magic eye doctor

Chapter 3323 Can I be moved?

Chapter 3323 Can I be moved?

The ocean in the God Realm is full of dangers. Without the ancestral treasure, Le Yun would not dare to enter the ocean by herself. Because of the ancestral treasure, she felt confident and dared to risk her own life.

In the shallow water area, you can touch the sand and see the sky. After lying down, you don't feel much fear. When controlling the star core to absorb water, fish and shrimps are also filtered out. All the seawater absorbed by the star core merges into the ocean of the star core world. .

In the first few minutes, Le Yun controlled the star core to absorb water, and her consciousness wandered over the star core ocean, watching the water column falling out of thin air hitting the seabed.

After a few minutes, she lost control of her body.

The star core turns on full power and absorbs water with all its strength.

Xinghe controlled the rhythm of water absorption by himself, and Leyun's consciousness was naturally squeezed out.

She had the experience of being dragged into deep water by Star Core in Dongchen Continent. She guessed that Star Core would inevitably enter deep water after controlling the rhythm of water absorption. In order not to scare herself out when Star Core dragged her into deep water, she made a prompt decision. The earth sinks the spiritual consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness to understand the law.

The star core's siphoning ability is so strong that a huge vortex forms on the sea surface.

The star core still felt inadequate and kept moving towards the deep sea. In less than a day, it moved to the deep sea area millions of miles away from the coastline.

When her little contractor entered the water, the ancient stone mortar, time history book and void bottle that stayed in the sea of ​​consciousness also guessed her intention and did not intervene.

That little bit of vitality is a drop in the bucket for an Immortal Lord's Dantian, but it is an excellent start for the White Goose Immortal Lord who is almost dead.

However, after taking the elixir made by the little fairy, he regained some of his vitality in just two months and was able to practice on his own, which shows how effective the elixir is.

The immortal king who had been sleeping for several months woke up, and the White Goose family also gave him the elixir they had exchanged from the human fairy.

There is sufficient water in the deep sea, and the star core absorbs water with all its strength. A huge amount of water is moved into the ocean area of ​​​​the star core world every day.

Immortal White Goose took the second elixir first.

The so-called Nian Shen Festival refers to every Jiazi year in the sixty-year calendar.

Xu Xing: "..."

After Immortal White Goose took the elixir, the vitality of his flesh and blood returned to one-tenth of what it was at its peak. He could absorb more energy when he meditated and breathed out, and he had the physical strength of a young Nascent Soul Immortal.

I took the second elixir for a month, and then took another elixir.

Immortal White Goose absorbs the essence of the sun and moon every day and practices it once in the morning and once in the evening.

When winter came, Shui Dun, who had been hanging out in Xing Lake for a long time, also caught river fresh food. He didn't catch star crabs, so he was content with what he had.

The little Lolita's consciousness is single-mindedly comprehending the laws in the sea of ​​consciousness, without any knowledge of the outside world.

Even so, the White Goose God was also surprised, and he did not hesitate to personally visit the attic where the junior rested, and secretly observed his changes after taking the elixir.

Winter has quietly become a thing of the past, and warm spring is coming.

The immortals of the White Goose Clan were so regretful that their intestines were green. They should have changed the medicine at any cost. If increasing the bargaining chip by 10,000 times failed, then they would add 10,000 times or 20,000 times more.

The light is dim in the depths of the sea, making it difficult to distinguish between day and night.

When the vegetation was growing vigorously again, the white-sounding eagle, the diamond ape, and the long-eared bear finally caught the river fish one after another, which excited the group of beasts.

The fairies still wanted to try harder, and secretly gave Xu Xing an opportunity to ask Xu Xing where the little fairy had gone.

Yan Shao and Foxiu Nanga, who still had no harvest, remained silent in the air.

The residents of White Goose City didn't have much of a New Year atmosphere at the end of the year. Naturally, Young Master Xuan Yan and the beasts ignored the time, thinking that it wasn't until the end of the year.

Xianjun woke up, he was so weak that he could only stay in bed to recuperate.

Cultivation has no time. Immortals often practice casually once and three to five years or ten or eight years may pass. The sixty-year time calendar is easy to remember, and the sixty-year period is neither too long nor too short. Creatures of all ethnic groups readily accept the lifestyle of celebrating the New Year's Day every sixty years.

Xu Xing returned to his ancestral home and personally served his elders to take the elixir.

As long as the bid is high, there is no magic medicine that cannot be exchanged.

After taking the second jar of elixir, his flesh and blood recovery rate increased day by day, and his consciousness gradually increased. After ten days, he could vomit!

The little fairy refuses to change the medicine. Naturally, their bid is not high enough. If the price given is high enough, how can the little fairy not be tempted?

But now the little fairy doesn't know where to go, and she can't find anyone if she wants to exchange for the elixir.

After taking the first jar of elixir, the dry flesh and blood of Immortal White Goose also improved. Even though he was still skinny and skinny, you could pinch a thin layer of flesh.

