magic eye doctor

Chapter 3271 Xiaoding

The purpose of Le Yun's return to the star core space was, firstly, to see the little fox and Xiao Huihui, so as not to worry about them not seeing her for a long time, and secondly, to come back to get the materials for refining the weapon.

As soon as she said she wanted to refine the weapon, she took the opportunity to get the storage bag containing the mutant golden cicada and the spiritual plant space for raising the mutant golden cicada from the little fox.

She was quite busy, so Le Yun took the things, stuffed some cantaloupe and cantaloupe to the little fox, little Huihui, and the rhinoceros monkey, and hurriedly left the space.

When she just left, the little fox reacted belatedly and yelled: "Ah ah ah ah, the little girl hasn't even answered me how she became a golden body, but she actually used a few melons to kill me." Fooled!"

The little girl didn't say a word about what he was eager to know.

He was a divine fox, but just because he was kissed twice and given a few melons by the little girl, he lost his head and was led by her in a daze.

So angry.

The little fox was so angry that he hugged a melon and gnawed it wildly. He was angry and needed to add some strength before he could get angry.

"Squeaks-" The little gray with a watermelon dug, is the one meaning: Isn't melon fragrant?

"Smells, melons are of course melons. If melons don't smell good, how could this little girl fool me?" The little fox decisively passed the blame to melons.

Innocent melon: I have endured the unbearable weight of life!

Xiao Huihui rolled his eyes and squeaked again, meaning: does the young lady's golden body mean she has become an immortal? Why ask how she was made?

Inspired by Xiao Huihui's words, the little fox remembered the information he had ignored and suddenly realized: "Oh, this fox only sensed that the little girl had developed a golden body, and didn't realize that the little girl had been promoted to the level of mortal immortal!"

Xiao Huihui: "..." You old man!

Has the young lady become a fairy? !

The next moment, Xiao Huihui was beaming with joy, oh my, the little sister has become a fairy! From now on, she is the monkey of the fairy lady!

A rising tide lifts all boats.

Little Huihui couldn't help but eat up the watermelon quickly and picked up the cantaloupe. Oh, my little beast, as a fairy sister, eats all the delicacies from the mountains and the sea, so happy!

The little monkey suddenly stopped arguing with him, and the little fox's thinking was a little divergent. When he came back to his senses, the two little monkeys almost ate up the spiritual fruit, leaving only one cantaloupe.

The little fox was angry and helpless. He grabbed the cantaloupe and ate it, then shouted to the two little monkeys to start fishing.

After meeting the little fox Xiao Huihui, Le Yun first returned to nature, and then directly entered the central area of ​​the sacred tree in the star core space.

She landed on the nine-story altar in the center of the sacred tree, and immediately ran to the big wooden barrel where the mysterious seeds were placed to look at the seeds.

Every drop of the spiritual liquid and fairy spring water in the wooden barrel had been absorbed by the seeds, and the seeds had absorbed a bucket of water, and even the skin was not wet at all.

Le Yun observed the mysterious seeds and knew in her mind that the bucket of water was only a drop in the bucket compared to the amount of water the seeds lacked!

Now that you know the seeds are short of water, why are you still hanging around?

The little Loli once again left the star core space and returned to nature. She pulled out a demon emperor-level sky-swallowing snail and used it to bring rain to the newly emerged land in the star core.

She didn't have time to observe what the continent widened by the star core looked like. She only conducted artificial rainfall for a new dry plain that appeared to the west of Haiji Lake.

After consuming the water from a sky-swallowing snail, Le Yun let the magic weapon descend and stop on the surface of the lake, using the sky-swallowing snail to absorb the water.

Shenmu Valley has abundant rainfall, but the lake does not accumulate much water. The water only covers the bottom of the lake, and the water level is less than ten feet high.

There is a boundary sacred tree planted in the small basin, and the rainfall in the past few years also contains the power of creation.

The water in Yuanbo is extremely precious.

If it were her own private matter, Le Yun would be embarrassed to draw water from the basin lake, but the mysterious seed has a valuable status, so drawing a little water for him is not too much.

The swallowing snail absorbs water with all its strength.

Le Yun was always paying attention to the conch. When the water was ninety percent full, she carried the conch back to the star core space, placed the conch on the round table, and poured the spiritual liquid into it.

He added a lot of spiritual liquid to the conch, then put the seeds in the barrel into the conch, and let him slowly draw water from the conch to warm his body.

Then I went to rearrange the arrangement for Egg Baby and Dragon Egg, and let Egg Baby and Dragon Egg lie in the Nine-Colored Divine Lotus. When she goes out, they will be moved out so that the eggs can absorb the essence of the sun and moon in nature.

After visiting the egg baby, the little Loli started her own business. She first went to the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree to collect the materials that would be used to refine the natal magic weapon.

I haven't returned to the star core space for more than ten years, and several fruits of the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree are ripe.

The decisiveness of the dragon bone tree hangs on the branches, like a golden little sun

Classmate Le rushed over, took out two spiritual jade boxes and scissors, cut out the ripe fruits, and put the boxes containing multiple fruits into the storage container first.

Then he held the box containing only one fruit to the ground, quickly took out the scalpel, cut open the pulp, dug out the core, collected the pulp with a jade bottle, and then started with the core.

In the blink of an eye, she dissected the core and put the kernels away in a small bottle, leaving only the shell in the jade box.

