magic eye doctor

Chapter 311 Remediation

Chapter 311 Remediation

When the clam was eaten, Le Yun was so distressed that her blood was dripping, her brain was confused for a while, and she didn't have time to ponder why the fox would eat the stone and bronze utensils.

The little human girl rushed in angrily, and the golden-eyed fox wagged his tail carelessly, with a look of disgust: "Little girl, this fox only ate some broken copper and iron, why are you angry? Be gentle, too fierce is a shrew, be careful not to marry."

"Dead fox, shut up for me! I don't care about your nest, I will send you back to the underground palace immediately!" Le Yun was so angry that she ate her ancient knowledge and said sarcastic words?Send it away, you must send it away immediately!

"Little girl, being angry will not only make you old, but also will not grow taller." The little girl was so angry that she breathed fire, and the red fox sat elegantly and continued to pour oil on the fire.

As soon as the barrel of oil was poured, um, Le Xiaoxue was so angry that smoke rose from his head, and he ran wildly at the bullfighting.

"Ouch, little girl, are you really angry? Be steady and steady!" The little girl's face turned black with anger, as if she was going to fight her. The dragon's blood tree ran.

"Dead fox, there is something for you to stop for me! I will never kill you." Le Yun rushed to the place where the little fox stayed before, and the stinky fox fled again.

The little fox wagged its tail and ran even more happily. The little girl was so angry that the top of her head was about to smoke. If he stopped, wouldn't he have caught her ready-made?He's not stupid, so he won't believe her words.

The fox is light and dexterous, jumping and leaping as if it does not require any strength, and it is about ten meters long. It does not seem to be running away, but it seems to be playing with people. The speed is neither fast nor slow, and it is always about 20 meters away from humans. distance.

With such a small gap, Le Xiaoxiao couldn't keep up with all her strength. She ran from left to right, running around the dragon blood tree, and then ran to the flowerbed where the bread tree was planted, and ran around in the space. Turn in circles.

After chasing the boss for a circle, Le Yun didn't even touch the little fox's hair, she was so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven and two Buddhas came out of her body. A sweaty head: "I'm really pissed off!"

He scolded himself, and stared fiercely at the little fox who stopped to look back: "Dead fox, wait, wait until you'll be good-looking!"


The little fox blows his beard, what else does the little girl do?In the blink of an eye, the little human girl suddenly disappeared.

People are gone, of course, is to leave the paradise.

At the moment when the blessing reached his heart, the little fox's expression froze, and the little girl reacted!Dongtianfudi is in harmony with the little girl's soul, and she has the right to manipulate freely.

The little fox's first thought was to go back to the ice coffin to sleep for a long time, jump up, and land on top of the ice coffin across a distance of several hundred meters. At the moment when it wanted to drill into the coffin, it was too late. Pull it out of the space.

At the moment when it was pulled out of the cave and returned to the natural world, the little fox found himself hanging upside down, and its beautiful tail was caught by the little human girl.

Catching the little fox spirit from the space, Le Yun's eyes were gloomy, and she gritted her teeth hard: "Dead fox, let's see where you are going!"

In the space, she couldn't move the world, and people outside the space could control the objects in the space at will. At that time, the popularity was dizzy, so she was led by the nose by the little fox, and she was exhausted.

Holding the little fox's tail, Le Yun shook it vigorously, shaking the little fox as an object, didn't she shiver before?Now let's see where it goes!

"Little girl, why don't this fox eat some copper or iron? You need to make such a big fire? To be honest, those junk things are really unpalatable."

"It's hard to eat, but you still enjoy it so much? I found those things with great difficulty. You ate them all without making a sound, and you still dislike it now? It's good that I didn't dislike you in the first place. You ate all my treasures. Do you still think things are crooked? Who gave you the courage?" Send it back, you must send it back, such a scourge cannot be left behind.

The anger in Le Yun's heart was soaring, she pressed the little fox on the writing table with one hand, pressed its head with one hand, and pinched it hard at its buttocks, strangled it, strangled it, strangled it!
"You think that this fox wants to eat that kind of broken copper and scrap iron that is full of impurities. If I don't eat something with the same attributes as this fox, I will have no strength. I can barely recover some physical strength after eating a lot of junk. Those things are pure and pure. It's too low, if it was released before, this fox didn't even look at it, but this time it's for your little girl's sake that I reluctantly took a few bites."

