magic eye doctor

Chapter 324 Warning

Chapter 324 Warning
Feng Jinlin was in the air for a long time, and he was relieved until Yan Shao finished his meal and left. He was most afraid that the big breasted girl would complain to Yan Shao in public. The means may be to throw him directly out of the restaurant.

If he hadn't offended the big-breasted girl Yan Shao knew first, Feng Shao would also take the initiative to make friends when he saw Yan Shao, because he had a grudge with the big-breasted girl, and he didn't dare to take the initiative to brush his presence, so as not to make himself eat Can't walk around.

Yan Shao was there, like a mountain pressing down on the top, making people uncomfortable. As soon as people left, Feng Shao was relieved, and his nervous nerves slowly relaxed. Finally, it was too easy.

However, he still didn't dare to be careless. When Shao Yan left, there was still Shao Lan, and Shao Lan probably wouldn't do anything to him directly because of the Feng family's face. However, if he didn't know the current affairs and angered Shao Feng, he would end up. It's not much better than provoking Yan Shao.

In order to protect himself, Feng Shao dared not speak any more, for fear that he would accidentally leak his words, which would attract Lan Shao's disgust, so he acted as an invisible companion and waited for the dishes to arrive.

Lan Shao was very quiet, that is, he didn't ask Feng Shao what kind of grievances he had with the little girl, and he didn't comfort or give any advice.

When their food came to the table, the two of them didn't say a word. After eating, Feng Shao swiped his card to pay the bill. Because he paid for someone he didn't know, he swiped a total of nearly [-] yuan. Fortunately, his family was rich, and that small loss was a loss to him. It's just a drizzle.

After Feng Shao settled the bill, Lan Shao walked out of the restaurant with him. The cold wind was blowing outside, and the sky was overcast.

"Feng Shao, you are busy with your studies. You don't have to accompany me in the afternoon. I will walk around." Lan Shao didn't board the Feng's car before going to play, and let the young man go first.

"Lan Shao, it's cold, or I'll let you drive the car yourself." Lan Shao refused to accompany him, which made Feng Shao's heart tremble. Is it because his behavior of pouring big breasted soy milk in the store annoyed Lan Shao ?

"No, it's troublesome to drive." Lan Shao said lightly, with his hands in his pockets, he turned around calmly, and Shi Shiran walked along the sidewalk along the street.

Lan Shao did not want anyone to accompany him. Feng Shao didn’t dare to follow him. His family repeatedly asked him to let him be accompanied by Lan Shao as a guide. No matter what, he obeyed Lan Shao. He did not dare to go against Lan Shao’s wishes. The back was far away, and I went back to school by myself in the Land Rover.

Leaving Feng Shao alone, Lan Shao walked along the street for a while, turned another corner, turned a large alley with many teahouses, and walked straight into a two-story brick-wood building with a plaque of "Visitors from All Over the World".

"Sihai Lai Ke" is a teahouse. There are very few people drinking tea in such winter. There is no heating in the teahouse.

The old building without heating has more quaint elegance.

The tea boy with a straight jacket saw Lan Shao and greeted the guests cheerfully: "Lan Shao, Xuan Shao has arrived, in the winter room on the second floor."

Lan Shao nodded, walked through the lobby on the first floor, stepped on the old thick wooden stairs, stepped on a slight sound, all the way to the second floor, there are eight elegant rooms on the second floor, namely spring, summer, autumn and winter, plum orchid bamboo pine.

There is a young man in a suit standing outside the Winter Elegant Room. In winter, people on the street are all wrapped up heavily. The young man only wears a shirt and a coat. He looks about 25 or six years old, and his face is just cold.

When the young man saw Lan Shao, he only lowered his head slightly and called out "Lan Shao", turned sideways, knocked on the door three times, and then gently pushed open the door of the private room, making a gesture of "please enter."

Lan Shao walked slowly to the elegant room of winter characters, lifted his foot over the threshold, and entered the elegant room. There was a suit jacket on the teacher's chair.

The interior walls are covered with paintings, all with the theme of winter. The room is covered with mats, carpets, and a rectangular coffee table. The chair is seated by a beautiful young man with a jade face and red lips, picturesque eyebrows, a crescent white shirt, and a It is graceful and graceful.

Lan Shao, who stepped into the inner room, walked outside the seat opposite the host, took off his shoes, and sat down a few days ago, bowing to the host: "Sudden visit, I disturbed the young master Xuanyuan, and there are still a lot of rude things."

Xuan Shao nodded indifferently: "Nalan Qingxi, don't say that there are some, this young master went to Beijing to study cooking in August last year, it is not a secret, if you don't know that this young master is in Beijing, why bother to go to the store in person Here, take people as posts."

"Lan Shao, this is really a misunderstanding. I was ordered to enter Beijing as soon as I left the customs. I originally wanted to wait a day or two before posting a post to visit the on-duty master. Today, the Feng family sent someone to accompany me to walk around and recommend delicious food. When I mentioned Xuan Shao’s restaurant, I thought that I would eat around, so it would be safer to go to a familiar place.”

