magic eye doctor

Chapter 337 Complete 1 and a half

Chapter 337 Half Completed

Wang Yuzhe returned to the dormitory with the thank-you gift from the beautiful junior girl, and closed the door. He originally wanted to go back to the bedroom to continue his work. Seeing that it was twelve o'clock, he felt hungry and decided to fill his stomach before working.

He and the other king were the only ones in the dormitory, and the other two classmates didn't come back, and they seldom got together. The first two days he ate either instant noodles or bread and eight-treasure porridge. Put it on the table and open the package.

The dumplings are wrapped in a dumpling mold, with lace borders, similar in appearance and size, and still warm, indicating that they should be newly released soon.

The portion is enough, Wang Yuzhe called the material king to come out and share it together.

There are two Wang surnames in the dormitory. The first two characters of their names are pronounced the same, and the last word is sometimes mispronounced. Wang Yuze and Wang Yuzhe are environmental subjects. Sometimes when they are busy, they don’t listen to things outside the window. They are easy to be the air, and they are nicknamed the air king.

Wang Yuze, the material king, heard the shout and went to the small hall to eat dumplings, while asking who the school girl from the air king was.

Wang Yuzhe didn't think there was anything to hide, so he told the story that a certain junior girl wanted to find someone in the opposite dormitory yesterday, because the owner was not at home, so he kept the person in the dormitory for her to wait.

"King of Air, you are so caring and kind and rewarding. Next time something similar happens, you can continue. Maybe you will have something to eat every day."

"Take it down, you think I am overflowing with love. I took in the girl yesterday because she knocked on the door again and again outside, and it was annoying to listen to, making it impossible for people to write reports with peace of mind."

"Unfortunately, the girls don't know about it. They are influenced by your heart-warming actions, so I came here to thank you."

Being teased by the material king, Wang Yuzhe wanted to kick him, but suddenly smiled: "Material king, do you know who lives in the opposite dormitory?"

"It doesn't matter who he is, it has nothing to do with me." The material king, with a detached look that has nothing to do with me, picked up a dumpling and stuffed it into his mouth.

"You really don't know?" Wang Yuzhe looked at a certain king with the same eyes as a monster. He went abroad to exchange and study, and he was not in school, so it was understandable not to know who the person opposite lived, and the material king did not know that he was in school. How low-key are Xiao Chao and his sister?
"Why should I care? It's not that I have nothing to do all day long, and I care about trivial things every day." Wang Yuze looked at the King of Air with the eyes of an idiot. That guy went abroad for a while, and was he worried about Y The fog of the country has been brainwashed and has become so nosy.

"Yes, if President Xiao Chao hears this, he will probably be heartbroken for a long time."

"What's the matter with Comrade Xiao Chao?"

"One of the students living in our dormitory is Xiao Chao Yijie Jin Lan's younger sister. Do you think this has nothing to do with Comrade Xiao Chao? You say Xiao Chao's business is a nosy thing, Xiao Chao will not be upset when he hears it. ?"

"Wait, wait a minute," Wang Yuze hurriedly stopped: "You said Xiao Chao's sister lives in the opposite door? Are you sure?"

"I saw Xiao Chao and Xiao Li just now. Xiao Chao himself said that his sister lives opposite the door. Do you think it's fake?"

"Damn it! It's so scary. I've lived here for so long, why don't I know? I haven't seen Xiao Chao come here? Only two times I vaguely heard male voices coming from the dormitory. I thought it was a boy."

"So, do you know that Xiao Chao has a younger sister?"

"How can you not know that Xiao Chao's sister is a very cute little loli, that little loli is so fierce, she entered Qingda University with the first grade in the country for science this year, and she ran all over to provoke her three students as soon as she entered the school. A national defense student, she has a good brain and has unlimited sports potential. Coach Ou of the school track and field team forced her to join the school team, and even made a special list for the first time, allowing her not to participate in any training, but only to participate in the team when there is a game, Xiao Luo Li also lived up to her expectations. When she participated in the event at the Capital University Autumn Games, she broke records. According to reliable sources from the school team, the National Sports Academy repeatedly discussed with Coach Ou about transferring Little Loli there. Let it go, choke everyone back."

"I feel like a remarkable figure." Wang Yuzhe stroked his forehead, Xiao Chao is such a powerful person, the girl who can make him willing to marry Jinlan must be different.

"It depends on what aspect, except when she was provoked when she first entered the school, she broke records in a public game and the Autumn Games, but she didn't hear any rumors that caused trouble. She is very low-key and very low-key. , declined the invitation of the student union, and did not join any clubs, often Shenlong sees the beginning but does not see the end, so even staying across from us, I have never met her."

