magic eye doctor

Chapter 3295 Jade Bone Grass

Chapter 3295 Jade Bone Grass

Modern netizens all know that official vomiting is the most fatal. The little white man is a cute and cute little person when he is not vomiting, but vomiting is equally fatal.

As natives of the forest, the little white people knew the forest very well. At least they knew it well and knew a lot. They vomited with great joy.

It's just the most basic information like where there are rare and rare herbs. They also know which tree demon and vine demon are at war with each other in which direction, what are the sacred trees in which area, and where the demons are born. Eight cubs...

The little white people happily shared gossip news, and all kinds of news were like the waves of a river.

The tree spirits were all familiar with each other, and those who arrived later heard the complaints of their fellow spirits who had arrived earlier and joined the ranks. The platform was bustling with activity.

Many tree spirits came empty-handed and brought some small gifts. The little loli accepted them all while listening to the complaints of a group of little white people.

After half an afternoon, no more tree spirits joined the summit gathering.

The vomiting meeting continued lively into the evening. The little white people vomited out the things they were holding back, felt better, and happily fell asleep.

The tree spirit fell asleep as soon as he said he wanted to, almost instantly.

Sleep is contagious. Without the gossip, Le Yun also relaxed her body and mind, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

That night, the summit and surroundings were exceptionally peaceful.

The nights in early winter are already relatively cold. After midnight, the cold air condenses into dew, making the leaves of the plants wet.

The summit platform was also soaked with dew.

The tree spirits and humans were not affected. The tree spirits were clean and the humans' hair and clothes were not stained with moisture and remained dry and clean.

After dawn, the tree spirits who had had a good sleep got up, gathered their friends, jumped to the edge of the platform, and jumped off, each going back to his home.

After the tree spirits dispersed, Le Yun sat up, tied her hair into a bundle behind her head, put on her cloak, and drove her spirit boat straight to the south to find the Jade Bone Grass that the tree spirits talked about.

Jade Bone Grass is a divine grade spiritual grass. Although its status in the world of divine immortal grass is not as high as Thousand Silk Grass, it also has a place among the rare immortal grasses.

How precious is it? Its status in the world of immortal plants is roughly equivalent to the status in the medical world of Dendrobium officinale, Millennium Ginseng, and Ten Thousand Years Shouwu among the nine immortal grasses regarded by the ancestors of the Chinese nation.

Immortals in the world of gods and celestial beings rarely use Jade Bone Grass because Jade Bone Grass and Thousand Silk Grass are the best partners. When making elixirs, combining the two has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort.

Leyun is more rare about Jade Bone Grass than others, because if she adds Jade Bone Grass to the bone growth prescription that uses Qiansi Grass as the main medicine, it will be a perfect formula.

Tree spirits have unique communication methods and channels for spreading news. Even though the two are hundreds of billions or tens of billions of miles apart, they still know exactly what is in which place.

When the tree spirits around the peak at the entrance to the secret valley were complaining, they accurately mentioned the location of the swamp and the nearby iconic mountains. It was not difficult to find it.

It once took animal cultivator Xuerong two years to find the poisonous swamp, but Le took advantage of the speed of the spirit boat and the coordinates provided by the tree spirits to find the destination in just two days.

Poisonous swamps are filled with poisonous fumes all year round. The poisonous fumes are the strongest in spring and summer, while the poisonous fumes in autumn and winter are slightly thinner and more toxic.

In the early winter, the water level in the swamp area has dropped a bit, and the exposed dry mud is also black and gray. Venomous scorpions, toads, leeches, and locusts lurk in the water and mud.

In the land grass surrounded by swamps, countless poisonous mosquitoes and swarms of centipedes hiding in the soil are also waiting for the arrival of prey.

The name of the jade bone grass reveals a sense of purity and purity. In fact, its growth conditions are quite different - it only grows in poisonous swamp areas.

It is precisely because of this that there is no Jade Bone Grass in Xiantianbao, which even has Thousand Silk Grass.

Finding the outside of the swamp area, Le Yun put away the spirit boat, activated the defense of the robe, summoned Fenyue's friends, and walked into the swamp area with head held high.

The poisonous insects lurking in the mud of the water burst out of the water, like countless fireworks rising into the sky, and pounced on the prey that finally appeared.

Fen Yue, who was still playing on the contractor's fingers, floated into the air and turned into a giant flame.

The flames of the giant flames swallowed up thousands of poisonous insects.

The power of the divine fire is extraordinary. The poisonous insects swallowed by the tongues of fire are burned to the ground before they can scream in agony. The poisonous insects that are touched by the flames turn into small sparks.

The screams of the poisonous insects burned by the fire resounded through the sky, and they only had time to struggle a few times before being burned to ashes.

Those poisonous insects that were a little further away and were not touched by the flames were lucky enough to escape, and fled in panic, or plunged into the water and hid in the mud.

The first bird was shot, and the swarm of poisonous insects that was the first to come forward was burned to the ground by the fire after just one encounter. It also shocked other poisonous clams, poisonous scorpions, and poisonous leeches to dare not come forward again.

After disposing of a batch of poisons effortlessly, Fen Yue excitedly ran in front of the contract owner to clear the way.

He wanted to show off his skills, but unfortunately the poisonous scorpions, toads, leeches, and locusts were so frightened that they no longer dared to take the lead and allowed the humans to cross the swamp.

The Poison Fly Clan and Centipede Clan are brave and fearless, and a large number of death squads swarm into the air to intercept them.

Fenyue saw the poisonous flies that were as dense as black clouds. She was so excited that she rushed over and hugged the poisonous flies who had formed a group to welcome them.

A hug from the divine fire burned the swarm of poisonous insects to nothing.

