magic eye doctor

Chapter 3174 Pods

Those who are close to ink are dark, and those who are close to vermillion are red. The Calabash Baby and the little creatures and friends follow the little fairy and love chatting. It becomes a habit and it naturally does not feel that there is anything wrong with talking to the magic weapon.

The human cultivator who was guarding a magic weapon fifty feet away turned his face and looked at the beast cultivator with a green hair like a fool.

Is that humanoid beast itself stupid or does it think the immortal treasure is stupid?

If the fairy treasure can be confused by a few words, how can there be any magic weapon in this Sword Valley?

The human monks are waiting for the beast cultivators to be rejected by the immortal treasure.

The magic weapon half buried in the soil: "..."

What kind of bastard did he find?
When did the descendants of the Wood clan become such rogues?

Qi returns to Qi, and there must be a reaction.

The gray magic weapon moved on its own, arching outward little by little from the hard soil.

"Oh, you've reacted, okay, I'll wait for you." Calabash Boy saw the magic weapon moving on his own, and suddenly smiled. Oh, it's good to have a magic weapon with a spirit, just communicate directly!
No wonder the little fairy's mouth is a good thing, you must have it.

He is a beast with a mouth.

The gourd boy was in a good mood. He rested his chin on his hand and watched the clay stick-like magic weapon growing up one by one like bamboo shoots.

The human monks were not blind, and they saw the gray magic weapon automatically arching outwards, and were shocked. The fairy treasure... it, it, it actually compromised? !

Regardless of what level of magic weapon the fairy treasure is, just because it can understand the words of the beast cultivator, it means that it must have a weapon spirit.

Fairy treasures with weapon spirits are not the same as fairy treasures without weapon spirits.

An immortal treasure with a spirit actually accepted the "threat" from the beast cultivator. Is this an immortal treasure... is it stupid, or is the beast cultivator too powerful?

The human monk stared with a pair of eyes as big as a bull's eye, even reluctant to move his eyeballs, for fear that he would miss some scenes if he blinked.

A piece of magic weapon that looked like a stick of clay, I tried my best to grow and grow. After a while, it came out of the soil and was about three feet long.

It is said that pulling out a radish brings out the mud, but the magic weapon did not bring out the soil when it came out of the soil. Even when it first emerged from the soil, the hole where it lived quickly filled up.

The magic weapon appeared on its own. Calabash Baby stretched out his hand and poked the magic weapon again. Ba Ba said again: "Hey, everyone is out, don't be embarrassed, shake it quickly and shake off the dirt.

My little fairy is pretty, cute, and fragrant. She doesn’t like gray friends. You are my little friend, and we can see the fairy in a shining image.

My little fairy is broad-minded and kind-hearted. You have left a good impression on the little fairy. If there are any materials suitable for you in the future, the little fairy will not be stingy and will give you a copy. "

"..." The magic weapon spirit wanted to curse. Didn't he just sleep for hundreds of millions of years? Why did a little guy have so many things to do when he woke up?
The magic weapon shook with anger.

With that shake, the layer of dirt on the body cracked, crackled, and peeled off layer by layer.

But in the blink of an eye, all the hard dirt fell away, revealing the true form of the magic weapon. It was a pod, green in color, with a smooth surface and no hair. Judging from its appearance, it contained five seeds.

Shaking off the disguised pod-shaped magic weapon, his whole body was covered with a sheen like jasper.

"Hey, it turns out you look like this. You are so beautiful. The little fairy must like it too." The Calabash Baby was in a good mood and poked the pods happily.

The pods are real pods, the fruit of a certain plant in ancient times. Just like the natural magic weapon produced by the gourd vine, the pod is also a natural magic weapon.

After being poked and poked several times by a restless paw, Podpod became unhappy and scratched a certain wood demon's paw with the tip of the pod to confirm its identity first.

The magic weapon voluntarily formed a contract with the wood demon. The contract was quite simple and was completed in the blink of an eye.

The pod disappeared from the spot and appeared in the contractor's sea of ​​consciousness in a blink of an eye, lying down happily.

"?" Calabash Boy's face was shocked. Doudou completed the contract without even saying hello, and went to occupy the territory in his consciousness sea. Isn't this a bit unethical?

Forget it.

For the sake of an equal contract, he didn't count so much.

As a little fairy beast, Calabash Baby is also very magnanimous. He calmed down the expression on his face, stood up, patted his robe, put his hands behind his back, and walked down the mountain slowly.

The human monks who were watching the whole process looked at the beast cultivators who were calmly descending the mountain. They turned their faces and looked at the sword-shaped magic weapon in front of them that was also obscured and could not see its true nature. Their expressions were extremely complicated.

After all, he did not dare to learn the way of animal cultivators to "communicate" with the magic weapon, and continued to guard the magic weapon silently and accept the test of the magic weapon.

With one step up the mountain, it was much easier to go down the mountain. It only took a stick of incense to reach the halfway point of the mountain. He then circled around the mountain and observed whether there was Brother Yan or Brother Xuan on the surrounding magic treasure mountains. Son.

After circling around the mountain but not finding Brother Yan and Brother Xuan, he went straight down the mountain and went to the foot of other Magic Treasure Mountains to scout to see where the two brothers were.

He found Brother Yan first. There was a mountain between the Magic Treasure Mountain that Brother Yan climbed and the Magic Treasure Mountain he went to. Brother Yan was still working hard to climb the mountain.

After a visual inspection of the distance, Brother Yan hadn't climbed halfway up the mountain yet.

Knowing which magic weapon mountain Brother Yan was in, Calabash Boy walked away in a hurry and continued to walk around the mountain. When he found the fourth magic weapon mountain, he also found Brother Xuan.