After packing up the tools, the little Loli took out the materials, built a support frame around the largest Dragon Bone Treasure Tree, and then went to cut down another smaller Dragon Bone Treasure Tree.

Cut a keel tree into a section about half a foot away from the ground, apply plant liquid on the section to seal the fracture, and then cover it with a layer of animal skin to prevent infection. Then he went to the other two dragon-bone treasure trees and put two tree branches on them, and grafted them on the stump of the dragon-bone treasure tree where the trunk had been cut off.

The Dragon Bone Treasure Tree is very tenacious. As long as the dragon bones supporting its life are not dug out and the wound is treated after cutting off the trunk, it can still grow new branches and buds.

After completing the first step, Le Yun then sorted out the cut dragon bone tree, collecting the branches and fruits first, and peeling off the bark for later use.

The bark of the dragon bone treasure tree is also one of the precious materials for making hidden magic weapons.

After collecting the materials for the invisible magic weapon, Le Yun cut a section from the tree trunk, cut it into a fan-shaped stake, and applied the juice of a special plant all over it.

Finally, sharpen your sword towards the largest dragon bone treasure tree.

She cut a piece of bark off the big dragon bone tree, dug out about a quarter of the tree's main trunk, and then pressed the trimmed fan-shaped stump into the dug-out trunk to fill the gap.

This step is similar to the willow branch bone grafting operation she once performed on a patient. The difference is that the artificial bone used for the patient is willow or elm, and the bone used for the dragon bone tree is also the dragon bone tree.

That move is also called grafting flowers onto trees.

The fan-shaped stump fit perfectly into the gap where a piece of wood had been dug out.

Le Yun used the technique of moving flowers and pulling wood to repair a wooden bone of the big tree, then applied sap that helps plant wounds grow, then reset the bark of the tree, and then applied medicine to the wound.

She was a good doctor. She applied medicine to the wound of Longgu Baoshu and applied disinfectant juice around it. Then she covered the sutured wound with bamboo film.

After performing the "surgery" on the dragon-bone treasure tree, Classmate Le took out the cut trunk, cut it into several parts, and threw them into the sea of ​​consciousness for cultivation.

The trunk of the Bone Treasure Tree is also one of the main materials for refining the natal magic weapon.

The required materials for the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree were ready, and the little Loli rushed to the location where the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree was planted, and dug a tunnel into the underground cave.

Probably due to the influence of the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree, two fruits of the Dragon Bone Treasure Tree are also ripe, and two other fruits are also about to be ripe.

Without saying a word, the little Loli picked the nine-ripe and mature fruit, and also dissected a ripe fruit and separated the core and shell of the fruit.

She went to cut off the main branch of a dragon bone treasure tree, picked an immature fruit, and then returned to the ground with the materials to seal the tunnel entrance.

After gathering the necessary materials, Le Yun sat down on the round table of the nine-story altar and picked out the collection she had collected, picking out various auxiliary materials needed to refine the natal magic weapon and the invisible robe.

After an hour-long selection and several rounds of refinement, the materials required for the two magic weapons were sorted out, and the materials were arranged in the order of refining.

Considering that magic weapons need to store spiritual power, Le Yun focused on the divine crystal mine she dug back.

The spiritual energy contained in a piece of divine crystal is ten thousand times that of the spiritual crystal. When the magic weapon is refined, throw in a few divine crystals as energy reserves as soon as possible. This will save you a lot of trouble.

Le Yun did what she said, flew to the pile of divine crystal ore, took a small smelting cauldron and placed it on the base of the round table, then transferred some divine crystal ore into it, and started the refining cauldron for refining.

The mine cauldron was at work, and she had some free time, so she ran to the collection where items were piled and pulled out items, and then pulled out the small cauldron she had picked up in Wanghai City.

Xiao Ding is not very honest and shows signs of wanting to jump around.

After staring at the small cauldron and studying it for a few times, Le Yun took it to the ore refining area and compared the lame small cauldron with the refining mine to observe the board.

Hey, not to mention, the shapes of the two tripods are somewhat similar.

However, the material of the lame little cauldron is more advanced. It should be made of god-level materials. The divine light of its cauldron is brighter and brighter than the weapon-refining cauldron, and its materials are also richer in types.

Le Yun suspected that the toe-foot cauldron was not just an ordinary artifact. It might be a super artifact or a heavenly artifact. For some reason, it fell over the barrier and fell directly to the artifact level.

After some comparison, he took out a small refining cauldron, put it together with the lame cauldron, and studied it carefully.

Unexpectedly, the lame little cauldron jumped up and knocked away the refining cauldron next to it.

That posture was just like a child seeing his parents bring back a child of the same age, and he was disgusted.

How can a small tripod without a Tianling cover still lose its temper?

Seeing the lame little Ding's incompetent look, Le Yun couldn't help but feel disgusted: "You are a mutilated instrument that can't do any work. How come you have the nerve to bully other Dings? Why don't you go to heaven?" Woolen cloth?"

Lame Xiao Ding understood, jumped up and jumped onto the ore.

"What?" Le Yun looked at the lame little tripod suspiciously, and then at the Shenjing Mine, hesitantly: "You mean, don't you mean you can refine the ore?"

The lame Xiao Ding tried his best to jump up and down.

"When you talk about refining, do you remove the impurities from the ore and extract the essence, or do you melt the ore into a liquid? If you are refining the ore, jump back. If you are smelting the ore, jump in my direction."

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