magic eye doctor

Chapter 3340 Don’t cause trouble

Chapter 3340 Don’t cause trouble

It took twelve months and eighteen days to start from the north outside the ancient secret realm of the Great Wilderness and arrive at the northernmost edge of the South Pole.

When returning from the South Pole, because some of the journey was against the wind, it took fourteen months to reach the southernmost edge of the wilderness from the area where the last snow was cleared as the starting point.

The season when the little Loli went to the South Pole was autumn, and it was the early summer of the year when she returned to the wilderness.

Spring in Dahuang comes late and is short. In other places, plants bloom in spring, but in early summer in Dahuang, they are at their most prosperous.

The vast expanse of the wilderness is green, and the mountains and plains are filled with bright purples and reds.

Before the spirit boat could fly to the wilderness, Leyun had already moved from above the sea of ​​clouds to below the sea of ​​clouds, and then drove all the way straight into the sky above the wilderness.

The spirit boat flew high in the sky above the Great Wilderness Plateau, crossing countless mountains, and in the middle of the morning one day, it circled back to the northern mountains outside the Ancient Secret Realm.

Le Yun found the sky above the mineral vein that Xiao Huihui supervised, put away the spirit boat, and used the teleportation technique to sneak into the mountains, and then integrated into the earth.

Sneaking into the spirit stone veins and running for several miles along the mined tunnels, I found the silver-armored puppet, Xiao Huihui, and the rhinoceros monkey.

When the puppet man mines, he first digs the spiritual crystal marrow and the best and top-grade spiritual stones. When all the spiritual stones that can be mined from the main vein line and branch veins are mined, he goes back to dig for medium-grade spiritual stones.

The line of medium-grade spiritual stones mined by one team is half a million miles long.

When Xiao Huihui saw the little sister, she jumped up with excitement: "Little sister, little sister—"

The little monkey danced in the air, Le Yun stretched out a jade palm, caught the little cutie steadily, gave it a sweet kiss, and did not forget to tease: "My little cutie finally knows the word leap, and she will never hug me again." The legs are climbing the tree.”

The little Huihui who was teased didn't care about that. He held the face kissed by the young lady and smiled like a little fool.

Le Yun took out a golden lotus and put it on her shoulder, put Xiao Huihui into the magic weapon, then grabbed the obedient and obedient monkey, and gave him a sweet kiss to keep him company with Xiao Huihui.

The rhinoceros monkey received the adult's approval and covered his mouth tightly to prevent himself from screaming with excitement.

After fishing out the two little ones, Le Yun first received the spirit stones in the hands of the puppets, and then sent all the puppets to a divine spiritual plant space to recuperate.

Leave the mine, drill out of the ground, and take the spirit boat directly to the mine that the little fox oversees.

Little Fox and the Silver Star brothers, with their golden-armored puppets, had dug out all the mineable minerals in the main vein and main branch veins after more than ten years of mining.

Because the little girl hadn't come back yet and had nothing to do, the little fox and the puppet man dug up all the middle-grade spiritual stones, and then started to attack the small branches of the branch lines.

They dug small branches more than ten thousand miles long, and then dug even smaller branches.

The little Loli sneaked into the mine hidden deep underground. The puppets were divided into several teams, each digging small branches three to four thousand miles long.

The little fox sensed the little girl's aura, rushed out of the small mine, and hit the little girl in the face.

"Ah ah ah, stinky little fox, I told you not to touch your face!" Le Yun tore off a live fox mask stuck to her face and pulled his beard angrily.

The little fox hurriedly rescued the baby Beard from the clutches of the little girl, jumped into the golden lotus magic weapon on the little girl's shoulder, and sat down with a grin on his face.

The little fox always messed with the little sister, and Xiao Huihui couldn't bear to look at his stupid look.

The little fox ran away, but Le Yun did not catch him again to teach him. She first transferred the spiritual ore in the hands of the Yinxing brothers into a space bottle, and then received the spiritual stone dug by the golden-armored puppet.

The golden-armored puppet had a batch of spiritual stones that he had not given to the little fox because his storage bag was not yet full.

Due to the large number of storage bags, mines of different qualities each occupy one storage bag, so there is no need to organize them again.

After receiving the spirit stones, Le Yun sent the puppet back to the divine spiritual plant space where the puppet lived, and then sent the three magic weapons on her shoulders back to the star core world to find the two handsome guys and the beasts.

Jiuxing was ordered to take care of his master's two friends. He also followed the humans and beasts to dig for spiritual stones, perfectly achieving close protection at all times.

He is both a puppet man and a monk equivalent to the Earth Immortal level. He mines extremely fast. The two young masters and Beast Beast can only mine a little more than him for a day together.

The power of Jiuxing is the spiritual stone, which has a supply of spiritual power and can work around the clock.

The two young masters and the beasts and beasts are made of flesh and blood and must rest every few days.

When Man and Beast were resting, Puppet Man was still mining, so that the original gap was evened out by him. He alone could equal two young masters and a group of Beast and Beast.

With such a super mining expert in the team, it took Man and Beast less than ten years to dig out the main vein, and then mine all the spiritual stones that could be mined in each branch vein.

Then, humans and beasts continued to dig for low-grade spiritual stones from the main veins.

They have measured that the thickness of the low-grade spiritual stone is eleven miles, and digging out one layer will not affect its continued growth.

The two young men and the beasts continued to dig for spiritual stones like they were scraping the ground. In order to explain to the little loli/fairy, they were not too greedy and the thickness of the low-grade spiritual stones they mined was controlled within three miles.

