magic eye doctor

Chapter 3217 Do you think you are weak?

The method of catching insects by using oneself as bait is very useful and has been tried and tested repeatedly. After more than ten rounds, the locusts caught by Mr. Le Xiao filled several storage bags.

However, the first-order insect monsters are not very smart, but the insect leader is not stupid.

The insect leader discovered that the insect swarm could not trap a certain human race, and immediately changed his strategy. Instead of letting the insect swarm bite the human race's magic barrier, he directly attacked.

Because the other human monk was huddled in the shell of his magic weapon like a tortoise and could not come out, the insect leader also focused on the human monk jumping up and down to direct the insect swarm to fight.

After receiving the leader's order, the insect monsters formed a dense group and retreated, keeping a distance of about seven to eight feet from the human race's magic weapon light group, and surrounded a magic weapon light group in the middle.

The formation of locusts was as dense as a wall, surrounding the magic weapon light group airtightly.

The locusts above the magic weapon light group were like a giant cloud that cut off the rain line, so that no rain could be seen in the gap exposed after the locust swarm vacated the place.

The insect monsters forming a circle slashed at the human magic weapon barrier with their serrated front legs.

Tens of thousands of attacks landed on the magical defense barrier, emitting countless rays of light.

The magical barrier is unbreakable, but it consumes spiritual power as fast as the wind.

Sensing the speed of spiritual power consumption of the magic weapon array, Le Yun felt so distressed that her head was about to smoke. The smelly locusts not only surrounded her but also started to fight in groups. This was too much!

If the locusts don't enter the martial arts, you can't just sit back and let them attack.

Le Yun moved with the magic weapon, changed places several times, and reached the top of the locust wall. At the same time, she sacrificed four lotus-shaped magic weapons.

The four magic weapons include two black lotuses and two red lotuses.

Black and red lotus magic weapons flew in four directions, flying into the air like meteors, flying hundreds of miles in an instant, and then turned into giant lotuses and fell, each covering a territory more than a thousand miles wide.

The four giant lotuses are like four giant bowls tilted upside down on the ground, and they also look like four mountains growing out of the ground.

The heavy rain splashed on the surface of the magic weapon, making a gurgling sound.

The four magic weapons wiped out the densely packed locusts within a radius of several thousand miles, leaving only the remaining locust swarms on the periphery to escape.

The locust swarms that were not covered by the human magic weapon were not frightened by the fact that other insects were covered by the human magic weapon, and they surrounded the blazing light group.

The insect monsters were not afraid of death, so Le Yun ignored them and flew non-stop to the first magic weapon, recalled it, knocked away the intercepting insect monsters, and went to get the second one.

The insect leader who stayed in the air and commanded remotely saw that the human monks were once again out of the siege, and angrily summoned more bugs to surround the human monks.

Le Yun was protected by a magic weapon. She dashed away the locusts blocking the road, took back the four magic weapons, and then started guerrilla warfare, casting a net here and there, and then running away.

The human monks came and went freely among the Zerg army. The Zerg leader was so angry that he threw his arms around and ignored the other human monk hiding in the turtle shell. He led his bodyguards to chase and kill him personally.

Like a bolt of lightning, the insect leader passed through the dense rain lines and insect swarms, rushed to the human monk who was protecting himself with a magic weapon, opened his mouth and spat.

The saliva of the insect leader is thick yellow and smelly, like the sour smell of dead fish, shrimps, chickens, ducks and various animal offal mixed with the smell of underground stinking ditches.

As soon as the insect's saliva is exported, the stench spreads three hundred miles.

Le Yun had discovered the insect leader early and was on guard against its sneak attack. At this moment, it finally couldn't help but attack her, and rushed into the dense insect swarm with its magic weapon.

The human monk was as slippery as a loach and dodged in a flash. The insect leader moved his mouth and retracted his saliva, neighing a few times before looking for the human again.

The insects heard the order and flew downward one after another, landing against the rain.

Le Yun, who was running around in the insect swarm, found that the insect swarm was running downwards. She also ran downwards, and from time to time she carried out surprise attacks and cast a net.

Because he had to avoid the insect leader chasing after him, the area covered by the net when casting the net did not exceed a radius of 100 meters, and the number of insects caught in the net was also small.

While the humans were escaping, they did not forget to catch the Zerg. The Zerg leader was so angry that he flew into a rage and let out a sharp scream.

The screams spread far, and the locusts who heard the leader's order quickly landed. Only the personal guards of the leader gathered around the leader.

As the locusts all over the sky fell to the ground, there were only dense lines of rain in the sky within a radius of hundreds of thousands.

The locusts that landed on the ground immediately attacked whenever they saw the human magic weapon light group.

Without the cover of the flying insect swarms, Le Yun's movement skills were not enough, and she was surrounded by the insect leader and the personal insect team.

The insect leader's personal insect team was highly intelligent and knew how to coordinate attacks, blocking the human race in the air.

