magic eye doctor

Chapter 3219 Oral Agreement

The Buddhist cultivators thought long term, but the team of monks staying in Qiangu Garden did not think so much. They were simply shocked by the actions of the locust army and could not recover for a long time.

Even the stewards were full of surprise. Throughout the history of the secret realm, there had never been such a record. This situation was definitely the first time it had ever happened!

Not to mention them, even the law enforcement officers in the high-altitude clouds did not understand why the locust suddenly became enlightened and became so smart, and they fell silent collectively.

Nanjia recited "Children's words will be blown away by the strong wind" for nearly a stick of incense, then changed to chanting sutras, and continued to recite sutras until dawn.

In just half a night, the layer of insect excrement adhered to the surface of Qiangu Garden's defensive barrier was one to two feet thick.

The barrier of Qiangu Garden, covered with insect excrement, looked like a giant pile of excrement, exuding a strong stench.

Insect droppings are extremely stinky, and the smell wafts in the wind. The stink can be smelled hundreds of thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, the barrier of Qiangu Garden isolates the smell, and the monks in the safe city cannot smell the stench outside. Otherwise, in order to avoid the smell, the team of monks would definitely take the teleportation array to other safe cities immediately.

The team of monks calmed down after half a night's sleep, and began to take stock of the results hunted during the insect wave, organize and distribute them.

Nanga recited the sutra for half a night and comforted himself. He silently sorted out the storage containers and sorted the insects into batches.

Student Le Xiao was super calm, calmly counting his achievements, finishing his practice on time before midnight every day, and at the same time observing how much insect droppings had accumulated outside the barrier every now and then.

The insect swarm army arrived at the Secret Valley of Qianji one after another. It took several months to retreat, and the team retreated in waves.

Before each wave of insect swarms retreated, they had to clear their stomachs at designated points, and the retreat was slow.

The strength of the monk team is different, and the harvest is also different. The less powerful team only takes five or six days to count the harvest and hand in the task.

The stewards were all in place, counting bugs and calculating points for the monks who handed over tasks.

There are many teams of monks, and the speed of sorting out the harvest varies. Each team distributes the results after sorting them out, and then goes to hand in the task.

The monks' team went to the steward's office one after another, so that there were long queues in front of the steward's long table.

It took less than a day for Le Yun and fellow Taoist Nanga to sort out the locusts that they had hunted together, and then divided them equally between people, and then each sorted out their own personal belongings.

Nanga spent a few more days re-checking his gains, calculating how many points he could exchange for, and how to arrange the total points.

He organized the storage container and was not in a hurry to turn in the task, waiting for the little fellow Taoist to act together.

The little Loli hunted a huge number of locusts and counted them day and night. It took her one month and three days to sort them out in batches.

She was busy, but some of the locust army still hadn't retreated.

A month has passed, and nearly half of the monk team has handed in the task, and half of the team is still on the way to hand in the task. The queue of stewards stretches for nearly half a mile.

Some of the monks who have paid their missions have left Qiangu Garden to do missions in other safe cities, while some are still staying in Qiangu Garden.

The insect swarm army withdrew in batches in an orderly manner. It took another eight days and eight nights. As the last locust army flew over Qiangu Garden, the insect swarm army finally withdrew from Qianji Secret Front Area.

When the last wave of insect swarms left, it was mid-afternoon and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.

The insect excrement on the surface of Qiangu Garden's barrier has been scaled to a thickness of more than one foot, and Qiangu Garden has turned into a ball of dung.

There is a ring-shaped insect excrement circle around the boundary of Qiangu Garden, with a radius of about one and a half miles wide, and insect excrement up to two feet high is piled up in the ring.

Insect excrement accumulates layer by layer from bottom to top. After a month of wind blowing in Japan, the insect excrement at the bottom has dried hard and formed into lumps.

Because the layer of insect excrement on the surface of the barrier is so thick, the monks in the safe city cannot peer through the barrier layer to see what is going on outside.

Others couldn't see outside, but Leyun's eyes could penetrate the barrier and know what was going on outside. Seeing the last wave of insect swarms go away, she jumped up happily.

She blocked her sense of smell, and arranged more than a dozen layers of spiritual protection for herself, and told the Buddhist monk about her itinerary: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, I went out to collect fertilizers. You can go and hand in the task first. You don't have to wait for me. ."

"What fertilizer?" Nanga was confused.

"Although locust excrement is smelly and dirty, it is a natural fertilizer that some spiritual grasses like. I will collect some to grow spiritual grasses."

Le Yun answered all questions, happily got out the magic weapon, and used the teleportation technique to leave the safe city.

Nanga wanted to ask about the situation again, but the figure of the little Taoist friend disappeared. He was confused in his heart, should he collect some fertilizer?

Le Yun left Ping An City and appeared in the air about one mile away from Ping An City. She was facing the south and quickly turned around to observe the barrier.

The Qiangu Garden barrier was covered with insect excrement and its true nature could no longer be seen. Because there were so many insect excrement, the top of the barrier was piled up into an insect excrement tower that was more than ten feet high.

Glancing at the top of the barrier and the insect circle surrounding it, Le Yun decisively flew outside the insect excrement circle surrounding the safe city, took out a magic sword that she had obtained before, and swung it towards the insect excrement layer. sword.

