magic eye doctor

Chapter 358 Tossing scum is a technical activity

Chapter 358 Tossing scum is a technical activity
When the Chao family was toasting, the guests were all paying attention. It was normal for the top guests at the VIP table to stay for a few minutes. The table didn't move for a long time, which surprised all the guests.

The Chao family and the Wang family did not speak very loudly. Only the old man Chao had a high-pitched voice. Some people heard it and didn't know what they were saying.

The guests in the front and back seats, who were relatively close to Mayor Wang, heard the little dispute between the Chao family and the Wang family, and they were all shocked.
Everyone's heart was sweating coldly, tears of sympathy for the prospective son-in-law of the Wang family. You said that it's not good to molest anyone, but it's someone who can be called a genius doctor. .

Elder Feng and the Wang family were at the next table, and secretly sighed for the Wang family. When they saw the elder brother of the Chao family coming with the little girl, a group of people stood up to greet the elder brother Chao and the two girls.

Feng Shao followed his grandfather. When he saw the big-breasted girl's bright and bright smile, her heart fell like an ice cellar. The prospective son-in-law of the Wang family teased her verbally. , How can big-breasted women not care?
Thinking that he might suffer the same fate as the prospective son-in-law of the Wang family, Feng Shao's heart trembled, his two trembling strands trembled, he almost couldn't stand, and his forced smile was like crying.

Lan Shao attended the party with Mr. Feng as entertainment. Unexpectedly, he happened to encounter the identity of a suspected Xianmen person who was deciphered. Seeing that the little girl was brought to him by an elegant and noble boy, he also followed the customs of the country and expressed his condolences to the master. Smile.

Chao Yubo originally wanted to stand in the empty seat and wait for the elders to come over to greet the guests. The guests were so enthusiastic, he couldn't help but bring Xiao Lele closer and greeted Feng Lao and others one by one.

"Little girl, we meet again." After nodding and greeting the elegant and gentle boy, Lan Shao smiled brightly at the delicate and pink little girl, and his eyes were clear.

Lan Shao and the little girl know each other?Feng Lao was surprised, but did not move.

"When and where have we met? Why don't I have an impression?" Le Yun smiled and rolled her eyes. The last time she ordered a little hooligan's acupuncture points, Mr. Lan interceded so that the hooligan could not be punished, and gave it to the little hooligan without her consent. The rogue solves the acupoint, and now it's almost like a trick.

She doesn't remember?Feng Shao was full of surprise, did the big-breasted girl really not remember what happened last time in the restaurant, or did she pretend not to remember?Looking at the elder brother of the Chao family again, the big-breasted girl's fair face had a bright and clear smile, not like a forced smirk.

Alas?Lan Shao's mind flashed a hint of doubt, the little girl really didn't remember the Xuanyuan Restaurant, didn't she remember his face?Even if she doesn't remember, she should remember when she sees Feng Shao.

"Little girl is busy, so I forgot about it. On a certain day in November, we had a relationship with 'Sanweixuan', which is famous for its 'pork stewed vermicelli' in Beijing. At that time, I was just thinking about reuniting with Yan Shao, who had reunited after a long time. I'm deeply sorry that I missed getting to know the little girl." Whether he really can't remember it or can't imagine it, he candidly said that the meeting at Xuanyuan's restaurant was an unpleasant meeting.

"November, oh, it seems to be a bit of an impression, uncle doesn't need to care, there are so many things missed in life, it's not bad." Le Yun pretended to try hard to recall, her face suddenly brightened, Xiao Yingying comforted her and pulled her beautiful young brother to act like a spoiled child: "Brother Chao, I remember you said that one of my grandma's best dishes is stewed vermicelli with pork. Can you take me to eat rice someday? I want to eat stewed vermicelli with pork."

"My mother also inherited the craftsmanship from my grandmother's house, and I can eat it at home. We can go to my grandmother's house whenever we have time on the weekends." Xiaolele wanted to go to her grandmother's house. Chao Yubo's eyes lit up and he was very happy.

"Mmmm, Brother Chao is the best, go to Grandma's house, then to Grandma's house of Sister Fu, then to Grandma Yang's house, Xiao's Li's house, all the way to fight the autumn wind."

"If you have a conscience, you still remember my grandma's house." Chao Yufu stretched out his hand to rub the head of Xiaofan dumplings, his eyes glowing with a smile, Xiaodanzi is also a foodie, and the world's foodie is one family.

