magic eye doctor

Chapter 3360 Annoying

Chapter 3360 Annoying

Mr. Xuan doesn’t want Guo Bei and doesn’t want to waste his family?

of course not.

He also likes eating shellfish so much that he wishes he could collect tens of billions of them.

But reality doesn’t allow it.

Little Loli said that the number of shellfish in a fleet is no less than 10 million jins. That is a conservative figure. In reality, it may be tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of jins.

Even if it is calculated as 10 million jins, the jade shells are 10 million jins and the golden shells are 10 million jins, totaling more than 20 million jins.

Converted into spiritual stones, it is worth more than 10 million low-grade spiritual stones.

Mr. Xuan and his friends also had hundreds of millions of spirit stones, but he really couldn't bear to spend more than 10 million in spirit stones to buy spirit shells.

After all, their spiritual planting space has not been settled yet.

Everyone wants to be free.

Unfortunately, reality does not allow him to lose his fortune, so Mr. Xuan chooses to keep his wallet tight.

Yan Xing said nothing and just pretended to be dead.

He and Mr. Xuan wandered around the fishing village for nearly a month, clearing up the scattered supply of shells. The shells they purchased weighed more than 100 million kilograms, and were evenly divided into the hands of humans and animals, with an average of more than 1.5 million kilograms per person.

He was content.

If he was asked to spend tens of millions of spiritual stones to buy fruit shells, Young Master Yan would not be willing to part with the money.

"Where is your little friend?" Mr. Xuan was reluctant to lose his family, and Le Yun naturally did not persuade him to lose his family.

"We won't buy it either." The beasts who stayed in the spirit beast bag had the same attitude. My brother's spiritual plant space was still empty, so he had to save some spiritual stones.

Besides, brother's hometown lacks spiritual energy, so they have to keep the spirit stones. Only when they return to brother's hometown can they have the spirit stones to set up a spiritual gathering array for practice.

The two young men and the beasts felt sorry for the spirit stones and were not going to buy any more fruit shells. Le Yun smiled happily: "Before, in the city, I didn't know who was worried that my family would buy up all the fruit shells, and I almost wanted to fight with someone. "

"This moment is the same as the other moment." Mr. Xuan covered his heart: "Please stop irritating people. Who doesn't want to realize the freedom of fruit shells? I have no choice but to tell you that my wealth is not rich enough.

Besides, because I heard the city guard say that Shunfeng City didn’t have much inventory, I thought that all the shells in Shunfeng City were bought up by those who came first. Who knew that the production of shells in this area was so high. "

The group of people who completed the transaction had already left Ruyi House, and another small group had just entered Ruyi House when they heard the house owner's companion say that Shunfeng City had a high production of fruit shells.

A Mahayana monk in the team replied: "Fellow Taoist, whether it is the offshore territory of Yinjiao City, the territory of Shuixi Family, or the coastal territory to the west, the output of fruit shells is almost the same.

Shunfeng City is not as advantageous as Xianrenwang Harbor of the Yinjiao family, so the price of fruit shells is lower.

In the twenty years since 150 years ago, a large number of monks have come to Shunfeng City to purchase fruit shells. As a result, fishing teams of all sizes have changed their focus to collecting jade shells. There used to be more.

Now that the buying wave of monks has passed, the sales of fruit shells have dropped significantly, and the collection volume of fishing teams is also declining. In another ten or twenty years, the number of fruit shells flowing to Shunfeng City every year will only be about 5 billion kilograms. "

Someone picked up what he said, and Young Master Xuan looked over, meeting the eyes of a handsome monk with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, white skin and red lips, who looked like he was in his early twenties.

The handsome young monk has a slender figure and wears a light blue robe-style robe with wide sleeves. The sleeves and collar of the robe are rolled with a circle of gold and embroidered with Ruyi patterns, and the hem of the robe is embroidered with a wave pattern.

The monk has a defensive magic jade hanging on his waist, wears black and blue magic boots, wears a purple gold magic crown on his head, and his untied hair is spread over his back shoulders.

His hair color is slightly lighter than the standard black, his eyebrows are as black as ink, his eyes are like paint, and his face is delicate.

His status in the team was not low. He stood side by side with two other monks who looked like they were in their twenties or eighties, and there were more than thirty monks crowding behind him.

Accompanying the handsome monk were two other monks who clearly looked like the leaders of the group. They were both wearing cyan soft armor and had granny-grey hair on their heads. They were obviously beasts at a glance.

Young Master Xuan met the blue-robed monk's eyes: "..." I feel a little embarrassed. What should I do now? Waiting online, it’s very urgent!

Before he could figure out how to resolve the embarrassment, the handsome beast cultivator looked away.

A new group of people arrived, and Le Yun greeted with a smile: "Friends from the Rhino Clan are here. Are they here to collect trade taxes or discuss business? Please sit down and talk."

"We are also here for business." When the rhinoceros monks who were hugged by the tribe saw that they were recognized by their master, they floated lightly and floated towards the seats set up.

Everyone was in order, some sat at the same table as the host, and others went to sit at other tables.

Rhino...Rhinoceros tribe?

Is it the Rhino Clan that leads the Beast Clan?

Several questions popped up in Mr. Xuan's mind, and he sat back and waited for the visitor to discuss with the little Lolita.

The visitors turned out to be here for trade. Leyun didn't offer any refreshments or anything like that. She treated them just like dealing with other teams and asked, "What do you fellow Taoists want to sell?" The three team leaders took out storage containers and put them away respectively. On the wooden trays, one tray is sent to the buyer one by one, and the name of the item in the storage is reported once for each wooden tray.

The wooden plates are lined up, including jade shells, golden shells, eight kinds of small spirit shells, five kinds of spirit shrimps and spirit fish, twelve large plates of spiritual plants, and a plate of storage containers. clutter.

