magic eye doctor

Chapter 3305 Something is wrong

Chapter 3305 Something is wrong

People know themselves, and Le Yun knew that she had the problem of getting dizzy while teleporting, and it was impossible to accurately calculate the time during teleportation. She sat upright and placed an hourglass next to her.

The gourd baby and the five little dolls also sat like bells one after another.

After the teleportation array was opened, the five small dolls were also dizzy.

When the transmission ended, only Buddha Nanga was safe and sound. He stood up and walked out of the transmission array, reached the open space and sat on the ground, waiting for Fairy Xiyue to come out.

Calabash Baby and the five little ones were in better condition. They recovered after sitting down for about a cup of tea. They stretched their heads and looked outside a few times. No one ran out. They all gathered around the little fairy to help massage them.

After the transmission ended, Le Yun took a breather from the dark state, and was kneaded by the dolls again, which made her chaotic brain feel refreshed.

Now that your mind is clear, check the hourglass immediately.

Based on the amount of sand in the hourglass, the transmission lasted for about three days. You can imagine how far away Qiangu Garden is from Baicao Garden.

Le Yun did not move the hourglass, rubbed her head that was still a little dizzy, got up and moved around, and took the six babies out of the Ruyi House.

Calabash Boy and the little creatures took care of it out of curiosity, but found nothing magical about the Herb Garden, and their enthusiasm faded away.

In an instant, her head stopped feeling dizzy and her energy improved.

Baicao Garden is located in the middle of the giant canyon plain. It is a safe city surrounded by a large formation. It is wider than Qiangu Garden and covers an area of ​​tens of millions of miles.

Grain crops can naturally be grown in the Baicao Garden. However, the same variety of immortal rice is grown by the same person. It can produce seven or eight grains in the Thousand Valley Garden, but only one or two grains can be grown in the Baicao Garden. It is the same as outside the sacred tree realm. The yield at planting time is about the same.

After looking around, Le Yun discovered the black spiritual soil in the canyon. She was very excited. It turned out to be all natural mid-level spiritual soil. She really wanted to dig it!

If monks of all races from outside the sacred tree realm walked out of the Herb Garden on their own, whether they would live or die would depend entirely on their own strength and luck.

Law enforcement is in the high-altitude clouds. There are currently only fifteen stewards in the director's area, and the other four positions are empty.

The yield of grains planted in Baicao Garden is not high, but the yield of spiritual plants planted in Baicao Garden is higher than that of spiritual plants planted in Qiangu Garden.

There are dozens of kinds of spiritual grass that are unique to the mountains around Baicao Garden and cannot be grown outside.

The canyon where the Baicao Garden is located has four distinct seasons. In spring, everything revives, the trees are in full bloom, the grass is green, and the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant everywhere.

The same kind of spiritual plants are planted by the same person. When planted in the Baicao Garden, there is a cycle of about ten years. One spiritual field can harvest a hundred plants.

The Qiangu Garden mainly grows immortal grains, while the Baicao Garden mainly grows immortal plants and spiritual herbs.

The soil in the entire giant canyon is all black soil, which is natural intermediate spiritual soil.

There are also woods in Baicaoyuan Security City. The teleportation array is surrounded by a green grassland. There is a bush not far away, and the management area is located on the edge of the bush.

A piece of planting land designated by the safe city from the outside world is a safe zone. Without the permission of the wood-type fairy monster, other monsters will not attack the safe city.

If Qiangu Garden is the holy land of five grains, then Baicao Garden is the holy land of spiritual herbs.

Baicao Garden also has twelve law enforcement officers and nineteen stewards.

It was late October and early November when Le Yun came out of Qianji Secret Valley. She spent several months hunting insects and digging soil, and it was already the Spring Festival of the new year when she arrived at Baicao Garden.

The soil is rich in spiritual energy, and the plants in the canyon are also extremely lush. The local area is the territory of wood-type fairy monsters, and the lord is a wood-type fairy king.

