magic eye doctor

Chapter 3227 Let’s go together

Matsutake Doll was so smart that he selectively ignored the threats in Chiwawa's tone. Not only did he beat the snake and follow the stick, but he also chose to die as a fellow Taoist rather than as a poor Taoist.

Le Yun: "..." Sure enough, professional things still need to be done by professionals. To communicate with the fungi dolls, Chiba dolls, who are also fungi, have to take action.

"That's right. If you want to follow the little fairy, just say it. You can't touch porcelain. Touching porcelain is wrong." Xiao Zhiren acted like a big brother and poked the little mushroom on the top of the baby's head.

Xiaozhiren took care of the Rongwa doll, and the other friends, such as Fuwawa and Xiaoyujing, swarmed up and surrounded the Rongwawa with their hands up and down.

"Rongbao, you are incredible, you dare to touch our little fairy."

"The velvet doll is really a tiger!"

"It's just that you were lucky enough to meet our little fairy. If it were anyone else, I would have caught you making fungus soup..."

A group of little creatures caught and masturbated a furry doll, but they still laughed at him.

Rongwawa: "..." He is wrong!

"Okay, okay, please be gentle and don't make any wrinkles out of this tender baby." When Le Yun saw that the baby's face had been pinched into a red apple, she quickly told the little creatures to stop.

A group of little creatures accepted the claws of the velvet doll and gathered around him to look at him.

"Ah, ah, thunder attribute, Rongbao, you are actually a thunder attribute?"

“There’s actually a fungus doll with lightning properties?”

"Ah, you have a mutated thunder attribute. You are not afraid of thunder. You can practice and advance without any pressure."

After sensing the properties of the matsutake mushrooms, Xiaowa and other friends first screamed like woodchucks, and then expressed all kinds of envy.

Rongbao said with a shy face: "I don't know why one of my mushrooms has the attribute of thunder. When I had my intelligence, I saw purple thunder striking an ancient tree. I and the fungi growing around the ancient tree No one was spared, and they all suffered from the thunder pool.

The other mushrooms were all killed when struck by lightning, and the big tree was also reduced to rubbish by lightning. In the end, I was the only one left. After I transformed, I was born with the lightning attribute. "

"so envious!"

"Jealous and jealous."

"Same as above."

"Same as above."

A group of friends are jealous of the good luck of their new friends. If being struck by lightning can gain lightning attributes, they are willing to suffer a few thunders.

The little creatures chattered and pulled the velvet doll to the little fairy.

Le Yun rubbed each little creature's head with one hand, and then took out two storage containers for the Rong Doll, one was a gift for him, and the other was used to collect resources.

Chiwawa and his friends gathered around again and taught the new friend Rongwawa how to contract magic weapons, how to use them, and how to classify resources when collecting.

The Rongbao learned humbly, signed the storage container, raised his little head, and his eyes flashed: "Little fairy, I still know two friends, I want to say goodbye to them, okay? ?”

"Okay, is your little friend far from here?" Rongwawa also knows how to say goodbye to friends. He is a good boy who values ​​friendship.

"It's not very far, just this direction and this direction." Rongwa pointed in two directions, and then pointed in the other two directions: "There are high-level spiritual fungi and spiritual grasses in these two directions."

"I'll pick the magic mushrooms and spiritual herbs first, and then I'll send you to say goodbye to your friends." The two friends Rong Wawa knew were in the west and the one in the north. The one in the north was in the same direction as she was going.

"Okay." Rongwawa's big eyes flashed, and he and his friends quickly collected nearby mushrooms and spiritual herbs.

A group of little creatures swept away all the spirit mushrooms and herbs within tens of thousands of miles with the ferocious speed of locusts crossing the border, and then Rongba led the way and advanced in the direction of high-level spirit mushrooms.

Little Loli naturally followed. She and the Yinxing brothers and sisters walked on the left and right of the little creatures respectively. They could not only scavenge resources, but also take care of a group of little creatures.

After walking for ten days, we arrived at the place where the high-level spiritual fungi grew.

Spiritual fungi are indeed high-level spiritual fungi.

The spiritual fungi that grow in the forest in the secret valley are generally of a higher level, generally between the fifth and ninth levels, and belong to the spiritual treasures of the spiritual level.

The high-level spiritual fungi that Rongwawa talks about are those that have broken through the spiritual level and reached the immortal level.

There are five kinds of fairy-level spiritual mushrooms, one is the matsutake mushroom, which is similar to the velvet doll, and the other four are mushrooms called morels, boletes, silver plate mushrooms and lion's head mushrooms on the earth.

There are also a large number of eighth- and ninth-level mushrooms in the growth area of ​​each fairy mushroom, as well as a small amount of oyster mushrooms, phoenix tail mushrooms, gallinaceous mushrooms and fir tree mushrooms.

Those who are close to ink are black, and those who are close to vermilion are red.

The little creatures followed the little fairy and became super money-crazy. They swept away all the spirit fungi and reserved a layer of land as a seed area. They also scraped off a layer of land and packed it.

After picking the magic mushrooms, I went to collect the spiritual herbs.

Spirit grass is also a rare type of fairy plant spiritual grass, which grows into pieces or clumps.

In the growth area of ​​various spiritual grasses, Le Xiao's students found a patch of Mimosa pudica and Crouching wind unicorn grass.

