Chapter 350
At the end of December of the new calendar, the temperature in the north enters the lowest period of winter, and the air-conditioning is ice-cold every day, and the 12th is no exception. There is no sun, no rain or snow, and the sky is deserted.

After school at noon, the students ran to the cafeteria and restaurant. It was an ordinary life gathering. Many students scattered to their respective departments in the morning, met in the cafeteria at noon, and reunited in the dormitory in the evening.

Wang Ziyan took the boys' ride to the staff canteen. One-third of the seats in the canteen were occupied, and some people were busy picking up meals.

Holding her small backpack with textbooks, she walked slowly under the guise of scouting the windows, secretly observing where important people were, walking through a few windows, and saw a familiar senior-Christmas took her to the Christmas ball Wang Xuechang, Minister of the Student Union Learning Department.

The handsome and handsome Senior Wang carried a dinner plate and walked to a table with a file bag and a backpack. Wang Ziyan stepped up to Senior Wang, wanting to make a table, and just two steps away, she saw a person who passed her from not far away. , sat down in a hurry and sat opposite Senior Wang. She also recognized the boy as a talented senior in the medical department.

When she was humiliated by Young Master Yan in Leyun's dormitory, senior Cai was also present. Wang Ziyan hesitated, and she hadn't figured out whether to go there or not. Minister Li of the Sports Department of the Student Union arrived in a storm with a dinner plate and occupied a seat.

There were two people at a table who were witnessing her most embarrassing moment. Wang Ziyan didn't have the courage to join the table. direction.

Wang Yuzhe didn't see Junior Sister Wang Xiehua, but when he saw Minister Li sitting down, put down his things and ran to the window, he silently pushed the glasses frame: "Is it possible that Xiao Li still wants to eat two meals, he is so big stomach?"

"It's not that he wants to eat two servings himself, the other one is for Xiao Chao." The talented man also pushed the glasses frame, slowly unscrewed the water glass and took a sip of water to moisten his throat.

"Hey, the old man Chao held a family banquet on his [-]th birthday, but Xiao Chao hasn't gone home yet to help share his worries?" Wang Yuzhe was surprised.

"The banquet is going to be in the evening, it's still early. Xiao Chao has been very busy these days for the school's New Year's Day party and the affairs of the Youth League branch and the National Defense Student League branch. Get away for family affairs." The talented man lost his eyes, Xiao Chao always made a clear distinction in his work, public is public and private is private, unless private matters are of extraordinary or too important significance, he may first be private and then public.

"What did you say?" Li Yubo took back a meal, and when he heard Minister Wang chatting with the talented man, he interjected at the right time.

"We're talking about the Chao family banquet."

"What's the matter, Senior Wang cares about Xiao Chao's family banquet, does he want to bring his female companions to attend?" Li Yubo took a seat gracefully, teasing Wang Shao with a smile.

"Don't make fun of me, okay?" Wang Yuzhe begged helplessly. He was taking a temporary female companion to the Christmas party for Christmas. Young Master Li took the opportunity to make fun of him, which is too unkind.

"Who is Wang Xuechang who is the most sympathetic and sympathetic to the jade, who won't slap you." Talented man Jun doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the fun, and he's immoral.

"It's as if you are not gentle," Wang Yuzhe looked at the two young handsome men with a funny look: "Xiao Li, tell me, what personal friends Xiao Chao has invited?"

"Senior Wang, why is that?"

"I want to know if there is any enemy of mine. If there is an enemy of mine, I will try to avoid it as much as possible, so as not to disagree and tear up the atmosphere and affect the mood of Mr. Chao."

"Don't worry, that kind of situation doesn't exist. Everyone is a well-bred person. Even if they don't see eye to eye on weekdays, they won't be rude enough to cause trouble at a banquet and make the host dislike it."

"Okay, it looks like you've kept it a secret."

"It's not a secret, it's not that you don't know who Xiao Chao knows. Like us, the second and third generations will go with the elders to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Chao. The invitations that Xiao Chao sent privately are to friends who are not in Beijing or have no relatives in the capital. , I don't know exactly who it is."