If you plant them in Qiangu Garden, the growth period of the spiritual plants will be extended to more than three years. A maximum of 60 spiritual plants of the same size can be harvested from a spiritual field of the same size.

This year is also the fifty-third year since the secret realm was opened.

Le Yun, who was in high spirits, jumped from the magic weapon to the ground with a leap, and discussed with the long-standing Buddha: "Fellow Taoist Nangjia, I am going out, and I will leave the dolls here to exchange for spiritual herbs. "

"Young fellow Taoist, you want to go out? There are many high-level monsters outside Bai Cao Garden, and the wilderness is extremely dangerous." Nanjia did not stop him, but only gave a reminder. He had been to Bai Cao Garden and the wild, and he had the right to speak.

"It doesn't matter, I have the ability to protect myself." Le Yun decided to go out, and Qing Yi would not change her mind.

"Okay, my fellow Taoists and I have exchanged the spiritual grass and will wait for you here." Nanga said no more, and did not ask fellow Taoist Xiyue what he was looking for in the wild.

Calabash dolls, Lingzhi dolls, rock dolls, and rock dolls didn't object either. They were too weak and were always a hindrance when following the little fairy.

The little fairy is about to go out, and Calabash Boy becomes the one who takes the lead. He also jumps from the magic weapon to the ground.

Le Yun informed the Buddhist cultivator, walked into the director's office with him, saluted the stewards, and greeted the stewards in advance: "Senior, junior, and fellow Taoist Nanga are here to exchange for spiritual grass. Please give it to Nanga first." Fellow Taoist exchange.

The junior has about 100 billion points. High-level spiritual plants require five of each type, and you can exchange as many mid-level and low-level spiritual plants as you can. "

"One hundred billion points?" The stewards' eyes were filled with astonishment, and they suspected that they had heard wrongly.

Turning his eyes to the little creature inside the magic weapon on the Buddhist cultivator's shoulder, he suddenly realized: "I guess the little fellow Taoist is Fairy Xiyue?"

The senior manager of Qiangu Garden came to Baicao Garden on time and booked several kinds of spiritual herbs that can only be grown in Baicao Garden in advance.

The stewards of Qiangu Garden made reservations in advance because they knew Fairy Xiyue’s points and were worried about waiting for Fairy Xiyue to replace all the high-level spiritual herbs. When the stewards of Qiangu Garden came, the fifth wave of insects was retreating. They said that Fairy Xiyue, who had just come out of the Secret Valley, was still hunting the insect monsters. They didn't know how many insect monsters she would hunt.

Knowing that the little fairy is Xiyue Fairy on the Qingshi Ranking, the stewards were shocked and calmed down. The fifth round of insect waves is a fourth-order insect demon. Fairy Xiyue has the strength to kill the fourth-order insect demon. She has gained hundreds of billions of points. Not surprisingly.

"This junior is Xiyue." After her identity was guessed, Le Yun bowed again politely.

"The monks who came to Baicao Garden once mentioned Fairy Xipeng, saying that the little fairy is extremely talented, and her light and wind are as bright as the moon. Today, when I see her, she is like a orchid and a jade tree, and she is so magnificent."

The steward opened his mouth to praise, but Le Yun was embarrassed and hurriedly bowed and thanked her: "The seniors are so grateful, but the juniors are too embarrassed to deserve it!"

Oops, why are you praising her so well?

It's okay if she doesn't praise her. This praise made Le Yun's back tense.

"I heard that my little fellow Taoist went to the Secret Valley. Did he find the secret realm of the Immortal Field? If he found the Immortal Field, we would also like to exchange for some high-grade Immortal Rice."

As soon as the manager spoke, Le Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he wanted to exchange it for fairy rice!

"This junior is lucky enough to find Xiantian..."

At the moment, Leyun did not hide it, saying that she had found the fairy field, but it was deserted. She planted a round of grains in the fairy field and left because of the snowy year.

What the stewards wanted was the fairy food from the Fairy Field in the Secret Valley, and she only agreed to give the stewards five pounds of nine-star purple grade fairy rice in exchange for each of them.

