magic eye doctor

Chapter 3279

Chapter 3279

The Immortal Lords outside the Divine Tree Realm are mentally unstable, and the Immortals in various safe cities in the Divine Tree Realm are already calm about the frequent tribulation cloud phenomena.

What are you surprised about?

People in Safe City can see the calamity clouds in a certain direction, but no one knows how far away they are, let alone find out which tribe of creatures are experiencing calamity.

Out of sight, out of mind, because they don't know the truth about the appearance of thunder tribulation, the immortals in Safe City have seen enough of the tribulation cloud vision to be not surprised.

A certain "creature" that was misunderstood by the immortal kings outside the sacred tree world and was promoted to a god was shrouded in rainbow light, activated all the spirit gathering formations, and tried its best to collect the power of heaven and earth.

The rainbow light beam illuminated the spirit boat for two full hours.

When the rainbow light was about to dissipate, the broken Le Yun jumped up, jumped high into the air, and threw a large number of divine crystals, spiritual crystals and spiritual marrow into the rainbow light column.

One hundred thousand divine crystals, one million spiritual crystals and one hundred million spiritual essences fell like raindrops with rainbow light, and were swallowed up by the spirit boat in the blink of an eye.

The spirit boat devoured a large amount of energy, but there was still no sign of saturation. Without blinking, Le Yun poured another 20,000 divine crystals, 500,000 spiritual crystals, and then spiritual marrow into the rainbow light.

After feeding 40 million pieces of spiritual marrow for the second time, the rainbows in the sky turned into countless tiny starlights, and the starlight points continued to dissipate in the twinkling.

The power source for storing spiritual energy in the spirit boat is still not saturated. The spirit gathering array of the spirit boat is still running. Le Yun does not worry about her own inventory and continues to feed the spiritual marrow.

She fed another 100 million pieces of spiritual marrow. The energy stored in the spirit boat was finally saturated, and the spirit gathering array automatically stopped absorbing spiritual power from the outside world.

The spirit boat also gathered its brilliance.

The flying boat floats quietly in the sky. The hull is azure, the cabin building is rosewood color, the single-story double-eaves verandah roof is decorated with glazed gold tiles, and there are gate towers from the cabin to the bow and stern of the ship.

The length is eighty-one feet and the width is forty-five feet. A nine-foot-long area from the bow to the cabin is reserved as a sightseeing activity area. There is also a six-foot-long leisure area at the stern. There is a gap between the cabin wall and the side of the ship. A corridor two feet wide.

The ship's railings are all carved with carved railings, and the hull is surrounded by patterns of flowers, birds, insects, fish, and spray clouds. There is a cloud composed of wishful-shaped clouds in the middle of the two sides of the ship. Three light gold characters are engraved in the cloud - -Qingyunhao.

Lingzhou Qingyun's carved railings and painted buildings, with cornices and raised corners, are resplendent and majestic. When reduced in size, they appear simple, heavy, dignified, elegant, and unique in their craftsmanship.

Le Yun called the spirit boat to her side, shrunk it into a boat about ten feet long, and then made a contract.

After being branded with spiritual consciousness, he established a connection with the spirit boat, and naturally knew every part of the spirit boat. The speed of the spirit boat was also revealed: the speed of the spirit boat was 108 billion miles.

"108 billion miles?" After knowing the result that she was thinking about, Le Yun was puzzled and felt that she was particularly destined to the number 108!

You see, when she was promoted to the mortal immortal level, the number of rainbows in the heaven and earth vision was 108, there were 108 stars, and the thunder struck her for 108 days!

When casting the spirit boat, it took her 108 days to carve the divine patterns of the talisman array, and the speed of the spirit boat was also 108 billion miles!

Of course, as a person who forged a spirit boat, Le Yun also knew that the number of days it took to carve the magic circle was not directly related to the speed of the spirit boat, and it was purely a coincidence.

Mo Wen was not satisfied with the speed of the spirit boat.

Just asked - satisfied.

The spirit boat with a speed of 108 billion miles has crossed the threshold of low-speed spirit boats in the God Realm, and is barely included in the ranks of medium-speed spirit boats.

Its speed is not too high, but it has reached the level of a weapon refiner at the level of a great Luo Immortal in the God Realm.

The Daluo Immortal-level weapon refiner in the God Realm can refine a spirit boat with a speed between 100 billion and 300 billion miles. If he wants to refine a spirit boat with a speed of more than 300 billion miles, he must first be canonized.

Le Yun expected the spirit boat to travel between 80 and 90 billion miles, but the finished product turned into a spirit boat with a speed of 108 billion miles, which was undoubtedly a small surprise.

The space structure of the divine world is tight. In such a world, the speed of the spirit boat has reached 108 billion miles. When going to the spirit world, the speed of the spirit boat must be increased by about ten times at least. Traveling hundreds of billions of miles per day is not a dream.

After casting a spirit boat that could adapt to the speed of flight in the God Realm, Le Yun quickly put aside her entanglement with a certain number, put the Qingyun aside, and continued to smelt ore materials.

There are many tasks in her weapon refining plan. The natal sword, invisible robe and spirit boat are completed as scheduled. The next step is to refining a large space storage device.

After spending several days melting the materials, the little Loli devoted herself to the great project of casting a large space magic weapon.

There are three types of space containers. One is to store items such as ores, soil, dead wood, ores, one is a water-holding magic weapon that holds water and ice, and the other is a storage space container that can hold living things.

The little loli made the storage container look like a bottle.

