magic eye doctor

Chapter 347 The Legendary Magical Willow Branch Bone Jointing (2 more

Chapter 347 The Legendary Magical Willow Branch Bone Jointing (two more
In winter, the sky is always overcast and gray, and when it turns gray, it becomes gray. It is already dark around five o'clock. The street lights are also turned on early, and the city is full of lights.

It took two hours and ten minutes for Yan Shuai Ge Liu Shuai Ge and classmate Le to arrive at the Military General Hospital. Cheetah, who had a military license, drove into the hospital and parked at the edge of an open space outside a building. The two handsome boys wore dust masks and got out of the car and ran to Little Loli. On the side she was sitting on, help her open the car door.

Le Yun put on a mask, a scarf, and a hood over her head, making it look like a baby wrapped in a quilt.

Little Loli got out of the car, Yan Xing couldn't help but want to rub his brows, the little guy didn't want to show his face to avoid being recognized and troubled in the future. It's understandable, but it doesn't need to be so tightly wrapped.

Liu Xiangyang originally wanted to be called "Little Beauty", but he swallowed the words, and walked to the building with Xiao Xingxing without saying a word.

Just entering the hall of the building, the camouflage youths who were waiting early greeted the two colonels and reported the progress in a low voice. The injured team member Jin Twenty, who had been transferred back to Beijing from X province, arrived at the Military General Hospital half an hour ago. When the response is ready, people will be sent to the hospital for filming and scanning.

Yan Xing had already received the report when he was in the car. Now he was listening to the detailed report after the person was admitted to the hospital. After listening, he asked calmly, "Have you finished the inspection?"

"It was sent to the operating room about 5 minutes ago. Professor Lu, Professor Kang, and Director Qin are waiting for the captain in the operating room."


Lan San, who greeted the captain downstairs, told the general situation to lead the way. The group took the elevator to the floor where the operation was performed, then walked through a long corridor, went to the changing room for disinfection, and changed into blue clothes.

Le Yun, who is tightly wrapped, can't be a cotton baby. She takes off her thick coat and scarf, wears surgical clothes, and still wears a professional dust mask. She takes off her ten-centimeter-high shoes and takes out a pair of flat bottoms from her backpack. Put on your shoes, wash your hands, and sanitize.

Seeing Little Loli changing her shoes, the two handsome young men were in a mess again. In order to prevent others from recognizing her, Little Loli did not hesitate to dress up when she disguised herself, and was attentive.

Liu Xiangyang helped hold Little Loli's box, waited for Little Loli to wash her hands and disinfect before going to the operating room.

The three leaders of the blue three leaders walked through another corridor before reaching the emergency operating room. A young man in camouflage stood outside the operating room, with a solemn face and a staggering ten feet.

Seeing his captain coming, the young man saluted and greeted the captain and Liu Dashuai.

Liu Xiangyang couldn't help but twitch: "It's alright, don't talk about those important moments."

When he was talking, Lan San knocked on the door, the door of the operating room opened to both sides, Director Qin, who was wearing a mask, looked out, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Young Master Yan is here, come in quickly."

"Let everyone wait for a long time." Yan Xing nodded politely to Director Qin and stepped into the operating room.

Director Qin was standing in the operating room. When Young Master Yan walked into the operating room, he saw the person blocked by Young Master Yan, who was short and carrying a backpack, and could not tell the difference between male and female.


A question flashed in his mind, is that small guest the expert invited by Young Master Yan?

Le Yun hid behind Handsome Yan, waited for the people in front to take the lead, followed quietly into the operating room, and when the people in front moved aside, she was able to see the situation clearly. The operating room is a large operating room and can be performed at the same time. The three-bed operation, the shadowless lamp was blazing bright, the two operating tables were pushed aside, leaving only one operating table in the middle, laying a wounded person whose head was wrapped into a white ball, hanging a blood bag for blood transfusion, and also infusion of medicine.

A total of five medical workers in blue surgical gowns and white coats stood on one side and the rear of the operating table, three medical surgical tool carts were lined up with medical tools, and one tool tray was only used for installing scalpels.

The huge operating room is solemn and quiet.

Liu Xiangyang walked last. He followed the operating room and stood on the right side of Little Loli. When the three of them entered the operating room, Director Qin closed the door.

Lan San stood guard at the door, strictly prohibiting those who were not allowed to approach.

