magic eye doctor

Chapter 3130

Chapter 3130
Le Yun had something to talk about with the handsome guys and the beasts. Yan handsome guy hadn't woken up before, so naturally he didn't mention it. Now that the food has been distributed and everyone is here, it's time to talk about business.

What she wanted to say was not serious matters. She mainly wanted to ask the handsome guy and the beasts after the New Year's Eve dinner whether they should play in the governor's mansion or leave Ningcheng first.

Mr. Xuan raised his hand and spoke: "Little Loli, can we go to your spiritual planting space?"

He hadn't seen the Lingzhi dolls for decades and missed the little creatures. He wanted to play with the cute little creatures.

Yan Xing also agreed that he, Mr. Xuan and his party traveled south first to buy rice and grain. Now that they finally met, they didn't want to be separated again.

The beasts also responded in groups, they also missed the cute Lingzhi doll.

"Okay, after the banquet is over, I will send you to the spiritual plant space to stay with the little creatures." Le Yun has no objection. Anyway, the coniferous spiritual plant space is wide enough for them to wander around for a few days.

The other partners had no objections, and Calabash Baby looked at the little fairy eagerly: "Little fairy, can I go find the Lingzhi dolls now and have New Year's Eve dinner with the Lingzhi dolls in the evening?"

"Little fairy, I don't want to go out and scare people."

"Little fairy, we also want to have New Year's Eve dinner with the Lingzhi dolls."

The beasts responded to Calabash's suggestion one after another, and the three Mahayana beasts responded the most enthusiastically. They did not want to change into human form, and going out to eat in beast form might scare the mortals in the human race.

"Don't you want to sit down with the people from the Sheriff's Mansion?"

"Yes, we eat too much because we are afraid of scaring the human race."

"Okay, I'll ask the county governor to send you a table of food, and you and the little creatures will have New Year's Eve dinner in the spirit plant space." The little beasts were unwilling to show their faces, and Le Yun naturally complied with their wishes.

"Little beauty, I also want to be with my little friends." Mr. Xuan was thinking about a group of spiritual plant dolls, and even Ningcheng's New Year's Eve dinner couldn't arouse his enthusiasm.

"You are the alchemist, you can't hide." The beasts could just stay silent, but if Mr. Xuan, a "master of alchemy", didn't show up, maybe everyone in the county governor's house would think that they had done something bad, which would offend the alchemist.

Mr. Xuan lowered his head in frustration: "It's obviously a counterfeit product."

"I'm not an alchemy master. Can I not show up as a nobody?" Yan Xing's eyes were burning. He was not an alchemy master. It shouldn't matter if he disappeared, right?

"You are a weapon refiner, you can't hide. Don't even think about hiding. The Sheriff's Mansion invites you to eat, not to drink poison."

Le Yun gave two handsome pots and one dead fish eye. These two were still thinking about Ningcheng's special flavor before, but they regretted it so quickly. There is reason to suspect that they had bad intentions and wanted to abduct her Lingzhi doll while she was not in the Lingzhi space. .

The two young men: "..."

The two brothers accepted their fate, and the beasts were happy.

Le Yun didn't hesitate, walked out of the spirit boat, floated to the front of the West Wing Hall, called a yamen servant, handed him a storage bag, and asked him to go find the cook and tell him that the spirit beasts of her and her friends were afraid of scaring the county guard. The family members of the government officials did not sit at the table in the evening, so they asked the chief officials to pick a table of dishes and put them in storage bags and bring them to her.

The yamen officer took the order and hurried to the kitchen in the first courtyard on the west side with his storage bag to find the stewards.

The yamen servant did not report to the county prince because the county prince saw the fairy and returned to the West Wing Hall to explain the matter to the principals in charge of the seats. He immediately summoned the chief minister, the garrison, the city lords of each city, the district chiefs of Ningcheng, and the chiefs of the four prefectures. The heads of the Shang family went to the third hall to discuss matters.

Junjun Shang summoned the city lords of the cities under the jurisdiction of the county, and the district chiefs, guards, and chiefs of Ningcheng to discuss matters in the main hall of the third entrance hall, and told the story of the fairy who had exchanged top-grade and heaven-grade magic weapons for Ningcheng from her friends.

He did not reveal his wealth. He only said that he had thousands of high-grade magic weapons, more than a hundred heaven-grade magic weapons and tens of thousands of medium-grade magic weapons. He did not tell the truth to prevent the news from leaking and attracting prying eyes from others.

Even so, the city lords, governors, district governors, Shang family heads, and others were also shocked. What is the concept of thousands of high-grade magic weapons? !

It was said that the Xinyu clan's ores were not enough to exchange for all the magic weapons, and the county governor's office needed to supplement the food supply. If the food was insufficient, some magic weapons that were not commonly used could be returned. Everyone was unanimously opposed to withdrawing the magic weapons.

Magic weapons are not so easy to make, otherwise there would be very few Mahayana magic weapons with heavenly quality.

Everyone agreed to keep all the magic weapons and asked the county prince how much food he would need to supplement.

Lord Shang reported the number: "The fairy said that we need to replenish 520 kilograms of grain. This number should refer to the weight of grain or wheat."

