magic eye doctor

Chapter 3338 Earn 0 money

Chapter 3338 Earn pocket money

Because the key was not lost, Le Yun was in a good mood. She ran to the river to release the Ruyi House, and took a few buckets of clean river water to take a refreshing shower.

Refreshed and in a very happy mood.

After washing the clothes, he took out the Spirit Boat Qingyun, which was refined in the God Realm, and then moved the egg baby placed in the Star Core World and his own war beast baby out to bask in the sun.

Then the two tree-shaped spiritual plant spaces were moved out and placed on the bow of the ship to absorb the essence of the sun and moon. Leyun then sent a ray of consciousness back to the coniferous tree spiritual plant space.

His consciousness wandered around the space for a while, and he successfully found the little creature, two handsome guys, and the beasts. A team was collecting plant seeds and picking ripe fruits in the spiritual plant space.

Based on the words and deeds of a group of friends, it is speculated that they should not be affected by the teleportation.

She was punished by her boss for going to and from the secret realm, while the two handsome guys were enjoying themselves in the spiritual plant space. Leyun herself didn't know whether to be happy or depressed, alas!

To be honest, she was jealous.

It’s good to have someone to take care of you!

Unfortunately, she had no one to guide her, so she had to figure out everything on her own.

Fortunately, he is gifted and can learn anything at once.

Thinking about it this way, Leyun is not jealous of these two handsome guys. She is blessed with unique conditions, and if she still wants to have more, then she is really lacking in heart and does not know what is good or bad.

The handsome guy and the beasts were enjoying themselves in the spiritual plant space, and she did not disturb them. She quietly withdrew her consciousness, arranged for Jiuxing to collect plant seeds from the grass, and used a space bottle to absorb water herself.

The Silver Star Ninth Brothers were very fast. It took only one stick of incense to sweep through the savanna grassland and jungle plants within a radius of a hundred miles, and marched upward again.

The little loli moved around with a space bottle. When she drank water, she saw abundant aquatic products. She also netted fish and picked up plant seeds on both sides of the river.

Although the rivers in large mountain ranges have abundant water, they are still not comparable to the rivers in the God Realm. Le Yun did not force the space bottles to be filled and put away the bottles in the evening.

She retrieved the nine Silver Star brothers, flew the spirit boat to the sea of ​​clouds, adjusted the flight direction, and first tested the flight speed of the Qingyun.

During the initial test, the engine was fully powered and sailed at full speed.

The spirit boat flew out in a whoosh, as fast as light.

The spirit boat flew too fast, and the shock when it tore through the void space shocked Le Yun's brain, and she almost fainted.

When she finally stabilized herself, she quickly slowed down and stopped.

After calming down, he slowly descended below the clouds. By observing the terrain, he suddenly discovered that the spirit boat was far away from the previous large mountain.

Le Yun: "..."

She was stunned, and silently let the spirit boat fly back, returning to the previous mountains and the canyon where it started.

The distance between the two places was calculated, and based on the time it took, it was calculated that the spirit boat was ten times faster when sailing at full speed in Yunlan than in the God Realm.

In other words, Qingyun flew at full speed for a day and night in Yunlan, and could fly 108 billion miles.

Le Yun: "..."

It was verified that the speed of the Qingyun really reached 100 billion miles. It would be false to say that I was not shocked.

When the high-speed spirit boat flies, it is equivalent to tearing apart the space and moving forward. The space structure of the God Realm is very fine. The Qingyun can still reach a speed of 10.8 billion miles. In the spirit world where the space structure is dispersed, its speed must be increased by several times. steps.

Theory is theory, and reality is generally somewhat different from theory.

But I didn't expect that the Qingyun's speed would actually meet expectations. Its speed would be ten times higher than the speed in the God Realm.

When I think about it, it seems normal.

When Yun Lan's spirit boat was placed in the God Realm, its traveling speed was reduced by ten times.

Then, the speed of the spirit boats in the God Realm in Yunlan will naturally increase tenfold.

The level of space determines the speed of the spirit boat. It is a very fair rule.

What's more, there is no reason why the performance and advantages of a spirit boat that can withstand the power of the laws of the divine world are not obvious in the spiritual world.

It is normal for a spirit boat to come from a high-density space to a low-density spiritual world and show perfect flight capabilities.

After thinking about it, Le Yun felt that the Qingyun's unusually high speed was natural. She turned the spirit boat again and flew directly from under the sea of ​​clouds to the direction of the ancient secret realm.

She did not let the spirit boat sail at full speed, but adopted a compromise method to keep the speed at about 80 billion miles. In this way, she could maintain the speed without being affected.

The speed of the Qingyun was so fast that even if there were Mahayana monks on the ground looking up at the sky, they would not be able to catch any trace of it.

If someone is also under the sea of ​​clouds and is less than a few miles away from the Qingyun, they will at most feel the feeling of wind blowing.

The speed of the spirit boat is also a big test for the driver. The driver must look in all directions and be able to predict whether there are others in front of him in order to accurately avoid sudden flying objects.