"Xiao Chao's invitations are definitely more precious than diamonds. I thought that based on our friendship, Xiao Chao would give me a private message, but I hoped left and right but I didn't expect it, and my heart was full." heart shape.

"Then go ahead and get stuck." Li Yubo was not sympathetic. These people didn't need to give invitations at all. Young Master Wang pretended to be hypocritical and wanted to kill him.

The talented man smiled secretly, he wouldn't tell anyone, he and Senior Chen both received a private invitation from the president of the beautiful young man.

Wang Yuzhe wanted to be sad at first, a handsome and clean, gentle and jade-like, elegant as snow lotus-like young man walked gracefully, surrounded by three or five student council members, that elegant and unparalleled demeanor, that warm sun-like smile, made people feel As soon as I saw it, my eyes were full of Fang Fei.

Seeing the dazzling and beautiful young man, Minister Wang could only sigh, let's see, every time the young man appears, it must be like the moon out of the clouds, and everyone else will become a star.

Chao Yubo saw that there were three missing one on Da Li's side, and he greeted a few of his colleagues, and walked towards Da Li, the great talent, and the three Minister Wang.

"What are you talking about, everyone is very excited." Every movement of the beautiful young man putting the thermos cup and backpack is elegant.

"Why are you still in school?" The three top students didn't hide what they were talking about behind their backs.

"I have something to do with the National Defense Corps in the afternoon. I will pick up my sister and go home in the evening. When are you leaving?"

"After class, let's go together. You don't need an invitation to follow you." Wang Yuzhe smiled brightly.

"Are you complaining that I didn't invite you?"

"Well, I'm sad that I don't give invitations for such a deep friendship."

"My ancestors still have to give invitations, and I'm even more sad."

"Xiao Chao, Brother Chao, won." Don't you bring such a blocker?

"Hey, eating, I can't tell you, I can't eat." Wang Yuzhe could only stare blankly at Xiao Chao's behavior of taking politeness for granted, and he had no choice but to copy chopsticks to eat. In terms of eloquence, he couldn't say Xiao Chao, in terms of eloquence. Fist, he couldn't hold the fist of a knight, Comrade Xiao Chao, and admitting defeat was the only way out.

The talented Li Shaoda and Minister Wang didn't move their chopsticks, they were waiting for Xiao Chao, and when the President of the Beautiful Boys arrived, of course they would have dinner.

Wang Ziyan, who had her back to the three classmates Wang, Li, and Cai, heard the key points of the chat between Minister Wang and Minister Li, and went to buy food quietly, fearing that Minister Li would see her, she would sit and eat in another place.

Minister Li and the four school leaders who came to the cafeteria to eat after dinner, Wang Ziyan didn't dare to get close to the corner to listen to the corner, chewed and slowly finished lunch, and looked up her class schedule to see the afternoon class.

The first class in the afternoon is a compulsory course, and the second class is an optional course.

The results of the research showed that while the time was early, she stopped delaying, left the cafeteria, found a shared bicycle, rented a bicycle to live in a street, purchased the raw materials she needed, sent it back to the dormitory as quickly as possible, and made some more Get ready, go to the medical department again.

Wang Xianhua finished the first compulsory course, but did not go to the optional course. The optional course is a hobby class that you choose by yourself, not a required elective course, you can go or not.

It was the first time that she skipped elective courses and rode a shared car back to the dormitory. The curriculum of each department of the college was different. There were often students who did not have classes in the dormitory or went to the library, so there were often people in the dormitory. Wang Xian spent half the afternoon. Going back to the dormitory isn't all that much of a fuss for others.

Back in the dormitory, Wang Ziyan didn't wander around. She checked the situation and confirmed that the housekeeper and cleaners would not come to patrol the post. She closed the house door, took out the tools, kneaded the noodles, cut the stuffing, rolled the skin, and made dumplings.

In order not to make too much noise and cause the house to be confiscated, she is very careful and does everything lightly. When buying the meat, the meat is minced by the butcher, and then some vegetables and crushed medicinal powder are added. Just mix with salt.

Wrap some dumplings and steam them in a rice cooker.

Worrying that the smell would escape, she would invite people to check the post, so she closed all the doors and windows, steamed several pots, waited for all the dumplings to come out, put away the tools and hid them, and then opened the windows to ventilate and dissipate the smell.

