magic eye doctor

Chapter 3358 Trading

Chapter 3358 Trading

The female cultivator reckoned her score was good, and the foundation-building cultivator nodded hurriedly: "Yes."

The seller had no objection, so he transferred the Lingbei to his storage container, transferred a sum of Lingshi, returned the storage bag to Zhao, and asked him to count it himself.

The foundation-building monk took back the storage bag, counted it, found that the number of spiritual stones was correct, and put the bag away.

After the transaction was completed, he was about to leave. After he stood up and left his seat, he hesitantly asked: "Fairy, a relative and friend of mine would like to ask if the spiritual stones from the Lingbei transaction can be converted into elixirs?"

"It depends on how many spirit shells he has and what kind of elixir he needs. This fairy has exactly the elixir he needs on hand, and we can discuss it."

The female cultivator's meaning was very clear. The foundation-building cultivator said "Thank you" and left immediately.

His steps were obviously much lighter than before, he floated to the door, and walked through the light door lightly.

Several merchants waiting outside the door saw a merchant who had just come out without directly asking about the transaction. Just from the look on his face, he knew that the transaction was pleasant.

At this moment, the people waiting outside Ruyi's house calmed down.

The foundation-building monk who left the Ruyi House floated aside and immediately took out the communication talisman to contact his relatives and friends.

Among the vendors waiting in the Ruyi House, after the first vendor came out, the first person in line walked into the Ruyi House.

After completing the first transaction with the little monk who established the foundation, Leyun waited for other merchants. When the second merchant came to visit, she purchased the jade shell and golden shell at the market price as before.

One has two.

The people in front made a good start, and the merchants behind them entered Ruyiwu one after another to sell goods. After completing the transaction, they immediately called friends and contacted acquaintances.

Some merchants who were hesitant at first couldn't hide their joy when they saw the people coming out of Ruyi House, so they also took action.

There is an endless stream of sellers coming and going from Ruyi House.

While the little Loli was busy, Young Master Xuan Shaoyan also arrived at the fishing village.

The fishing villages on the peninsula are called fishing villages. Large and small fishing villages are all located on the coastline backed by the land. There are no fishing villages on the coastline of the islands that extend to the sea.

The predecessor of the fishing market was a temporary place for fishing teams and young monks to come and go when they went fishing. Later, the logistics team, family members and others also came to stay, and it gradually developed into a base camp.

Shunfeng City is the largest outlet to the sea in the south of the Rhinoceros Clan. Descendants or mortals of monks from all races gather at the harbor to make a living, and there are also a large number of fish caught.

Xuan Shaoyan traveled hundreds of miles away and chose a relatively large fishing village as his first stop to start the acquisition.

For the sake of jade shells and golden shells, the two young men also risked their lives, flying a circle over the market in a spiritual boat, and then swaggering into the fishing village to buy them.

The Lingzhou, as a conspicuous bag, also successfully attracted fishermen who had Lingbei in stock to bring goods to their doorstep.

Yan Shaoxuan and Shao were happily harvesting shellfish. What made the two of them a little regretful was that many fishing workers, young monks, or monks' families in the fishing village had goods in hand. The stock was not large, usually only tens of thousands of kilograms.

After doing some shopping in the fishing village, the two young men drove the spirit boat to the next fishing village.

It was dusk when they arrived at the third fishing village. The two young men went into the fishing village to buy. At dark, they parked the spirit boat not far outside the village.

Compared with the two handsome guys running from village to village, the little loli is much more comfortable. She doesn't have to run, she can just sit in the Ruyi House and there will be fruit shells.

In half an afternoon, all the vendors in the Jinguobei and Jadeguobei area of ​​the seafood trading market had visited Ruyiwu. Some had finished their transactions and left in a hurry, while others were still staying in the trading area.

As dusk approached, no more vendors came to deliver goods.

Finally having some free time, the little Loli first counted the two kinds of fruit shells she bought that day, then she took the rhinoceros monkey and the little fox out together, and taught the two little monkeys to make abacus and calculate accounts with her own hands.

The rhinoceros monkey has followed Nao's daughter for hundreds of years and has learned many skills. He can settle accounts.

The little fox also taught little Huihui some knowledge. Little Huihui can also settle accounts, but at a slower speed.

Classmate Le Xiao taught Xiao Huihui how to calculate accounts step by step, using simple calculations, which can improve the calculation speed to a certain extent.

Xiao Huihui has never read a book, but she is smart by nature and can learn it as soon as she can.

After learning for half a night, Xiao Huihui is able to dial the abacus in a decent manner and can calculate large numbers independently.

The little fox watched the little girl teach, grinning widely.

The next day, the little fox climbed into the little girl's sleeve to watch the fun, and the rhinoceros monkey followed little Huihui as a helper, watching the adults settle accounts.

Probably because yesterday's news spread among vendors, many vendors with a lot of inventory rushed from other districts to the fresh seafood trading area in the South District.

The door of Ruyi House was surrounded by people.

The little loli happily received Lingbei.

The merchants who entered Ruyiwu in the morning had far more inventory on hand than the merchants yesterday afternoon, with the least amount of Lingbei weighing more than 100,000 kilograms.

When Xiao Huihui was trading with the little sister, he also adjusted the abacus himself to see if there was any difference between his own calculation and the result calculated by the little sister.

Little Loli settled the accounts quickly, and before noon, the door of Ruyi House was empty again.

In the afternoon, more traders arrived one after another, and several groups of people entered the Ruyi House accompanied by the sellers who had entered the Ruyi House yesterday or in the morning.

The merchants who accompanied them had more than one million catties of jade shells and golden shells on hand.

