magic eye doctor

Chapter 3142

Chapter 3142
The true monarchs of the Han family, Fu Zheng and others bowed to send the fairy away. After a while, they straightened up and raised their heads. The sky was deserted, and there was no longer the brown-gold spiritual boat of the guardian of the sacred tree.

The group stood silently for a while before driving the aircraft on their way.

The aircraft traveled quite fast, and arrived at the south gate of Ningcheng in less than a cup of tea. Han and others put away the aircraft and lined up to enter the city.

After entering the city, Han's Mahayana quickly flew through the middle city and the inner city gate in the aircraft again. He arrived at the Ningcheng County Sheriff's Mansion at almost noon and handed over the name card.

It was the Lantern Festival that day. Lord Shang and the officials who were preparing to officially start work tomorrow held a blessing and sacrificial ceremony in the morning. They were busy preparing for the evening sacrificial ceremony in the morning and took a break at noon.

After less than an incense break, Shang Junjun and others were shocked when they heard that someone from Jingjun County was visiting. Jingjun County, a prefecture adjacent to Ningjun County, was more than 2 million miles away from Ningcheng.

The distance between a certain mansion in Jing County and Ningcheng is further than the distance between An County and Ningcheng.

Anjun Junzheng arrived at Ningcheng very quickly because he took a smooth sailing boat. Even if Jingjunjun received the news on the day the fairy arrived in Ningcheng, the envoys set off immediately, and it would take several years at least to reach Ningcheng. .

However, the envoys from Jingjun arrived in Ningcheng in just a few months. There is only one possibility. They may have met some monks with spiritual boats passing by Jingjun or Ningjun, and they took a ride on the smooth sailing boat.

Lord Shang, who was shocked, brought several family monks and officials to greet him.

The Yamen servant led the Jingjun envoy into the Sheriff's Mansion, and the Han family met the hosts who came to greet them in front of the Yimen of the Sheriff's Mansion.

After bowing to each other, Shang Junjun was surprised to find that although the envoys from Jingjun were also feeling tired, they were in particularly good spirits. He accompanied the guests into the Yimen and went to the West Wing Hall for a meeting.

He also explained the reason why he could not entertain guests in the main hall, and asked those from Jingjun County to forgive him.

The main hall of the Ning County Sheriff's Mansion was not allowed to entertain guests for the time being because of the fairy's order. Naturally, the messengers from Jing County and the monks from the Han family would not think that Lord Shang was being neglected when he received them in the West Wing Hall.

The guest of honor entered the side hall, and the officials served tea.

After tasting the tea, Lord Shang was concerned about whether the envoy from Jingjun had a smooth journey. He also said that the fairy had given Jingjun a gift, which he helped to keep for him. They also speculated how many years it would take for the envoy from Jingjun to arrive in Ningcheng.

The envoy from Jingjun did not shy away from the true county of the Han family. In Ningjun, they were lucky enough to meet the southbound fairy Fahe. The fairy was grateful for Jingjun's sincerity, so she told Lord Shang and others about their arrival in Ningcheng. people.

Lord Shangjun and his officials heard that the envoy from Jingjun met the fairy and that the fairy sent them outside Ningcheng. They envied their luck, but were disappointed that the fairy arrived near Ningcheng instead of entering Ningcheng.

The envoys from Jingjun were in good spirits, and Junjun Shang decisively handed over the small spirit boat that the fairy gave to Jingjun to the envoys for their own safekeeping, and sent them to the fifth level hall for placement.

The Fu Zheng and the Han monks who represented the county were all shocked when they found out what gift the fairy had left in Ningcheng. They were sent to the side room of the west side hall of the apse to settle down, still in a trance.

Lord Gengjun and the envoy from Pingjun knew that the envoy from Jingjun had arrived, so they visited the envoy from Jingjun in the afternoon and had a pleasant conversation.

Lord Shangjun and the officials held a sacrificial ceremony in the evening. In the evening, they held a banquet for the envoys from Pingjun and Jingjun, and also invited the heads of the cultivating families from Ningjun.