The Moon Mimosa occupies an area about 100 meters wide, while the Crouching Wind Kylin grass grows on a small rock less than fifty feet high, with about thirty plants.

The little Lolita collected the moon mimosa, and then climbed up the rock to dig for the unicorn grass. She had a clear mind and was not greedy. She followed the collection pattern of picking six out of ten and only dug out two-thirds of the amount, leaving only two-thirds of the amount. One portion is used as a seed strain to propagate future generations. The little creatures are also experts at treasure hunting and have mined a large amount of fairy-level spiritual herbs.

After harvesting a large number of spiritual plants, Little Loli led a group of treasure hunters who were good at collecting, and accompanied Rongwawa to find his little friend in the west, scavenging resources along the way.

Rongwawa said that his little friend was not far away, but the little Loli thought it was really not far away. The distance to the sky was a million miles away.

However, the truth is that she was too naive.

The "not far" that Rongwawa said is not far away, is not a million miles, but a full 100 million miles!

When the little Loli dragged a group of little creatures to the territory of Rong Wat's first friend, autumn had passed and the forest ushered in winter.

In winter in the Secret Valley, it does not necessarily snow every year, but frost occurs every year.

On the first day after the first frost in the forest, the Rong Doll found his little friend. The friend he met was also a Rung Doll, a doll in the form of a rare black truffle.

Because the skin of black truffles is between black and dark brown, and it is a fungus that grows in the soil, most people in the fairy or spiritual world call it "earth fungus."

The Tujun doll was woken up by his friends and emerged from the soil. When he saw a group of spiritual plant dolls and rock dolls brought by the Rong doll, he was so shocked that his mouth opened wide.

The Chiba doll, the mushroom doll, and others also stared at a mushroom doll that emerged from the soil.

The Tujun doll is a humanoid doll, nine and a half inches tall, wearing a brown robe with gold patterns, black hair and black eyes, skin like suet and jade, and a tender little face that is white and rosy.

The earth fungus doll seemed to be made from the same mold as the human race. It looked like a human baby that had been shrunk dozens of times.

The two groups of dolls looked at each other, their eyes rolling.

Tujun Doll was stunned, and was the first to scream: "Oh my God, there are... so many dolls? Rong Doll, have you stabbed Lingzhi Doll Yan Doll in his lair?"

As soon as he screamed, Ouwawa and the others also screamed like woodchucks: "Ah, another doll with rare attributes?!"

The Fungus Doll surprisingly has a rarer attribute than the Thunder Doll's - dark attribute.

The voices of the two groups of dolls, one and several, were getting louder and louder, and the furry dolls covered their ears.

After Chiwawa waited for his little friend to scream, he glanced at Rongwawa with jealous eyes. Rongwawa has a mutant attribute, and his little friend also has a mutant attribute. These two have unique conditions. How lucky they are.

Rongwawa asked quietly: "Rongwawa, is the other friend you know also a rare attribute?"

The furry doll showed a cute smile: "Yes!"

"You win!" A group of little creatures didn't want to speak.

The Rong Doll smiled shyly, rubbed its little hands, and talked to the Earth Fungus Doll: "I'm here to tell you today that I'm leaving, so that you won't have to run all the way to me when you want to play with me."

"You are moving. Where are you moving to?" Tujun Doll said with a surprised face.

"It's not about moving. I'm leaving with this group of friends. I'm leaving this space to travel to other worlds. There's a good chance I won't come back in the future."

"Leave here and go to the outside world?" Tujun Doll asked urgently: "We Spirit Plant Dolls are weak and have no power to protect ourselves. Even if there are many of you, it will be useless when encountering a big demon. How can you get out of this space? Going to the outside world?"

"We are weak, but we have a big backer. I defected to the human fairy who came from the outside world. From now on, I will be protected by the little fairy, and I and my friends will follow the fairy to travel around the world."

"The human race from the outside world? Where are they?" Tujun Doll looked at a group of dolls.

"Our little fairy is digging for truffles in that direction, which are soil fungi of the same kind as you." The little doll pointed in one direction.

The Tujun doll lowered its little head and was silent for a while, then asked: "Can I... go with you?"

"Ah, you mean, you want to leave too?" Rong Wawa was stunned.

"You are afraid of being eaten by the big monsters, and I am also afraid that the big monsters will eat me. I went out to visit my friends a few days ago and was almost discovered by a pig monster. Fortunately, I hid deep and the pig monster dug up two immortals. After eating the delicious soil mushrooms, they left."

"Alas, it's not easy for us."

"That is, it is not easy for bacteria to grow, but they need to be cultivated and cherished."

"It's not easy for us to grow our spiritual dolls..."

Several dolls held hands and shoulders, and went to find the little fairy. They told each other about the difficulties they had experienced. Before meeting the little fairy, their souls were really filled with tears of bitterness.

Le Yun and her nine Yinxing brothers were cuddling leaves, picking pine nuts, and digging black truffles. They saw a group of little creatures running towards them in a hurry. They put away the dug black truffles and waited for the little creatures to approach.

A group of little creatures brought earth fungus dolls to find the little fairy, and rushed to the little fairy to hug her thighs.

"Little fairy, the earth fungus doll also wants to leave with us."

"Little Fairy, Rong Doll's little friend also wants to go together."

The little creatures were beaming with joy. The matsutake doll touched the porcelain fairy once. Not only did he join the organization, he also attracted a little friend.

That's it... oh, buy one get one free!

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