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if you know that this young master is in the store. In just one month, the Ji family, the Si family, the Jiang family, the Zhou family, the Chen family, the Tantai family, and now there is one more Nalan family. The family is really united enough to go to Beijing one after another like an invitation, and each family sends people to the capital to explore the way, are all the family owners ready to come to Beijing Maodong?"

Young Master Xuanyuan's tone was unpredictable, and Shao Lan couldn't guess whether Young Master Xuan was annoyed by being frequently disturbed, or because something happened to him because of the sudden entry of the ancient Wu family in the hidden world into Beijing. After taking the call, after thinking about it, he replied, "Young Master Xuanyuan is serious, I think everyone is because of the ancient adage 'It is better to read ten thousand volumes of books than to travel ten thousand miles', lest the children will be hard to make progress in closed doors and hard work, so the juniors are blasted out. Family calendar."

Xuanyuan Chenbei, the contemporary young master of Xuanyuan, is a geek. He doesn't like to be confined to one room, but prefers to be regarded as a culinary art. He always loves to study cooking. He has a good cultivation base and is a top talent among his peers.

Even if there are geniuses from every family in the ancient martial arts family, in terms of cultivation, they can't compare to Xuanyuan Chenbei, and in terms of understanding, they are still slightly inferior. Because of the extraordinary talent, even if Xuanyuan girl is a boy or girl, no one in the ancient martial arts world dares to laugh at him.

The only geniuses who can match Young Master Xuanyuan’s talents are Fufeng and Si’s family. Unfortunately, due to their age, the latter two are more than ten years older than the former. Compete.

The same as the ancient martial arts family, Lan Shao is familiar with his own weight, especially the Xuanyuan family is on duty this year, and he will not be stupid enough to fight against the Xuanyuan family's young master.

"Don't make any grandiose excuses for this young master to cover up your purpose. You are running to the capital one by one, and you are just showing up in the capital for people who are suspected of being disciples of the Immortal Medicine Sect. You want to come and look for them. I found out how to show off their magical powers to buy people’s hearts. This young master doesn’t care about it. Just remember that the Xuanyuan family will never allow the tragedy of dozens of years ago to repeat. When the selfishness is destroyed and the genius of the world is destroyed, whoever competes in the capital and fights against each other, kills each other and implicates the innocent, don’t blame this young master for not giving face and killing people.”

Xuan Shao's face is like a crown of jade, beautiful and elegant, like a beautiful woman. However, he restrained his smile, his eyes were cold, and he showed a little momentum. The air in the huge private room instantly dropped below freezing point, and his murderous aura was like ten thousand swords hanging in the air. Invincible killing.

Young Master Xuanyuan's skills have improved again!
The cold murderous aura filled the room, Lan Shao secretly sighed, Xuanyuan Chenbei was the leader of the ancient cultivator's generation, and it has only been three years since he hadn't seen him. qualitative change.

His nerves were tense, and he didn't dare to be careless: "Young Master Xuanyuan has been worrying too much. The Nalan family came to Beijing only to visit friends, and there is no intention of vendetta or chaos."

"It's so good." Xuan Shao glanced at the four young masters of the Nalan family, restrained his coldness, and called out, "Da, serve tea."

"Yes!" Hearing the young master's order, the young guard responded quickly, walked to the stairs, and sent a message to the hall downstairs.

Xuan Shao put away his warning-like murderous intent, and Lan Shao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He went to Beijing this time to find the trace of the suspected descendant of the Immortal Doctor's sect. Provoking confusion and staring at the Nalan family will be a big trouble.

Young Master Xuanyuan sits in the capital in person, and he naturally listens to the Young Master when he is on duty. However, the next heir to the Nalan family has not yet been established. In general, Young Master Lan's identity is slightly lower than that of Young Master Xuanyuan. In addition, he and Young Master Xuanyuan have In the past, there was no personal friendship, so apart from reporting to the duty master on official business, there was no other private conversation to talk about.

The host and guest had nothing to say, and they seemed a little embarrassed.

The tea boys have already prepared everything. When they heard the young master guard passing the tea, they immediately brewed a pot of tea, brought it to the second floor, and handed it over to Ada; Ada brought the tea into the Dongzi elegant room with a saucer to serve the guests and the young master. The master brewed a cup of tea and retreated to the door.

Xuan Shao picked up the tea, made a "please" gesture, and had tea with Lan Shao.

The first-class Dahongpao, the tea soup is bright orange and yellow, with tulips.One host and one guest, brewing three teas in a row, the aroma is still strong.

After three rounds of tea, Lan Shao said goodbye, and Ah Da saw the guest downstairs, and was then sent out by the running hall tea attendant.