The envoys from the three counties also decided to rest in Ningcheng for a while.

After the Lantern Festival, on the [-]th day of the Lunar New Year, the county governor's office held a seal opening ceremony. From that day on, the county governor's office and the officials were busy handling various official duties.

Shang Junjun first finished some of the backlog of official matters, and then found time to hold talks with the envoys from Ping, An and Jing counties.

This high-level meeting among the four counties was the first in tens of thousands of years.

The conversation between the four counties went very smoothly and they reached an agreement to watch each other.

Junjun Jun and the envoys from Pingjun and Jingjun also communicated with the Ningcheng monk family several times. They stayed in Ningcheng until the first month of the first month. They bid farewell to Junjun Shang on the first day of February and returned home.

Lord Shang, all the officials, and the representatives of the monk family in Ningcheng sent the envoys from the three counties out of the city. Before leaving, they handed over the spirit-detecting boat presented by the fairy and the practice skills handwritten by Shang to Lord Jun, Ping, and The messenger from Jingjun.

Lord Geng and the monks were shocked to learn that the fairy had left behind a cultivation method. They accepted the gift from the fairy and the cultivation method. They also promised that they would not keep it secret and would regularly help the children of the common people in the county. Test spiritual roots and teach cultivation techniques to benefit the people.

After seeing off the envoys from the three counties, Shang Junjun and everyone in the county governor's office, another small banquet was held at the county governor's office that night, and there was an internal dinner.

On the second day, Lord Shang asked his youngest daughter to invite Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen to the governor's mansion in a private name. He then transferred to them the storage device that the fairy had given to the two Nascent Soul Lords.

When Luo Shuyin and Yu Zhen received the storage device as a reward from the fairy, they felt as if they were in a dream. They couldn't react for a long time and returned home in a daze.

The head of the Luo family and the head of the Yu family almost thought that the junior had lost his soul, so they had to wait patiently for a few days until the two juniors returned to normal before calling in for questioning.

The two family heads knew that their children had received the storage device as a gift from the fairy, so they decisively chose to keep it a secret and hid the good news, not only from the outside world, but also from the family monks.

Shangjun also handed over the storage device to the two Nascent Soul monks, completed the fairy's entrustment, and finally felt relieved, and turned to the spring plowing work for a year.

When Ning County started spring plowing again, Le Xiao's classmate had already flown over the southernmost border of Xin He Kingdom and entered the border of another empire.

As we all know, the vertical and horizontal width of [-] billion miles is only the minimum basic condition for a continent. The area of ​​many continents actually far exceeds the standard of [-] billion miles.

Binzhou is also a continent that exceeds the standard. Its widest point from north to south is nearly 2000 billion miles, which is close to the area of ​​two continents.The southernmost part of Binzhou is adjacent to the Great Wilderness. During the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, most areas around the Great Wilderness experienced earthquakes, which lasted intermittently for tens of millions of miles before stabilizing.

Even though more than a billion years have passed since the Heavenly Fire Tribulation, the area of ​​Binzhou close to the northern border of the Great Wilderness is still unstable. Many peaks increase by half a foot every thousand years, and the earthquake phenomenon deep underground never stops.

Therefore, the large area connecting Binzhou and Dahuang is an unstable area and is uninhabited by humans.

In total, the uninhabited area spans nearly the area of ​​a continent. Therefore, although Binzhou is wide, the human settlements only occupy half of the continent.

The Xinhe Empire is just one of the countries in Binzhou. From Ning County to the south, it is also the territory of the Xinhe Empire.

Le Yun flew through the air in a spirit boat, crossed several counties of Xin He Kingdom, and entered a neighboring country called the "Qianze Empire".

The Qianze Empire's Ze refers to water, and there are many rivers and lakes in the country. The north of the border with the Xinhe Empire is mountainous, and the terrain is flat to the south.

Classmate Le drove the spirit boat across half of the empire, entered the southern end of the central part of the Qianze Empire, and started the food purchase operation again.