"Dead fox, I kindly took you in, you ruined my things, you didn't know what to do, you stole my things, and you picked them up, are you still reasonable? Auntie worked so hard to find a stone yesterday for medicine. Yes, you actually stole it and ate my bronze utensils! It's hard not to kill you. You're just a dead fox. If you have the ability, go find something delicious to eat?" beat to death!
The little fox was beaten, with a strange expression: "Little girl, the best thing in Dongtian Paradise is the big water tank where you planted lotus flowers. This fox has long wanted to eat it."

"What did you say? Say it again, what do you want to eat?" Le Yun stopped beating the little fox's hand and looked at the little fox with murderous eyes. What did she hear just now, the dead fox wanted to eat the ink black water she picked up Cylinder? !
"Little girl, this fox said that your water tank for growing lotus flowers is very good. I want to eat a black water tank." The little fox confessed that the big tank was made of star stone, a high-purity gold stone. , eating Dabu is very beneficial to his meridians damaged by the poison.

"Dead fox, you are really impatient. Bring a knife, bring a knife, and wear a skin cramp to make a scarf." The more she listened, the more angry she became. She grabbed the little fox's tail and held it in her hand, and rushed to the kitchen to find a kitchen knife.

"Hey, little girl, say something if you have something to say, this fox is just talking, isn't this fox not eaten yet?" The little human girl was mad, and the little fox pouted and waved its claws in the air to comfort her. The little girl's irritable mood, the little girl's temperament is really big, and she is also a ruthless character when she is fierce. She wants to peel him, she is really a daring master.

"What a ghost, if you want to think about my big water tank, you are dead. Peel the skin, you must peel it, and eat fox meat hot pot at night."

Le Yun, who was so angry that his head was bubbling with smoke, rushed into the kitchen, grabbed the kitchen knife, pressed the little fox against the kitchen countertop, and sharpened the knife.

"Little girl, little girl, don't chop it, don't chop it, the tail of this fox can't be chopped off, one of the first nine tails has been repaired in 1000 years, the tenth tail is ten thousand years old, the No.11 tail is 6000 years old, and the No.12 tail For ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred years, this fox has spent 900+ years to cultivate. If you chop off this fox’s tail, it is equivalent to destroying this fox’s thousand-year-old cultivation. This kind of behavior that destroys people’s cultivation is absolutely unacceptable. If you do it, you will be punished by God. of."

The little girl waved a knife on her tail, the fox was in a hurry, and he dared to bet that the little girl was pure in nature and returned to Chunliang, and she was also cunning, and when she irritated her, she could really cut her tail.

"You are a fox, not a human being. From ancient times to the present, carnivores have been given to humans as food by God. It is only natural to kill a little fox to eat meat to make a scarf. It's not a matter of condemnation, and the tail is the most suitable for a scarf. "

Will the little fox be afraid too?
The tail is very precious, it irritates her, chop the tail!

The angry Le Yun waved the kitchen knife and scratched on the tail of the little fox, preparing to choose which tail to chop.

"Little girl, Ben Hu is wrong. Next time, without consent, is it okay not to eat your scraps? Or, when Ben Hu restores his primordial spirit and returns to the Fox Realm, I will give you a bunch of treasures from heaven and earth. compensation."

The little human girl showed a cruel side, and the little fox didn't want his tail to be chopped off, so he had to admit his wrong and promise a favor.

"Bah, the painting is such a big cake! You can pull it down. You can't see the sun with your broken body. What do you mean by recovering supernatural powers, Xu Tiancai Dibao is just a blank check, you are my three-year-old child, you draw a big cake. I believe it, my brain is not flooded."

"Little girl, don't despise this fox, at most a hundred years, this fox can return to the fox world."

"Pfft, after all, you are still playing with words. Even if you go back in a hundred years, I can't go. You lie to me now. If you leave by then, who can do anything to you. I don't care if you go back in a hundred years or 200 years. Only then can you return to your original place. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me. Whether you can go back or not, whether you can repair your body, also has nothing to do with me. Dead fox, stop talking nonsense, chop off your tail Come down as compensation."

"Little girl, what do you want?" The feeling of being held by someone's tail is terrible, but when there is light in nature, you can't use your power, and being held by someone is like meat on a human chopping board. slaughtered portion.

"It's very simple, kill to pay for life, pay for debts, you ate my treasure, you have to compensate! You have no treasure to mortgage, so chop a tail as compensation."

"Little girl, the golden nanmu coffin will be your compensation."

"It's not uncommon, I'll send you and your coffin back to the Jiuqu veranda array, and let you stay in the dark underground palace until the end of the day."

"Little girl, don't be so unkind, Benhu's ice coffin is mortgaged to you."