Ah Da turned back to the private room on the second floor. Seeing that the young master had no intention of going back to the restaurant, he took off his shoes and sat on the side of the coffee table to make tea for the young master.

Xuan Shao held the warm tea cup and looked at the bodyguard who lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes: "Da, what's your impression of the disciple of Old Man Shan Weng?"

Ah Da turned his head slightly, feeling a little puzzled: "Young Master is saying that Senior Zhong Li's disciple Yan Xing?"

"Yes, I remember that a few years ago, the old master Yunyou went to the old man Shan Weng's place to rehabilitate and talked with the old man Shan Weng. When you were with the old master, you should have met the disciples of the old man Shan Weng."

"Indeed." A Da's eyebrows escaped with a trace of respect: "The time I followed the old master to visit the old man of Shan Weng, I was fortunate to meet Yan Shao, the disciple of Shan Weng, but that young man was seriously injured at the time, and the old man of Shan Weng took the disciple to his side. Recovering from the injury, the old master Zeng praised Young Master Yan as a good man with strong bones."

"Have you had a conversation with Yan Shao?"

"No, at that time, Young Master Yan was seriously injured, he was dizzy, and few when he was awake. I only saw him when the old master went to visit Young Master Yan, and when the old master went down the mountain, Young Master Yan was not awake, so I didn't have a chance to talk. Remember Yan Shao's face."

"I remember that the old master seemed to have said that Young Master Yan was poisoned. Is that the case?"

"Yes, the old man Shan Weng said that he had asked Master Qingyang to diagnose his disciple's pulse and said that it was poisoning. He sighed that there was no trace of the disciple of the Immortal Doctor, nowhere to be found, so he could only watch the disciple suffer. So far, no one has confirmed the seriousness of the disciple of the Immortal Doctor. There are rivers and lakes, and it is said that Yan Shao will return to the old man Shan Weng to live on time every year, and the poison of wanting to come to Yan Shao has still not been solved."

"Do you know what poison Yan Shaozhong is?"

"I don't know. Even Master Qingyang can't solve it. It must be very difficult."

"Ah Da, do you think it's possible that Yan Shao has found someone from the Immortal Doctor's Sect, so the ancestors of the He family were able to recover miraculously?"

"Young Master, I think the possibility is very rare, and the chance is more coincidental. If Yan Shao finds the Immortal Doctor, the old man Shan Weng will definitely come out to visit."

"I always feel that the little girl Yan Shao accompanied today is not simple. Do you think it is possible that the little girl is a disciple of the Immortal Medicine Sect?"

"Young master, you don't have inner strength, you can't point acupuncture points. It's a certain fact that the little girl is a disciple of ancient martial arts. As for the possibility of being a disciple of Xianyi, the little girl is too young, and she is a little girl's age to cultivate martial arts based on her talent. It’s not difficult to have a small success, but it would be unreasonable to have medical skills at a very young age.”

"Forget it, forget it, I don't bother to guess who the little girl is. With the Nalan family tipping off the news, the Guwu families will be eager to find out which sect the little girl is a descendant of, and the Xianyi Sect also Let the people who are excited to come to the capital look for it slowly, anyway, as long as they find out the results, I will know sooner or later."

"Young Master, I bet that if someone said that the Immortal Doctors are not only good at medicine but also good at cooking, you must run faster than any other family, and find someone more diligently than anyone else."

"Those who know me, Da Ye. I'm a cook, so what else can I study if I don't know how to cook? So, when it comes to finding people from the Immortal Doctor's family, you should pay more attention and pay attention to the movements of those guys. Young master, I'm still two. Don't listen to what's going on outside the window, and focus on cooking."

"Young master, it's not a small blow to you. You have studied cooking for many years, and the food you have prepared is too much of a black dish, which makes people not complimented."

"Dare to say that my craftsmanship is poor, and the guy who dares to say that I cook dark dishes must not wash his eyes when he wakes up in the morning. Didn't you hear from Chef Wen that I can make pork stewed noodles?"

"Young Master, I remember that Chef Wen said that the pork vermicelli you made can basically meet people."

"Doesn't it mean that you can become a teacher if you can see people? Hmph, A-Bao's mind is getting more and more weak."

"Yes, yes, small brains are not very bright, young master, you are talented and smart, if your talent in cooking is as high as your martial arts comprehension, the young will definitely thank God and thank the ancestors." This kind of dark food, as a personal bodyguard, is "fortunate" to taste it first, I feel tired and don't like it!

"Forget it, I won't talk to someone like you who doesn't understand the style. I'll go back and continue to study cooking. Da, why don't you wait for the master to change?" After being poured a basin of cold water, Xuan Shao felt a little sullen. Yi Mingming is very good, how come no one appreciates him?
Ah Da held back his laughter, got up and put on his shoes, helped the young master to get his coat, served the young master to get dressed, followed the occasionally arrogant young master out of the private room and went downstairs, leaving the teahouse and heading back to the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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