The price of grains such as broomcorn millet and millet is lower than that of cereals or wheat. When talking about grains, cereals or wheat, which are the staple grains, are naturally used as the standard.

After reporting the figures, Lord Shang continued his conversation: "The governor's office has stored grain reserves for four years, about 500 billion catties, and has also prepared tens of billions of catties of tribute grain that should be turned over to the national treasury in the past ten years.

After this incident, it will take at least three to five years for the monarch's envoys to come back to collect tribute grains and taxes. The fairy also predicted that there will be no war in Ning County for a hundred years. The county governor's mansion left military rations for the army, and it is estimated that 550 billion kilograms of grains can be produced. , and the rest needs to be pieced together by each district and city.

If I really can't get it together, I plan to borrow some food from the monk family, borrow the food in exchange for magical weapons, and then pay it back slowly in the future. "

"Junjun, let's think of a solution ourselves. Don't borrow food yet." The opinions of the city lords and district officials were surprisingly unanimous.

"Shanshui City has tens of billions of kilograms of grain reserves. Now, next year's summer grain harvest is only about half a year away. We only need to keep part of it as military rations, and we can produce 90 billion kilograms of grain."

"The Shang family also has a stockpile of about 300 billion grains. The Shang family has prepared 290 million jins as gifts for the court, and reserved [-] million jins for emergencies. There are also [-] billion jins of usable grains."

The Shang family has been the ruler of Ning County for generations, and is also the city lord of Shanshui City. The monks and business owners who serve as city lords were the first to express their stance.

"Our city also has grain reserves, with an output of 80 billion catties."

"Our city also produces 80 billion catties of grain..."

The city lords and districts of each city are actively collecting food. The fairy actually said that there will be no war in Ning County for a hundred years, and the food stored in each city can be used for emergencies.

Shang Junjun personally took the Four Treasures of the Study and registered them. After each city and district reported the numbers, the statistics showed that the total amount of grain had far exceeded the figure of 500 billion.

The Lord Shang, the guards, and the bosses first took out the grain stored in the governor's mansion, and then divided the rest evenly. The big cities that were rich in staple grains would get more grain, and the medium and small cities would bear less grain.

After dividing the grain, the city that produced the most grain only had to contribute 70 billion kilograms, the smallest city provided 20 billion kilograms of grain, and the Shang family was responsible for 200 billion kilograms of grain.

Shang Junjun personally promised: "Each city has brought out food, and this county will keep it in mind. When the matter is settled, each city will take back a top-grade magic weapon and a storage container."

The city lords of each city were overjoyed. If there is a high-grade magic weapon that can be used as a treasure to protect the city, the city lord's mansion will be more confident, which is a good thing.

Now that the food has been secured, let’s plan when to pick it up. The food in various districts in Ningcheng is easy to find and can be picked up at any time. Most cities are far away, and high-level monks will need to carry the city lords back and forth.

The task of going to various cities to collect food naturally fell on the monks of the Shang family. They were assigned according to the distance, and the Mahayana monks went to the farthest city.

The tasks were assigned and it was agreed to set off after the morning meal on the first day of the new year.

After the business was settled, the Shang Mahayana disciples withdrew the defensive barrier and everyone dispersed.And when everyone finished their discussion and walked out of the main hall, they saw that the person in charge of the seats had arranged tables and chairs in the courtyard of the third hall, and hurried to the main hall.

When the city lords and others arrived at the main hall, they first went to the east side hall. Shang Junjun returned to the west side hall. As soon as he entered the hall, he received an official report that the fairy asked the principals to send a table of wine and food to the fairy and the spirit beasts of his friends. The kitchen manager The heads of the monk family are waiting for the commander's orders.

Shang Junjun personally went to the kitchen in the west courtyard, and together with the heads of the monk family who were in charge of the kitchen, he took two tables of spiritual meals and two tables of ordinary meals and put them in storage bags, and also put ten buckets of rice and Thousands of jade millet cakes.

Lord Shang brought the storage bag to the spirit boat on the west side of the main hall. Before anyone could say anything, the spirit boat's defensive formation was dismantled.

Master Xuan left the Ruyi House and asked Lord Shang to board the spirit boat and greet people into the Ruyi House.

Lord Shang entered the Ruyi House, said hello to the fairy, and gave the storage bag: "These are the meals prepared by the kitchen. They are all the taste of this county. Please taste them to the true kings of the beast tribe."

The beasts' eyes were bright. Le Yun took the storage bag and asked Lord Shang to sit down.

Lord Shang thanked the fairy, the alchemist, and the weapon refiner for their kindness, but did not sit down: "There is a sacrificial ceremony before the start of the New Year's banquet. Shang Jun has to prepare for the sacrifice."

Le Yun did not hesitate and added: "The rituals of worshiping the gods of heaven and earth and the sacred tree during the New Year are all auspicious rituals, and can be carried out in the main hall courtyard."

"Thank you, Fairy, for your advice." Lord Shang was overjoyed. He bowed and exited the spirit boat. He first sent a message to the chef and others that the sacrificial ceremony would be held in the main hall courtyard, and then sent a message to the guard chief Bo and others to bathe and change clothes. He also went back to Dong'er Hall to make preparations.

