magic eye doctor

Chapter 3320: I have the truth

Chapter 3320: I have the truth

Xuxing moved the two space bottle samples to the ground and put the storage bags on the bottles. Since the elders were present, he believed that they would not make mistakes.

The immortals of the White Goose tribe quietly released their spiritual consciousness to inspect the space bottles and storage containers. There were two hundred bottles filled with volcanic ash and three hundred bottles filled with water.

The human fairy's space bottle has a lot of space. However, Xingyue Island is an island. There is no problem in collecting water from three hundred space bottles. I just don't know if the volcanic ash is enough.

Fortunately, the little fairy has no hard requirements for collecting volcanic ash. He only says that he can collect as much as he can.

Le Yun handed over the space container for collecting resources to the White Goose tribe, and then discussed how to deliver it.

The fire city in the secret realm is built in the Lihuo Depression Mountains. The fire city is far away from the water city. It takes more than eleven months to take the teleportation array. One way is almost a year, and the round trip takes two years.

Le Yun means that if the immortals of the White Goose tribe fill up the space bottle and there are still two or more years before the end of the secret realm, they can go back to Water City directly.

If enough volcanic soil is collected and it is less than a year and a half before the end of the secret realm, let them go directly to the Three Pagodas Garden.

If the space bottle is not full yet, let them set off for the Three Pagodas Garden when there is still about a year left until the end of the secret realm, so as not to miss it.

The southern area of ​​Baie City is very lush. If you want to buy local products in Baie City, it is more suitable to go to the southern area.

When Lingzhou entered the central area from the south area, Le Yun used her spiritual consciousness to sense the atmosphere in the central area, and naturally had no interest in the central area.

The central area tends to be quiet, and there are few trading areas. Even if there are any transactions, they are private transactions, and the transaction objects are at least fairy-level resources.

There is no doubt about the White Goose clan’s side.

Xu Xing wanted to persuade the two fellow Taoists to visit the family residence and take a stroll in the Central District, but the human race fairy refused. He personally escorted the two fellow Taoists back to the South District in a spirit boat.

After the business was settled, Le Yun decisively stood up and left.

Entering the South District, Nanga took out the magic weapon stuffed into his sleeve and put it on his shoulder, letting his little Taoist friends feel the prosperity of White Goose City.

Knowing that the little Taoist friend was interested in the South District, Xuxing landed on the ground when the spirit boat flew to the northern end of the South District and walked south along the main street.

The little fellow Taoist entrusted the matter to himself, and Nanga accepted the commission happily.

The White Goose clan has almost formed a tacit understanding with all other clans. The shops operated by each clan are in other districts, making the Central District the most suitable and quiet place for cultivation, specializing in cultivating family talents.

She herself has other things to attend to, and may not finish her work before the end of the secret realm, leaving the White Goose Clan immortal to hand over to Buddhist Nanga.

The central area of ​​Baie City is quite the ancestral home of each branch of the Baie tribe and the in-law families who first settled in Baie City. It is the most important core headquarters of each tribe.

Because of this, the central district of White Goose City is not as lively as the other four districts.

The two young men and the beasts were just watching the fun, but Le Xiaololi had her own purpose. After walking for nearly a hundred miles, she turned into a shop with the guise of selling bamboo shoots and rice.

The supplies that the White Goose tribe needs to exchange for the elixir, because it takes three or two years to collect plant seeds, can be given to the Buddhist cultivator after enough water has been collected.

The main street runs through the South District and goes directly to the Central District. Except for the recent South City Gate and the northernmost section, which are cooler, most streets are lively every day.

Neither the two young men nor the beasts recognized the words on the plaques or cloths hanging on the streets of a certain city, but this did not prevent them from seeing the items on the streets or in the shops.

Nanga has no problem with where to go and is very easy to talk to.

The Buddhist cultivator will stay in Shuicheng for a few years, and is expected to leave about twelve months before the end of the secret realm. Excluding the teleportation time, he still has three to four months to exchange resources after going to Three Pagodas Garden.

Xuan Shao, Yan Shao, Calabash Baby, Lingzhi Doll, and Yanwa, who were in the Ruyi House, discovered that the scene had changed, so they ran out of the Ruyi House and continued to be the audience.

Baiyin Yingsheng, Shui Dun, Long-eared Bear, and Diamond Ape are still staying in Ruyi House, watching the excitement through the defensive door of Ruyi House.

The shop sells groceries, including wild goods, including bamboo shoots, bamboo rice, nuts from various wild trees, and some edible plant stems, leaves, and flowers.

Those things are common items on Baie Island. Local big-name merchants will occasionally buy some when they want to change their taste. Ordinary residents will collect them themselves if they want to eat them.

The business of the shop is good or bad.

Groceries that local residents regard as ordinary items are Le Yun's favorite. When she entered the store, she asked about the price and packed them all with a wave of her hand.

The store owner was shocked at first, and then he quickly put all the items and inventory in the store into a storage bag and handed it to the customer. After the customer paid the divine crystal and left, he closed the business neatly and went home to practice.

Xu Xing, who accompanied the local, said: "..." The little Taoist fellow from the human race has different preferences!

Next, the human fairy once again showed him what it meant to have different preferences - she specialized in shops selling ordinary things, and she would definitely visit any shop selling wild vegetables, shellfish, fish, and shrimp.

She is also keen on visiting stores that sell cereals, millet and other grains, as well as shops and stalls that sell wine and snacks. She finds out where poultry is sold and travels thousands of miles to buy it. Due to the climate, Baie Island is very suitable for the development of animal husbandry. There are abundant carnivorous spiritual birds raised locally, including all kinds of sheep, cattle, and dolphins. There are also many winged spiritual birds. There are also two species in the local area. Specialty meat poultry—sheep, rabbit, and mahua poultry.