"When you say that, I'm even more curious, and I'm looking forward to Xiao Chao bringing his sister to the dormitory as a guest."

"Xiao Chao said he wanted to bring little Lolita as a guest?" Wang Yuze was also a little excited.

"Yes, I told him before that when I was done, he would bring someone to visit."

"Haha, you still have face, remember to notify me when Xiao Chao comes..."

When the chatter was opened, the two Wang classmates also put aside their respective studies and work for the time being, and chatted while eating.

While students Wang, Chao and others were having lunch happily, Young Master Yan was still on his way back to his third uncle’s house. When he returned to the compound, it was already 12:30, and every household was either eating lunch or preparing meals or had just eaten lunch.

The door of the courtyard was open. He Xiaoliu and He Mingxin were guarding the door in the lower house. Seeing his cousin's military car, he let out a howl to inform the ancestors and elders, and rushed out to meet him.

He San and his wife He Qishu, as well as several grandchildren of the He family who came back to accompany their ancestors, were chatting in the room. After hearing Xiao Shiliu's shouting, a few children rushed out of the house laughing and waiting for Xiaolongbao.

He Mingxin rushed out of the hospital door and saw a tall and slender man approaching. He jumped and rushed down the steps. He wanted to jump into his cousin's arms and be a sloth. It's not easy to throw things, so I hugged my arms instead, and pulled the end sound to the old man: "Brother Longbao, I want to spoil you-"

"I don't see where you think I'm thinking." Yan Xingyun stretched out a hand and reached out to catch the sticky worm that was holding him under his armpit.

Being held hostage, He Mingxin wrapped his arms around his cousin's waist and reported the situation with a smile: "Brother Long Bao, I have completed half of the task you gave me."

"How do you say?" What is half done?
"Feng, that guy, I don't know if he was very vigilant and guessed that we would take care of him, or if he really had something to do, I asked him to play, but he refused, saying that there is an important guest at home, he wants to accompany the distinguished guest, I can't make an appointment, I can't deal with him, but I scout out who his companions are."

"Who is there?"

"There were five people present at the time, Huangkou Xiaoer of Liu Baolin's deputy bureau's family, and the third grandson of Lieutenant General Yuan Zhen. These two directly participated in the molestation operation, the other two were the fifth grandson of General Chen Houde's family, and the other was the capital. One of the three kings, Wang Yanli, the grandson of the Wang family's nephew, the nephew of Dr. Wan Chenghongli, the latter two did not participate in the action. Wang Ershao said something to the teammates to annoy the little beauty, and was punched. Wang Ershao also personally confirmed that the situation is true."

After He Xiaoliu reported what he knew, he smiled with neat teeth: "I didn't have a chance to clean up the first leader, but I didn't have time to mobilize my friends to find Young Master Yuan and Young Master Liu. I had a good time playing twice, and those two boys are still stunned, I don't understand why they have been a little moldy recently."

"How did you and your little friend play with people?" Yan Xing walked into the yard with Little Sixteen, and he was not in a hurry, he walked slowly, and asked in a funny way.

"It's nothing, it's just to get those two people drunk when they go to play, let them get close to the beauties, and satisfy their love for beauty."

Yan Xingmei's heart skipped a beat, the beauties that Xiaoliu mentioned were definitely the two girls who were the most disdainful, and the two girls would probably vomit blood when they were approached by the most hated girls.

He was satisfied, Xiao Shiliu and his friends could get people drunk, and presumably they also got videos and the like, which could come in handy at any time.

"Well, it's good to see it, one or two rectifications are enough."

"Okay, get two, and the remaining one has a chance to be friendly and intimate."

Yan Xing walked across half of the yard with Little Sixteen, and went into the upper room with his brothers, sisters, sisters, and brothers. Then he put down the naughty ghost he was holding, and said hello to his great-grandmother and uncle and aunt.

He Mingxin was so dazzled that he was staring at him. He finally got his freedom. He hugged his head and rubbed his eyes. He Xiaoba looked at him happily.

After greeting the elders, Yan Xing walked over to Grandma Tai, put down his things first, then took off his coat, rubbed his hands and face, rubbed it hot, and leaned in front of Grandma Tai to squat on the face of his ancestors.

After getting close to the ancestors, I sat down and saw that only one uncle was at home, and snickered: "I brought back super delicious food today. The other uncles didn't come back, so they won't be able to enjoy it."

"Xiao Longbao, what good things did you bring back?"

The He family, young and old, were also aroused by curiosity.

"good stuff."

Yan Xing smiled mysteriously, went to pick up his backpack and the bag he was holding before, put it on the table, then opened the backpack and brought out three packs in a row.

