Chapter 339
As a top university in China, Qingda University is in line with international standards. There are a large number of foreign students on campus. Christmas is a major festival in Western countries. We will work together to hold a Christmas party for the international students of the two universities.

At the Christmas ball held by the Student Union, all the ministers and members of the Youth University Student Union will basically attend. Chao, um, as the president, he does not have much self-awareness of the president. host.

He is not worried. The details of the Christmas ball have already been drawn up, and the steps and matters are clearly listed. Moreover, the student union also held a ball last year, which is experienced.

Although the vice president has just taken over the internal affairs of the student union, under the leadership of president Chao, he can get started quickly enough to stand on his own. Besides, there are other ministers pressing the field. The organizer of the dance is the teamwork of the student union, so there is nothing to worry about. .

As for himself, it doesn't matter if he doesn't show up at the dance at night. Anyway, the members of our school and the student unions of various colleges know that he is a weak boy. Even if his health has improved recently, everyone still thinks that President Chao is a little boy who needs to be protected. The saplings are small flowers and should not be overworked.

The Christmas ball starts at seven o'clock in the evening, and the invited students start dressing up at five or six o'clock.

Wang Yuzhe went abroad to exchange and study for a semester. When he first came back to school, he had too much work to do. After a long time, he sorted out all aspects of the study report. Then he went to class normally, reported to the student union, and communicated with his classmates and friends. Every day Be busy and steady.

He had been away for too long, and of course it was necessary to show his face at the Christmas ball. After finishing his work in the afternoon, he went back to the dormitory to prepare for washing up and changing his clothes.

As soon as Wang Yuzhe returned to the Xueba Building, he saw Li Yubo and Li Shao running down the west stairs. Li Shao looked completely new, and he was very energetic. He couldn't help laughing: "Yo, Xiao Li, are you in such a hurry to pick up a female companion?"

Li Shao hurried downstairs and was about to pick up the car, when he saw Wang Shao holding a bag of books and documents, he smiled and made a dashing gesture: "Yes, I'm going to the National People's Congress to pick up my dance partner tonight, Shao Wang. , who is your dance partner tonight?"

"No." Wang Yuzhe replied calmly, and drew a charming smile: "If you can't enter the dance hall without a dance partner, I will be very happy."

"You pull it down."

"Is Xiao Chao going tonight?"

"I don't know, Comrade Xiao Chao disappeared for a day. I guess he slipped away with a little Loli to hide."

"You didn't call?"

"Call it, turn it off, and turn off the little loli's phone. Master Wang, I'll go first, my girlfriend is waiting for me."

"Go, go, don't keep the beauty waiting for a long time." Wang Yuzhe's smile deepened, and the dance partner Li Shao willingly invited must be someone they were familiar with.

Watching Li Shao hurriedly get into the car and hurriedly drove away, he turned upstairs and returned to the dormitory on the fourth floor. It was still only him and the King of Materials, and the other two students, one from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, was doing scientific research. For the project, the laboratory is the home, and the other is a journalism major. He went to other places to plan and interview, and he was not in school.

Wang Yuze, the material king, came back from playing golf in the afternoon. He just took a shower and was blowing his hair. When he saw the air king returning, he winked and smiled: "Air king, why did you come back so early today?"

"There is a dance at night." Wang Yuzhe smiled helplessly, and went back to his bedroom to find the clothes he wore at night.

"Who is the dance partner tonight?" Material Wang happily asked Hundred Thousand Why.

"The invitation was too late, and all the girls I knew were booked away."

"Poor man, why don't you come to a Christmas ball without a partner."

"So, I decided to go to the prom and invite other people's dance partners to dance."

"This is good, go to the scene to grab a female companion, whoever is more attractive, who is the beauty."

"Stealing a female companion, are you trying to kick me into a puddle..." Wang Yuzhe almost wanted to throw something away and smash that guy on the other side. You should consider it a robbery. Whoever is attractive and beautiful belongs to whom. If the boys listen, he has to be the public enemy.

The two were joking and joking, one took a bath, the other got his hair and clothes changed, tidied up his instruments, and hurriedly went on a date with his girlfriend.