Fairy Xiyue found three kinds of nine-star purple fairy rice in the fairy field. Each person has five kilograms of each kind of fairy rice, and one person can get fifteen kilograms of nine-star purple fairy rice.

The little fairy was willing to give some fairy rice to herself, and the stewards were satisfied.

Le Yun said that she did not want resources such as magic weapons, elixirs, and talismans. She said that she was going to leave the safe city, took the storage container and gave it to the stewards, asking them to exchange it for the spiritual grass first.

The stewards readily accepted the commission.

After the negotiation was completed, Leyun handed over the key to her secret realm to the Calabash Boys, flew out of the director's office, and flew diagonally into the sky.

Calabash dolls, Lingzhi dolls, rock dolls, and rock dolls watched the little fairy leave. They looked back when they saw that the little fairy had left the barrier and could not be seen.

The little fellow Taoist left the safe city. Nanga took a step forward, handed over his storage device, and told the exchange requirements: "Junior will exchange one billion points for spiritual herbs, one for high-level spiritual herbs, and the other I need a mid-level spiritual herb.”

The stewards got to work immediately.

Calabash baby was not in a hurry, so he moved a chair and sat down to have some snacks.

The Buddhist monk also placed a chair to sit and wait.

The five dolls stayed in the magic weapon placed on the Buddha's shoulder, and sat on the edge. They also took out snack bags and ate nuts, while chattering and guessing what the little fairy was doing out there.

Ask the little fairy why you are going out?

There is only one answer - dredging!

Le Yun walked out of the barrier. Due to dizziness, she stood outside the barrier for a while before she recovered. When she took a closer look, she saw towering trees and boundless forest outside the barrier.

She was about to run away when a mosquito-like voice sounded in her ears: "Fellow Taoist Xiyue, we also want to exchange for some high-grade fairy rice. Can you give us a few kilograms of it? There are twelve of us in total."

Hearing the sound transmission from Baiguyuan Law Enforcement, Le Yun raised her head, looked through the clouds, and saw the true faces of the twelve law enforcement officers hidden in the clouds.

Immortal rice is equal to resources. If there are resources, they will be delivered to your door. There is no reason not to use them!

Le Yun's heart was filled with joy, her face was calm, and she responded via voice transmission: "The amount of divine-level immortal rice that the juniors received in the Immortal Field is limited, so we can only give each of the seniors four taels of divine-level immortal rice, and each of the nine-star purple-level immortal rice is five taels." catty."

The law enforcement officers nodded: "Good!"

Le Yun asked one more question: "Let me ask you a little something, my seniors. When we built the Herb Garden, where did the trees that were cut down go?"

"The cleared trees were thrown about 100,000 miles west of Safety City. If you want to see if the trees are rotting and growing fungi, you can go there."

Law enforcement officers answer all questions.

After getting the answer she wanted, Le Yun took out the spirit boat and drove away.

The law enforcement officers watched the little fairy driving the spirit boat run away. They slowly sorted out their resources and found the items to be exchanged for the fairy rice and stored them separately.

The spirit boat ran fast, and it only took Le Yun about a stick of incense to find the place where the law enforcement officials said they would throw the trees.

When the Baicao Garden Safety City was established, the immortals cleared away a large number of trees and weeds in order to open up a spiritual field. The immortals only collected high-level spiritual trees and threw away all the low-level spiritual trees.

A large number of trees are piled together. After decades of wind and rain, the twigs, leaves and weeds have rotted, and in some places, fungi have grown.

The place where the trees were thrown was close to the safe city and there were no high-level monsters. Le Yun collected the spirit boat and summoned the nine Silver Star brothers to pick spiritual fungi and collect trees and humus leaves.

A large number of trees are piled up together. The bark of the trees on the surface is peeling off, but the trees in the middle layer are still intact. Many giant trees are not even dry.

The little loli was so happy that she frantically picked up spiritual trees and collected tree scraps and rotten leaves.

I was busy, and suddenly I felt something was wrong!

It's so quiet around here!

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