it.

The boss of the county governor's house and all the officials also cooperated well and handled all the affairs in an orderly manner.

Lord Shang was busy praying in the early morning, sorting out resources and stamping seals during the day. After four days of busy work, he finally sorted out all the spiritual plants and ores.

He put the storage container and storage bag containing resources in a box and sent it to the entrance of the main hall without daring to ask for a meeting with the fairy.

When Shangjun put down his things and was about to leave, he heard the fairy's voice: "The storage containers in the Sheriff's Mansion are tight. I will transfer the resources to my fairy's storage bag later. Shangjunjun will pick up the box in an hour." "

"It's troublesome for the fairy." Lord Shang lowered his hand and bowed, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the box he had placed flying into the main hall.

The fairy took away the box, and Lord Shang slowly took three steps back, then turned around and went to the director of the West Wing Hall.

Shang Junjun sent the spiritual plants and ores, and Le Yun stopped drawing talismans for the time being. She first checked the type and quality of the spiritual plants and ores, and she had an idea.

She first transferred the resources into her storage bag, then put the empty storage container in a box and sent it out of the hall, still placing it at the door.

The whole process actually took only a quarter of an hour.

After sending the storage containers from the Sheriff's Mansion, Le Yun slowly sorted out the spiritual plants. Anyway, she had a large number of storage containers. She distributed the spiritual plants according to the elixir recipe and put the spiritual plants for the same elixir into a bag.

After sorting out the spiritual plants, sort out the ores and classify them according to the types of magic weapons that can be refined from the ores.

There are a lot of spiritual plants and mineral resources in the Sheriff's Mansion, but little Loli's spiritual consciousness is too strong, and she can clearly arrange the spiritual plants and mineral resources in less than a day.

With all the spiritual plants in place, you can theoretically make elixirs.

Le Yun still hasn't asked Mr. Xuan to come back to make alchemy, why?

The reason is simple - the Hungry Ghost Festival is just three days away.

The Ghost Festival in Yunlan is also the [-]th day of the seventh lunar month. The customs in many places in the northern and southern continents are similar to the customs in some areas of the Huaxia Kingdom on Earth - take the ancestors home for the festival, and when sending the ancestors back, draw a circle with lime in the wild and burn paper money. .

By mid-July, the early-maturing golden millet and millet have matured one after another, and the rice that has only been planted for one season is ready for harvest. Some early-maturing beans have also reached maturity.

People who make a living by farming are busy harvesting crops.

Mr. Xuan and his friends wandered around the inner city of Ningcheng for a few days. Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen took them to the cities surrounding Ningcheng to purchase food. They were also very busy.

Le Yun continued to draw symbols.

On the first day of the Ghost Festival, it rained in Ningcheng. It started raining in the middle of the morning and continued until the morning of the Ghost Festival.

In order to prevent the rain from getting wet on the incense burner in the courtyard in front of the main palace, Lord Shang spread an umbrella-shaped magic weapon over the incense burner to protect it from the rain.

There is also the custom of setting off river lanterns during the Ghost Festival in Ningcheng. On the day of the Ghost Festival, the river outside the city is filled with lanterns. Viewed from a height, the river looks like a sparkling silver dragon.

After the Hungry Ghost Festival, people in and outside the city are even busier.

The county governor's office was also busy, with large numbers of people driving carriages, pulling carts, carrying baskets, carrying baskets, carrying bags, leading sheep, or carrying flowers and birds. Arrive at the square in front of the house.

The common people left their carriages and carts in the square, picked them up, carried them, carried them on their backs, led them, carried them, and carried their belongings into the governor's house.

Lord Shang and the officials received the visiting people and tried their best to persuade the people to take their things back, but the governor's office did not accept the gifts.

The people's eyes widened and they shouted: "This is not for the governor's mansion, this is for the fairy!"

The Lord wiped his sweat and said kind words: "Fathers, fairies are cultivators. They don't have to eat three meals a day like us. Fairies rarely eat."

"I know."

The people agreed and shouted again: "Whether the fairy eats it or not is another matter. What we give is our heart."