When classmates Liangwang are busy, classmate Le Xiao is also busy. The difference is that classmates Liangwang are busy dressing up for the dance and dating, and she and Chao brother Yan handsome are busy eating.

Classmate Chao hid for a day, because the dance in the evening was a social dance between the two universities, and it was held for international students. As the president of the Youth University Student, he naturally had to attend, so as not to misunderstand others.

Because brother Chao was going to a dance party in the evening, Le Yun, based on the health of the beautiful young brother, deliberately made dinner early and prepared a table of nutritious medicated meals. The ingredients were all space products.

With the blessing of a beautiful young man, Young Master Yan also took advantage of the great bargains and ate more delicious medicated meals than before, which made him secretly jealous and wanted to go crazy. The medicated meals that Xiao Luoli gave Brother Chao are always the best, Brother Chao Did the ancestors save the earth?

Because Brother Chao was in Little Loli's dormitory, it was inconvenient for him to chat with Little Loli. He stayed in the research institute for several days.

They eat very early and finish dinner before six o'clock. The school students invite friends for dinner and go to parties and other activities because of Christmas Eve. It is the busiest preparation period before nightlife. There are active students.

Yan Shao put on a mask to cover most of his face when he evacuated from Little Loli's dormitory. People who didn't look closely or who were not familiar with it saw him as a scholar who lived in the Zhuangyuan Building.

Yan Shao, who had completely abandoned the academic tyrant, wandered downstairs, and when he arrived under the eaves on the first floor, he saw another acquaintance—Wang Xiehua from the Department of Medicine.

The reason why he knew the girl at a glance in the Little Loli dormitory last time was because he had specially investigated the eighteenth generation of Wang Xihua's ancestors since the day he refused the ride, and also remembered Wang Xihua's face.

Wang Xianhua wears a red Korean-style red coat like a shawl, a white floral silk scarf, black tights and black long boots, and holds a paper bag, walking in the cold wind, teaching me to feel pity.

Seeing the girl walking towards the Zhuangyuan Building, Yan Xing raised his eyebrows in amazement. Could it be that he didn't step hard enough that day?If he can even withstand such a blow, it can only show that Wang Xihua's purpose is extremely difficult, and he must take precautions early, lest Wang Xihua succeed.

After thinking about it, he lowered his head, turned sideways and walked towards the car parked downstairs, making people think that he was going to pick up the car, so as not to collide with Wang Xiehua head-on.

Wang Ziyan held the bag, braved the cold wind, and walked slowly with dignified steps until she reached the eaves of Zhuangyuan's downstairs.

The girl walked up the stairs to the east, avoiding Yanxing next to a car, her eyebrows drawn in thick ink furrowed slightly, she was silent, turned around and walked into the stairwell, followed upstairs, if Wang Xiehua came again Looking for little loli, he doesn't mind showing up again "in time" to step on both feet.

He fell behind and watched Wang Xiehua climb the stairs one by one. When he reached the corner of the third floor, he saw Wang Xiehua parked at the door of the west dormitory near the stairs. He leaned on the railing at the corner of the stairs to observe.

Arriving on the fourth floor, Wang Ziyan tidyed up her instruments, breathed in to warm her fingers, and then knocked on the door.

The Christmas ball didn't start until 07:30, and there was still some time before that. Air King packed himself up and wanted to leave later, playing with the computer in his arms, when he heard the door ring, he put down the computer to open the door.

When he opened the door at the door, Wang Yuzhe looked out and saw the beautiful and gentle woman standing at the door. He was slightly surprised: "Xuemei, did you knock on the wrong door?"

When she knocked on the door, Wang Ziyan just wanted to call the senior, but the boy spoke first, which made her very embarrassed. She looked up shyly with a fever on her face. When she saw the boy senior, her eyes suddenly lit up. The senior was wearing a formal suit and a bow tie. More handsome and handsome.

