magic eye doctor

Chapter 318 The bad taste of the handsome guy

Chapter 318 The bad taste of the handsome guy
After Yan Xing sent Xiaoluoli to school, he returned to the station and could not retreat again. As the brigade commander, Major General Huang had to help, and declined the request of the old expert of the Military Medical General Hospital to borrow someone to chat.

There is a brigade commander as a shield, Yan Dashao is free, planning the training strategy of the whole brigade, leading the team off the field training, noon and evening, and accompany Chi Shishi in the infirmary to pass the boring time.

Of course, he didn't forget to occasionally study the whereabouts of Little Loli. He knew that Little Loli went to Professor Wan Cheng's house on Friday night, stayed there for one night, and didn't return to school until Saturday afternoon.

The saddest thing is Liu Shao. He thought that Xiao Xingxing should be able to return to Qingda this time, so let him rest. As a result, um, well, when he returned to school on Friday, Xiao Xingxing was still missing, so he could only be honest. be a good student.

The happiest one is Mrs. Wang, because Xiao Lele came to accompany her for her birthday, and she was always in a good mood. Even if she went back to school on Monday, she would still walk in the air.

The busiest person is the president of the beautiful young man. He is busy with his studies and the student union is also busy. Now the winter ski competition is about to start. New Year's Day party, the study department is busy with various academic competitions and so on.

The most leisurely is Le Xiaoxue. Every day in the dormitory, he reads books and reads books fast. Apart from reading books, he listens to English exercises and conversations. He never goes downstairs.

I stayed in the dormitory and ate books for two days. On Tuesday, Le Yun was carrying a large packed backpack and set off at five o'clock in the morning, catching the subway and going straight to Chaoyang, the nearest center of the capital, to find handsome Milo.

Winter in the capital is always linked to smog, the sky is gray, the north wind is cold, and the forecast is for snow again within a week.

The subway is so crowded every day, with people going up and down, bustling, and Le Yun went through twists and turns to arrive at the hotel where Miro stayed, before seven o'clock.

The handsome and handsome Milo, waiting outside the hotel, saw a little loli with a big bag almost as tall as her and a small backpack on her face. She smiled unkindly and bent her mouth. Xiao Lele wanted to learn from the ninja god. Turtle?

Unable to laugh, he ran to meet him, brought the big backpack over, and rubbed the little guy's hair: "Xiao Lele, why didn't you notify me in advance to pick you up from your school, you are a little kid who carry such a heavy bag, Tired, aren't you?"

"It's not heavy, I can carry it on my back. And Milo, don't touch my head all the time, you've ruined my hairstyle." Everyone likes to touch her head, but they don't like it when they're tired.

"Hahaha!" Xiaolele held her head depressed in protest, Milo laughed cheerfully, and helped her straighten her messy hair: "Okay, I'll help you straighten your hair, let's go in, Godfather and Oscar, etc. Let's have breakfast with Lele."

Le Yun, whose altitude is too low, touched her head and muttered, "Next time I touch my head, I won't talk to you anymore."

"Ouch, Xiao Lele won't talk to me, then I'll just talk to you." Milo couldn't help laughing.

Le Yun hummed twice to express her strong dissatisfaction. One and two thought she was a child. This altitude problem is indeed the number one problem in the world, and it can force people to run wild in minutes.

Little Loli pouted her childish temperament, Milo was very happy, and Little Lele's defense against him was weakening, indicating that she was gradually accepting him.

She really didn't take the initiative to speak. He smiled and took her into the hotel and took the elevator to the box for breakfast. Roberto and the old housekeeper Oscar Enzo were waiting for the little guests in the box.

When Oscar saw the little beauty from the East, he wanted to jump over for a warm French hug, but Milo rudely lifted him away by the collar, which made Roberto and Enzo lean back and forth with laughter.

Roberto and the others received a notification from the little beauty in the east at more than six o'clock that she would deliver medicine to the hotel to find them. The four of them, old and young, were busy for a long time. They cleaned up like a gentleman and chose a decent table for breakfast.

The little beauty from the East arrived, and passed the meal. For breakfast, one was clear porridge, the other was eight-treasure porridge, as well as snacks such as flower rolls, jujube mud cakes, and xiaolongbao, and four appetizers.