Sheep and rabbit have a body as big as a sheep, but have the head and legs of a rabbit. They can run faster than sheep, and their meat combines the characteristics of sheep and rabbits.

Sheep and rabbits are a specialty of Xingyue Island. They were originally wild animals. After the White Goose Clan, Black Turtle Clan, and Platinum Tiger Clan settled on Xingyue Island, their ancestors were raised in captivity and trained into poultry.

The attack power of the raised sheep and rabbits is already very weak, but the non-captive sheep and rabbits are not vegetarians, and their attack power is comparable to that of the bull monsters of the same level.

The twist bird is a pheasant. It is similar in shape to the bird called "bamboo chicken" on Earth. However, the twist bird on Xingyue Island has a chicken-like comb on its head. The male chicken can grow to about ten pounds, and the female chicken is usually about six or seven. Weight.

Little Loli has figured out the rules of shopping in White Goose City, and specializes in choosing local specialties. Whenever she encounters a store selling poultry, she will ask the store if they have cow's milk or goat's milk, and how much they can buy.

Nanga happily ran along, and occasionally ran to share a spoonful of the soup and stock up on ingredients.

Xu Xing saw that the little fairy from the human race liked local poultry, so he sent a message to the purchasing manager of the Flavor Building. He knew where there was a place for spiritual poultry, and he brought his little Taoist friend to the door.

The advantage of having someone to accompany me became apparent at this time, and Xiao Le happily went shopping for goods.

While Xu Xing was taking his two friends shopping, the leader of the White Goose Clan discussed with a dozen Da Luo Jinxian and three Immortal Lord Shang how to arrange the collection of volcanic ash soil and water by the immortals of the same clan, and then went to the main peak cave to ask for instructions. God respects the ancestors.

The White Goose God spends most of his time in the cave that was built by the ancestor of the White Goose tribe on the main peak. The cave is less than a hundred feet wide, with only a divine jade bed and a few tufts, and nothing else.

The White Goose God is sitting on a tuft in the cave, closing his eyes and meditating.

Because he was already a deity, his whole person seemed to be covered with a veil. Even though he was sitting there, his face could not be seen clearly.

The White Goose Clan Chief and the Immortal Lord led the family elders into the cave, greeted the ancestor, sat down on the tufts on both sides of the cave in a polite manner, and then reported the current state of the evil Immortal Lord to the ancestor.

The White Goose God opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to encompass everything, but also seemed to contain nothing.

He said "Oh" calmly, indicating that he understood, and asked the fairy king of the family: "What did you find after meeting the little human fairy?"

The three immortal kings thought for a while before answering:

"When my grandson first saw the little fairy, he felt that her breath was soft and very kind. The second time he looked at her, he felt that she was unfathomable."

"Ancestor, I only see the golden light of the little fairy's merits and nothing else. I don't know where she comes from, or her real name or past."

"Ancestor, I wanted to use my spiritual eyes to check on the little fairy, but I almost burned my eyes. Then I didn't dare to look again."

The answers from the immortal kings were similar.

"The human race's little fairy is mysterious and unpredictable. I can't even see through her. What's more, you guys, don't try to use secret techniques to detect the little fairy in the future. She is not someone you can afford to offend.

The moment the little fairy arrived at White Goose Island, a nine-color divine light flashed above the barrier of Water City. It was no different when she entered White Goose City. The moment Xu Xing invited the little fairy into the Flavor Building, the luck of the White Goose clan increased. A little bit.

It can be seen from this that the human race's little fairy has a high status and must not be treated lightly.

In the future, no matter where you meet the human fairy, if you need to make a choice, you don't have to worry about the reactions of other parties in the divine world. The White Goose will side with the fairy, and I will have the final say. "

The Immortal Lord of the Bai tribe, Daluo Jinxian, looked up at the ancestor in shock: "Ancestor, the little fairy from the human race... is she so mysterious?"

The little fairy from the human race actually enhanced the luck of the White Goose Clan a little bit just by entering the White Goose Clan's territory. What kind of mysterious identity must that be?

"There are some creatures in the world who are loved by heaven and earth and bring their own good fortune. They bring auspiciousness wherever they go. The little fairies of the human race are like that."

Ancestor White Goose glanced at the white geese of his own race, his eyes flickered, and then calmed down: "The little fairy of the human race saved the fairy king of my race, so I will prepare a generous thank you gift.

Arrange for an immortal to lead a team to the Lihuo Depression to collect as much volcanic ash and soil as possible. If the ash and soil are not enough, collect the soil nearby. Do not return the empty storage container to the fairy. "

"Understood." A group of immortals accepted the order, but no one asked the ancestor about the origin of the human fairy.

The White Goose God slowly closed his eyes.

Knowing that the ancestor had no more instructions, the White Goose Immortal Lord bowed to the clan leader and other great Luo Jinxian, then quietly exited the cave, and quickly returned to the ancestral home of the White Goose Clan on the mountainside.

The immortals re-adjusted their personnel arrangements. One immortal took four Daluo Golden Immortals and set off from the Fire Plain. Another Immortal took eight Daluo Golden Immortals and left White Goose Island to collect water in the sea.

Another Immortal Lord was stationed in the city, and two Da Luo Jin Immortal-level clan leaders took away fifty space bottles and arranged for their branch's little white geese to collect drinkable spring water or river water on the island.

The leader of the White Goose clan personally supervised the collection of resources for the elixir, and assigned the task of collecting plant seeds to several branches of the White Goose clan as a family task, allowing the entire clan to contribute.

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