Professor Lu, Professor Kang, and Director Qin waited in the operating room with their assistants. When they heard that Young Master Yan was coming, Director Qin personally ran to open the door. Everyone standing beside the operating table saw the people invited by Young Master Yan. I couldn't help but be taken aback, that expert is so short!

When Young Master Yan stepped aside, he nodded to them and did not introduce an expert, so Professor Lu and the others did not say anything.

Facing everyone's sight of Le Yun, he glanced roughly at the operating room environment to observe the patient, turned on the X-ray, and focused on his left leg. The image scanned by the eye function showed that the injured patient's left leg had multiple comminuted fractures. The place is where the thigh is more than three inches close to the knee, and the other is at the middle of the calf toward the ankle.

Of the two injuries, the thigh was the most serious, the femur was fractured, and many fragments were broken, some to the extent that they could not be re-bonded, and the blood vessels and meridians were also injured; the calf fibula and tibia were also fractured, and only the tibia was broken. A few pieces can be glued together.

According to that kind of injury, the hospital really can only amputate.

After scanning the injury map of the human body, Le Yun walked to the operating bed, held the backpack in one hand, and rubbed the temple with the other hand. What was in front of her was a big problem, which was nerve-racking.

Yan Xing stepped aside in order to make little Loli unobstructed in front of her, so that she could observe easily. If she didn't leave, he also stood still, and when she moved, he followed.

Director Qin closed the door and stood beside Liu Dashao. When Liu Dashao moved, he moved with him.

Professor Lu and the others watched Young Master Yan accompany him, and when the short man walked over to the operating bed, he hung his backpack on his shoulders and lifted the quilt covered by the injured person. They were stunned to find that the short man was a woman!
A short man with short hair, a big chest, his face is covered by a mask to reveal only a pair of eyes, the skin on his forehead is very white, his eyelashes are not very long, his pupils are black and white, watery, and the water glitters, his eyes are like jewels, bright and energetic. .

When she stretched out her hand, her slender hand was as white and tender as spring onion.

Professor Lu and Professor Kang's eyes are getting deeper and deeper, who is the person invited by Young Master Yan?

The eyes of the medical staff in the operating room were very hot, and some eyes fell on the back of her hands. Le Yun felt a needle glow on the back of her hands, and she didn't mind being admired. She was about to lift the quilt. Lift the quilt in one step and move it away.

The wounded under the quilt was covered with bandages on his upper body, wearing only a pair of loose sports shorts, revealing two hairy legs, and his right leg was also injured in several places, which was bandaged. No, just cleaned it, and exposed it in the air.

The wounded's thigh was fractured, and a severed bone pierced the skin, revealing the ferocious fracture port, bruises near the fracture, blood oozing from the wound, and the sheets were stained red.

Le Yun frowned, stretched out her fingers and poked at the wounded's thigh, poked several times on one side, then up, poked a few fingers on his navel and waist flank, and then picked up his hand to measure the pulse.

After being stabbed by her, when the helper felt the pulse, the blood flow of the wounded wound, which was always oozing blood, slowed down, and the bleeding stopped in the blink of an eye.

"The bleeding has stopped." Director Qin stood on the side of Young Master Liu and was pleasantly surprised to see that the wound no longer bleeds.

"Really?!" Professor Lu and the others eagerly leaned over to look, and sure enough, as Director Qin said, blood was no longer gushing out of the wound.

The five looked up and looked at the short man with surprise.

Little Loli gave Jin Twenty-two a pulse, but Yan Xing didn't say anything. When she released her jade finger, she asked in a low voice, "Little Loli, is there any hope for his legs?"

Le Yun had a good idea of ​​the injury of the wounded, so she made a decision after careful consideration: "There is no problem with the calf part. The thigh injury, blood vessels and other aspects are okay. The biggest cause is the comminuted fracture of the bone, the femur. There are more than 20 fragments, some of which were crushed by heavy objects, and there is no possibility of bonding, and amputation is not impossible. With a 50.00% chance of success, it is too much of a gamble."

Professor Lu and Professor Kang looked at each other quickly, and saw the shock in each other's eyes. The scans and X-rays showed that, depending on the degree of injury, only amputation was required. The female expert invited by Young Master Yan actually said that amputation was not necessary. And a fifty percent success rate?

Director Qin glanced at the two professors across from the operating table, then turned to Liu Dashao, hoping to see something in Liu Dashao's eyes, however, Liu Dashao's eyes were only surprised, not shocked.