Before departure, Le Yun ate space products for breakfast, and then ate them again every two hours. Naturally, she could not eat much. She tried each sample to analyze the raw materials.

Roberto, Milo, and Oscar were very happy. They had an excellent appetite and ate very happily. The four of them swept the food almost, except for the porridge.

After breakfast back to the room, the hotel's personal butler will deliver fruit and some snacks to the suite.

After drinking tea and resting for a while, Le Yun carried her backpack, sat down cross-legged in a wide place, and pulled out the contents of the bag one by one. There were only two things: medicine and dumplings.

There are two large bags of medicine, which are divided into small packages according to the daily dose. One is an ordinary seal with a small amount of air inside, and the other bag is sealed with a medicinal vacuum packer to exhaust the air.

"These medicinal materials that have not been vacuum-packed have no moisture, so you don't need to put them in the refrigerator when you go back. The medicines packed in the vacuum packer can be stored in the refrigerator. A pack of half-dried products is a dose of medicine, how to boil the medicine, what to pay attention to, what to avoid during the boil, what not to eat when taking the medicine, I wrote the instruction sheet, so don’t be afraid of forgetting it.”

Because of the large quantity of medicines, Le Yun had to instruct them one by one: "The weights of these medicine packs are also different. I marked the order of numbers. When boiling medicines, they must be in order. The amount of medicines depends on the physical condition. , the amount is increased in the middle stage, and then slightly reduced in the later stage. Every time you drink the medicine for a week, you should stop drinking it for one to three days and then continue to drink it, so that various functions of the human body can self-regulate. If you drink continuously, your body will also have Fatigue, attraction ability will also decline accordingly, unable to digest medicine.

According to the effect of the medicine, after taking this pair of medicines, the old man is enough to control the diseased cells of the rectum and no longer become diseased, and it can be maintained for a year without relapse without external effects.Some of the cure medicines will not be harvested until next spring, and some will have to wait until summer and early autumn. It will probably not be ready until the Mid-Autumn Festival next year, and then they will be sent to Yi country by international mail. "

Roberto and Milo Oscar Enzo, the old butler nodded, and even opened it to see if there was anything they didn't understand, so as to ask the little beauty for advice. It is clear, and the amount of water is marked, so it is clear at a glance.

Moreover, the notes are in both Chinese and English. Even people who are not proficient in Chinese can understand them as long as they can understand English. In this way, when entering the security check, there is no need to find another translator, and the security staff can understand it.

The little beauty in the East is meticulous and impeccable in her work. They don't need to worry about any unclear details, and they will be at a loss when they come.

In addition to the medicinal materials, the dumplings that were eaten were medicinal meals, and it was also stated that they were divided into two portions, one for Roberto and one for Milo.

Oscar hugged the dumplings, and excitedly shouted what seasonings to go with.

After explaining how to keep the medicine and medicated pancakes, there is nothing to worry about. The old housekeeper wrapped the bag and put it in the locker, and then packed it into a suitcase when he packed up later.

Roberto and his party had lived in Huaxia long enough, and the temperature in the capital was too low. Le Yun suggested that he go back to China to take medicine. Roberto readily accepted the doctor's advice and decided to return to China tomorrow.

The old butler informed the hotel butler to help purchase the air tickets, and Roberto, Milo, and Oscar dragged the little girl to see their harvest these days - Gu understand.

The ancients they picked up were piled up in the guest rooms, each occupying a place, and each person had a small pile of pottery, jade, copper, etc., of all kinds, almost ready to go to a stall.

The three of them showed the harvest to the little Oriental beauty as if offering treasures, and said generously that she could choose whatever she likes.

The first child and the second child are very heroic, and Le Yun is silently messy, picking treasures from a pile of semi-scrap?This is a bit difficult.

Roberto and Milo's harvests are better, at least half of them are a bit spiritual, while Oscar's classmate is more miserable. He probably just likes something, so he can hardly look directly at it.