"The fairy has unparalleled virtues and upholds justice for our Ning County. We are grateful to give you something to express our sincerity. Master Cha, please don't stop us."

"It's just that, the things we give away are all grown at home, and they are not rare things, so they cannot be considered bribes."

"This rice is newly harvested by my family. It will be harvested this year. Please give the fairy a taste of the new rice." "This is my newly harvested beans. It is best for grinding tofu."

"The eggs laid by my domestic wing birds are all fresh."

"I don't have anything good at home. These are the seasonal vegetables and pumpkins I just picked this morning."

The common people were talking nonchalantly, put down their baskets, baskets, bags, etc., and left quickly without pushing or pulling with the officials.

Lord Shangjun and all the officials: "..."

The people put down their things and left. They couldn't stop them even if they wanted to. They wanted to send someone back. There were so many people, and they couldn't remember them for a while, and they couldn't tell which items belonged to which house.

Everyone had no choice but to clear out a courtyard in the west courtyard, move the things sent by the people there and store them. Sheep or poultry were also kept in a courtyard and raised.

This is not over yet. On the first day after the Ghost Festival, people gave gifts, and then every day people came to the county governor's house. They did not enter the main hall, but left their things as soon as they entered the courtyard.

The officials and government servants in the county magistrate's office had to take turns to move things, make registers, and put vegetables and grain into storage containers for storage immediately.

For this reason, a Mahayana from the Shang family simply stayed in the outer courtyard to help collect seasonal vegetables, grains or eggs.

In just three or four days, we had accumulated more than 500 sheep and more than [-] poultry, and we were running out of food and grass.

Shang Junjun had no choice but to hesitate for a long time and then went to the main hall to report to the fairy.

"The sincerity of the people cannot be let down. You will accept the gifts for me. I will recite a prayer for the people every day. May the people of Ning County be happy and safe under the protection of the sacred tree of the emperor and the thick earth."

Le Yun knew about the gifts given by the people, so she accepted them calmly, took twenty storage containers and gave them to Lord Shang, who handed them to the Mahayana Shang family to sort the gifts into storage bags.

"The fairy is kind-hearted and merciful to all living beings, which earns the devout respect of the people of Ningcheng. It is a great blessing for the people that the fairy prays for Ningjun. Shang Jun thanks the fairy for her great kindness on behalf of the people of the county."

Lord Shang took the storage container, kowtowed respectfully outside the palace on behalf of the people, stood up, walked backwards down the steps, and hurriedly delivered the storage bag to the Mahayana elder of the family.

With the storage container that can hold living animals, the problem is easily solved. Shang Mahayana also collected the living animals into the storage container, and then transferred the previously collected items to the fairy's storage container for storage.

With the storage device, officials and government servants no longer need to take turns to move things. They only need to collect gifts in the front yard and register them in books, so people can relax.

Le Yun kept her word. In addition to reciting sutras to ward off evil spirits and remove darkness every morning, she also recited a blessing sutra to pray for the people of Ning County.

She stayed in the main hall for nine days without leaving, and also drew the nine-day talisman.

The first nine days are also the most important nine days. Starting from the tenth day, apart from the mandatory chanting every morning, the rest of the time is much freer. As long as people stay in the main hall for a certain amount of time every day, they can also leave the main hall.

Little Loli didn't go out and stayed in the main hall to draw talismans. It wasn't until No. 15 that she summoned Young Master Xuan and told him about the alchemy.

Mr. Xuan was shocked, what the heck, he can't make elixirs!

Mr. Xuan was so dizzy with his new job that he couldn't figure out what kind of medicine the little beauty was selling, but he didn't reveal a word about it.

He told his friends that the fairy had arranged another job for him, and asked his two new friends to accompany his four humanoid friends to continue shopping for food.

The beast beast friends are good at everything, but they are not very good at mathematics. Major Xuan handed the storage bag containing the spirit stones to Brother Luo and Brother Yu: "Two fellow Taoists, I will trouble you next. My friends I’m not very good at arithmetic. Could you please help me with the calculation and pay the spiritual stones? They are only responsible for collecting rice.”

