Chapter 378

Enemy road is narrow!

When Wang Yuxuan was not found, Zhao Zongze was on fire in his heart. When the laughing sound came into his ears, he couldn't help but sarcastically went back: "Of course I am here to dress up as a groom, but it's not like some people can only be family members."

While speaking, he looked at the source of the sound. Over there, He Mingtao in a formal suit was checking that the word "happy" on a car was not sticking firmly. When he saw him, he crossed his arms and folded his arms, and the corners of his mouth and eyes showed a clear sarcasm.

The He family members are beautiful, handsome men and women. It is an indisputable fact. He Mingtao wears a coffee-colored tunic suit.

Seeing the extraordinary He Mingtao, Zhao Zongze was heartbroken, and the He family did not like him, but he often encountered the young people of the He family.

"Are you a bridegroom?" He Mingtao burst out laughing, admiring the groom-to-be who was still in the dark with incomparable pity: "I wonder who Zhao Ershao's bride-to-be is?"

"Are you still jealous that I stole your cousin's little green plum? It's no use for you to be jealous of me. Wang Yuxuan will be my bride-to-be right away. Engagement means marriage. Wang Yuxuan and I are a real husband and wife from now on."

Zhao Zongze hated Yan Xing's relatives the most. Where the He family was there, others looked at him with disdain, and secretly satirized him as a dragging oil bottle.

"Hahaha, this is the funniest joke I've ever heard, just based on the performance of you and your family today, I can laugh for a year," He Mingtao smiled with a spring breeze on his face, and even his tone was extraordinarily cheerful: "Zhao Second Young Master, the biggest advantage of me is that I am not ashamed to ask, please ask, which Wang Yuxuan are you talking about?"

"I ask, who knows that Queen Yuxuan, the nephew of the mayor of Beijing, and I truly love each other, and today we will finally be married." Zhao Zongze raised his head proudly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a handsome and handsome young man ran out of the studio and asked with a smile, "Mynah, who did Zhao Ershao just say that he has a lover and will be married?"

Seeing Xiao Shishi coming out, He Mingtao smiled and shook his head: "Zhao Ershao said that he and Wang Yuxuan have a lover and will be married, Xiao Shishi, don't laugh too much, we have to be sympathetic, pity Zhao The second young master is still dreaming of being the mayor's nephew-in-law. We must understand him. After all, he is just an oil bottle. We Xiaolongbao have a good heart to allow him to be arrogant in the Zhao family and leave the Zhao family that is covered by Xiaolongbao. He is nothing, and he managed to hug the Wang family's thigh, which is unwilling to wake up from a dream."

"Well, I try not to laugh," He Mingzhi held back his laughter, his eyes were bent into the shape of a crescent moon, and he said "sorry" to someone Zhao very sincerely: "Zhao Ershao, I'm so sorry, I didn't know about you. Haven't woken up yet."

"He Mingtao, what do you mean?" Zhao Zongze's face was gloomy, and he wanted to rush to tear He Mingtao's face angrily.

"Literally." Someone Zhao was angry, and He Mingtao laughed even more happily: "Zhao Ershao, you won't... Didn't you receive the news that the wedding was postponed from the Wang family? Impossible, the engagement is Regarding the matter of the Wang family and the Zhao family, the postponement of the wedding should also be discussed by both parties. The Wang family cannot make a unilateral decision and then inform the guests that the wedding will be postponed. Please don’t go to the hotel for the wedding banquet on New Year’s Day. The Zhao family does not know about the decision made by the Zhao family, and all the guests invited by the Zhao family will come to the hotel, how will they step down?"

"You... what did you say?!" Zhao Zongze's heart was full of anger. When he heard that the Wang family unilaterally informed the guests that the wedding banquet was postponed, his face suddenly changed color, his feet seemed to be filled with lead, and he could no longer move.

"It turns out that Ershao Zhao really didn't know that the Wang family postponed Wang Yuxuan's engagement with you," He Mingtao suddenly realized: "Tsk tsk, the old lady Wang of the Wang family called the invited guests yesterday afternoon, saying that Mrs. Wang is from the Chao family. When I went back, I fell ill with anger, and the Wang family postponed Wang Yuxuan's engagement, I thought it was the result of your discussions, so it seems like a unilateral decision by the Wang family."

Seeing Zhao Zongze's face turning pale, He Xiaoba's brows were soaring, he changed his breath, and continued: "Well, this time, Mrs. Wang has finally stood on the right side. You must know that Mrs. Wang's health is not very good. In order to find a doctor who can save our ancestors, I have come to our house many times, and now everyone in Beijing knows that you have offended the Chao family. No matter how much old Mrs. Wang loves her granddaughter, it is impossible for Wang Lao and the Wang family to bet on you. Ah, poor Zhao Ershao, you, hurry up and bring your grandparents, grandparents, parents, and sisters from the photo studio to go home, don't be embarrassed here."

He Xiaoba spoke like a river, and he talked a lot, and the words were like a stone smashed at Zhao Zongze. Zhao Zongze was smashed to the point of gold stars, and he shook his body, almost unable to stand.

His chest was heaving sharply, his brain was buzzing, and only the words "wedding postponement" flickered in his consciousness. The Wang family postponed the engagement of Wang Yuban and him. Isn't this the same as canceling the wedding?
How could the Wang family do that?

"Impossible, impossible!" He seemed to be comforting himself, and he seemed to be muttering to himself.