The Poison Fly Death Squadron suffered heavy casualties. Burning Moon burned through the Poisonous Fly team, and rushed into the group of centipedes without hesitation. He did not hesitate to use his own fire, and came to roast the centipedes with a fierce fire.

There was a smell of burnt meat in the air.

Le Yun, who was left behind, was worried that the naughty child would burn all the centipedes with a fire, so she rushed over and took out the net to catch the centipedes.

The centipede and centipede were equally defeated when they saw the fire.

The flames of the divine fire were so powerful that a large number of centipedes were burned. Le Yun only caught a dozen centipedes that fled, and a small number of other centipedes fled away.

Fenyue's three battles and three victories were floating around in the air unscrupulously.

The poisonous insects in the swamp are all frightened by the power of the fire, and they no longer dare to test the edge.

With the divine fire deterring the poisonous insects, Le Yun walked calmly through the air. In a short time, she reached the land in the middle of Zhi Ze and flew towards the inner circle.

The scorpions, centipedes, toads and poisonous flies in the swamp land were a little behind in the news. They didn't know the power of a certain group of flames, so they sent troops to surround the hunter clan.

To deal with the mere poison, Fen Yue did not need the command of his contractor. He rushed up to give the poison a loving hug and sent away the poisonous insect death squads one after another.

The little loli carried a net and picked up some toads. Only three or two scorpions and centipedes were caught in the net. The poisonous flies were small and were burned by the divine fire.

After burning several batches of poisonous insects, it was quiet for a while. When entering the inner area, the poisonous bees came out in full force.

Fen Yue happily roasted bugs.

The Bees and the Humans were fighting each other. The battle formation had not yet begun, but the situation was one-sided. Seeing that the situation was not going well, the Venomous Bee leaders led their remaining troops to retreat like a tide.

Fen Yue took advantage of the victory to pursue and burned many poisonous bees to death before running back to the contractor to protect her.

With an invincible naughty boy who specializes in poisons by her side, Leyun traveled without worries. She landed on top of the grass plants and walked slowly.

Fenyue jumped here and there, playing around.

In about a dozen breaths, Le Yun entered the side and rear of a certain mountain with a cave and found a piece of jade bone grass.

The shape of jade bone grass is like a grass seedling, which is very similar to the seedlings of wild thatch. It is mixed among wild plants. At first glance, it looks like young thatch grown from grass seeds.

Jade bone grass grows slowly, one inch per thousand years, and its lifetime height is no more than one foot. It has green leaves, and when the leaves are peeled off, the completely transparent stems are carmine red.

Because the straw is as transparent as ice, it is named Jade Bone.

The jade bone grass itself has no special smell. It blooms small jade-white flowers. The smell of the flowers is not only not fragrant, but also exudes a smell similar to that of a stinking ditch.

Swamp areas generally have a muddy smell, and the smell of jade-bone flowers is similar to the muddy smell. Therefore, the smell is easily ignored when it blooms.

Jade bone grass grows in poisonous swamps, but it is a magical herb for detoxification.

The reason why Xuerong's mother's soul body was able to live on a swamp island filled with poisonous gas for 100,000 years without the poisonous gas corroding her soul was because there was jade bone grass near the peak of the island.

After finding the growing point of the jade bone grass, Le Yun put on gloves, pulled out a nine-and-a-half-inch tall grass, peeled off the leaves and observed the stem.

The crimson of the grass stalk is deeper, with a purple hue, full of color, and looks layered. Because it is transparent, it is quite like a red crystal, which is more transparent than a crystal.

Because the stems of Jade Bone Grass are dark red, it is also called "Jade Bone Beauty".

Jade bone grass grows for thousands of years before it reaches adulthood, and it blooms only once in its life.

The jade bone grass that grows mixed with other plants is scattered and scattered, covering an area of ​​about seven or eight miles. It is only a small piece of the jade bone grass that grows in the inner swamp. It also grows in other places.

The grass looks similar to thatch, but who would have thought that it is actually the rare jade bone grass.

The jade bone grass was inconspicuous. The beast cultivator Xue Rong didn't notice it even after entering the swamp. The soul of a certain snow bear had lived on the mountain peak for nearly a hundred thousand years and also didn't recognize its identity.

Jade Bone Grass relied on its perfect camouflage skills to avoid disasters again and again.

Unfortunately, the traces of the tree spirits were eventually exposed due to the gossip, which led to a "murderous disaster".

Le Yun, the treasure hunter, sympathized with the Jade Bone Grass for three seconds, put away the Jade Bone Grass after studying it clearly, and started digging for the spiritual grass.

There are also many poisonous plants that grow along with the jade bone grass. The juice of some poisonous weeds can seal the throat with blood, or a drop of poisonous juice can overwhelm a Mahayana monk. Among them are the nemesis of the puppet man and the puppet beast.

Puppet is made from ores and is immune to most poisons, but there are no wonders in nature, and all things are mutually reinforcing. The juices of some plants are not very harmful to flesh and blood, but they can easily corrode the metal body of Puppet Man and Puppet Beast.

There are poisonous weeds that can restrain the puppet, but the puppet can't help. At this time, Le Yun has to do it herself, plowing the ground with magic to pry out the poisonous or spiritual grass with roots and soil.

As for the little black ink monkeys and rhinoceros monkeys, those two are too weak. If they are contaminated by the poisonous juice of some poisonous weeds, they will be sent away in a minute.

Fen Yue is a flame. Let him burn poisonous insects. Don't expect him to be a herb gatherer. Le Yun doesn't dare to let the naughty child help dig up the spiritual herbs, for fear that he will burn them all when he gets excited.

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