"Can't count?" Luo Shuyin, Yu Zhen and the Mahayana from the two major families were all shocked.

"Brother Xuan, you are wrong to say that. We can obviously count." The four humanoid beasts were not satisfied with Brother Xuan's shortcomings and tried their best to regain their respect.

"Yes, you can also count." Brother Xuan gave his friends a dead eye, then turned to smile at the two new friends: "My friends who can count will refer to small amounts, similar to a piece of spirit." One stone buys [-] jins of grain, and ten yuan buys [-] jins of grain. They can calculate this clearly.

But if you ask them how many spiritual stones they have to pay for [-] kilograms of grain, they will faint. "

"Understood." Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen understood that the four spirit beasts could count, and they could only count integers that doubled.

Xuan Shao suddenly felt relieved: "I feel relieved that I have fellow Taoists with me. I'll go back to the county governor's house. I'll come back to you when I'm done."

"Okay, fellow preachers, go and get busy." Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen also happily accepted the entrustment.

Mr. Xuan gave instructions to his four beast friends before driving the spirit boat back to Ningcheng.

The monks from the Luo and Yu families sent Lord Xuan Zhen off and continued to purchase food as planned.

The area where the group of people bought food was far away from Ningcheng. It took Master Xuan an hour to fly to the inner city of Ningcheng. The spirit boat entered the governor's mansion from above the square.

He went to the third courtyard from above the side hall, and the spirit boat landed in the courtyard of the third courtyard.

Mr. Xuan came back, Le Yun went out from the gate of the back hall, went to the big courtyard, threw a formation plate to the west, and entered the formation first.

The formation disk landed on the ground, opening up a defensive formation and a phantom formation. From all around, a cloud of white mist could be seen spurting out from the ground, surging and flowing along the wall on the ground.

After the spirit boat landed, Mr. Xuan jumped out, put the spirit boat away, and dived into the illusion array. When he saw the little Loli standing there smiling at him, he couldn't help but feel his heart tremble.

"Little beauty, don't smile like that, I'm flustered!" Oh my god, the little loli's smile is so sweet and bright!
"Hold on, don't panic." Le Yun smiled with her eyebrows crooked.

"It's weird that I can be stable. If you ask me to make a spiritual meal, I can do it. If you ask me, a person who has never made an elixir before, to make an elixir, isn't this just trying to catch a duck?" Asking a spiritual meal master to make an elixir is something that only a little lolita can do. Can do it.

"You don't know how, don't you still have me?" Le Yun smiled brightly.

"It's strange, you are obviously making elixirs, why did you call me here?" Mr. Xuan rubbed his head, feeling that he was confused by the little loli.

"I can make alchemy, but my status is not suitable for alchemy."


"In my capacity, I uphold justice for Ningjun. I sit in charge of Ningjun and work for Ningjun. It is already a great gift to Ningjun. I will refine elixirs for the county governor's office and spread the word in the future. You can tell the monks from all walks of life in the world of cultivation. How do they view Ningjun, how do they view the Shang family, and what do the imperial royal families and immortal cultivating families in the area think?"

"..." Young Master Xuan pondered, and after a while, his eyes widened in astonishment: "Are you trying to say that if you help the county magistrate to refine an elixir, even if it is an ordinary elixir, you will definitely be noticed and robbed by all parties? ?
In order to compete for the pill, all parties may... plot against the Shang family and Ningjun officials?
Or maybe the surrounding royal families and immortal cultivating families are afraid of the Shang family because of your special care for the Shang family. They regard the Shang family as a major concern and are worried that the Shang family will have plots for the world in the future and threaten them. They will Take the first step to eradicate the Shang family? "

"You guessed it, the human heart is the least able to withstand the test." Le Yun nodded: "Maybe not for a while at first, but as time goes by, it is inevitable that some people will have evil thoughts and delusions.

Therefore, I can stand up for Ningjun, but I cannot obviously favor Shang and Ningjun. "

(End of this chapter)

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