"There is really a 50.00% hope? What do you mean by gambling?" Yan Xing was overwhelmed with surprises. If there is a [-]% hope that he can avoid amputation, he will gamble for Jin Twenty-two, even if he fails after the bet and then amputates. No regrets.

"Gambling refers to your trust. If you dare to give 100% trust, then he doesn't need to amputate his leg. If your trust is not enough, I can't do anything about it."

"I bet, there is only one point of hope, and I don't want to give it up. I entrust you with the right to treat him as the chief surgeon, under your full command, and all risks are borne by me. Surgical tools and assistants are available at any time, what else do you need?" Yan Xing was the first to make a final decision for fear of being obstructed by others.

"There are too many fragments of his bones, some of the bones are no longer usable, and he needs fake bones. One is to find animal bones to make up the number, but the risk is too great, and it is prone to incompatible or infected with animal plagues. The other two, you may hear it. Think it's a fantasy."

"What is the other?" Liu Xiangyang finally found the opportunity to brush his face and asked [-] why.

"The second is the ancient lost magic technique, the willow branch bone grafting method, which uses willow branches to cut the tree into bones and replace human bones. After the bones are connected, the tree bones are calcified into real bones."

"The willow branch bone grafting?" Professor Kang shouted in shock, "You are talking about the ancient technique of willow bone grafting. May I ask which medical family did you teach?"

Liu Ji's bone-setting, one of the oldest medical magic skills in China, was finally related to Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo's magic doctor had that magic skill in his books. Later, the book was burnt, Hua Tuo's magic doctor died, and the magic skill was lost.

The astonishment in the eyes of Professor Lu and others has not retreated. They have also heard of the willow branch, but that is just a rumor.

"Doctor, please forgive me, the senior who passed on my medical skills has long since faded out of the world. I don't mention the teacher's family. I don't know the origin of the master." Le Yun has the urge to grab the wall. Why does everyone always ask her where her teacher came from?
"It's my rudeness." Professor Kang tried to calm his mind, but his voice couldn't contain his excitement: "Excuse me, have you really mastered the willow branch bone surgery?"

He paused and reported to his family: "My teacher, the Sun family of Chinese medicine, is a disciple of the Sun family. The surname is Kang, Kangqing."

"It turned out to be the top disciple of the Sun family after the senior grandson of Li Tang Medicine, disrespectful!" Le Yun nodded politely: "I am an unknown person, so please forgive me for the inconvenience of nomination. Regarding the willow branch, I know how to operate it, and I haven't tried it before. , so I just said that gambling is too much."

"It doesn't matter," Professor Kang didn't care about the masked female expert's refusal to sign up, and looked at the person with bright eyes: "How sure are you about the willow branch?"

"Seven points of confidence, the other three points of which two points depend on the injured person's own healing ability and self-control ability, and the other point depends on the care staff's degree of care, proper care, and the injured person himself cooperates well, and after a year, he will be back to normal. Walking like a human being, after two years, the willow bone is completely calcified and the same as the real bone, and the human can return to the healthy state of the previous heyday."

As soon as Little Loli finished speaking, Action Yan's voice rang out: "Xiang Yang, take someone to intercept the willow branches."

"Okay." Liu Xiangyang shoved the box he was holding to his good brother, and ran away, taking off his blue surgical gown as he ran, and while running, he heard a sweet and clear command: "Brother Liu, intercept a few pieces of different sizes. To cut the branches, I need to choose the most suitable part, without cutting the main willow tree, the cutting poles and the branches.”

"Guaranteed to complete the task." Liu Xiangyang pressed the door button, rushed out of the operating room, stuffed the blue clothes into a camouflage young man, and ran for a while: "Come on someone, follow me to find the raw materials for the operation. "

Lan San hurried up without saying a word, followed Liu Dashao to find surgical materials, the two rushed into the elevator, went downstairs, found the kitchen, borrowed two large kitchen knives that can chop bones, brushed them clean, and sprayed disinfectant. Carrying a knife, he ran to the hospital to find Willow.

Jiangfa's little brother went to find Willow, and when the footsteps outside were far away, Yan Xing asked again in a low voice, "Little Loli, what else do you need?"

Professor Lu, Director Qin and his assistants experienced a violent turmoil, and they couldn't hide their shock. Will it really work?
In addition to being excited, Professor Kang was excited, wishing to see that magical skill right away.