"What's impossible? Temporarily postponing the wedding may hurt your face, but at least it won't be embarrassing. If the guests on the wedding invitation only give gifts and don't eat the banquet, then the wedding banquet will be empty. There are no guests, and a joke like that can keep people laughing for 100 years."

A faint smile appeared on He Mingzhi's moon-like face, and when he didn't see Zhao's pale complexion, he added as if he didn't care, "Oh, by the way, the Wang family not only notified the guests by phone, but also published in the newspaper. Statement, it was in the evening paper last night, and it should be in the morning paper this morning."

Zhao Zongze's limbs were stiff, and the cold morning wind was blowing. He fought a fight, his legs were soft, and he had no strength. He took a step forward, turned around, and ran towards the car with a white face. The faster he ran, the faster he ran. staggering

The staff in the photo studio decorating the car all pretended to be dumbfounded. When they didn't hear what the guests were talking about, they all worked seriously.

He Xiaoba and He Xiaowu saw the figure of Zhao Zongze fleeing, and laughed heartily, what the hell, the little bitch of Xiaosansheng instigated the bitch family to always bully Xiaolongbao, they didn't clean him up because The time is running out, now is the time to slowly pick up the slut.

Seeing that someone Zhao climbed into the car and fled the road, the brothers were not idle, and hurriedly checked the vehicles. These cars were going to pick up their fifth sister from the Kong family, so of course they should not be sloppy.

The speed of the staff was very fast, and the happy words were pasted, and you were done. Just after the happy words were pasted here, Kong Xijing and the best men also put on makeup, and the groom came out with the best men to get on the car and go home to welcome the family.

The He family brothers also took their car back to the compound.

Zhao Zongze drove a long distance, stopped at a newsstand, rushed down to buy all the evening newspapers in Beijing, and looked through the letter suspiciously. Sure enough, he found the news of Wang Jiadeng in the Beijing Evening News. What the He family brothers said was true.

With a pale face, he called his grandparents, grandparents, parents, and sister with trembling hands to tell them not to make up.Zhao Yixiong and his family were waiting for makeup in the studio. Because of the crowd, they were still in line. When they received a phone call, they realized that something was wrong, and they called their family members to rush out of the studio to the car to meet their son.

The five found Zhao Zongze, Zhao Li and his wife, Zhao Yixiong and Guo Furong squeezed into Zhao Zongze's car. Zhao Yixiong asked nervously, "Ozawa, what's wrong?"

"Dad, the Wang family... postponed the wedding. Yesterday...the Wang family... notified the guests invited by the Wang family, and also posted... a statement in the newspaper." Zhao Zongze's mouth became cold, and he showed the evening report to his father who sat in the co-pilot with a pale face.

"What?!" The person who just got into the car screamed.

Zhao Yixiong grabbed the newspaper and read the statement in the corner. It was indeed the news of Wang Jiadeng's postponement of the wedding, and it was signed with the name of Mrs. Wang.

"How is this possible?" Zhao Yixiong's face turned pale, and the postponement of the wedding was just a nice saying, and all smart people knew that it was actually canceling the wedding!

When the Wang family canceled the wedding of Wang Yuxuan and Zhao Zongze, it was also clearing the relationship, telling the elites in Beijing and the Chao family that the Wang family and the Zhao family were not on the same line.

In an instant, he understood why the people who had a good relationship last night hung up the phone in a hurry. They already knew the news that the Wang family had postponed Wang Yuxuan's wedding.

And in the studio just now, there were also people who were looking at them frequently with very strange eyes. They must have known that the Wang family had canceled the wedding, and their husband's family was still kept in the dark.

Thinking that he didn't know anything like a fool, Zhao Yixiong was so ashamed, his face was blushing and his breathing was short of breath.

Zhao Li didn't believe it. He took a look at the newspaper and read it clearly. At that time, he couldn't even hold the newspaper firmly. How could it be like this?
Mrs. Zhao also grabbed the newspaper and read it again, murmuring, "How could this happen? How could the Wang family do this?"

Guo Furong's heart almost jumped out of her throat. She took the evening newspaper from her mother-in-law and quickly scanned it. When she saw the news, her bones were broken, and she almost couldn't sit still. Was it because Ozawa didn't call for two days and the Wang family was dissatisfied with Zhao Home attitude, so cancel the wedding in a fit of anger?
They all felt that Ozawa was wronged, and the Wang family didn't believe Ozawa, so they also had grievances against the Wang family, so they heard that Ozawa didn't admit wrongdoing to the Wang family. Now it's a bad thing.

Guo Furong's face was pale, and the Zhao family and Chang Wang's family could not get married. It was exposed, and she would have no face in the rich circle in the future.

Zhao Li was stunned, and hurriedly shouted: "Quick, hurry back and call the guests we invited and tell them that the wedding has been postponed for some reason, and we can't let people see jokes."

Zhao Zongze drove the car mechanically. He didn't know how he drove the car home to the door all the way. The family stumbled towards the villa. Zhao Danxuan didn't know what happened, and followed her brother's car. , and also guess that something bad happened.

The family ran home, scrambling to find the backup roster when sending invitations, looking up the phone number, and calling one by one after dawn to inform the guests that they do not need to go to the hotel for a banquet.

 Adorable little fairies and fresh meats, I'm a hero once, and a second update.

(End of this chapter)

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