"Senior Wang, I didn't... I went to the wrong place. I came to see Senior Wang. I want to ask Senior Wang for a favor." Seeing the senior's gaze swept over, she lowered her eyes shyly.

ask him for help?Wang Yuzhe was surprised, he didn't know the girl well, why did he come to him again?Although he was puzzled, he didn't go into the doorway because of his demeanor: "I have something to say in the dormitory."

Wang Ziyan made a "hmm" and walked into the boys' dormitory with a lady's step.

Yan Xing, who was standing at the corner of the stairs, listened to the conversation between the girl and the boy without a word, and walked a few steps to the fourth floor. When he saw the girl entering the boys' dormitory, he was sure that he was not looking for Little Loli, and he didn't need to stay. Turn around and go downstairs.

Wang Ziyan entered the boys' dormitory, and when the boys closed the door, she followed the master to the boys' living area and sat down.

Wang Yuzhe poured a glass of water for the girl, sat down and asked calmly and slowly, "What is the matter with the junior girl looking for me? Do you want me to hand over things to the junior girl in the opposite dormitory?"

"No." The girl lowered her head slightly and said in a soft voice, "I am studying pharmacy. In order to apply what I have learned, I am researching medicated food. I have made new medicated food dumplings and want to invite people to taste them for advice. She is good at medicated food, I want to ask her for help, because the junior girl has a little misunderstanding with me and is unwilling to correct me. My roommates are afraid of hurting my self-esteem, so they only say good or bad. I...I want to ask the senior to taste it. Only by giving a fair and impartial evaluation can I know what needs to be improved."

"Oh, so, I don't know medicine, so I may not be able to give you effective advice." Wang Yuzhe didn't ask any more misunderstandings between the girls.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you give a fair evaluation." The boy did not refuse, Wang Ziyan showed a happy smile, opened the bag in her arms, and brought out two bags.

There are about twenty dumplings in two bags.

Girls have a heart to learn, and come to ask for help so sincerely. Naturally, Wang Yuzhe doesn't want to be a spoiler. He goes to get his bowl and chopsticks and help girls taste masterpieces.

He tried to eat a dumpling, the taste was average, a little medicinal. After eating, he honestly said, "The skin is too hard, the medicinal taste is strong, and the filling is a little greasy."

Eat one flavor, eat another, it is green vegetable vermicelli stuffing.

After tasting the second type, he pondered for about half a minute before saying what he had tasted: "This one tastes weird, like a burnt smell, and the stuffing green vegetables seem to have melted, it's not new at all."

The handsome boy is very honest, what to say, Wang Ziyan felt embarrassed when he said the first one, and when he heard the second one, he was embarrassed and embarrassed, but fortunately he put on makeup and his face didn't get hot. was discovered.

In order to make decent medicated dumplings, she did more than a dozen experiments in succession. This was the best one, and the combination of ingredients was also the most suitable one. She was also satisfied. The three girls in the dormitory said they were all good. There are only shortcomings in the boy's mouth, and her self-confessed deliciousness is gone.

"Thank you, senior, as expected, I still need to continue to work hard." Fearing that she would lose her temper, Wang Ziyan laughed at herself and found herself to go down the stairs.

"Medicated diet is not an ordinary food, it is difficult to master. The school girl has done a good job. If you try hard to explore, you will definitely do better." Wang Yuzhe was afraid that his true evaluation would hurt the enthusiasm of the girl and encouraged her.

"Senior, I've made medicated meals in the future, can I still ask you to help me try to evaluate it?" Wang Ziyan smiled gratefully, and looked up at the handsome boy with hopeful eyes.

Chika, just after the girl finished speaking, there was a sound of turning the door lock, which successfully diverted the attention of the two.

The next moment, the door was pushed open, and Wang, who was wearing a black coat, rushed into the dormitory in a hurry, and suddenly found a girl turned her head to look at him, stunned, looked at the dormitory subconsciously, and muttered: "Scared me. , I almost thought I went to the wrong dormitory."

"Wang... Senior Wang." Seeing another boy surnamed Wang, Wang Ziyan was very embarrassed and said hello to the senior in a low voice.

"Material King, you are so hot, what's wrong?" Wang Yuzhe couldn't help laughing, the corners of his mouth turned up, the material king's face was sweating, and something important must have been dropped.