There is an army of insect monsters below, there are insect guards on all sides, and there is an insect leader above. The little loli who stays in the magic array is surrounded by enemies.

The leading guard insect frequently attacks the human race's magic weapon barrier.

The insect leader also waved his feet to slash the magic shield of the human race, and spit at the same time.

The first time, Le Yun reacted quickly and narrowly avoided the insect's saliva. The second time, she was able to avoid it by wiping the insect's saliva. The third time, she failed to avoid it and was sprayed by the insect's scent.

The insect leader's saliva drenched the magic weapon barrier and stuck to the barrier like brown sugar. The surface in contact with the insect saliva was corroded and wisps of smoke emitted.

Saliva is very sticky and cannot be washed away by rainwater.

At the same time, Le Yun also discovered another property of the insect leader's saliva - it can actually block spiritual consciousness!

If saliva is sprayed all over the magic weapon barrier, a special barrier will be formed, making the creatures inside the magic weapon no longer able to sense the outside world or control the magic weapon outside.

That feature is powerful.

It is currently unclear whether the saliva of all second-level insect demons has the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness, or whether the saliva of only some insects has special functions.

One thing is certain, the first-level insect demon saliva has a corrosive effect and has no special effect of isolating spiritual consciousness.

After discovering the secret of the insect leader's saliva, Le Yun also had a new idea. She immediately entered another golden lotus, moved into the air with lightning speed, and put away the magic weapon with the insect leader attached to it.

Put away the magic weapon, no longer willing to fight, and run away again.

She moved more than a hundred miles away, cast a net to scrape away a layer of locusts on the ground, and ran away again. She moved twice more, and was caught up by the insect leader and the bodyguards.

The human monk broke out under his nose. The insect leader went crazy and chased after the target again, inputting frantically.

Weapon attack, saliva attack, stink bomb.

The saliva, feces and urine of the insect leader and his bodyguards sprayed towards the human race's magic barrier from all directions.

The magic barrier took all the damage on its own.

The saliva of insect monsters is highly sticky and sticks to the barrier once it touches it, and is not afraid of being washed away by rain. However, when urine and feces are sprayed on the barrier, it will be quickly washed away by heavy rains. Even if it is highly corrosive, it will cause damage to the barrier. The damage is not big.

Le Yun didn't care. She used the movement technique to run away again. She moved a few times and ran farther away. She quickly scraped off the saliva of the insect leader on the barrier of another golden lotus magic weapon and put it away before changing the magic weapon. She collected the insect leader's saliva while running, and after collecting the saliva from another magic weapon, she was caught up by the insect leader again.

The human monk was too slippery to trap him, nor could he break open his magical turtle shell. The insect leader was so angry that he was almost fuming, and he caught up again and attacked angrily.

Its eight legs waved at the same time, ruthlessly cracking the magic weapon barrier.

The attacks of late-level second-level insect demons are no joke. Every time the barrier is attacked, the spiritual energy of 10,000 top-quality spiritual stones will be consumed.

Le Yun was also furious. She shrunk the barrier of the array, jumped out, grabbed the mountain machete and chopped off the insect leader's leg.

When killing the insect leader, he also recalled the magic weapon and put it on his shoulder, ready to use it at any time.

She moved not far in front of the insect leader and slashed at the insect's leg.

The upgraded mountain-chopping machete, with its piercing cold light, struck one of the insect leader's legs at the speed of light. Amidst the harsh sound of metal clashing, one of the insect leader's legs was cut off.

There was no blood in the insect's legs, and it only spurted out a ball of green liquid.

The insect leader, who had a section of his leg cut off, let out a shrill howl. The remaining leg shook violently, and the other legs were also waving randomly.

A knife cut off the insect leader's leg. Le Yun ignored the insect leader's bodyguards and moved to the top of the insect leader again, hitting its wings with another knife.

The screaming insect leader sensed danger and flew wildly.

It ran very fast, and the knife missed the root of the wing, only cutting off a section of the wing tip.

The insect leader was injured again and screamed again.

The bodyguards went crazy and fired countless spiritual light blades.

Little Loli's magic weapon barrier helped block the attack. At the same time, she also used the strength to fly far away, threw the Hundred Star Locking Mountain away, and slashed the insect leader with her sword again.

The Hundred-Star Locking Mountain bloomed with light in the air, and the magic weapon and light shrouded downwards, delineating the area in a circle, and at the same time, it also included the insect leader and his bodyguards.

The magic weapon fell to the ground and trapped the locusts on the ground within the barrier.

The injured insect leader flew frantically in severe pain. Little Loli's third knife failed. She did not chase the locusts and left the Hundred Star Locked World Mountain.

When he got outside, he threw a golden lotus magic weapon on the magic weapon mountain to prevent other insect monsters from attacking the magic weapon mountain, and then threw the magic weapon into the boundary to capture the insect leader and his bodyguards.