What is debris?

The miscellaneous items are spiritual honey, pearl agate, monster inner elixir or fur, bone horns, etc.

The Rhino Clan team threw out a large number of items as soon as they arrived. Le Yun was not in a hurry to inspect the goods and asked in her spare time: "Do you, the Rhino Clan, settle with spirit stones according to the trade rules, or do you have other settlement requirements?"

"We want high-level elixirs, heaven-level elixirs or immortal-level elixirs, or immortal-level magic weapons." The team leader stated his request and asked, "I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for you?"

"Excuse me." Le Yun asked simply and neatly.

"Since we set out to sea more than four hundred years ago, our original intention was to accumulate some fruit shells. When the secret realm of Fluctuating Light is opened, we can take the shells with us and sell them in the Golden Lion City area.

The ship I was waiting for was delayed in the sea for hundreds of years, and it did not return to Tongfeng Port until three months ago, and therefore missed the secret land of Fluttering Light.

I heard that during the opening of the Fluttering Light Secret Realm, a human monk with great talent came out. He had a talent for alchemy and weapon refining. He could easily refine elixirs to create sub-artifacts, and even build a spiritual boat that could travel thousands of miles.

It is said that each tribe made a reservation for the spirit boat from the human tribe's little Taoist friends, and made an appointment to hand it over at Wanghai City of the Silver Dragon Clan.

After hearing the news, the leader of the rhinoceros tribe also led a team to set off eastward decades ago, rushing to Wanghai City in the hope of getting a spiritual boat.

We also want the spirit boat, but it’s a pity that it’s too late to return to the city. Even if we rush to Wanghai City, we will definitely miss it. We want to ask if fellow Taoist came from Wanghai City, and whether the little fellow Taoist from the human race has left Wanghai City. Fellow Taoist, have you heard whether the Rhino Clan has changed to a spirit boat? "


Young Master Xuan Shaoyan suddenly sat upright. This group of people actually made the deal specifically to find out about the little Lolita?

A group of people looked at her with burning eyes, and Le Yun felt helpless: "I came from the north and haven't gone to Wanghai City yet. From the news I got from several big cities in the territory along the way, I know that the great master of alchemy and weapon He probably hasn't returned to Wanghai City yet.

The monks of all races gathered in Wanghai City. The golden fruit shells there must have all fallen into the hands of the monks of all races, so this fairy made a special detour to Shunfeng City.

I have some gossip here. It is said that the alchemy master has finished his journey to the north and is on his way to Wanghai City. If all fellow Taoists can get to Wanghai City within three months, you may still be able to meet the alchemy master. . "

"..." Young Master Xuan Shaoyan was so impressed by the little Loli that her client could still be so calm even though she was talking about her own affairs. If they were not acclimatized, just obey her!

The rhinoceros team was suddenly startled, and the eyes of the neighboring team showed astonishment: "How did fellow Taoist learn such important news?"

"This fairy stopped in the territory of a certain clan on the way and learned that the alchemy master arrived a month earlier than me. She took her companions to visit a certain secret place.

Based on the end time of the secret realm, the speed of the spirit boat with Master Alchemy, and the distance traveled, it is speculated that Master Alchemy will not be able to reach Wanghai City within three months. "

What the little Loli said was reasonable. Mr. Xuan didn't know whether others believed it or not. Anyway, if he wasn't traveling with the Little Loli, he would have believed it.

The three leaders of the Rhino Clan also believed it, their eyes burning.

The blue-robed monk's eyes fell on the monk next to the female monk wearing a curtain hat. He glanced at it for a few times and then moved away calmly.

"Shunfeng City is nearly four billion miles away from Wanghai City. Even the fastest spirit boat takes more than a month to fly. Shunfeng City does not have a spirit boat that can travel hundreds of millions of miles, nor does it have a spirit boat that can travel four or five thousand miles. A thousand-mile spiritual boat.”

Surprise is followed by regret.

The monks were shocked by the leader's words. Yes, even if the human fairy hadn't gone to Wanghai City yet, they couldn't make it in time.

"Then there's nothing we can do." Le Yun said she was helpless.

The blue-robed Mahayana's eyes fell on the female cultivator who was tightly covered by a curtain, and she spoke in a soft and melodious voice: "When will you go to Wanghai City? I decided to try my luck in Wanghai City. If you also go, Wanghai City, I hope I can give you a ride.”

"This fairy is busy buying fruit shells. It will take a month or two before setting off for Wanghai City."

"Fellow Taoist, don't you want to meet the Alchemy Master?" The two Rhino Clan Mahayana were astonished.

"I am also an alchemy master myself, so there is no need to envy other people's talents. Besides, I already know the next destination of the human alchemy master. When I buy enough fruit shells, I can even go to Wanghai City. It doesn’t matter if it’s late.”

One team was stunned, and the three Rhino Clan Mahayana almost jumped up, their eyes burning: "Do you know where the Alchemy Grandmaster is going?"

"After the Human Race Alchemist arrives at Wanghai City for an appointment, he will go to an ancient secret realm in the Southern Continent. I won't mention the specific location. Wanghai City is so close to Shunfeng City, and fellow Taoists cannot rush there in time. The Southern Continent is far away. Fellow Taoists are beyond your reach.

This fairy is also going to the Southern Continent. Even if I don’t meet the human alchemy master in Wanghai City, I will definitely meet him somewhere.”

"..." Shaoguai Xuan is worried. If the little Loli is so irritating, isn't he afraid that the rhinoceros tribe will rise up and come to put a sack on her in the middle of the night?

Young Master Yan: "..." When you meet such a person, just ask the monks of the Rhino Clan if they are angry!

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