"Of course I remember. Grandpa Zhou and Grandma Zhou gave such a heavy welcome gift, how can I forget." The person who gave her the meeting gift must remember it, otherwise it would be too unsympathetic.

The three brothers and sisters only said a few words and the elders came over. The beautiful boy took Xiao Lele and followed behind the elders to toast.

Feng Lao listened to Lan Shao's tone and should have known the little girl, but the little girl's tone didn't seem impressive and felt strange. The little girl was talking to the Chao family, so he didn't want to intervene. He didn't do it. Bad mood thing.

Hearing that Lan Shao took the initiative to mention the restaurant, Feng Shao secretly broke out in a cold sweat. If the big-breasted loli recalled the restaurant, he would naturally think of his molesting her. Once he was exposed, he would also become a joke. No face to stay in the capital anymore.

He was terrified and waited for the disaster to come. When the big-breasted girl only said a few impressions and never mentioned him, his uneasy heart didn't fly out of his throat, but the tip of his nose couldn't help oozing cool sweat. .

The big-breasted girl actually let him go?
Feng Shao's heart was mixed with joy and sorrow.

The little girl pondered for a while before she remembered it. It was nothing to miss what she said indifferently. Master Lan understood that the little girl was holding revenge!Feng Shao asked her for trouble. He didn't say anything fair, and even came forward to help Feng Shao out of the siege. The little girl was a vengeful girl, so she was lukewarm to him because of that incident.

The little girl didn't expose Feng Shao's shortcomings, presumably because she had revenge in the store at that time, and she had already returned to take revenge, so if Feng Shao didn't make trouble, she would also treat Feng Shao as a stranger.

What a vengeful kid.

Lan Shao had a headache. If he had known that the little girl would be suspected of being from Xianmen, he would not have allowed Feng Shao to bully others. Even if Feng Shao moved too fast and failed to stop him, he would have caught Feng Shao and beat him up before letting Feng Shao go. Don't apologize to her.

He originally wanted to hold a banquet to make up for the missed opportunity, but the little girl turned away from talking to him. Out of etiquette, she couldn't arbitrarily interrupt other people's conversations. She could only smile and wait for the opportunity.

Before the opportunity came, the Chao family came again, and Lan Shao could only sigh that it was not good for me.

Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao, brought his son and daughter-in-law to Feng Shao's table, chatted with Mr. Feng, toasted the guests, and politely said, please take your time and go to the next table.

Le Yun made a meaningful toast. When she left, she squinted at the hooligan of the Feng family, saw the hooligan's stiff and erratic smile and tense muscles, grinned secretly, and had a deep memory of her by looking at the small hooligan. , estimated to leave a psychological shadow.

She likes the nervous and panicked look of the hooligan.

At the beginning, she was teasing her, but now that she has a cover of Brother Chao, is she afraid?She deliberately did not expose him, let him always remember his mistakes, let him tremble with fear, and let him toss his own heart.

Beating and beating, it’s easy to heal the scar and forget the pain. The psychological blow is more painful than the physical pain. She doesn’t step on him, it’s him tossing himself. No wonder she came here, she didn't do anything, did she?
Frightening the little hooligan, Le Xiaoxue walked away calmly, waving his hand without taking away a cloud.

The big-breasted girl looked at her, smiling like a flower. Feng Shao was so shocked that his heart flew into his throat with a "squeak". Isn't she going to take revenge?

His heart was beating like a drum, and he couldn't help but hold his breath. He could imagine that if the big-breasted woman said publicly that he was teasing her in the swimming pool to take advantage of her, the guests at the banquet would definitely look at him with contempt, and the Chao family would be furious, after all. The prospective son-in-law of the Wang family was only verbally teasing, and the Chao family was so angry. If they knew that he really took advantage of the girl, the Chao family would definitely fork him out, and Shao Shao would think of a way to make life worse than death.

For the first time, Shao Feng felt that the consequences of lust were so serious, and it was a spur of the moment regret. Just when he thought he was about to face a storm of ruin, the pink dress he saw out of the corner of his eyes swayed lightly into the distance. .

He raised his eyes, the girl in pink skirt with big breasts was holding hands by Shao Shao, she turned around lightly, and walked to another table in a graceful manner.

go go go...

Feng Shaoshen's head loosened, his tense nerves loosened, and his legs and feet were a little weak. The big-breasted girl did not expose him, but also saved the Feng family's face. He decided that he would definitely respect that aunt as his ancestor in the future. Absolutely do not provoke, if it is really impossible, see her automatically retreat.