The magic weapon burst out with a two-mile-long beam of light, extending from the surface of the insect excrement layer to the bottom, then across the surface of the ground, and streaked away into the distance. The sword light pried up the thick layer of insect excrement, and the head of the insect excrement rose up like a wave, then rolled back down, and then rolled into a cylinder.

The cylinder rolled away into the distance, rolling across the ground like a snowball, its diameter growing larger and larger.

The little Loli moved with her sword, controlling the magic power to scrape off the insect excrement. When the diameter of the cylinder exceeded a hundred feet and it became difficult to control, she put it into the storage container, scraped another layer of insect excrement and started snowballing again.

The law enforcement officers in the clouds were about to clean up the dirt on the barrier. When they saw a certain little fairy running out of the barrier, they did not do anything for the time being.

Then, the law enforcement officers were shocked by the little monk's operation.

The last wave of operations of the locust army was unexpected, but the little fairy's actions were also unexpected!

If they hadn't seen this with their own eyes, who would have thought that Fairy Xiyue, who ranked first on the Qing History List, would not even let go of insect feces.

The law enforcement officers watched the little fairy clear out the insect excrement that was more than ten miles wide in the blink of an eye. They couldn't help but feel sour again. The little fairy's control of spiritual power and spiritual consciousness was so perfect!

How could such a genius be his disciple in the palace? !

The law enforcement officers suppressed their desire to rob people and moved the hidden clouds downward several thousand feet, silently cleaning up the dirt on the Qiangu Garden barrier.

Silently, gusts of wind blew across the surface of the barrier, blowing away the smelly insect excrement, and the barrier continued to show its true colors.

The monks in Qiangu Garden didn't notice it at first, until they noticed that the originally dim light suddenly became brighter at a certain moment, then they looked up and saw the bright barrier light shield and the clean sky.

Qianguen, which had been blocked from light for several months, finally saw the light of day again.

The bright light made the safe city look lively and sunny, and the monks' mood instantly brightened.

No one went to explore who was cleaning the dirt on the safety city barrier and how the barrier was cleaned. People know that there are some things that people of their level cannot inquire into.

The little Loli was busy collecting fertilizers and had no time to care about anything else. When she ran along the barrier for more than 1,300 miles, she found that the filth on the surface of the barrier at the west end of Qiangu Garden was disappearing.

This time, she had a sense of urgency and once again put out all her energy.

After running a distance of less than five hundred miles, I saw a black tornado in front of me from a distance, rolling towards me.

She also knew that it was the law enforcement officers of Qiangu Garden who cleaned up the dirt outside the safety city boundary, and immediately put the fertilizer she had gathered into the storage container.

The little Loli didn't want to be sucked into the tornado and eat a mouthful of filth, so she ran towards the canyon and stopped when she was about five miles away from the barrier.

The black tornado had one end in the air and one end close to the ground. In less than ten breaths, it hit the spot where she had collected fertilizer.

The tornado scraped away the remaining insect excrement on the ground and moved towards the hinterland of the canyon, stopping about ten miles away from the little Lolita.

The next moment, the wind disappeared without a trace, leaving behind a pile of insect excrement as high as a hill.

At the same time, a voice as thin as a mosquito, mellow and pleasant sounded in Le Yun's ears: "My little Taoist friend wants to collect fertilizer, but he can go more than a thousand miles away."

The soft voice reached her ears, and Leyun's spirit was greatly boosted. She bowed to the officials of Qiangu Garden and thanked them: "Junior, thank you for your kindness, seniors!"

The soft voice sounded again: "You're welcome! If my fellow Taoist can go into Qianji Valley to find high-grade immortal rice, I would also like to exchange a pound or two with my companions here. I hope that my fellow Taoist will give priority to exchanging with us."

Young Taoist friends can also rest assured that this is a personal transaction, has nothing to do with official business, and does not violate the rules. "

"If the juniors are lucky enough to get their wishes after entering the secret valley, the seniors will also be able to get their wishes." Le Yun knew the wishes of the law enforcement officers, and naturally knew how to reciprocate them.

In a few words, Miao Miao, the two parties reached an agreement on the Xianmi transaction.

After receiving the promise, the law enforcement officers suddenly realized that there was hope for the high-level immortal rice. They were very happy. They stopped talking to the little fairy and disappeared into the high-altitude clouds.

Looking at the clouds above Qiangu Garden, Le Yun flew to the fertilizer hill and worked hard to carry fertilizer.

After emptying a pile of fertilizer, we headed straight to the heart of the canyon.

After a while, I saw a green hill growing out of the canyon floor in the distance.

Flying in front of the hill, Le Yun couldn't help but twitch her lips wildly. The law enforcement officers in Qiangu Garden may have eaten the insect excrement, they actually made round dumplings.

Thousands of round dumplings are piled up like a mountain of steamed buns.

If the smell wasn't so strong, Baozi Mountain would undoubtedly be a beautiful sight.

The smelly bun hills sparkled in the sun.

The law enforcement officers in Qiangu Garden were so cute that Le Yun couldn't refuse the kindness and rushed over to move the fertilizer!

It took about a stick of incense to clear a small hill, and then flew in the direction of Qianji Secret Valley. After flying for more than 10,000 miles, another bun mountain appeared.

The law enforcement officers have very strong control. There is a pile of insect droppings about every 10,000 miles, and the height and size of each pile are almost the same.

The little Loli happily emptied a mountain of fertilizer before moving on.

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