"There should be enough sterilized small basins or other containers, buckets for waste water, two pots of hot water, clean towels and disposable gloves. The surgical equipment needed for bone-setting surgery can only be more or less. The most important thing is With my energy, I can only undertake the osteosynthesis of the thigh injury, and the calf osteosynthesis will be undertaken by others, arrange the manpower, and when the operation is over, let someone continue to perform the calf osteosynthesis on the injured person.”

"We will do the calf surgery." Professor Lu and Director Qin were afraid that the short masked female experts would not let them watch the surgery, so they volunteered to sign up to take over the important task, and they would have performed the surgery on the wounded. If Young Master Yan hadn't invited Gao people, they will amputate the wounded.

"Everyone has a job." Le Yun blinked her eyes and expressed her thanks kindly.

"You're welcome, this is our duty." Professor Lu smiled modestly: "How many assistants are needed? Everyone here has the ability to operate alone."

"After opening the operating window, an assistant is needed for debridement and arranging bone fragments. It depends on the situation in the later stage. If you are willing to be an assistant, please be prepared. I will help you with the preliminary work after opening the window. No anesthesia is required. It is impossible to feel conscious within three days, and there is no need to worry about heavy bleeding. I seal the blood level of the wounded, and the blood flow will slow down within [-] hours, which will not affect the operation."

Some people are assistants for herself, and Le Yun is also very happy. She also knows the purpose of those who want to be assistants, in order to observe the complete process of the implementation of switchgrass osteosynthesis, and she doesn't mind others watching, some things, see It's just a process. Without her unique formula, it's useless for others to remember the process.

Hearing that an assistant is needed, it means that the female expert doesn't mind watching by himself. Professor Lu and the six were overjoyed. Director Qin called the nurse station to send the necessary containers and tools, and then divided the work with Professor Lu to prepare for the assistantship. , the standard surgical collocation.

The attending doctors in the hospital were ready, Le Yun took out her gloves and motioned to Yanxing to ask him to push the empty surgical tool rack over.

Yan Xing held the box in one hand, ran quickly to the empty surgical tool rack, and pushed the mobile surgical tool rack to Little Loli's side.

There is a place to put things. Le Yun hangs the backpack on the shelf, arranges the surgical tools, takes the scalpel, walks to the edge of the operating table, and finds the position of the knife on the injured leg to open the window for surgery.

Professor Lu and several people saw it very clearly. The masked female expert moved neatly and made precise cuts. Every cut was done in one go, and she moved quickly. They stared at her and watched her neatly open the operation window, remove the blood vessels and arteries, and be alone throughout the process. Finish.

As soon as she said "assistant help," they jumped on the field and started looking for bone fragments, severed blood vessels, muscles and so on.

After completing the first step, Le Yun took off her gloves, took out the bottles and jars from her backpack, placed them on the tool shelf, took the box held by handsome Yan, unpacked the bag, and put the two foam boxes. Open the cap and fill up two boxes of glass vials.

The nurse sent the operating room needs to the door, and the camouflage youth reported and passed it on. Yan Xing personally went out and brought the things into the operating room.

The nurse brought four sterilized disposable small washbasins, buckets, and two pots of boiling water; the necessary things were present, and Le Yun dispensed medicines, including medicines for sterilizing tools, and disinfectants for cleaning bones during surgery, etc., while dispensing medicines , while explaining how to take care of it and what to pay attention to after surgery.

Yan Xing opened a mobile phone recording to record what Little Lolita explained, so as not to miss the details.

Liu Xiangyang and Lan San found a willow tree planted as a landscape forest in a corner of the hospital, picked the most sunny and lush tree to cut off branches, intercepted a few branches, big and small, and rushed back to the medical building, back to the operating floor without stopping, even People brought branches to light and disinfect, Liu Shaozhong put on blue clothes and returned to the operating room, closing the operating room door.

After preparing the medicine, Le Yun walked to the pile of willow branches to pick them out. The willow branches cut back by handsome Liu were thicker than her calf, and the small ones were the size of an egg.

Pick a piece of tree technique, chop it with a kitchen knife, cut out the shape and put it on the surface of the surgical tool, then pick the branch and cut the shape, cut out five branches of different sizes in a row, and then use the scalpel to file and polish the surface and edge.

The little girl was polishing the tree bones, and the six Professor Lu were also working hard to find bone fragments and broken blood vessels. They were all main blood vessels, and those tiny blood vessels were impossible to find.

After polishing the willow bones, Le Yun washes and disinfects hands, counts and repositions the items used in the operation, pushes the tool cart to an appropriate angle, and performs the surgery.

(End of this chapter)

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