Lan Shao watched the little girl go over the table with the Chao family, just by the little girl's vengeance behavior, she knew that she was not a fool, and looking at how she dealt with the young man, she was not a man of cards. People, if you want to have more contact with her, it is estimated that you have to fill in the small hole caused by what happened in the restaurant before you have a chance.

Whether there was any surprise on Feng Shao's side, Yuan Shao and Liu Shao, who followed the family, were also relieved. They molested the big-breasted girl. Feng Shao was the mastermind. They can only be regarded as accomplices. If you expose Feng Shao, you shouldn't expose them, right?
The two young masters were anxiously waiting for the result, waiting and waiting, as if waiting for a verdict. It felt like a cat scratching its heart and lungs, and it was very uncomfortable.

Yuan Shaoxian waited until Chao's family came to toast, and when Mr. Chao and Mrs. Chao were talking to their tablemates, he secretly observed the big-breasted girl, and greeted him with a look. His eyes were as deep as a whirlpool.

Yuan Shao was so frightened by the sight that he quickly looked away, his forehead and back vest were cold, until the guests of honor had toasted glasses, and the Chao family left Shanshan after toasting, his heart still hanging high. Bang Bang, I'm also very fortunate that the big breasted girl really let him go.

Liu Shao was nervously paying attention to Yuan Shao's side. Seeing that Yuan Shao was also safe and sound, he was able to relax his cautious liver, who couldn't calm down when he was jumping around. When Chao's family came over to toast, he realized that there was also a leak on his back. Layer cold.

The face was still there, and the face was still there, Feng Shao, Yuan Shao, and Liu Shao finally saw the sun again in their gloomy hearts, and secretly appreciated the process of the Chao family toasting others.

Yan Xing sat next to the ancestors, watching Little Lolita stay at the Wang family's table for so long, Little Lolita was one step ahead of Xiao Chao's siblings, and several parents of Chao's family were one step behind to thank the guests, he guessed it must be Xiao Loli recognized Zhao Zongze and Wang Yuxuan who had met at the antique market on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and felt uncomfortable, so she made an excuse not to toast the table.

Looking at the place where the Chao family sat for the Feng family, the Yuan family, and the Liu family, Little Loli didn't take the opportunity to shame the three guys who took advantage of her, but she was quite surprised.
Little Lolita is a typical jerk who must retaliate. When someone molests her, she doesn't take the opportunity to take revenge, and she doesn't take revenge to go back, which is not in line with her character and temper.

Judging from his own understanding of Little Loli and his actual experience, Yan Xing felt that with Little Loli's temper, he would definitely not forget the face of the three young people, and if he didn't take revenge, he probably didn't want to spoil the birthday banquet of Mr. Chao.

Le Jiaqi chatted with her tablemates while eating. There were several dishes at the banquet that she didn't know how to eat, so she tried not to touch them, and secretly observed how others ate them.

She maintains a good ladylike manner. When others speak, she does not interrupt, and when others talk to her, she answers in a low voice and gentle, and she follows the rules and does not make any mistakes.

When the host was toasting, all the guests in the same seat stopped their chopsticks, and Le Dajin put down their chopsticks.

The sisters and brothers of the Chao family were protecting the little girl in the pink skirt not far from her. She wanted to say hello to the second lady Chao and the young master of the Chao family, but found that the eyes of the sisters and brothers were not on her side, but looked at the other. Lady, speak gently to that lady.

In an instant, Le Jiaqi was in a panic. Her villa was in the same place as a villa property owned by Er Ye Chao's house. By coincidence, she caught the eye of Er Er Chao and had the opportunity to walk around Er Ye Chao's house. Having tea with Mrs. Chao Er and getting along very well with Second Lady Chao and Shao Shao.

Afterwards, because cousin Shi Yun entered Qingda University, their sisters went to Chao Er’s house more frequently. When Chao Er Ye and his wife returned to the villa, their sisters went to visit. Usually, Chao’s siblings entertained them, and they chatted happily.

And when the matter of Xiaoyun happened, she would no longer be allowed to enter Erye Chao's house, Er Madam Chao looked like she didn't know her when she saw her, and now even the brothers and sisters of the Chao family turned a blind eye to her.

If she was not the one brought in by Mr. Wu, the Chao family might not let her enter the door. The adults of the Chao family gave Mr. Wu face, but the sisters and brothers of the Chao family ignored her. The two brothers and sisters might not even give Mrs. Wu face. ?