For more than ten years, magic weapons have appeared like raindrops in the boundary mountain of Baixing Town, and the personal guards of the insect leader have been arrested one after another.

The insect leader, who had escaped a knife attack, was flying wildly when a golden barrier suddenly appeared in front of it. It ignored it and crashed into it.

The collision caused the barrier to buzz and vibrate.

The insect leader was also dizzy from the impact, and his body was swaying like a drunken goose.

Before it woke up, a golden lotus flew out of the air. The golden lotus sucked it in and then disappeared.

Le Yun recalled the golden lotus magic weapon that caught the insect leader, then recalled other magic weapons, and poured the captured bugs into the storage bag.

He captured the insect leader and bodyguards, and then used his spiritual consciousness to kill the insect monsters in the Baixing Town Boundary Mountain.

The Baixing Town Boundary Mountain is a special space magic weapon. Le Yun's cultivation level is still too low to kill the insect monsters in the world at the same time, so it needs to come in batches.

The locusts locked in the barrier died in large numbers.

When the last batch of insect monsters died, Le Yun entered the barrier of Magic Treasure Mountain and arranged for the golden-armored puppets and the golden-armored puppet beasts to collect the insect corpses.

The Puppet Man and Puppet Beast moved out and swept through the area like a bulldozer, trapping all the locusts.

Le Yun transferred the locusts collected by the puppet beast and puppet man, put them to sleep, put away the magic weapon mountain, and drove the golden lotus magic weapon back to Qiangu Garden.

She cast a net to catch him as she walked, stopping and running, and found her Buddhist friend in the middle of the night.

When Little Loli found Fo Xiu, Jun Fo Xiu was on a killing spree - he was using his golden lotus as a weapon to kill insect monsters.

The Buddhist method of killing insects is simple and crude: offering a golden lotus magic weapon and letting it turn into a giant lotus and smash it down.

The golden lotus is a magic weapon at the level of a heavenly artifact, with a maximum diameter of one hundred thousand miles. The spiritual consciousness of Buddhist cultivators is not enough to enlarge it to its maximum width, and it maintains a width covering about ten thousand miles.

Every time the giant golden lotus lands, it kills countless locusts.

The Buddhist cultivator used a magic weapon to smash the locusts to death, and then offered a space bottle to absorb the insect corpses.

The magic bottle is similar to the jade bottle in the hand of Guanyin Bodhisattva in China. It has white porcelain and blue sleeves, and is as crystal clear as jade. Every time it is opened, a tornado will blow from the ground.

The magic bottle is so powerful that it can wipe out all the insect corpses within thousands of miles in just half a quarter of an hour.

While watching the process of Buddhist cultivating the pest control, Le Yun's beautiful almond eyes turned into starry eyes. Ouch, Buddhist cultivator is amazing!

The golden lotus magic weapon of my Buddhist friend is a heavenly artifact, and the space bottle is also a heavenly artifact, and it is also a wind-attributed space magic weapon.

Such a magic weapon is hard to come by.

She believes that she has many magical treasures, and her Buddhist friends are no less generous.

That's pretty good.

Le Yun stopped casting her net and watched from a distance as her Buddhist and cultivator friends hunted and killed locusts.

Nanjia, who was busy smashing insects, found the little Taoist friend, collected the killed insects, and drove the golden lotus magic weapon to join the little Taoist friend.

When a Buddhist friend came to find him, Le Yun was not polite. She ran into his magic weapon boundary and sat on the ground without any image. She took out a bag of shells and poured a basin of them for the Buddhist monk. She held the bag and knocked the shells.

Nanjia sat down next to the little fellow Taoist in a meditative posture, put the basin on his lap, knelt a few fragrant spirit shells, and asked: "Maybe the little monk and the little fellow Taoist killed too many insects, and they were alarmed. Among the Zerg leaders over at the Secret Valley, one of the Zerg leaders also came here, but then disappeared, did he go to my little fellow Taoist?"

Le Yun smacked Bei with a depressed look on her face: "Hey, don't mention it, it came to trouble me. I don't understand. I didn't dig the Zerg's ancestral graves, nor raid their nests, nor did I rob them. My ancestor's old friend, why do you think the insect leader chose to come with me?

Is it because I am short and easy to bully? Or am I too weak, and the Zerg will take advantage of the dish and only pick the weak ones? "

A big question popped up in Nanga's mind. Did the little fellow Taoist have any misunderstanding about him?

She was able to move in and out of the insect swarm by herself, not to mention killing a few in and out, but it was no big deal to kill tens of thousands of them. She also captured two of the leaders right under the noses of the insect leaders. For such a character, she said she was weak?

If Fairy Xiyue is weak, then few people in the world would dare to call her "strong".

Nanjia felt that the little fellow Taoist must have misunderstood her, so she naturally asked: "Little fellow Taoist, do you think you are weak?"

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