When the long-lost little Loli finally appeared in front of humans and beasts, a mining team had mined a mine of low-grade spiritual stone that was more than 100,000 miles long.

Finally, when the little fairy arrived, the Calabash Baby jumped up with cheers, rushed to the little fairy, and hugged one of the little fairy's arms tightly.

Shui Dun Baiyin Ying Sheng and the three Mahayana beasts also rushed to the little fairy like a swarm and surrounded the little fairy.

Yan Shao and Xuan Shao, who were slow to move, squeezed into the group of friends and pulled apart the tall beasts one by one, finally able to brush their faces. "Little beauty, I almost thought you forgot about us."

When Mr. Xuan came forward, he complained first: "We have been looking forward to it year after year, and thirteen years have passed in a flash. You haven't come yet. We have waited until the flowers have withered, and we are so worried that we almost got sick early."

"Mr. Xuan, before you say this, please cover the light in your eyes and change the 'satisfied' expression on your face. The smile of your nouveau riche boss is not very convincing."

Le Yun looked at Mr. Xuan who smiled like a nouveau riche boss who said "I've become rich" and wanted to find a mirror so that he could appreciate his noble image.

"Hey, little friend, you can't be like this. They say it's better to be newlyweds after a long separation. This person is beaming with joy because he's reunited after a long absence, but it's not the expression of being rich and wealthy."

"If you didn't add the last sentence, we would have believed it ourselves." Calabash Boy couldn't help laughing.

"My little friend, we have been together through thick and thin for many years. It's okay for others to make trouble for us, so don't make trouble for us."

"The little fairy belongs to my family."

"..." Mr. Xuan sighed: "Hey, although we are in the same boat, we don't have the same heart after all."

"This is necessary. I am the beast of the little fairy. If I have the same heart as you, wouldn't it be tantamount to betrayal." Brother Xuan is good at everything, but he always wants to dig holes for him and the little creatures to trick them into defecting to him.

"Forget it, I can't defeat you, you little clever guy. I give up. My years of love have finally gone to waste." Mr. Xuan pretended to be like Xizi, pretending to be disappointed and sad.

A group of beasts looked at Brother Xuan and grinned.

Yan Xing didn't know what to say. Without the lively person like Mr. Xuan, their team would definitely be like a pool of stagnant water.

Le Yun was so happy that she threw out the golden lotus magic weapon and let the two handsome guys and Beast Beast enter the magic weapon. She accepted the mine mined by Jiuxing.

The mines collected by Jiuxing were filled into dozens of storage bags, and the mines were handed over to the owner, who sent them back to their resting space to reunite with their brothers.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and Beast Beast ran into the Golden Lotus Magic Treasure, took out a lot of storage bags, and waited for their share.

The little Loli was not in a hurry to separate the spiritual stones, stuffed the golden lotus magic weapon into her sleeve, left the mine, returned to the air, then released the Qingyun, and flew slowly towards the ancient secret realm.

The spirit boat took off, and she put the golden lotus magic weapon stuffed in her sleeves on the bow of the spirit boat, jumped into the magic weapon, and divided the wealth with the handsome beasts.

Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan and Beast Beast thought they were still in the mountains before going to the secret realm when they returned to Yunlan. They were not very interested in the environment and happily counted their harvests.

The veins they dug did not contain spiritual crystals, and the center layer of the main veins contained spiritual marrow.

The two young masters and the beasts took out the portion of the little loli/fairy first, and divided the rest into nine equal parts. The amount of spiritual stones each person/animal received was still frightening.

A windfall came from heaven, and Young Master Yan, Young Master Xuan, and the beasts were so excited that they couldn't see their teeth.

It’s developed!

They are also people/animals with huge amounts of property!

It feels so good to get rich overnight!

Suddenly upgraded to a nouveau riche, Man and Beast were indescribably excited. They foolishly looked at the storage box over and over again, never getting tired of it.

Their enthusiasm lasted so long that they didn't even know when the spirit boat would stop.

Classmate Le moved outside the spirit boat, shrunk the spirit boat and put it into his sleeve, allowing the two handsome guys and Beast Beast, who were immersed in the joy of a windfall from the sky, to continue having fun.

She walked through the mist alone, walked into the thick clouds surrounding the ancient secret realm, and calmly stepped into the boundary of the ancient secret realm.

Without exception, she could not escape dizziness.

The strong dizziness and pulling sensation made Le Yun's vision blurry. When the white light stopped, her vision went dark, and she passed out straight away.

Fortunately, her robe was so powerful that it automatically opened when she was thrown from the air into the mountains, and she also endured the unbearable pain of life on behalf of her master——

When the light ball led the person down, he was discovered by several twelfth-level monsters. The monsters thought it was their opportunity and fought for the "opportunity".

The monsters and beasts fight, and the enchanted light group opened by the protector's robe also becomes a fish in "the city gate is on fire, and the fish in the pond is affected".

The light ball was shot by the monsters and flew around in the air, tossing and turning, as helpless as fallen leaves in the strong wind.

The ancestral treasures who stayed in the contractor's sea of ​​consciousness shared the blessings and hardships with the contractor, and also experienced brief dizziness.

When the dizziness passed, the ancestors found out that several little monsters were bullying their little contractors, and they immediately became angry.

The ancestor became angry and attacked with his spiritual consciousness. Several twelve-level Mahayana beasts died suddenly on the spot.

The Void Bottle quietly threw out a storage container, turned the beast corpse into it and stored it, then recalled it and hid it in his belly.

Because the ground was a vast forest, the Void Bottle moved the young contractors to a grassland in a jungle thousands of miles away before landing.

The ancestors did good deeds without leaving any names, hiding their merits and reputations.

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