The Chao family came over. Le Jiaqi originally wanted to talk to a pair of brothers and sisters. Please read the words of Shiyun and Shao Shao to give Xiaoyun a chance to correct her mistakes. Now the two sisters and brothers of the Chao family treat her as air. She was in a panic, and she had no chance to plead.

The Chao family politely toasted a glass of wine, said politely, and turned to the other guests with a smile. Le Jiaqi raised her smile and was about to seize the last chance to say hello to the Chao siblings when she saw the little girl looking over, she didn't realize it. All of a sudden bite the words.

Le Yun looked at the young woman who had a similar face to the former Vice President Le of the Youth University Student Union, her eyes twitched, and she asked the boy who was turning around innocently, "Brother Chao, the one in the alizarin red fishtail skirt. Is Auntie the elder named Sister Le Shiyun Le who almost ruined your innocence?"

The little girl spoke very slowly, and everyone at the table could hear it clearly. She looked at the daughter of Lejia's daughter with deep eyes, and the younger sister of the daughter of Lejia actually wanted to bow to Chao Shaoba?Bah, shameless!
Aunt? !
When Le Jiaqi heard the two words from the little girl's mouth, she was in a bad mood. She was only in her 20s, and the little girl called her auntie?He also said that she is Xiaoyun's elder, how old is she?
"Well, how did the little dumpling know?" Chao Yufu almost didn't burst out laughing, but the smile on his face couldn't help but bloom all over his face, how can the little dumpling be so cute, the name is so well used, auntie, Miss Le wears The clothes are mature and intellectual, like a young woman in her late thirties, and it is really not wrong to be called auntie.

Mmmm, will Le Da Qianjin vomit blood?

Full of joy, Miss Chao Er couldn't help reaching out and rubbing the head of the cute little dumpling. She also took the opportunity to turn around and face Le Qianjin with her back to prevent the daughter from sticking to it again.

"It's very simple. The faces of that aunt and Senior Sister Le Shiyun are six points similar, so they must be related by blood. Sister Fu, don't keep touching my head and mess up my hair."

Le Yun was held by the beautiful young brother and turned around, and another paw climbed on her head. She was very depressed and bullied her for her low altitude. When she grows taller, she must touch her back!
"Lele's eyes are so good, you can see at a glance that they are related by blood, okay, let's go, let's go toast to the distinguished guests." Chao Yubo took away the naughty Jing Lele, and Xiao Lele was naughty and called Aunt Le Qianjin, it is estimated that Le Da The young lady's face turned green. Although it was fun to watch the face-changing drama, in order not to scare Lele, he still ignored Le Qianjin's expression.

Chao Yufu rubbed the little dumpling's head with a smile, and followed in the footsteps of his elders with his younger brother.

Called auntie, the Chao family didn't help clarify the facts, Le Jiaqi's smile was stiff, the muscles on her face were trembling slightly, and her back was stretched like a taut bandage.

Seeing the three of them turn away, her face trembled, and she worked hard to expel the suffocation that was stuck in her heart, and the feeling of being suffocated to death was relieved.

The next second, it felt weird, and I quietly looked at the same seat, and found that everyone was looking at me, panicked, pretending to smile generously, and sitting down slowly pretending to be nothing.

She was calm on the outside, but she was extremely uneasy on the inside. She felt that the eyes of people in the same seat were not as peaceful as before. Even if they were not enthusiastic about her before, they now look at her with a touch of disdain and contempt.

Why does this contrast occur?

She didn't know what went wrong, and made the people in the room disdain her. After thinking about it, she tried her best to recall the events before the Chao family left. She gave a stern look. The little girl added a modifier before the sentence that she was a relative of Le Shiyun. 'Almost ruined your innocence', the change in everyone's attitude towards her was probably due to the words 'destroy your innocence'.

The people in the same seat should catch those sensitive words, and then compare the Chao family's siblings who treat her like strangers, thinking that her family thinks about Chao Shao badly, and wants to do something to destroy the innocence of Chao Shao Bawang. , In the end, it was not tunneled, so the Chao family's siblings were indifferent to her, and they also despised her.

With the help of Mr. Wu's face, I finally managed to win some big businessmen to accept her, but she was completely destroyed by the little girl's words. Le Jiaqi was so aggrieved that her heart was pounding. Jump, gnashing her teeth with hatred, the little girl is simply a broom star, damn it!
(End of this chapter)

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