"Uh, I was in a hurry before, and I didn't take my wallet in another pocket." Wang Yuze rushed to his bedroom in three steps, laughing as he ran: "King of Air, didn't you say you don't have a dance partner tonight? Now Who is the beautiful woman who is close to you and me?"

"This is a freshman, not the dance partner I invited. The junior came to invite me to try the medicated meal she made." Wang Yuzhe was helpless. The material Wang has always been careless and unconcealed, which is the most likely to cause misunderstanding.

"Oh." The material king understood, rushed into his dormitory to find the wallet, confirmed it was correct, and rushed out of the dormitory like the wind to find his female companion.

When the door slammed shut, Wang Yuzhe looked back speechlessly, looked at his watch, it was getting late at [-]:[-], so he had to smile apologetically to the girl: "Xuemei, I'm going out soon, I can't chat with you, I have to first Sorry."

"What kind of dance is the senior going to attend?" Wang Ziyan, aware of current affairs, picked up the small handbag on her lap and stood up.

"The Student Union and Beijing University will have a Christmas party tonight. The members of the student union of our school will basically be present, as will the student council presidents and year presidents of various departments. Hey, those students in the medical department didn't invite their juniors to be dance partners?" Wang Yuzhe smiled. To explain, I suddenly thought that there are more boys than girls, and there are several boys in the medical department who also participated in the dance. Senior Chen and the talented student also know the beautiful girl in front of you. Don't those two invite the beautiful girl to be the dance partner?

"My posture as a willow, I must be hard to catch the eyes of the principals. I'm afraid it will be shameful to invite me as a dance partner." Wang Ziyan lowered her head in shame.

"You don't have to be arrogant, junior girl, maybe others thought you were invited, so you missed it." Seeing the sad look of the girl, Wang Yuzhe thought for a while: "I don't have a dance partner tonight, if the junior girl doesn't mind, give it to me. How about being a dance partner?"

"This... I'm afraid of embarrassing the senior." Wang Ziyan's heart skipped a beat with excitement, she looked up at the boy, and bowed her head shyly.

"Junior girl is a beautiful woman, how could it possibly embarrass me. If my junior girl doesn't mind me, I'm leaving."

"Yeah." Wang Ziyan responded in a low voice.

Wang Yuzhe went to the bedroom to get his mobile phone, wallet, car keys, put on a windbreaker, and led the girl downstairs. He went to pick up the car, backed it out, waited for the beautiful school girl to get in the car, and sent her to the dormitory to change clothes first.

Wang Ziyan went to the dormitory, ran back to the dormitory, put on a small gift, put on a long trench coat, and then went downstairs to get into Senior Wang's car, and drove out of the school with the boys to the dance venue.

It took about ten minutes for Air King to set off, and at seven o'clock, the beautiful teenager who was nestled on the fourth floor also reluctantly went downstairs and drove his Chery straight to the off-campus dance address.

The two-school Christmas ball venue is not far from Qingda University and Beijing University. The venue is booked one month in advance, so there is no fear of finding a suitable dance venue on the day.

The dances of the two schools are held in star-rated hotels, which are buffet dances.

For safety reasons, the hotel has arranged special venues for the two schools, as well as professional security guards, as well as cloakrooms. People from each school bring school cards and invitations to the floor space, and then go to the cloakroom to store their coats.

Wang Yuzhe and Wang Ziyan stored their coats and arrived at the ball. The staff of the two schools were almost all there. He took his female companion to greet the members of the student unions of the two schools. On the way, he met Li Dashao.

Young Master Li's female companion is none other than Chao Yufu, the second sister of President Akira. Chao Yufu is dressed in a small red sleeveless dress, her hair is simply rolled up, and she wears light makeup. She is bright and elegant.

Li Yubo saw the King of Air, his eyes fell on his female companion, his eyes flashed, and his eyes were meaningful. Wang Xiehua went to the King of Air so quickly, and there were indeed a few brushes, and the city was deep enough.