Brother Xuan has climbed to the halfway point of Magic Treasure Mountain, but he doesn't know that the magic weapon that has telepathy with him is tens of thousands of feet high.If the magic weapon the two brothers are looking for is also [-] to [-] feet high, then they will still have to waste time.

After finding the specific location of the two brothers, Calabash Boy clasped his hands behind his back and walked leisurely between the magic weapons, calmly passing through the magic weapon array.

Entering the valley outside the magic weapon array, the power and pressure of the magic weapon above his head was reduced by half.

The valley, which is only a hundred feet away from the magic array, is covered with magical grass.

Due to the close proximity to the magic weapon array, the fairy grass spiritual plants in the valley have endured the power and pressure of the magic weapon all year round. They have also absorbed the sharp golden energy, and their attributes are more focused on the metal system.

Also because the spiritual plants were too close to the magic weapon array and the majesty of the magic weapon was too strong, it suppressed the breath of the fairy grass, causing the fairy grass spiritual plants in the valley to become extremely common.

The creatures of all races who entered the Sword Valley were looking for treasures. No one paid much attention to the fairy grass spiritual plants in the valley, let alone harvested them. Therefore, the longevity of the spiritual grass plants was extremely long.

Calabash Boy, who was born with a delicate heart, discovered the secret of the fairy grass plant. He has been thinking about it for a long time, and he is waiting to dig up the fairy grass after finding the fairy treasure.

There are spiritual herbs all over the ground, but the little fairy said that the rules must not be broken.

Calabash Baby kept the little fairy's words in mind, implemented the principle of picking five times out of ten, and swept away the spiritual grass quickly.

It has been less than five years since the secret realm was opened. Most of the creatures of all races who entered the secret realm were busy doing tasks, and there were fewer monks of all races who went to Sword Valley to hunt for treasures.

The creatures of all races in the Sword Valley were busy looking for magic weapons that were destined for them and had no time to care about others. A monk found a certain beast cultivator collecting spiritual herbs and looked down upon his stingy style.

After entering the Sword Valley, he did not wait respectfully for the favor of the immortal treasure. Instead, he was greedy for ordinary spiritual grass, and he was petty. At first glance, he came from a small world and had little knowledge.

Just with the perfunctory attitude of that beast cultivator, how could he win the favor of Xian Bao.

For the monks who have basically lost the chance of being selected by the Immortal Treasure, the monks of all races naturally don't even pay extra attention.

No one was competing with him for resources, so Calabash Boy was happy and happily dug for spiritual herbs.

The two brothers walked at dawn and rested at night, while Calabash Boy stayed up day and night. When early spring came, he also dug up all the green space in the valley, and then ran to see the two brothers.

He thought that after several months of hard work, the two brothers should have made a long way forward. In fact, the two brothers had not made much progress at all.

Looking at the brother who had only moved forward about three thousand feet, Calabash Boy was silent. At this speed, how long will it take for the brothers to reach their destination?

He stood at the foot of Magic Treasure Mountain and observed for a day and a night, and made a decision, not to wait for his brother any longer!

Calabash Baby left as soon as he said so and walked out of the Sword Valley.

After passing through the teleportation array and standing outside the teleportation area before entering the valley, Calabash Baby looked around and found that the safe area was strangely quiet. There was only a group of teams registering at the steward's side, and the rest of the area was empty.

He ignored others and ran into the golden lotus magic weapon left by the little fairy.

The magic weapon barrier is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop.

Not finding the little fairy, Calabash Boy guessed that the little fairy had run away to the safe zone and had not returned yet. He stayed in the magic weapon and quietly left when the registered team entered the Sword Valley.

He Fengfenghuoyan ran to the wilderness far away from the entrance of Sword Valley, sweeping away the spiritual grass at the speed of the wind and the remaining clouds.

The forces that set up a safe place expelled the monsters in the designated territory before setting up the formation. There were no monsters within the boundaries of the safe city in front of the entrance to Sword Valley.

All parties should have cleaned up in advance and dug out high-grade spiritual grass. The remaining spiritual grass is not of high grade.

There are no levels of spiritual grass, but there are abundant spiritual grasses that are superior to low-level ones.

The little fairy likes spiritual plants the most. The Calabash Baby does not mind that the spiritual grass is of low rank, and happily collects it, preparing to give the little fairy a surprise when she returns to work.

The sun and the moon fly by, spring passes and summer comes, and the hot summer is ushered in in a blink of an eye.

After months of arduous trekking, Mr. Xuan finally found the magic weapon calling him on the mountainside about [-] feet away from the foot of the mountain through telepathy.

What called him was a sword. There was no scabbard, and the blade was almost submerged in the soil. Only about an inch of the blade and hilt were left. The blade and hilt were stained with rust.

Following the guidance in the dark, Mr. Xuan found the magic weapon and looked at the rusty sword, silent.

The sword that summoned him was rusty, and the surrounding magic weapons were not new either. They were either covered with some rust or patina, or had verdigris, or were gray.

The magic treasures of the whole mountain are simple and unpretentious, full of vicissitudes of life.

The Sword Valley was filled with the pressure of powerful magic weapons, and all the magic weapons dimmed themselves, becoming ordinary and dull.

It obviously looks incredible, but also strangely harmonious.

After Xuan Shao calmed down, he sat down next to the magic weapon and meditated quietly for a day and a night, completely abandoning all distracting thoughts and relaxing his tense nerves.

When he was sure that he could accept the next round of tests, he stretched out his hands, grasped the hilt of the sword, and pulled out the sword with all his strength.

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