The little Loli kept her word and rewarded her happily. A certain female cultivator kept true to her words and deeds, and rewarded her heartily. She introduced an acquaintance to a vendor who gave him spirit shells and got the Foundation Establishment Pill, which was a great surprise.

The little Lolita was very kind and rewarded the introducer. At the same time, she also gave a Foundation-Building Pill to the merchant recommended by the person.

Although some of the vendors who came to sell their goods were not short of Foundation-Building Pills, there were a large number of young monks who needed Foundation-Building Pills. The sellers were happy to receive a free gift, and they also mobilized their connections to spread the news.

Thanks to the generosity of Little Lolita, the next day, dozens of merchants rushed to the trading area with large amounts of inventory to sell their goods to the owner of Ruyi House.

Those merchants have more than one million catties of Lingbei on hand. Added together, the quantity exceeds 200 million catties.

Near noon, a seller finally came with a stock of more than 10 million kilograms.

That person was also an acquaintance who rushed to Shunfeng City from other cities to deliver the news.

A young classmate with great wealth and wealth, he was extremely generous and without blinking an eye, he gave away a level-breaking pill to both the seller and the recommender.

Those who receive rewards and gifts come and return in joy, and everyone is very happy.

At dusk, the young foundation-building monk who was the first to enter Ruyi House to sell spirit shells two days ago stepped into Ruyi House again. He was accompanied by three senior monks.

Among the three high-ranking scholars, there is a Mahayana, a tribulation and a transformation.

The three monks are not related by blood and should belong to an alliance team. Such a team combination is not light. If it is a fishing team, it can also occupy a place in Shunfeng City.

In fact, the three senior monks were indeed the top leaders of a fishing team. Several teams of their fishing team had not returned from the sea, and they stayed at the base camp.

The three monks gathered all the spirit shells in the base camp. The two kinds of spirit shells totaled more than 300 million kilograms.

The Mahayana monk was the leader of the team. He did not discuss the price, but only expressed the hope that the spirit shells would be settled in elixirs.

Le Yun asked the other party what kind of elixir he needed, picked up the abacus and fiddled with it, calculated the number of spiritual stones, divided them into several parts, and used the elixirs to pay for the spiritual stones.

Among the elixirs she gave to the team, the highest was the Tianpin elixir, and the others were low-grade, medium-grade, and high-grade elixirs. There were level-breaking elixirs and foundation-building elixirs that detoxified, replenished the soul, and repaired the foundation.

Nearly 170 million spiritual stones were converted into elixirs, and the total was only 220. The remaining dozens of spiritual stones were used as spiritual stones.

The little Foundation Establishment monk’s relatives and friends, Ling Bei Duo, and the little Loli did not treat the Little Foundation Establishment monk poorly and gave him a Level Breaking Pill and an Antidote Pill as a reward.

The little foundation-building monk who received the reward was beaming with joy.

A team of high-level monks came and went in a hurry.

After beating them, no merchants came to the door again.

Little Loli sorted out the day's harvest and stayed in the trading area for another night. The next day, she shrunk the Ruyi House and got into Xiao Huihui's sleeves.

Xiao Huihui took the monkey with him to the trading area to buy small shellfish, shrimp and fish.

Little Huihui used the abacus to calculate the accounts, and the Lingxi Monkey was responsible for paying the spirit stones and counting the weight of the goods.

The two little ones work very well together, with a good mix of men and women, so they don’t get tired of working.

The little Loli was nestled in the Ruyi House, using her spiritual consciousness to protect the two little ones.

The young lady had a lot of money, but Xiao Huihui was not merciful. He swept away all the small shellfish, small fish and shrimps in the trading area, and ran away happily after half an afternoon.

Xiao Huihui left the city through the south gate, and then jumped into the spirit boat released by the young lady.

The spirit boat slowly sailed from a thousand feet high in the sky, passing through the jungle and the beach. The length of the spirit boat's hull increased and it slowly flew towards the port.

The peninsula is a natural harbor.

It is February, and the coastal areas are about to usher in the rainy and windy season, as well as the breeding season of some aquatic organisms such as fruit shells. Boats that go out to sea for fishing are also entering their return period.

In the natural port area, there are many large and small ships moored along the land and water area of ​​Shunfeng City.

There is a long plank road from the beach on the land bank to the shallow water area of ​​the port.

The pillars of the plank road are small magic weapons refined by monks. They are deeply embedded in the bridge and fused with the rocks underground. Even if there is a hurricane at sea, they cannot lift it.

The trestle is like a long dragon drinking water.

Le Yun asked the spirit boat to fly around the natural port area, then return to the vicinity of the trestle, and then descend. It rested on the side of the trestle, about ten feet high from the sea.

Then he placed the Ruyi House on the bow of the boat and erected several poles for Xiao Huihui to hang the written cloth.

On the orange cloth hanging on the tall mast, it clearly says "purchase jade shells and golden shells", and another banner says "purchase small fish, shrimps and various small shells".

The body of the spirit boat is huge, and it looks gorgeous and eye-catching. Any ship returning from an outing can see it from a long distance away.

Lingzhou has become a conspicuous bag.

When ready, Leyun will summon four of the Yinxing brothers and ask them to disguise themselves and stay in the cabin. Then they will turn off the defense array of the spirit boat and wait for the ship to return from the sea.

When a team of two men and one woman arrived in Shunfeng City on a spiritual ship, the city lord and the monk family in the city had already received the report. They also knew that the male cultivator went to the fishing market to buy shellfish, and that a certain animal cultivator purchased it at the fresh seafood trading area in Nancheng District.

The city lord and the monk families in the city only paid attention and had no intention of contacting or making friends. When a certain monk's spiritual boat docked at the port, he still paid attention.

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