The kindness was difficult, but Le Xiaoxiao accepted the kindness with joy. First, he admired Roberto's harvest, picked out a few useful porcelain vases and a large porcelain bowl, and then admired Miro's collection. Take a few bottles and small clay pots. As for classmate Oscar, she doesn't like his hobbies, so she doesn't share his good things. The old housekeeper Enzo has very few collections, which must be left to the elderly to bring back to China as souvenirs.

After appreciating everyone's collections, Milo went shopping with the children. Oscar was left behind by Roberto and asked him to pack up.

Milo accompanies Xiao Lele out of the hotel, and then wanders the streets at will, Milo is handsome in a black trench coat, Le Xiao classmate is a wind-colored coat, one black and one red, red and black, extraordinarily bright, and extraordinarily harmonious .

Both of them are foodies, and they deliberately sneaked to the old street to find snacks. The old old street is full of people's snacks. The two tasted it along the street.

After a few laps, Le Yun kept an eye on Milo when he went to the commercial street and went shopping for snacks, lest an inattentive guy slip into the plush toy area to buy dolls.

However, it was hard to guard against a handsome guy. She was on guard, and he was misled by him and led him to the area where the dolls were sold. Seeing the handsome guy and wanting to tie into the pile of dolls, Le Yun grabbed the handsome guy's clothes: "Milo, let's go, don't go shopping, the air in the business is not good, it's boring."

"Okay, let's go right away, Xiao Lele, look, this big dog is very cute." Milo smiled and dragged the little loli who was pulling his sleeves into the plush toy area, grabbing a pug. Self-satisfied compliments.

"It's so cute, your mouth is full of wrinkles. Milo, you are a boy, why do you always like to run to the children's toy area." Le Yun was also drunk when she saw the handsome guy who couldn't even drag the toys.

"Toys are very cute, so, Xiao Lele, don't deprive me of the fun of buying toys, people just have such hobbies and happiness."

"..." Le Yun let go silently, yes, let him buy it if he likes it.

The little hand holding on to the sleeve loosened, Milo put on a handsome and handsome face, with a smile on his face, rushed into the pile of toys, glanced left and right, and chose the flannel doll with great interest.

He picked left and right, and brought back a cute yellow down duck, a chubby cartoon duckling with a wide and thick mouth, big fat feet, black and white eyes, about 40 centimeters tall, not too big Large, it won't get in the way when you hold it, and it's not a pendant. It's the most favored model.

When I meet a handsome guy who likes to buy stuffed toys, Le Yun is speechless and looks at the sky. Milo must have been a little princess who craved toys in his last life. In this life, he was born with the wrong gender, so he became a person who couldn't move his feet when he saw plush toys. boy.

She couldn't stop anyone, she silently watched the handsome and handsome guy rush into the plush toy area and happily choose dolls, and silently watched him holding the selected plush doll happily, carrying snacks to pay money.

The handsome foreigner holding a toy received admiration and praise from others.

After walking out of the mall, Milo stuffed the plush toy into Little Loli's arms, but Le Yun resolutely refused to hold it: "You bought it, you like it yourself, I won't hold the toy for you." He bought it himself, why? Want her to hold?

"Little Lele, I like the mood of buying toys, what I enjoy is the process of buying, the dolls are yours, Xiao Lele is a girl, every girl is a little princess, it's more cute to hold a flannel toy. "

Milo found an opportunity, quickly put the duckling into Little Loli's arms, quickly took out a bottle of coconut juice and opened the lid, and smiled gently: "Little Lele, drink some water."

"Hmph, even drinking water can't put out the fire." Le Yun pouted her cheeks and put her arms around the fluffy duck.

"Then drink another can." Milo's happy heart is about to float to the sky. Xiao Lele's death point is the height problem, and every poke is accurate, and what makes her expression ever-changing is the plush toy. I like to see her helpless expression when she wants to fry his hair while holding a toy.

Posing, Le Yun really had no choice but to curl the corners of her mouth to express her helplessness. Milo occasionally has the quality of a rogue. If he doesn't fight, he basically can only lose to him.

He drank a can of coconut milk, and took a few steps in his arms, holding the duckling, but he still felt unhappy, and said fiercely: "Miro, you like to enjoy buying toys, no one will stop you, if you buy for enjoyment If you stuff me with a toy, I'll be rude to fight with you."