The space bottles for storing minerals, mud and other objects are in the shape of oil hammer bottles and celestial sphere bottles, with a golden brown background color; the water space bottles are in the jade pot spring bottle type and garlic bottle type, with blue as the background color;

The space bottle that can store living things and the like is designated as a bile bottle, with cyan as the main color.

The confident little loli didn't hold anything back when she got started, and the space size for refining the first space bottle reached a million miles.

Thanks to the expansion of the sea of ​​consciousness, the size of the space magic weapon she can currently refine has also increased to a million miles in radius. If it exceeds this number, it may not be under her control.

For safety reasons, Le Yun did not challenge the size beyond the limit. When refining the space bottle, she controlled the space size within her control.

The space bottle is a large space, and it takes time to carve the magic array runes.

The little Loli worked conscientiously for five days and four nights, and the first space bottle was launched.

The space bottle in the shape of a celestial sphere, with golden brown sleeves, is majestic and noble. When it was formed, it emptied the spiritual energy within a radius of 30,000 miles. The bottle took shape, and purple thunder struck down.

The little Loli calmly put the bottle into the air to let it be thundered, then scooped up the molten ore and continued to shape and carve the talisman array.

She thought it was too slow to refine one bottle at once, so she refined four bottles at the same time the second time.

The thunder struck vigorously for half an hour, and then retreated.

However, five days later, four new space bottles were released, and without exception, they were struck by purple thunder again.

The little Loli, the weapon refiner, had no worries and continued to refine the weapons. She was still multi-tasking, and each time she added one more bottle than the previous time.

After several attempts, we also tested the optimal number of magic weapons for refining when multi-tasking. Nine-purpose multitasking is the most reasonable allocation.

Little Loli followed the data obtained from her experiment and started the mass production plan.

Qingxu's God is very kind. When he sends thunder from the sky, he does not care about the quantity of the weapon, but only the quality. As long as the magic weapon reaches the level of a divine weapon, it will definitely rain thunder from the sky.

Because of this, the sky thunder above the basin has become extremely regular, and there must be a thunder every five days.

The immortal kings of the Divine Tree Realm looked at the thunder clouds and thunder that frequently appeared in the sky, and their moods changed from uncontrollable shock to calmness, then to numbness, and after a few months, they turned into panic.

When the little Loli made two hundred space bottles, the ancient stone mortar, the History of Time, and the void bottles were also moved from the fish eye lake area to the planting area near the lake.

There are still tea leaves, grapes, fruits and vegetables in the Yuyan Lake area, which are inspected by puppets.

Little Loli has made three hundred space bottles for storing ores and other items. A batch of molten ore has also been used up, and the materials that are still being melted have not yet reached the heat.

She also temporarily put down her work of refining weapons and led the puppet to cut sugar cane.

Shijiu, Shishishu, and Space Bottle only allowed the young contractors to do rough work for a day, and they took over the work of harvesting sugar cane.

The little Loli rested for a few days and then started working on the weapon refining project.

She didn't mind refining the weapon day after day. She melted materials while refining the weapon, and refined a hundred space bottles for minerals, four hundred space bottles for water, and two hundred storage space bottles.

After refining a thousand space bottles, the little Loli stuffed a large amount of flame crystals and five fire crystals into the Qiankun Cauldron, and then asked the Void Bottle to put the meteorite core he had collected into the Qiankun Cauldron for smelting.

It is rare for the human race to be generous and give themselves fire crystals. The Qiankun Ding does not dare to neglect the molten star core that does its duty.

It's a pity that the firepower of Shending is limited. After burning for a month, not to mention melting the star core, it didn't even burn the star core red.

After recuperating for a month, the little Loli regained her energy and gave the coniferous tree to Fenyue for melting. When a tree became liquid again, she took over again.

Fen Yue jumped into the Qiankun Cauldron and selected a local area of ​​the star core to melt.

It's no joke that the divine Taixu is really hot. He stayed in a certain star core situation designated by the contractor for five days and burned an area to the point of melting.

The little Loli took out the ball in the center of the liquid coniferous tree that was kept warm in the refining furnace, and sent it into the divine cauldron, letting Taixu Huozhenhuo even out a space, and let the coniferous tree space ball Attached.

The little fox said at the beginning that if a suitable star core is found as a carrier, a planet can be synthesized by expanding the flat conifer spiritual plant space and adding it.

The part of the star core left behind after the star core swallowed up the meteor star core is a perfect carrier.

Heartbeat is not as good as action, so Le Yun put her idea of ​​recasting coniferous trees into planetary space into action.

Let the coniferous tree and the carrier merge into a new sphere. The specific operation is to make the sphere of the coniferous tree surround the entire carrier.

The project was vast and arduous.

Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to control the coniferous tree's sphere to partially bond with the surface of the meteorite core, and then pulled the sphere to slowly cover the part of the burning moon that was quickly melting.

The existing area of ​​the conifer space just covers the area melted by Fen Yue. After that, Fen Yue is responsible for controlling the temperature to keep the conifer sphere in a liquid state.

Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to pull the ball towards the meteorite core.

This wave of operations seems simple, but in reality it tests patience and consciousness. Once the consciousness is insufficient, the work is forced to be interrupted, and all previous efforts may be wasted.

Fortunately, Le Yun's spiritual consciousness is powerful, and she has stored a large amount of soul power in her sea of ​​consciousness, so she doesn't have to worry about exhaustion of her spiritual consciousness.

Even though she had the soul power to support her, it took her a full nine and a half months to cover the meteor core with the coniferous tree sphere.

When the ball of coniferous trees wrapped around the carrier, the meteorite was reborn and turned into a planet.

At that moment, the sky in the Qingxu God Realm was turbulent, nine-colored thunderclouds piled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a sound of thunder resounded across the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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