When the dumplings were cool and packed, Wang Ziyan took out her clothes and went to take a shower. She washed her head to toe to wash off the air on her body, dried her hair, and put on her makeup carefully. After class in the evening, she picked up the packed bag. Dumplings, walked out of the girls' dormitory, and rushed into the dark night on a shared bicycle.

She rushed to the champion building of the Xueba cluster, and saw that many dormitories were lit, and several dormitories on the fourth floor were bright, indicating that there were people in each dormitory.

Wang Ziyan no longer hesitated, and hurriedly climbed the stairs. After she climbed to the third floor and a half, she adjusted her breath and slowly climbed the stairs to the fourth floor outside the boys' dormitory, knocking on the heavy wooden door.

After class, Wang Yuzhe returned to the dormitory as quickly as possible. First, he wiped off the wallet and mobile phone that he had to carry, and found out the formal clothes he wore for the evening banquet. He walked to the small living room with the clothes bag and was about to take a shower. Listen to When the door knocks, it's very strange, who's the visitor, why don't you call?
He didn't even put the bag in, he took it in his hand and went to open the door. The door rang once, then a second time, and just after the second knock on the door, he also went to the door, turned the handle and pulled it open and looked out. Outside stood a long-haired beauty, wearing a red long trench coat that crossed the calf, holding a paper bag, looking straight ahead shyly, even shy to speak.

Seeing the beautiful school girl, Wang Yuzhe didn't go around the corner and asked straight to the point: "School girl, who are you looking for today?"

"Senior Wang, I... asked the senior for help. I suddenly got inspiration today. I tried to make a medicated meal for middle-aged and elderly people to nourish their health and qi. I would like to ask the senior to taste it." Opening her mouth, Wang Ziyan lowered her eyes slightly, her tone a little uneasy.

"Sister, I'm not a student of the Department of Medicine. I can't taste anything except the taste. The most important thing about medicated food is not the taste, but the effect it produces. If you want to find someone to test the results of the medicated diet, it's best to find students from the Department of Medicine. There are countless top students in the medical department, I believe that many boys are willing to discuss with their juniors about pharmacy projects, but I can't help you."

The boy's face did not change color, and the refusal in his tone was obvious. Wang Ziyan was stunned for a moment. Senior Wang's tone was completely opposite to last time. Why?
"Senior, I..." She was about to say that she couldn't find anyone to help you to taste it, when footsteps came from upstairs, and a round-faced, gentle, handsome boy in a suit hurried downstairs.

The boy in the coffee-colored suit was surprised when he saw a man and a woman facing each other across the door: "Young Master Wang, are you leaving, or have you just returned?"

"Li Shao, have you packed up?" Wang Yuzhe looked at Li Qinglin, the secretary of the school league branch, who was neatly packed, and wondered, why is that guy so fast?

"Well, I'm fine." Li Qinglin shook his head, and walked down the stairs quickly: "Young Master Wang, you and the beauty are talking slowly, I'll take a step first, of course, don't forget to move quickly, don't let the little girl Comrade Chao and Little Loli are waiting for you."

He went down to the fourth floor in two steps, without forgetting to urge him, and then, without looking carefully at who the beautiful woman was talking to Minister Wang, he passed people and ran down for a while, with light footsteps.

"Hey, you're not shy." Wang Yuzhe pouted at the back of the rushing away in dissatisfaction. He couldn't see Li Dazhi's back, and looked at the girl: "Xuemei, you can ask other classmates to try the medicinal food for you. I'm in a hurry, sorry."

He didn't want to be left behind by everyone, politely say "excuse me", and regardless of whether the girl would cry after being rejected, he took two steps back, closed the dormitory door, and rushed to take a shower.

Minister Wang refused, and didn't even let herself into the dormitory. Looking at the closed door, Wang Ziyan could no longer maintain her dignified and gentle manner. She grabbed the paper bag with both hands, and her carefully makeup face twitched.

On Christmas day, Senior Wang was so kind and gentle. He not only helped her to taste dumplings, but also patiently gave advice, and even invited her to be a dance partner.