Before he could make a move, He Xiaoba's brothers and sisters opened the knot of the bag, and opened three layers in a row, three packets of dumplings, and one packet of flower rolls, which were fragrant.

"It smells good." The family inhaled.

"This is from the talented little doctor, with medicinal ingredients added, it is a hard-to-find medicinal meal. It was just released this morning, and it can be eaten after a little heating at noon."

"Wow, hurry up, get ready for dinner."

The brothers and sisters He Xiaowu roared happily, picked up the dumplings and rushed to the kitchen.

The younger ones ran fast, Qian Yuying fell behind and went to help with a smile on her face.

Guo's mother and Zhou's sister-in-law were waiting to pass the meal in the kitchen. When they heard the running sound, they laughed and took the warm dishes out of the steamer and placed them on the tray.

He Mingtao's brothers and sisters rushed into the kitchen, some serving dishes, some looking for something to heat dumplings, busy, and the kitchen became lively.

Qian Yuying simply asked Guo's mother and Zhou's sister-in-law to ignore the small ones and just serve the dishes.

The dumplings and flower rolls were only made in the morning. Put them in the microwave oven for 3 minutes. After the food was moved into the upper room and arranged one by one, the dumplings were also heated up. The number of flower rolls was very small. It was unanimously decided to give them to the ancestors. It is only heated when it is time, only half of the dumplings are heated, and the other half is reserved for the ancestors to eat.

The juniors of the He family brought the dumplings to the upper room and ate around them. More than a dozen people could not sit down, so they were divided into two tables, and each person was allocated three dumplings.

After eating the dumplings made by the little doctor, the young and old of the He family finally realized that "a thousand dollars is hard to buy" is not an exaggeration, but it lives up to its name.

Most dumplings also have an appetizer function. The old and young have a particularly delicious lunch, and the food is all eaten up. For the first time, it seems like a situation after a big sweep.

After the meal, the dedicated driver and the two nannies did not enter the upper room, leaving the He family old and young to chat.

Ancestor He squinted, listening to his descendants and chatting a lot of everyday things, He Zirui changed the subject: "Xiao Longbao, Xiao Wu gets married on New Year's Day, shall we send an invitation to the little doctor?"

"I can't say this either. Little Loli doesn't like to be lively. Personally, I feel that sending her invitations will make her embarrassed, and it happened to be the birthday of Mr. Chao in those days. Little Loli is probably playing at Chao's house, so it's not good to disturb her. I suggest that we hold a family dinner at home after the fifth sister's wedding or when my uncle's birthday is. It may be better to send an invitation to Little Loli. It's all our own, so we can recognize Little Loli's face."

"It's up to Xiao Longbao. By the way, Xiao Longbao, recently, several families have frequently come to our house again. I always find the people who come with me to be very strange. They don't look like ordinary people."

After talking about the invitation, He Zirui talked about housework again, and He Qishu also added at the right time: "Xiao Longbao, your uncle has also encountered a similar thing. Recently, a few business people who have no business dealings before are very popular. The network actively wants to do business with the He family, and every time there is always one or two people in the escort who are very low-key, but they obviously seem to be behind the scenes, we are wondering if it is also related to the little doctor you invited.

"It seems that our family is very popular," Yan Xing showed a fox-like smile: "Uncles and uncles do what they did in the past. If people who can be friends with each other are sincere, they don't have to turn them away. The grass's words are laughed off."

Needless to say, those strange entourages must be people from the ancient martial arts world or the ancient martial arts sect. Although the ancient martial arts world and many sects are secluded, many of them have in-laws with certain families or people, or some people or The direct line main clan or branch clan members of some families are all connected by veins.

Due to the intricate and complicated relationships, the whole body is affected by a single trigger. Even if the ancient martial arts world rises up, a large number of them will be implicated. Therefore, even the ancient martial arts sects dare not easily provoke a life-and-death battle.

Yan Xing had decided that the ancient martial arts sect gathered in Kyoto to find Little Loli, and secretly contacted the He family frequently to inquire about news, or to let the family they support come to know each other and act in the future.

He Zirui shook his head amusingly, the He family will become fragrant and all the blessings of the little doctor, the little doctor pulled the old ancestor back from the gate of hell, how can such a sensation not be noticeable, now the little doctor has not been exposed, they have become The only person in the know, naturally attracted people to come and explore.

The family chatted for a long time, the younger generation went to whisper, and I don't know who leaked the news. In the evening, the He Jiaqi generation and the Ming generation who could come back all left their jobs and ran back to the compound, and they divided up the dumplings for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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