magic eye doctor

Chapter 3297

Chapter 3297

There is a kind of coldness called "your grandma thinks you are cold", and a kind of shortness called "the trees think you are short".

Leyun, who grew up under the wise care of her grandpa, did not enjoy the first kind of love, but she could not escape the deeper love from trees.

The care of tree spirits is the purest.

It was so pure that Le Yun felt suffocated and wanted to ask, what should she do?

Did she continue to pretend to be dead, or did she sit up in shock while dying and get up to express her satisfaction or dissatisfaction with her current height?

After thinking for a moment, he chose to stand up.

The height is there. Anyway, whether you are satisfied or dissatisfied, it has no practical significance. It is better to lie down and receive the small gifts and listen to the gossip, so that you can feel more comfortable.

With the calculation in mind, Le Yun lay down more flatly, while listening to the gossip, she used two parts of her consciousness to check the storage container that the tree spirits gave her as a small gift.

The two storage containers have a stable structure and high-grade materials, so they can survive for a long time. One is in the shape of an ordinary ring and is thousands of feet wide, and the other is in the shape of a gemstone and is thousands of feet wide.

There is a small pile of spiritual crystals in the ten thousand feet wide ring storage, the number is about 800 pieces, there are more than a thousand boxes containing spiritual plants and spiritual fruits, as well as a dozen monster beasts, a dozen boxes of various kinds of sacred minerals, and There are two boxes of immortal jade.

A thousand-foot-wide gem-shaped storage container is stacked with a pile of spiritual marrow and spirit stones. Between and beside the spirit stones, there is a small amount of powder left after the spirit energy has been drained out of the spirit stones. There are also dozens of boxes of spirit plant spirit fruits and more than ten boxes of spirit stones. grain, and a bunch of low-level fairy grass spiritual plants.

Because the spiritual crystals and spiritual stones are stored in the two storage containers, items such as spiritual plants remain intact.

It is speculated from the items preserved in the storage container that the former owner of the 10,000-foot-wide space vessel was more likely to come from the fairy world, and the owner of the 1,000-foot-wide space vessel may have come from the spiritual world.

After checking the storage device, Le Yun withdrew her consciousness, feeling complicated. Hey, the tree spirit was so... considerate, so I felt a little uneasy receiving this gift.

The tree spirits gave her the things out of kindness, so it would be hard to back out.

It felt a bit deserved for her to accept it like this.

After thinking for a long time, Le Yun silently accepted the special gift, continued to listen to the gossip in the forest, and put the gifts that the new tree spirits put in hand into her pocket.

The tree spirits flocked to the platform of the small mountain peak as if they were gathering in large numbers. When there was no room under the human race's hair, the humans who arrived later lay down next to the human race to bask in the sun.

Probably the tree spirits also knew that after the humans left, they would come again at some unknown time, and the tree spirits who were far away from the small mountain peak also came.

The platform on the small mountain peak became a cluster, and a large number of white people gathered. Until the evening, finally no more tree spirits came.

The number of tree spirits on the top platform reached an astonishing number, exceeding 110,000.

The tree spirits are so small that even if they lie down, they can't take up much territory. There are over a hundred thousand white villains that don't even cover the top platform.

The little white people are small, and the human race trapped in the middle is hundreds of times larger than them. The picture is exactly like a giant falling into the country of Lilliput.

The gathered tree spirits chatted all day long and were in a happy mood. In the evening, they stopped talking and fell asleep peacefully one by one.

The little white people were quiet, and Le Yun silently sorted out the gifts given by the tree spirits, sorting the mushrooms, fresh fruits, nuts, etc. into categories.

Among the gifts given by the tree spirits, there are more than ten thousand stones, some of which are jade, some of which are divine grade, beautiful and beautiful ores and star stones, and more than thousands of pure natural stones.

Purely natural stones either have natural patterns, or are natural fossil or tree-turned jade, agate, amber stone. Each stone is exquisite and beautiful, and is pleasing to the eye and ear.

Moreover, in addition to the two storage containers initially received, fifty-three storage containers were subsequently received.

There are many styles of storage containers that tree spirits give as gifts, including small gem-type ones, as well as space containers such as rings, bracelets, armlets, earrings, necklaces, hairpins, etc.

Leyun wanted to listen to the gossip, so she sorted out the gifts from the tree spirit without checking the storage device. Finally, she was free and began to check the storage device carefully.

The internal dimensions of a bunch of storage containers range from large to small. There is an armband and a bracelet, which are also sub-space devices. The main armband is 30,000 miles wide and is inlaid with five gem-shaped sub-space devices. The dimensions are thousands of miles long, wide and high.

The main space of the bracelet is 20,000 miles wide, and is equipped with nine gem-shaped sub-space vessels that are 1,000 miles wide.

The two large storage containers contain a large amount of spiritual crystals, divine crystals, divine ores, jade, and miscellaneous precious materials for making talismans and refining weapons, as well as a large number of high, middle, and low-level fairy grasses and mushrooms. A small amount of divine level spiritual plants.

There are also rare fish, shrimps, and shells, more than a hundred first-, second-, and third-level fairy-level beast corpses, and a small number of fairy-level magic weapons, elixirs, and other sundries.

The two storage containers have a rich collection. Their original owners should be the elites of a certain great immortal sect or immortal cultivating family in the Qingxu God Realm, and their status must not be too low.

It's a pity that even though he brought enough equipment, he still failed after entering Qianji Secret Valley.