Wang Ziyan, who was holding Wang Xuechang's arm, saw Minister Li, and unexpectedly remembered the incident of being beaten by Young Master Yan in front of him that day, and her smile was stiff, especially when she saw Minister Li's female companion, that The extravagance revealed in his gestures makes people feel ashamed.

"Wang Sanshao, it's been a long time." Miss Chao saw the King of Air, her eyes were clear, and her smile was as gorgeous as the rising sun.

"Chao Er girl, I haven't seen you for a few months. You are becoming more and more beautiful and noble." Wang Yuzhe sincerely praised Chao Er girl. One of the Chao family girls is a standard lady, a model of aristocratic lady, and the other is bright and beautiful, always in high spirits. The beauty of each.

"This compliment came to my heart, I love to hear it," Chao Yufu smiled and took all the compliments, and then looked at the female companion beside Wang Shao: "Wang Shao's new girlfriend is also very beautiful."

"Chao Er girl, you misunderstood, this junior is not my girlfriend, but my temporary dance partner tonight." Wang Yuzhe quickly cleared up the misunderstanding.

"Not your girlfriend?" Miss Chao's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Sister Fu, my good sister, please spare Wang Sanshao. The female companion beside Wang Shao is a freshman in the Faculty of Medicine of Qingda University. I can testify that she is really not Wang Sanshao's girlfriend."

"Well, that's right, I almost thought it was Wang Yuzhe who had another new love." Miss Chao stroked the broken hair on her forehead with an innocent look on her face.

"Young Master Wang, you are free. Sister Fu, let's go over there to see if Brother Chao is here." Seeing that Wang Xihua's smile was so stiff that it was about to collapse, Li Yubora took Miss Chao away.

"Da Li, when you asked me for a dance partner, you said that my little dumplings might come. If the little dumplings don't come, you won't want to ask me to be your dance partner next time." Chao Yufu whispered, if Da Li told him that Xiaobo might be with him When the small group attends the dance, she will not be Da Li's dance partner.

Li Shao silently stroked his sweat, what he said was a possibility, not a certainty.

Li Shao and Miss Chao left together, Wang Yuzhe couldn't help but wipe his forehead, but fortunately there was Shao Li to testify, otherwise Miss Chao would have thought that his dance partner was a new girlfriend and informed Miss Zhou, who might be able to Immediately come back to fight with him.

He didn't blame Second Lady Chao. Second Lady Chao was not someone who likes to talk nonsense. In the past, when he had to bring female companions to banquets, the temporary female companions were all acquaintances, so there would be no misunderstanding. That's why he said that because of the female companion he brought today.

Minister Li took his female companion to another place, and Wang Ziyan slowly relaxed. Even if the person looking at her was scrutiny and critical, she felt that she was humiliated and couldn't show half of it. She was dignified and gentle on the body of Minister Wang. side.

"Xuemei, you were startled just now," Wang Yuzhe calmed down and explained to the temporary dance partner in a low voice, "Xiao Li's dance partner tonight is the second sister of Chairman Chao of the Youth University Student Union. She has always been straightforward."

"It's okay, I'm not frightened. I've never attended a banquet in the capital, and no one has ever seen me. It's normal to be misunderstood." Wang Ziyan smiled softly, acting dignified and generous.

"It's fine if you're not frightened." Without causing a psychological shadow to the girl, Wang Yuzhe was relieved and led her slowly to the crowd to greet people.

Chao Yufu and Li Yubo slipped around, and they finally paid off their hard work and caught the beautiful young man. When he saw him entering the venue alone, Chao Yufu's whole figure was like "a eggplant beaten by frost - withered".

Chao Yubo met Da Li, and when he saw the second sister who seemed to be weak, he asked with a smile, "Second sister, are you unhappy when you see me?"

"I'm very unhappy that you didn't bring a small group."

"Xiao Lele said she would choose between attending the dance and going to our house. I chose to take Lele home. The second sister didn't like it. Otherwise, I would go back and go back to school to pick up Lele."

The beautiful young man was about to leave, Chao Yufu quickly grabbed his younger brother and said, "Don't say no, Xiao Bo made the right choice." He dragged him to his side and whispered, "Xiao Bo, Xiao Tuanzi will really come home with you this time to see our family. Old man, don't lie?"