Driving safely is the most important thing. Le Yun focuses her attention on the front. She can no longer make dumplings and rice dumplings while driving a spiritual boat as before.

The Qingyun slowed down its speed and arrived at the ancient secret realm in only a dozen and a half days.

The ancient secret land that little Loli and her friends visited is located in the inner circle of the Eighteen Continents of the Great Wilderness, and in the southeast of the inner circle. The distance from the northernmost point of the Great Wilderness is equivalent to the distance of six continents.

Over such a long distance, a spiritual boat traveling at a speed of hundreds of millions of miles would take at least ten years to sail day and night.

The Qingyun slowed down and arrived within half a month.

This shows how important speed is.

The vast territory of the Great Wilderness includes famous rivers and mountains that are well-known to both young and old, as well as countless unknown mountains and rivers.

In the vast land of the wilderness, there are countless rivers, lakes, and mountains. Countless areas are still unowned and are also restricted areas for foreign practitioners.

The inner perimeter of the Eighteen Continents of the Great Wilderness is similar to the inner perimeter of the Nuxiong Mountain in the Songzhu Territory of Zhuzhou. They are both natural restricted areas, mysterious and hidden.

It is said that there are some areas in the central area of ​​the wilderness that even the Golden Immortals cannot enter, let alone the inner area. Therefore, no one knows the width of how many continents there are in the inner area.

The giant mountains surrounding the ancient secret realm are criss-crossing, like giant dragons flying in the clouds and circling in the mist. The wilderness between the giant mountains is endless.

Because there are no humans or beasts to rule the land among the mountains and rivers, the local beasts retain the ancient habit of digging holes and living in them, and the mountains and rivers still maintain their original landforms.

Le Yun originally wanted to wander around the ancient secret realm, go to the hidden cliffs and deep streams to pick up leaks, and then send the handsome guy and the beasts into the ancient secret realm while she went about her own business.

As a result, I just wandered around the northern area outside the secret realm for a while, and immediately changed my mind. She decided not to send the handsome guys and the beasts to the secret realm yet, and let the handsome guys and the beasts dig mines!

Probably because the ancient secret realm is like a forbidden area, no outsiders can disturb it, and the rich mineral resources hidden underground have never been developed.

In the northern mountain range alone, there are four spiritual stone veins more than one million miles long within an area of ​​less than 5 billion miles, twenty-three veins with a length of 500,000 miles, and dozens of small veins less than 100,000 miles apart. Hundred.

There are treasures everywhere in the wilderness!

The Lingshi mine resources were so rich that Leyun felt that she had to dig some to replenish her small treasury, otherwise there would be no store like this after passing this village.

She didn't ask Young Master Yan or Young Master Xuan for his opinion.

She bets that if she goes to the handsome guys for advice, the two handsome guys will definitely have green eyes and unanimously shout to dig the spirit stone mine first.

No matter where you are, money is indispensable, and immortal cultivators also need spiritual stones. Leyun is extremely rich, has plenty of money, and is not short of money.

However, who would think there are too many spiritual stones?

She didn't mind that there were too many spirit stones, not to mention that the Qingyun burned more spirit stones than the previous spirit boats. The spiritual energy in the spirit plant space was too thin, so spirit stones were also needed.

In order not to sit back and have nothing, the little Loli is gearing up and preparing to save a small amount of money first.

She flew to a spiritual stone vein area that was more than a million miles long, let the spirit boat descend into the air, then put the spirit boat away, and moved herself with the teleportation technique.

The mountains around the Lingshi mine are surrounded by the territory of monster beasts. The territory is divided into groups of beast tribes, each of which number in the tens of thousands.

Le Yun ignored the monster and used the teleportation technique to move to the foot of a large mountain range, and then used the earth law to integrate herself into the earth.

Dive deep into the earth, and then use the laws of the metal system to integrate yourself into the underground rock formations.

The Lingshi vein is buried very deep, hundreds of thousands of feet below the surface. If we dig a tunnel from the ground, it will take at least three or four months, which is a waste of time.

After all, the little Lolita is someone who has mastered some rules. She uses the rules to drill deep into the rock layer and then merge into the mineral layer of the spirit stone vein.

Without stopping, he dived directly to the spiritual crystal layer of the spiritual stone mine.

Integrate into the spiritual crystal layer, then use the rules to compact the spiritual crystals at the place of residence, build a small cave for shelter, and then dig out the spiritual crystals.

He expanded a cave that could only accommodate a person to stand to a width of more than ten feet, and then summoned the Yinxing brothers to help dig the mine.

The Jiuxing brothers dug in one direction, while Le Yun dug in another direction. Each time the cave was expanded, more silver-armored puppets were sent.

Humans and puppet beasts dig horizontally, first looking at the distribution of mineral deposits.

The little Loli understood the rules of the gold system and used them to mine. The speed was very fast. It only took one day and half a night to dig through the middle-grade spiritual stone layer.

Dig the high-grade spiritual stone layer, stop, and arrange for the silver-armored puppet to officially mine.

The Jiuxing brothers were a little slower, and it took them two days and two nights to dig out the middle-grade spiritual stone.