"It's not uncommon, although the ten thousand year ice chalcedony is precious, one cannot eat it, two cannot be used as a medicinal material, and three cannot be used to treat people. It is a burden. If you mortgage it to me, you still have to live in my space, and the coffin is still yours. Yes, I didn't get anything at all. I'm stupid to agree to such a brainless transaction. Don't move, chop a tail and give it to me, clear the debt and money, and the well water will not make the river water in the future. "

"You don't want an ice coffin, what do you want?"

"I want your tail."

"Little girl, speak human words."

"I'm talking human words, talking to a dead fox."

"Little girl, what are you thinking?"

"Chop your tail."

"Little girl, if you don't tell the real reason, this fox is going to sleep."

"It's more convenient to slaughter and bleed, and peel off the skin to make a scarf."

"If you don't say it again, Benhu uses mind reading to read your true thoughts."

"What's the matter, so you are pretending. You can use magic to show that you are all right. You are also pretending to be sleeping, poisoning, pretending to be a weak, deceitful dead fox, and chopping off a tail to compensate for my mental damage."

The fox glared at the golden pupil, and stared hard at the little human girl, the stinky girl. She didn't eat oil or salt when it was soft or hard, how could she be so ignorant?
The little girl's knife was pressed hard on her tail, and the fox lost her move, rolled her eyes, and lowered her head softly to pretend to be dazed.

"Playing dead again? Burning blunt meat."

The little fox pretended to be dead, and Le Yun carried its tail, connected the power supply, put a pot to boil water, then took a bowl, pressed the little fox on the stage, and prepared to stab him with a knife.

"Little girl, this fox will eat a few pieces of copper, iron, stone and porcelain from you. Do you need to kill it like this?" The fox couldn't hold on, opened his eyes faintly, and looked at the little human girl sadly, this little girl must be It was made of iron and stone. He was so cute in his original shape that even the little girl could handle it.

"It's just and righteousness to pay your debts. You can't afford to pay for my ancient knowledge. Chop your tail and let blood. This is the right way to pay your debts."

"Benhu said that the golden silk nanmu coffin will be given to you, and the ice coffin will be given to you."

"Okay, I reluctantly agree that you use the coffin to pay off the debt, you can get out." Le Yun dropped the knife, opened the door to the balcony, and threw the little fox out: "Where are you going? No delivery!"

The little fox was thrown to the balcony like garbage, rolled over in the air, and wanted to bounce back. However, the door slammed shut, and it almost hit the door panel.

The fox sank to the ground, squatted on the ground, stared at the door, his two golden eyes were full of confusion, he just ate a few objects that contained gold, fire, and earth attributes, and the little girl turned over. face?

After thinking for a while, he stretched out his paws and knocked on the door, knocked three times, but no one answered, knocked again, no one answered, knocked again after a while, no one answered, knocked again...

The owner ignored it, and it knocked on the door reluctantly, knocking again and again, hundreds of times, but the little girl did not appear, and the little fox lay silently on the balcony.

Le Yun threw the little fox on the balcony, closed the door, and threw some medicinal herbs into the electric casserole to boil it. She returned to the living room and picked up the little ash sitting on top of the big-eared rabbit's head, put it on her shoulders and went back to the space to pick. tea.

After picking tea leaves, picking bananas, dragon fruits, etc., and digging lotus roots to collect crops in the medicinal fields, after finishing the work, I will lay the ground for ginger, finish the farm work, wash my hands, and happily eat watermelon and fruit with Xiao Huihui.

At noon, I ate space products for lunch, and then walked around my own site a few times, cut off a piece of ancient fern leaf, chopped it, and brought Xiao Huihui back to the dormitory. Shao Kei sent to the balcony to dry in the shade.

Opening the door to the balcony, and seeing the little fox curled up on the ground, Le Yun pretended not to see it and went around to dry the herbs.

The little girl took a long time to open the door, and ignored herself, and the little fox was not arrogant. She got up and slid back to the human residence, passed the kitchen, and jumped a few times to the place where the little monkey was staying. Lying on the table, gentle and well-behaved.

Little ink monkey: "..." Why doesn't the red-haired fox jump around?

The little monkey didn't quite understand why the red-haired fox didn't make a fuss, and looked at the red-haired fox for a long time. When the master came back and sat down to read a book, it dexterously climbed onto the master's shoulder and sat.

After taking the medicine and returning to the living room, Le Yun, when she didn't see the little fox, the dead fox, because she was a fox fairy, wanted to do things in her space.

(End of this chapter)

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