magic eye doctor

Chapter 3301

Chapter 3301

Ants are still greedy for life, not to mention monsters like mantises, spiders, and centipedes. They are afraid of becoming prey too late and just want to return to the insect nest as soon as possible.

The insect swarm was very dense. When they arrived at the transfer point to land in the other world, they rushed into the black air. In just two months, all the insect demons from the other world returned to the foggy lake.

The insect swarm that fell at the end of the Zerg army was the second generation of Zerg that had arrived at Qian Ji Valley to lay eggs and hatched. They were basically first-order insects.

The little loli stuck to the stone wall and acted as a gecko for another seven or eight days. Seeing that the team of the second generation of Euglena was almost over, she quietly sneaked into the foggy lake to collect the Yin Yang Reincarnation Lotus and the Nine Color Divine Lotus, and released a batch The second generation of insects returns to another world.

The number of that batch of second-generation bugs was not too large, about two billion.

The swarms of insects who didn't know that they were lucky enough to escape, swarmed into the black air, followed their instincts and entered the mountain caves, returning to another world to recognize their ancestors.

About two billion second-generation insects entered the foggy lake in less than four hours, which also represented the end of the insect tide that cycled every 100,000 years in Qianji Valley.

Qianji Valley, which has been ravaged by several insect waves, is barren of grass and devastated.

After the Zerg retreated, Le Yun appeared in the sun again and released the spirit boat, allowing the two tree-shaped spiritual plant spaces to absorb the sunlight's aura.

The law enforcement officers just wanted to ask, why are the young monks digging such mounds of earth?

Of course, they didn't bother to ask.

After sweeping away the mounds in the middle of the canyon, the little Lolita returned to Wuhu Lake, recovered the Yin Yang Reincarnation Lotus, and then retrieved the space bottle that intercepted the river, and embarked on the journey back to Qiangu Garden.

After digging dozens of bare hills, Le Yun found dozens of pure earth mounds and garbage pits where Qianguyuan law enforcement officers stored insect excrement.

This is the real scraping!

She marched eastward from the direction of Wuhu Lake, moved all the hills that could be moved, and entered the middle of the canyon. She let go of her hands and feet and dug the mounds frantically.

The plants in the Qianji Valley were destroyed by insect monsters, and the hills were no longer covered by vegetation. When digging, there was no need to peel off the vegetation and just throw space bottles to move the hills, saving time and effort.

In the second step, the insect corpses in the Nine Color God's side were also transferred into the space bottle, and a talisman was affixed to the divine lotus to ward off darkness and evil, and then it was sent back to the nine-story altar in the Star Core World for storage.

No one interfered with her, and the little Loli happily dug the soil, digging out all the mounds not far from Qiangu Garden, and then went to dig the hills in the canyon opposite the safety.

Crossing the tail and middle sections of the canyon where the hills had been removed, we entered the front section of the canyon, digging dirt and moving hills again.

Le Yun didn't count how many insect demons she had caught, so she flew to the river, threw a space bottle into the river to absorb water, and then took the nine Silver Star brothers to dig into the hills of the Grand Canyon.

The Twelve Law Enforcers, who were hidden in the clouds, paid attention to a certain young monk from the moment he came into view. They all fell silent as they watched her dig up the mounds of earth with a magic bottle.

The human race operated as fiercely as a tiger, and in the end, only three consecutive hills on the middle of the canyon were left unexcavated, running from north to south and running across the canyon like speed bumps.

The Yin Yang Reincarnation Lotus is a natural ancestral treasure raised by nature. It has special properties. It can not only turn the soul of a living being into its own power, but also absorb the underworld energy.

All the way to the east, when Qiangu Garden was in sight, the little Lolita was still not satisfied. Regardless of the law enforcement officers in the sky, she still went her own way and continued to move the mounds in the canyon.

The little loli is very conscientious. Whenever she blows away a certain hill, she loosens the soil on the spot and scatters a few handfuls of plant seeds.

Then pour the insect corpses in the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus into a space bottle, and then throw the Yin-Yang Reincarnation Lotus into the foggy lake to absorb the underworld energy.

The little loli still felt that it was not enough, and even dug soil in some areas, leaving several huge sinkholes.

Previously, the Yin Yang Reincarnation Lotus was hidden in the foggy lake, and its focus was on devouring the souls of the insects. Now that the insect swarms are gone, it can absorb the underworld energy as much as it wants.

They have seen people who want to scrape off a layer of land when searching for resources, but they have never seen monks who scrape away the mounds like this.

After every insect tide, there must be a layer of insect feces and dirt on the Qiangu Garden boundary.

The scattered hills in the canyon were cleared away and turned into an endless plain.

The law enforcement officers dug several huge pits in the canyons and valleys tens of thousands of miles away from the safety city, and threw all the dirt scraped from the barrier into the large pits, covering the surface with a thin layer of soil.

The original intention of the law enforcement officers is to deal with garbage. The insect excrement accumulated in the pit ferments in the natural environment, forming a compost pile.

Le Yun was happy when she discovered the garbage pit. She swept the insect excrement and mounds of soil from several large pits into the storage container and widened the large pit.

I collected a batch of fertilizer and continued digging the mound with great satisfaction.

After digging out all the mounds in the canyon, Leyun packed herself up, flew to Qiangu Garden, held the jade slip in hand, and walked into the barrier.

In order not to fall into the mud, she slowly blended into the barrier, and finally successfully landed without suffering the pain of falling, and appeared smoothly within the barrier.