After looking at the storage container, Le Yun felt that the two people's death was not unjust, because there was a large amount of immortal food and grains and green crops in the storage container.

The word "green crops" means immature crops that are in the initial or relatively early stages of life, development, and growth.

The grains and green crops in the two storage containers include crops that are still in the growing stage, and crops that are flowering and fruiting or have ears but are not fully mature.

The young plants were uprooted and stored in large wooden boxes.

The owner of the storage device has long since lost his body, but there are divine crystals and spiritual energy in the storage device, and the young plants are still as fresh as freshly plucked.

Needless to say, we can guess that the owner of the storage device has entered the fairyland treasure realm. The two of them collected a large amount of fairy food in the fairyland secret realm, and even pulled out the young seedlings that were still in the growth stage. This is a typical lack of people's hearts. People should not be greedy. Those two were greedy and ended up staying in Qianji Secret Valley forever, becoming flower-protecting fertilizers turned into spring mud.

The specifications of the other fifty-one storage containers are lower, and the internal dimensions of the space containers range from a hundred feet to ten thousand miles. From the items stored in the space containers, it is inferred that the owners of most of the storage containers are from the fairy world or the god world, and only a few are from the fairy world. From the spiritual world or the world of cultivation.

The owners of some storage devices should have known nothing about the secret realm beforehand, and entered the sacred tree realm by chance, carrying all their belongings with them, and their resources are quite rich.

Several of the owners of the fifty-one space vessels also had the opportunity to go to the Fairyland Treasure Realm, and each collected a lot of fairy food. Without exception, they all dug up green seedlings of several types of grains.

The monks who entered the Immortal Treasure Realm gathered grains and took away the grains and young crops. Those who were greedy and insufficient would not regret death.

The original owner of the storage device has been dead for an unknown number of years. The space device has been buried in the soil of the Secret Valley Forest for a long time. It has been purified by the power of nature. There is no bad luck after it is seen again.

If there is no bad luck, naturally there is no need to do rituals to drive away evil spirits and remove bad luck.

Le Yun, who had picked up a fortune for nothing, didn't know how to describe her mood. She made a lot of money from this trip to the Secret Valley!

Thinking of the pile of resources that I had swept away, I felt like I could laugh out of my dreams.

In order to prevent the tree spirits from being affected by excessive mood swings, they adjusted their moods, sorted out the new storage containers, and stored various items according to categories.

After taking inventory of the items, Le Yun felt better and could practice peacefully.

She only practiced for half a night to replenish the energy consumed in the previous few days, slept peacefully for half a night, and woke up on time before dawn.

It was the darkest time before dawn, and it was hard to see.

The forest was cold and dewy, but extremely quiet and peaceful.

Le Yun sensed it, sat up gently, took a basin and washed her hands, then took out a small incense burner and placed it on the ground, lit a stick of incense and inserted it in the incense burner.

The sandalwood is elegant and the white smoke curls up.

After burning the incense, Leyun sat cross-legged, lowered her eyes and recited the Sutra of Merit and Virtue.

The girl's clear and ethereal voice was deep and powerful, sounding like the sound of gold and jade vibrating. Gradually, not even the chirping of insects could be heard in the surroundings, only the soft sound of chanting scriptures.

Unknowingly, the darkness passed, and the white fish belly appeared in the east.

The little white people slept soundly to the sound of chanting sutras, and they still didn't wake up even after it got dark.

After reciting a sutra of merits from another world, Le Yun once again recited the "Tai Shang Ying Pian" from the Chinese Taoist classic.

When two-thirds of a sutra was recited, the sun rose in the east.

The golden crow rises, and the little white people finally wake up.

The tree spirits who had slept until they woke up naturally did not have the energy to get up. They sat up one by one with their hands and feet quickly, sitting upright and listening to the human race chanting sutras.

The humans chanted the sutras with full concentration, and the tree spirits listened attentively.

Soon after, many trees in the forest were shining with golden light and their branches and leaves were growing steadily.

Le Yun calmly recited the Taishang Sutra once, and then recited it a second time.

Not long after she recited it for the second time, trees in the vast forest continued to glow with golden light, and their leaves grew rapidly under the rays of the morning sun.

The burning speed of the incense burner also slowed down.

Le Yun knew nothing about this. She recited the scriptures with all her concentration. After she finished reciting, she started from the beginning again.

The incense in the incense burner burned slowly. When the last bit of incense burned out, the ashes fell, and the sound of human chanting also fell silent.

After reciting the Taishang Induction Sutra three times, Le Yun sat down with her eyes lowered, bathed in the morning sun.

The little white people sat quietly for a while before they suddenly came to their senses, jumped up happily, called their friends, and left in groups.

The tree spirits scattered in all directions, their chirping sounds rising and falling like waves.

Le Yun's consciousness was thrown into the air, watching the little white people.

In just one night, the bodies of the tree spirits became more solid than yesterday, their vague facial features became vaguely concrete, and their white bodies became jade-colored.

The little white people jumped up and down happily, and when they reached the edge of the platform, they all looked back. Then they jumped up and down the trees around the mountain, and returned to the forest.

Seeing the groups of little white people walking to the edge of the top platform and turning back, seemingly reluctant to leave, Le Yun also felt reluctant to leave.

If she could settle in the Qingxu God Realm in the future, she would definitely choose the Divine Wood Realm, find a geomantic treasure in the Qianji Secret Valley, dig a cave, and live next to the tree spirits every day.

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