Wang Ziyan never thought of why it would be like this, a heart twisted into a ball, her fingers almost scratched the bag, and a face twisted into dough, like a twist.

She stayed there for a while, and there was a sudden sound of kicking the building from downstairs, which woke her up in shame, anger, anger, put away her hideous face, took a few deep breaths, endured the strong unwillingness, turned around and moved. Go downstairs.

Why this time, Senior Wang didn't even say where he was going, and just closed the door for her?
Moreover, no one of the local natives who met at the Christmas ball ever said that Chao Hui’s parents had a banquet, and Senior Wang did not invite his female companions to the banquet?

A banquet invitation that can make Minister Wang say that it is more precious than diamonds shows that the Chao family's banquet is of a very high level. If he can solve the siege of Senior Wang without a female companion, he will take her to the Chao family banquet, but she can't even enter Senior Wang's dormitory.

Not reconciled, really not reconciled.

Seeing that the great opportunity was gone, Wang Ziyan was full of unwillingness, she walked downstairs with a sullen face, went to the corner stairs on the second and first floors, heard a lot of people talking outside the building, restrained her emotions, and took out the most gentle and dignified side, The lotus moved lightly and went downstairs gracefully and calmly.

Turning out the corner of the stairs, when you reach the eaves on the first floor, you will see several cars lined up like a string of grasshoppers in front of the building illuminated by street lamps. The butt of a car on the eaves is almost touching the steps in front of the building. A group of young people are standing there. Chat under the eaves.

Because most people were paying attention to the stairway to the east, Wang Ziyan looked over and saw that there were more men than women, and even Wang Yinping, the head of the literature and art department of the student union, was a girl. She wore a purple-red coat and had a patterned hairstyle.

"Ms. Hua from the Department of Medicine, do you have time to go to Xueba Building to play with your classmates today?" Wang Yinping heard the sound of high-heeled shoes, and thought it was the protagonist who came down. Who knew it was the beauty of the Department of Medicine. She was a little surprised, because Wang Xihua danced so well, she thought that Wang Xihua would apply for admission to the student department, but she didn't.

Talented Zijun and Chen Shuyuan, Li Yubo also saw Wang Xiehua, you look at me, I look at you, the eyes... are very strange.

Li Qinglin knew who the girls were looking for in Xueba Building, but he turned a blind eye and smiled lightly.

Chao Yubo stood together with Deng Yuxuan, He Zexin, Huang Xuezhe, Xu Hope, Chen Jiancheng, and Luo Yanghua. They were still discussing issues just now, glanced at Wang Xihua, and calmly looked away.

The private invitation of the beautiful young man only invited two classmates Chen and Cai, and Chen Jiancheng and He Zexin from the same house. Deng Yuxuan received the invitation because of the Deng family, so did Xu Hope and Huang Xuezhe, and Da Li was entrusted to invite Luo Yanghua in his name.

It was normal for him to invite his roommates to the banquet. If he sent an invitation to Luo Yanghua in his name and did not invite other members of the student council, it would make people misunderstand that he valued one over the other. No thorns.

As for classmate Chen and classmate Cai, he didn't invite them on the surface, but their tutors had invitations from Chao's family, and their tutors brought their disciples to the banquet; Li Qinglin, Wang Yinping, and Wang Yuzhe all had invitations from their families, so they naturally followed their elders. They were at school, so they went with classmate Chao.

"I asked a senior for help, but I didn't expect the senior to be busy today." Wang Ziyan walked with a gentle smile, and her voice with Wu Nong's soft accent was also gentle like water: "Senior sister and seniors What kind of emergency meeting is being held, even braving the cold wind."

When she spoke, she slanted the road towards the dormitory building, and leaned towards the place where all the handsome men and women stood, which would not make people feel that she was gathering among them, and seemed polite.

"We hate private household chores, it's cold, junior girl, you are busy with your work." Wang Yinping smiled lightly, just about to look away, when he saw a tall and handsome guy coming out of the east stairs, he immediately laughed: "Wang Yuzhe Wang Da Little, you are not a girl, how can you be slower than a girl to put on makeup?"

"It's not that I'm slow, it's that you guys missed half a class early and ran back to prepare, and I just came back after class, so can I be faster than you?"