After Xuxing caught the starlight crab, he received good news from his family. The elder Xianjun, who had been sleeping for several months, woke up and returned to the city to visit.

The elixir is very effective. Immortal White Goose has improved after taking it for only half a month. He can get up and move around on his own, but he still cannot use his energy or consciousness and is not suitable for flying.

When the little guy was dragged into the deep sea, Sanzubao secretly drove away the high-level ocean monsters and isolated all kinds of marine life from the water-absorbing range of the Origin of Life Star to protect the safety of the little family's contractors.

Because he has lost too much vitality, his meridians and muscles have atrophied, and his endurance is extremely poor. He can only carry the total amount of energy that a young Jindan monk can absorb after practicing for a day.

The course of treatment for the second altar of elixir is also one month.

The high-level immortals of the White Goose Clan were surprised and happy, and then they beat their chests and feet in distress when they thought that they could not exchange the little fairy for another jar of elixir.

Xu Xing stayed in the city for two months and then went to Xing Lake to fish with Buddhist friends.

He truthfully responded to the elders, and the immortals of the White Goose family knew about it, and their reluctance to give up the elixir finally turned into a silent sigh.

As long as the hoe dances well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down.

After him, Xu Xing, who had been sitting idle for several months, finally caught a starlight crab and successfully regained his respect.

The flesh and blood body of the Immortal Lord of the family has only a little vitality left. Under such circumstances, it will take at least tens of thousands of years of normal rest to restore it to its original state.

Time passed unconsciously.

The creatures of all races in the God Realm pursue longevity and strength, and only hold celebrations on happy events or important festivals. During the New Year, they only celebrate the New Year's Day. Very few races celebrate the New Year every year.

Xu Xing also wanted to know where the little fellow Taoist from the human race had gone. It was just as the elders wished. He asked his ancestor when he paid his respects.

The White Goose God did not disappoint him and gave him the answer: "The little fairy left White Goose Island to explore the ocean."

Xu Xing caught his second star crab in the second month of spring. He collected the crab and did not continue fishing. He left Star Lake and went to the plains to harvest fresh plants.

What's the reason? It's just something the five little creatures said during their chat - the plants on the island are so tender. If the little fairies were here, they would definitely collect them in large quantities.

Knowing that human fairies like to collect fresh plants, Xuxing ran around White Goose City and swept away all the green grass on the plains a hundred thousand miles away from White Goose City.

The ancestor of White Goose and the immortals of the White Goose tribe found Xu Xing cutting grass, and no one asked why.

Nanga had been in the air for several months. At the beginning of summer, he dragged Xu Xing into the city and went to pick up goods from several shops and meat suppliers in the East District.

Xu Xing went happily and accompanied the Buddhist cultivator on a trip.

The two retrieved the supplies and returned to Xinghu Lake to fish for crabs. The human-shaped white goose can catch a star crab every few months, and occasionally catches other river fish by mistake. There is no movement from Fo Xiu's fishing rod all year round.

When Mr. Yan was almost sitting in a tree, he also harvested a star crab with a back shell four inches long at the beginning of the third month of summer.

After successfully catching a star crab, Master Yan's face was saved, and he felt better when fishing again.

Calabash and the five little creatures are relatively lucky. On average, they can catch one star crab every four or five months and harvest one portion of other river fresh food every day.

The six children collected several buckets of fish, shrimps and shells, and were in a great mood.

After the opening of Long-eared Bear and Diamond Ape and Water Eagle Sound Baiyin, they can also harvest river fresh food every seven or eight days, and they are full of energy every day.

The Buddhist cultivator was open-minded and guarded the fishing rod unshakably when he did not go into town to pick up the goods.

In addition to accompanying the Buddhist cultivator to pick up the goods, Xu Xing also goes to harvest grass and plants once every spring. At other times, he spends the rest of the time fishing for crabs with his Buddhist cultivator friends and the little fairy's companions.

A group of people and animals were fishing by the Star Lake, day and night, rain or shine.

The little Lolita was dragged into the deep waters of the ocean and lay like a salted fish without moving for a year.

The little Loli lay in the deep water like a salted fish for 31 months.

The star core swallows a large amount of water. It has stayed in the deep sea for more than two years. The vast and boundless ocean in the star core world has been filled with water. The water has also overflowed the coastline and poured into the coastal land.

The seawater flooded tens of thousands of miles inland and submerged the land along the coast.

After dragging the host in the deep water for 31 months and seven days, the star core finally cut off the siphon mode.

The star core no longer swallows water, and the little contractor's spiritual consciousness is still unknown. The history book of time quietly "stabbed" her sleeping soul hidden deep in the soul sea.

Suddenly awakened, Le Yun released her consciousness and found that Xinghe had stopped transporting water at some point, and she was floating in the dark water like a fish carrying a big bag on its head.