"Sure." Chao Yubo firmly affirmed.

"Hee hee, I can rest assured." Chao Yufu took the reassurance pill, and in a second, he was full of blood and resurrected, full of energy.

"Little Chao, Minister Wang's dance partner on the fourth floor tonight is Wang Xihua from the Department of Medicine." Li Yubo whispered a novel to reveal some information in advance.

"She's quite capable." Chao Yubo praised with a smile, and the insider knows whether to praise or degrade.

Chao Yubo originally wanted to ask about Wang Yuzhe's female partner, because at the opening point of the dance, the host was already giving a speech, and the three of them moved quietly to the center of the dance.

The friendship between the two schools was presided over by the ministers of the literature and art departments of the student unions of the two schools. Both of them hosted dance parties of various sizes, which were completely overwhelming. The dance party was held by the invited representatives of the international students and the ministers of the student union, which also kicked off the dance.

There is a buffet, red wine, and fruit. There are more than 500 people from the two schools, and the dance scene is very hot.

Wang Ziyan followed Senior Wang through the crowd, maintaining a gentle smile, being generous and decent, and was also warmly welcomed, and many people invited to dance.

When the female partner was invited away again, Wang Yuzhe saw the young president beside him, moved over to touch the glass with him, and talked in a low voice: "Xiao Chao, ask a personal question, the junior girl from the medical department is my dance partner today. , She said that there was a little misunderstanding with your sister, and she has never been forgiven by your sister, what kind of misunderstanding is it?"

"Did she say that, or did you guess it from her words?" Chao Yubo's eyes were bright and watery, and his smile was like snow in the mountains, not stained with dust.

"She said it." Wang Yuzhe didn't hide it: "Xuemei said she was studying medicated diet and wanted to ask your sister for advice. Your sister has been reluctant to see her. She asked me to help her taste the medicated diet test product."

"Xue Xue Wang's mouth is not shallow, and Yan's blessing is not shallow."

The beautiful young man's smile was unfathomable, Wang Yuzhe leaned closer, and said with emphasis: "Xiao Chao, don't be rude."

"I'm not cheating. There are some things that the father said that the father is reasonable, and the mother said that the mother is reasonable. I can only tell you for sure that there is no misunderstanding between my sister and the junior. By the way, the junior is also surnamed Wang, you and Wang Shiya. Mrs. Wang has the same surname and is from the south of the Yangtze River. The president of Beijing University’s students has come to me, I’ll go over first.” Chao Yubo blinked his phoenix eyes, said with a smile, and walked towards the crowd walking towards them.


There were a few words from the young man. Wang Yuzhe looked at the young man's back, and then looked at the dance floor. Over there, the dance was over. His female partner had just finished a dance with a handsome guy. In less than two minutes, he was invited to dance by another handsome guy.

Looking at the female companion who was invited to leave, Wang Yuzhe touched his chin and seemed to understand.

The social dance between the two schools was very successful. The atmosphere was always good. If you were tired from dancing, you could rest or eat a buffet. Everyone had a good time.

At the end of the session, the members of the student unions of the two schools first sent all sentient beings away, and then expressed their gratitude to the hotel staff. The staff from both sides went downstairs, said goodbye in front of the hotel, and went back to school.

Wang Ziyan followed Wang Yuzhe, waiting to say goodbye to the Beijing University staff. She got into the car with Minister Wang. She danced more than [-] dances at the dance. Her feet were numb, but she didn't feel bitter at all. .

Youth college students had cars to pick up other people. Minister Wang also brought three members of the student union. When he returned to Qingda University, he first sent the girls to the dormitory, and then sent a boy to the dormitory. The other two lived in the Zhuangyuan Building. Way back.

Arriving at the dormitory, Wang Ziyan got off the car and watched Minister Wang's car leave before turning around and entering the building. Her heart was light and she had a great harvest tonight. She met several new Kyoto natives. It would be easier if they brought them to various banquets. Get in touch with the upper-class aristocracy in the capital.

(End of this chapter)

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