After watching the county guard leave, Master Xuan activated the defensive barrier again.

Le Yun summoned the spirit boat hidden in the flower garden on the east side of the hall, placed it in Master Xuan's spirit boat, and then sent the beasts into the conifer spiritual plant space.

She held Mr. Yan in one hand and Young Master Xuan in the other, and then entered the spiritual plant space.

A group of little creatures also knew that it was the New Year's Day, so they tidied up the Ruyi House where they lived in the morning, and all stayed nearby to play. When they saw a group of big monsters coming, they ran over to say hello to the big monsters.

The four humanoid beasts caught the jade doll and the spiritual children and gave them a beating. Just as they were about to tell the little creatures that they had brought a rhinoceros monkey, the little fairy and the two brothers also arrived.

The little doll abandoned the four big monsters and all rushed towards the little fairy. The ones holding their legs and the ones holding their arms hung on the little fairy as pendants.

Humanoid beast: "..." It's so sad.

Mr. Xuan took the opportunity to play with the Lingzhi doll.

Young Master Yan also took advantage of the situation and secretly touched Lingzhi's baby's head.

A few little creatures had no time to care about others and clung to the little fairy without letting go of their claws.

Leyun took the pendant and entered the Ruyi House with the two handsome guys and several beasts.

Several little creatures immediately jumped up and occupied three chairs. Mr. Xuan, because he was the smartest, occupied the first seat on the right hand of the little Lolita.

Young Master Yan, who was pushed aside again, was so depressed that his fists became hard.

The little creatures and beasts were all sitting in a row. Le Yun gave the bag containing the food spirit to Calabash Baby and told them to eat the New Year's Eve dinner whenever they wanted.

Calabash Baby also took out the rhinoceros monkey.

"Wow, he is shorter than us!" The Lingzhi Dolls suddenly became happy when they saw the little monkey that was half a foot tall.

The little dwarf rhinoceros monkey, with its big smart eyes, looked at several little creatures curiously. When he was told that they were short, he drooped his head and said: "We rhinoceros monkeys are the smallest among the monkey tribe, and our bodies are naturally so big! "

"It's nothing. It will be big after you cultivate to the point where the Nascent Soul transforms into a human form."

Several little creatures comforted the little monkey.

The rhinoceros monkey became even more sad: "I am already a Nascent Soul."

"..." The little creatures were speechless and heartbroken, old man!

Mr. Xuan smiled happily, wow, a group of little ones gathered together, so cute!

Little creatures have their own way of getting along with each other, so Le Yun ignored them and took Handsome Yan and Young Master Xuan away with her.

Being dragged by the little Lolita to leave, Mr.

The little creatures collectively waved their little hands: "Don't love me, loving me has no results!"

"..." Mr. Xuan's heart was filled with coldness and coldness. Who taught these words to little creatures?Stand up and he promises to put a sack on him tonight!

Yan Xing suddenly felt refreshed. He was destined to be disliked by the little creatures, and Young Master Xuan was also disliked. It was fair!

Mr. Xuan kept fussing like a naughty child, so Le Yun ignored him, left the spirit plant space with the two handsome boys, and returned to the spirit boat.

Mr. Xuan, who was forcibly taken away, sat down on the deck and looked at the sky with 45 cents sadly: "It's pitiful for my sincerity. I paid it by mistake like this."

Yan Xing flicked his sleeves: "Master Xuan, when we see Lingzhi Doll again after the New Year's Eve dinner, do you want me to tell them that you no longer like Lingzhi Doll?"

Mr. Xuan got up quickly, straightened his clothes, and sternly defended himself: "You're talking nonsense, I didn't! You don't want Lingzhi Doll to like you, so you can't frame me. My dream at this stage is to have a cute Lingzhi Doll." Plant a doll!”

Young Master Xuan struck a backhand, which made a small hole in Young Master Yan's heart. He curled his lips and sat down at the round table at the bow of the ship, no longer arguing with Young Master Xuan.

Mr. Xuan also ran over and sat down, put his chin on the table, and said aggrievedly: "Little beauty, when can I have a spiritual plant doll?"

"Sincerity leads to success." Le Yun encouraged Mr. Xuan to stick to his dream.

"Yeah, yeah, I miss Lingzhi Doll several times every day. One day I meet Lingzhi Doll, he will definitely be able to sense my earnest call." Mr. Li said that sincerity leads to spiritual success, which means that he has a chance to get the spiritual plant doll!

Young Master Xuan regained his energy, and Le Yun stretched out her two slender hands and pinched her fingers to calculate the number of heavenly evolutions.

The little Loli pinched her left and right hands for a while, her expression showing no joy. Master Xuan couldn't hold back his words and asked: "Little beauty, are you calculating the most auspicious day for our departure?"

"No." Le Yun shook her head and denied: "When I was in Zhuzhou, I figured that there would be a small opportunity for me in Ningcheng, so I made an appointment to meet in Ningcheng.

But when I arrived in Ningcheng, I found that the opportunity was gone, and the calculated results were also empty. "

(End of this chapter)

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