The surroundings were dimly blue, and Le Yun felt a chill on her back and scalp, and the hairs all over her body stood up.

She almost ran away out of fear of deep water.

She didn't run because she was too nervous and her mind and body didn't obey her orders.

Le Yun's muscles were stiff and her heart was pounding. In order to calm herself down, she quickly diverted her attention and let her consciousness enter the star core world to check the water storage situation of the ocean.

When the consciousness floats above the ocean area, what he sees is the surging sea surface and the large areas of land submerged by water.


The endless water made Le Yun's consciousness freeze. Star Core... it actually succeeded in turning the ocean into a vast ocean? !

It took her dozens of breaths to come back to her senses, and then she suddenly realized what she was doing.

As the star core is promoted to a complete planet, its devouring ability will naturally increase dramatically. As long as the external water supply is available, it will be easy for it to transport water into its own territory.

Knowing that the water-absorbing ability of the star core is no longer what it used to be, Le Yun also put aside her fear of deep water and immediately controlled the star core to absorb water.

This time, she sent water into the Sun Lake.

Thirty breaths later, the star core took over the host's body again.

Le Yun lost her self-control again, and her spiritual consciousness dived into the sea of ​​consciousness again. This time, it did not enter the depth of the soul source power, but jumped into the merit lotus that lived in the ancient stone mortar, and adhered to the stone mortar.

The ancient stone mortar hurriedly placed the little guy's spiritual consciousness in his own mortar and let the spirit play on its own while he stared at the outside world.

Le Yun's soul is having fun in the mortar.

The space bottle and the time history book were not willing to be lonely. They jumped up and jumped into the merit lotus where the stone mortar was staying, playing with the spirit group of the little contractor.

The ancestral treasures gathered together, and Le Yun's spiritual consciousness group sometimes jumped around the pages of history books, and sometimes ran to the space bottle, using the bottle belly as a hillside to roll the ball by itself.

The three ancestors doted on their contractors, happily bowing their heads and willing to be like oxen.

The star core turned on the siphon mode, and it took two months to fill the Sun Lake before automatically stopping.

When the ancestors saw that the little contractor's life origin star no longer absorbed seawater, the ancient stone mortar poked her consciousness: "Xiao Xiyue, it's time for you to get to work again."

"Hey!" Zu Bao reminded, Le Yun hurriedly withdrew her consciousness from the sea of ​​​​consciousness, and then ran into the star core world to see the results.

The sun is full!

Not only was it full, the lake water also poured into the land, submerging the land about three thousand miles wide along the coast.

When the lake overflowed, the impact was quite violent, and the top layer of soil along the coast was also alluvial and pushed back several miles inland. When the space was cleared later, the soil along the lake had to be sorted out.

Although it is a bit labor-intensive, the lake water is pouring back and the land along the coast is basically soaked with water. In the future, only regular artificial rainfall will be needed to keep it moist.

Le Yun was so excited that she floated in the sky above Sun Lake. She quickly withdrew her consciousness and controlled the star core to absorb water from the outside world again and transport the water to another lake.

When Xinghe took control of the situation, her consciousness wandered into the sea of ​​consciousness again.

The ancestors naturally indulged their contractor, playing with her, and then urged her to go to work when the origin of life star stopped absorbing water.

Le Yun was as diligent as a little bee, spinning between breaks and work, letting the star core move water into the space, filling one lake after another.

Between collecting water bit by bit by herself and tidying up the land around the lake in the future, she decisively chose the latter, turning a blind eye to the phenomenon of flooding and backflow every time the lake was filled with water.

There are tens of thousands of large and small lakes in the star core world. The star core swallows water by itself. Lakes slightly smaller than the Sun Lake often need a month or more to fill up with water. Medium-sized lakes need about half a month. Small lakes need about half a month. Some lakes take several days, while others only take half a day.

The little loli took the trouble to control the star core to absorb water.

It seems that the identity has been changed too many times. In the later stage, it often only takes three or two hours for small lakes to be filled with water, and the star core no longer competes with the host for work.

The star core was rotten and no one was working, so Le took over the work and worked diligently to control the water absorption of the star core. Every time a small lake was filled with enough water, he changed the map.

She spent several months filling all the small lakes with a diameter of more than one mile in the star core world with water, and the many potholes with a diameter of less than a mile were not taken care of for the time being.

Small lakes were filled with water, and the ocean and several giant lakes were replenished.

Some of the water in the ocean and giant lakes seeped into the ground, and some evaporated. In just a few months, the water level in the ocean dropped by more than a thousand meters, and the water level in the giant lake dropped by more than a hundred to dozens of meters.

After replenishing water for the ocean and giant lake, Le Xiaoxiao once again tried to control the star core to absorb water, and then turn the water into rain to irrigate the earth.

After many attempts, although it was successful, the new water transportation project was particularly mentally demanding, and one had to take a break after working continuously for six or seven hours.

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