Wang Yuzhe walked under the eaves on the first floor, and saw that Wang Xiehua had not gone far, and he had no special expression. He didn't even pay attention to the girl who was going down the stairs. He turned right and walked quickly to the waiting person: "Little girl. Sister Chao hasn't come down yet, I'm not the last one, don't be afraid."

"Little Lolita is the protagonist, but you are not the protagonist. You should wait for the protagonist. If you really want the protagonist to wait for you, are you embarrassed?" Deng Yuxuan replied with a smile.

"Old Deng is right." Li Shao and classmate Huang roared unscrupulously.

"Yeah, I'm very humble, I can't tell you guys, I'm the last to come, I'm guilty." Wang Yuzhe spread his hands, can't he admit counseling?
"Well, that's right, the child who changes his mistakes is a good child." Wang Yinping pretended to be mature and preached.

Wang Yuzhe was about to refute, when he heard Li Shao cheer: "Xiao Lele, you are finally willing to show up, come on, brothers are here."

All sentient beings looked towards the east stairs, and the little Loli came down after their long-awaited waiting. She was carrying only the boss's big backpack, wearing a fiery red trench coat, and wearing a pair of black high-heeled shoes.

"Lele, did you bring thick clothes?" Chao Yubo stepped out of the crowd and greeted the petite cutie.

Knowing that everyone was waiting on the first floor, Le Yun went downstairs and saw Wang Xiehua walking towards the floor gracefully and gracefully. She didn't make a sound. As soon as she turned around on the first floor, she was greeted by a large number of eyes. She secretly shrank her neck and stepped He walked towards the handsome men and beauties waiting for him.

"Brother Chao, I know that I will be staying at the second uncle's house at night, so I bring home clothes."

She ran fast, and while speaking, she ran to the beautiful young man in the windbreaker, smiling brightly.

"Slow down, don't fall, this is a family banquet, not a dance party. You don't have to feel wronged if you are not used to wearing high heels." Chao Yubo was shocked when he saw Xiao Lele holding a big backpack and walking a little unsteadily. , ran over and stretched out his hand to support the cute and lively child like a deer.

"In order not to embarrass the beautiful young brother, I tried my best to pretend to be a lady. Anyway, I can sit while eating, and I don't have to stand for long. I think I should be able to hold on."

"Pfft, puff," Li Shaoda and a few sneered sullenly, Xiao Lele is really not suitable to be a stable lady, she is so small, she maintains her nature, innocent and cute, and her lethal power is even greater, making people irresistible force.

"Little beauty, you are the cutest little lady without high heels." Wang Yinping laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her waist. Little Loli was so cute that she couldn't be jealous even if she wanted to.

"It's the beautiful senior who understands me best. I'm a cute little lady, and liveliness is also a kind of beauty." Le Yun hugged the arm of the beautiful young brother and smiled, revealing her neat teeth.
"I said you stinky boys are addicted to drinking the northwest wind? What are you still dawdling about, get in the car quickly." Professor Zhai in the car couldn't bear it anymore, and he opened the car door and shouted at the young people.

"Come on, come on."

Deng Yuxuan and other handsome young people immediately ran to the car with a smile, and they got into the car. If there is a car, Wang Yinping takes Deng Yuxuan's car.

Chao Yubo drove by himself, while Le Yun sat in the passenger seat.

Li Shao's car was in the first place, and when the students took their places, he led the team to set off, followed by a few cars, and several domestic sedans filed into the distance.

A group of young scholars talked to themselves, turned a blind eye to themselves, and even said politely that they invited them and then walked away. Wang Ziyan's face was so hot that she almost bit her silver teeth. Is she really so inexistent?

The night wind was icy cold, slapping the face like ice scum.

The hot face was blown back and forth by the cold wind, the heat was blown away, and it was cold. Wang Ziyan shivered, her arms tightened, she tightly covered the paper bag, bit her lip, and slowly returned to her dormitory, full of heart. It's a shame. She tried her best to get the chance to come and go to the banquet of the upper class nobles in the capital. Why does Le Yun make the second and third generations of the powerful and noble family look different?

(End of this chapter)

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