Young Master Xuan and Yan were still practicing the bone-shrinking technique, the beasts were not good at arithmetic, and Le Yun herself was inconvenient to show up as her true self, and she didn't want to change her appearance again, so the puppet man took on the procurement task.

The nine Yinxing brothers took turns to work. They changed into a set of robes and tied a pair of robes that covered their eyebrows and forehead to cover the marks between their eyebrows. Every time they arrived in a big city, one of them would go to the city with one of the four humanoid beasts to buy grain. .

Little Loli stayed with the other beasts and the rest of the Silver Star brothers in the Ruyi House, which was placed on the shoulders of the puppets entering the city.

Puppet men and beasts entered the city specifically to sweep up food.

The beast is responsible for transferring the seller's food into his own storage container, while the little Loli stays in the Ruyi House to settle accounts secretly, and the puppet in charge of the money bag pays the spirit stones.

Humans, puppets, and beasts all work together seamlessly.

The little Loli was shopping for food on the way and didn't let the puppet go to the county magistrate's office to write a handwritten note.

Without the county magistrate's handwriting, you can only buy a maximum of 9000 million catties of grain in grain stores, and most large grain stores only sell [-] to [-] million catties of grain.

There are policies and measures to counter.

Regarding the policy of not being able to buy a large amount of food without the official handwriting of the county, Le Xiaoxiao had a solution. She asked the Yinyue brothers to go into the city once to sweep up food, then leave the city, and then send one or two brothers Sihuo and Yinyue into the city respectively. A sweep.

If the Yinxing brothers leave the city gate from the north city, the Sihuo brothers or the Yinyue brothers enter the city from the west or east city instead, which increases the time and food purchasing area between them and the previous group of grain buyers, so as not to cause trouble in the grain store. suspicion.

The Qianze Empire has many rivers and lakes, the terrain is flat, and the land is fertile. It is also rich in grain, and its southern part is a rice-producing area.

The little loli is not only greedy for food, but also for another thing - grass fish and crickets.

Crab, also called Crab, is a type of crab. The difference between Crab and crab is the size. Crab is smaller.

The central and southern parts of the Qianze Empire are rich in crabs and flower fish.

Most of the flower fish in Qianze Empire are wild fish. They spawn in rivers and lakes every year. The fry follow the water flow and enter the rice fields. They grew up in the rice fields. People in Qianze Kingdom call them "rice field fish".

The same is true for crabs.

The crabs on the earth bead are small, with their back shells usually as big as a human finger. The crabs in Yunlan are as big as the "hairy crabs" called "hairy crabs" on the earth.

Le Xiaoxiao students purchased grain all the way, and entered the southern grain area of ​​Qianze Empire before the autumn harvest, and started a plan to purchase large quantities of rice field fish and crabs.

In order to collect grass fish and crabs, one evening, she used her spiritual consciousness to open the Ruyi House of Xuan Shaoyan and called the two handsome men out for a meeting.

The two young men who were forcibly interrupted from studying the exercises walked out of the Ruyi House and met their friends.

With a slightly haggard face, Mr. Xuan sat down at the round table and asked helplessly: "Little beauty, what's the point of calling us out in such a hurry?"

Young Master Yan also lost weight due to his practice. He sat down quietly, grabbed a handful of melon seeds from Shui Dun's snack bag closest to him and ate them.

"The rice fields in this area produce natural croakers and crabs. I can't handle it all by myself. If you want the ingredients, please help buy them. If you don't like them, don't force it."

The little loli said casually, and Master Xuan's eyes were as bright as torches: "Buy, buy, buy! I must buy!"

"Do you want to act now?" Yan Xing's eyes also lighted up. Hey, you must buy ingredients that can make little loli covetous!

"The harvest season has arrived. In order to collect as much food as possible, we divided our troops into three groups." Le Yun took out a map and assigned tasks to the two handsome guys.

Xuan Shaoyan has no opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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