"Well, good." Milo laughed until his stomach hurt, Xiao Lele is so cute!In order to prevent the little loli from thinking too much because of the flannel toy he was holding, he rambled about and took people to eat snacks. When he was happy, he forgot everything.

The two wandered around, found a small restaurant at noon to have a good meal, and went back to the hotel in the afternoon until half-afternoon. They walked and played, and returned to the hotel where handsome Milo stayed at about five o'clock.

At the request of the guests, the hotel steward has already purchased the air tickets to Yi capital on December 12th. Roberto specially instructed the hotel to prepare a sumptuous dinner for Milo's children because he will return to China tomorrow.

Le Xiaoxiao wanted to send Milo off the next day, but Milo and Roberto politely declined. If the little beauty took them to the airport, she would be alone when she returned, but they were not at ease. Besides, they would come back when they were free. Come back, no need to see you off.

Milo didn't want her to send it, and Le Yun didn't insist. Friends, you don't need to pay too much attention to superficial skills, don't add burden to each other, just be sincere to each other.

After the farewell feast, Roberto kept the children chatting for a while, and left each other with addresses and contact information. Milo called the children back to school.

When the taxi arrived at the east gate of Qingda University, Milo took the bag down to the children and reluctantly said goodbye: "Little Lele, don't scold me when you see the plush toys."

"Humph, I don't want to scold you and scold someone? You base your happiness on my pain for the sake of your interest. Every time I see a stuffed toy, I will think of your bad behavior, and it's weird that you don't want to fight with you."

"Well, then you can text or call when you want to fight with me."

"Don't do it. The overseas phone calls are too expensive. What's more important is that if you are dating a beautiful woman or doing something shy, if I make a phone call and destroy your good things, it will be bad."

"Pfft, Xiao Lele, you're thinking too much. If you don't call me, I'll call you when I get back to Florence." Mi Luojun blushed slightly, he didn't have a girlfriend, and he didn't like talking to the opposite sex. Playing ambiguous and exciting, he is innocent.

"Well, when you arrive, remember to report safety. It's okay not to call and send a message, Milo, I'm so sorry this time. You came all the way, and I didn't treat you and your relatives well."

"Xiao Lele's willingness to go shopping and play is the best hospitality. We don't need to be polite. Being polite is too unfamiliar, not like a friend."

"Well, I'm not polite to Milo. Next time you stuff me with a stuffed toy, I'll tear you apart in minutes and beat you so much that you won't even recognize your godfather."

"Okay, as long as Xiaolele can beat me. It's too cold, Xiaolele, go back, see you next time."

"Okay, Milo, see you next time, and wish you a happy journey."

"Little Lele, forgot to mention, you can break up with me in minutes, don't abuse the little duck, the big rabbit and the baby bear."

"Miro, we can't have fun anymore!"


Little Lolita waved her fist in the void, Milo was amused and laughed, watching Xiao Lele, who was carrying a large backpack and was barely propped up by a flannel toy, and also had a small backpack hanging into the school gate and turned back and waved his paws. , he also waved his hand, and when he saw her back disappearing, he turned back to the taxi and headed back to the hotel.

Two hours later, Milo returned to the hotel, and immediately started to pack up, pack the last items that had not been sorted out with the godfather and Oscar, and then went to sleep in peace.

On the second morning, a group of four had breakfast and played for a while, checked out in advance, had lunch in advance at 10:30, and took the car sent by the hotel to the airport at eleven o'clock.

The four of Roberto arrived at the airport an hour early, changed boarding passes, and checked their luggage. They had too much luggage. Because of the medicinal herbs and the gadgets they bought, it might be troublesome to go through the security check. , it is convenient to check in, so Roberto four people only carry light luggage of their belongings.

At 13:50 in the afternoon, the flight from the capital of China to Rome, the capital of Yi, took off.

When Milo was on the flight, Le Yun sat in her dormitory, one foot on the hooligan big-eared rabbit and the other on the little yellow duck, the boss hummed with dissatisfaction, Milo's guy is too bad, she doesn't abuse her The little toy he bought is weird!
(End of this chapter)

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