The middle-grade spiritual stone ore layer was dug in the cross direction, and the thickness of the spiritual crystal spiritual marrow, top-grade lou stone ore and high-grade spiritual stone ore layer was also clearly visible.

Knowing the distribution of the mineral seams, Little Loli recalled the blue-armored puppets and arranged for all the silver-armored puppets to work on mining, and asked the nine-star brothers among the Silver Star brothers to follow the team with one-star, two-star, and three-star.

Then transfer the little gray monkeys from the star core world and let the two little monkeys be responsible for receiving the spirit stone mine.

With the arrangements in place, Le Xiaoxiao once again used the rules to integrate himself into the rock, and then sneaked from the ground to a distance of more than 100,000 miles from the mineral vein before emerging.

She quietly left the mountain range where the spirit stone vein was being mined, and drove her spirit boat to another large mountain range, where a three million mile long spirit stone vein was hidden.

The little Loli followed the same method and sneaked into the spirit stone mine line. Then she arranged a row of golden-armored puppets to be responsible for mining, the little fox was responsible for receiving the ore, and the four stars, five stars, six stars and seven stars followed the team to supervise the work.

She then dug a branch that was more than 300,000 miles long, sealed the entrance of the cave, and left out the two handsome guys and their contract beasts and Calabash Wati in the Lingzhi Space.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who played with little creatures every day, were suddenly taken away from the spirit plant space. When they arrived in the new environment, they were stunned.

The beasts were lifted up and slipped out. Looking around, they saw the shiny spirit stone mine. One after another they screamed, "mine mineral mine" and "spiritual stone mine".

The beast rushed to the mine wall and touched the wall.


Xuan Shaoyan turned his head mechanically and saw the shiny wall of the spirit stone mine. He was so excited that he woke up.

"Little beauty, are we... back to Yunlan?" Mr. Xuan felt a bit unreal.

"I'm back in Linglan safely. I'm in the wilderness." Le Yun held her little hands behind her back and smiled with crooked eyes: "This vein is more than 300,000 miles long. Do you want to make some money to spend?"

"!" The two young masters looked shocked: "More than three hundred thousand miles?!"

"Yes, there is a spiritual stone mine of more than 300,000 miles, and you will get a share of the mining. I will take nine and you will take one, are you willing?"

It's not that she has landlord ideas, it's that the fate of these two handsome guys cannot bear too much windfall.

If they get windfalls one after another now, they will enjoy their future wealth in advance, and they will suffer from poverty for a long time in the future.

In order for the handsome guys to have a smoother future, Leyun decisively held their money bags and strictly controlled them, not allowing excessive money to flow into their pockets.

"I'm willing, I'm so willing!" Mr. Xuan was so excited that his eyes were starry, oh my, it's time to get rich again!

According to the ratio of 19 to 10 of the more than 300,000-mile-long mineral vein line, they can get one-tenth, which is equivalent to one person receiving a 30,000-mile-long spirit stone vein.

This is simply a windfall.

Only fools don't like it.

The little Loli is awesome. He found the spirit stone vein just after returning to Yunlan. Not to mention 19 points, even if he only gave them 1%, it was enough for them to chew in Yunlan.

Mr. Xuan was gearing up and ready for a big fight.

Yan Xing's eyes were also bright with excitement, and he rushed to the Lingshi wall, ready to start construction.

"There are beasts all over the area near the spirit stone veins. In order not to disturb the monsters on the ground, we can't take shortcuts and have to dig by hand.

Leave the fine spirit stone layer to let it continue to grow. Every five or six thousand miles, leave a certain width of mineral layer as a supporting wall. "

Leyun told the handsome guy and the beasts to give each of them a few large storage containers to store the spirit stones, and then arranged for Jiuxing to follow the team.

"I understand." The two young masters and the beasts nodded frequently.

Calabash Baby interrupted and asked: "Little fairy, won't you let the little creatures come out to dig together?"

"The little creatures want to help me collect plant seeds and plant juices, so they will not participate in the mining task. You can earn some extra money. After mining, just wait for me here." Le Yun rubbed Calabash Baby's head .

"Understood." Calabash's eyes were bright.

"If you want to save more pocket money, go ahead and do it!" Le Yun encouraged the handsome guy and the beasts to mine.

Calabash Boy and the beasts nodded in agreement.

Leyun didn't tell the two handsome guys and the beasts about her plan, and just ducked out of the way.

As soon as the little fairy left, the beasts, who were already ready to attack, waved their claws to dig for mines.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao were not willing to lag behind and joined the ranks of mining.

Jiuxing moved to the corner silently and started mining unhurriedly.

Le Yun walked right away, from the branch vein to the cave of the main vein. Without stopping for a moment, she used the method to blend into the rock, and then drilled out of the ground.

Leaving the underground mineral vein, he once again used the teleportation technique to move to high altitude, and released the spirit boat to fly up into the sky.

The spirit boat crossed the sea of ​​clouds and reached a height that ordinary spirit boats did not dare to reach. Le Yun sat on the bow and let the spirit boat fly at full speed.

The spirit boat flew towards the southern end of the southern continent - the South Pole.

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