Of course, dizziness is inevitable.

Le Yun stood for a while, and when the dizziness disappeared, she kicked up her flying legs and walked across the grass in a hurry, like a whirlwind into the stewards' wishful house. When the stewards saw the little fairy who had been in the secret valley for more than forty years, surprise appeared in their eyes, and they smiled and congratulated: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Xiyue on your safe return!"

"Thank you, seniors!" Sensing the goodwill of the stewards, Le Yun thanked her and took out nine small wine jars and placed them on the long table: "When I entered the secret valley, I was lucky enough to find the secret realm of fairy fields, where I have been planting fairy trees for several years. Grain, use some fairy grain to brew a few jars of wine, and invite the seniors to have a drink.”

"My little Taoist friend is interested." The stewards could also feel the sincerity of the little fairy, and they generously took a wine jar and put it away.

Le Yun took out the seal to receive the reward and handed it over, then took out a space bottle, stared at her beautiful almond eyes, and humbly asked for advice: "Senior, can insects still compete for exchange?"

"Yes." The stewards responded affirmatively. The fifth round of insect tide retreated, but the hunting mission had not yet ended.

"Junior has hunted a lot of bugs, please help me with the points from the seniors. I still want to keep the insect corpses, but I only need half of the points." Le Yun handed the space bottle to the steward, and then placed twelve large sunglasses on the long table. plate and placed an empty space bottle.

One steward took the bottle of magic weapon, and the other steward evenly distributed the rewards from the insect-killing leader mission to the little fairy for her to see.

"Seniors, please count the bugs. Juniors will go to the spiritual field first to find the spiritual plant dolls and come back later." Le Yun did not count the rewards from the insecticide leader, collected the storage bag, and ran away happily.

The steward who took the magic weapon in the bottle tried to check the inside. He couldn't help but take a breath and his face changed: "What a bastard!"

"What's wrong?" The other eight stewards looked puzzled.

"Too many!" The steward holding the bottle had a complicated mood: "Xiyue Xiaodao is too powerful, the fifth round of insect swarm is too fierce, other monks from all races have no chance to leave the safe city to fight against the insect swarm, Xiyue Xiaodao You have hunted down a large number of fourth-level Zerg on your own, and the number is estimated to exceed 10 billion!"

"Ten billions?!" The stewards were stunned.

The steward holding the bottle nodded, poured the worms out, and poured them into the fairy's magic plate until there was no more space left for each pile.

The insects piled up in the small magic weapon include mantises, spiders, and centipedes. The insects are mixed together in random directions, and only one is as big as an ox.

The stewards were silent for a while, then took out the four treasures of the study, and all nine of them went into battle and started the work of counting insects.

Le Yun was busy looking for the little creatures and didn't listen to what the stewards said. If she heard it, she would definitely say arrogantly, "Where are we now? These few insects are not even one percent of what I harvested." .

To say one percent is modest. The actual number of worms in the bottle handed over to the stewards was less than one thousandth of the total harvest.

After all, her one kill almost wiped out three Zerg armies.

The reason why we didn't drive out all the insect demons was because we didn't want to cause panic among the insect races in other worlds.

If the fifth insect wave dies out, the Insect King in another world doesn't know what happened. The next time the Divine Tree Realm opens to the outside world, more insect monsters will be sent to attack Qianji Valley, which will increase the burden on Qianji Valley.

After destroying the main force of the insect wave army and sparing the leader of the insect wave and some second-generation bugs, they can still interact with each other when they return, making the Zerg clan fearful.

Le Yun, who was vying to meet the little creatures, rushed to the spiritual field. Without notifying Calabash Baby, she entered the barrier using the teleportation technique and went straight to the inside of the golden lotus magic weapon.

Entering his magic weapon barrier, he shouted: "Little cuties, I'm back!"

Calabash baby and Nanjia had just sensed that there was an uninvited guest in the magic weapon, then they heard a familiar voice and jumped out.

The five little dolls also threw away the rice seedlings and orange stalks in their hands and emerged from the Ruyi House like the wind.

"little fairy!"

When the gourd dolls, orchid dolls, sunflower dolls, white jade dolls, golden dolls, and medicine dolls saw dozens of missing fairies, they were so excited that they rushed over and stuck them on the fairies as pendants.

Le Yun's legs and arms were hugged and turned into a doll tree. She was helpless. When she saw the handsome Buddhist cultivator flying out of the Ruyi House, she was a little surprised: "Fellow Taoist Nanga, long time no see."

Nanga put his palms together in a salute: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist Xiyue for your safe return!"

After the little fairy said hello to the Buddhist cultivator, a large group of five and six small dolls clinging to the little fairy happily surrounded the little fairy and walked towards the Ruyi House.

The little creatures are quick to talk, and they are already talking about which of the spiritual vegetables and fruits they grow is the most delicious.

Le Yun was pushed into the Ruyi House by the little creatures. She watched the little creatures quickly pick up the orange sticks scattered on the floor and sat on the floor with the little guy.

Nanga also sat down beside him with a smile.

The little creatures brought out the fruit plates they had prepared and excitedly introduced which melon varieties had emerged, which melons had advanced to the next level, and which melons had the best taste.

The little creature looked at him eagerly, and Le Yun hurriedly tasted one of each melon, praising each time he tasted it.

The dolls are indeed the best little experts in planting. The fruits they grow not only look beautiful but also have better quality.

The six dolls who were praised by the little fairy were happier than picking up the spirit stones, and they were so happy that they couldn't even see their teeth.

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