Chapter 381 Encounter ([-])

Because the weather is very cold, the water in some places is frozen, and the wind is as cold as ice balls. Even so, it can't stop people's enthusiasm for the festival. Men, women and children of all ages enjoy a lively day.

New Year's Day is a good day, and there are wedding car teams with happy words everywhere on the road.

Afraid that he would be stuck on the road during the wedding reception, Kong Xijing set off very early and rushed to the compound where Mr. He San lived in the dark to welcome the relative. It was easy to meet each other. Besides, He Xiaowu’s good home was also the biggest consolation for the family. The He family happily handed He Xiaowu to Kong Xijing.

The welcoming team returned to Kong Xijing and He Panpan's small home, and they paid their respects to their parents. They went to the hotel without delay. The hotel reserved a room. When tired, they went to the hotel to rest. Otherwise, there would be many traffic jams in the morning. Can't get to the hotel by noon.

When the He family happily married their daughter, Wang's family was deserted. When the old lady Wang chose the New Year's Day to hold an engagement banquet for her granddaughter, she also had the intention of secretly competing with the He family. The eyes of the He family made them feel distressed for their grandson Yanxing.

Who would have guessed that there was no chance of killing a Chao family righteous grandson in the middle of the meeting, disrupting her plan and forcing her to cancel the wedding banquet to avoid the Chao family righteous grandson's edge.

On the first day of the new calendar year, Vientiane is updated. This is a festive day to celebrate the beginning of the first day of the new calendar. There are various activities, which are most suitable for couples to play.

Lan Shao arrived not far from Tantai's house and waited for about half an hour to park. Tantai Mixue came enchantingly in the cold wind, dressed in a fiery red coat and loose long black hair, in the style of a high-cold goddess. There is also a charming, even if you don't smile, you are also charming.

Seeing the cold goddess coming in the cold air, Lan Shao got out of the car, went to the passenger seat and waited until the cold beauty came slowly, opened the car door, and the gentleman invited someone to get in the car.

"Qingxi, why didn't you visit the little girl who had a wonderful hand in rejuvenation today?" Tantai Misue walked up to the tall, tall, noble and elegant young Junjie, with a light smile on her beautiful face.

"The invitation has been sent, and I'm waiting for an answer. The little girl has nothing to say, and she can't run to remind you every day, so it won't be annoying."

"It's strange that a generation of young talents from the ancient martial arts family is afraid of being rejected by others." Tantai Misue smiled and sat in the passenger seat.

"That's because the other party's identity is special." Lan Shao smiled indifferently, closed the car door thoughtfully, then went around the front of the car and sat back in the cab. : "Is there any place in particular you want to go?"

"I heard that there is a grand stone gambling party in the antique market. If you don't mind, we will join in the fun."

Tantai Misue said casually, Lan Shao replied with a "yes" with a smile, and drove straight to the antique market.

There are several antique markets in the city. Every year, there are events on major festivals such as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year's Eve, New Year's Eve, Lantern Festival, etc. The largest antique market and jade fair is still Panjiayuan. Hold large events.

Naturally, Lan Shao also understands what Tantai Mixue said about the antique market. The traffic on the road is like a long queue. It takes an hour and a half to arrive at the 10-minute journey on weekdays. He parks in the parking lot near Panyuan. The cars in the parking lot It is also plentiful.

Finding an empty parking space, Lan Shao accompanied Tantai Misue to walk to Pan Garden.

The festival Pan Garden has always been hot. There are activities on New Year's Day. Even if the weather is cold, it can't stop the footsteps of antique lovers. The huge booths in the park are full, and the crowd is bustling.

Just arrived at 09:30, it was also the moment when the number of guests in the garden increased suddenly. Waves of people poured into the garden, and the people who came to invite friends came in groups of three or five, seven or eight. The advantage of the sudden increase in popularity is Drive away the cold and warm up the air in the garden.

Lan Shao walked into Panyuan with Tantai Mixue, and was about to turn to the jade field when he saw a beautiful woman in a red down jacket standing on the side of the road to the shed, looking around, he couldn't help but stop, that girl was not the little girl's righteous brother sister?

"Have you seen an acquaintance?" The young man beside him took a step, and Tantai Mixue was keenly aware of his change, and looked forward with cold eyes.

"It's not my acquaintance, it's the sister of the little girl Jin Lan's brother, the girl in the red dress and the ponytail standing on the right side of the road in front of the right hand. She seems to be waiting for someone here, indicating that the little girl may Come."

Lan Shao explained, and then pointed out the position of the second lady of the Chao family to his companions.

Tantai Mixue looked over and saw the girl in red standing on the side of the roadside near the wall of the shed. She understood and suggested: "Let's go and have a look, maybe we can see the little girl."

"Okay." Lan Shao also had the same idea. The two of them changed directions, went to the place where the booth was set up, walked to the direction diagonally opposite the gate of Pan Garden, and slowly admired the items placed in the open air.

Le Yun once again experienced the seriousness of traffic jams. When she was entering school, she was blocked on the road, but compared to this time, it was nothing compared to this time. They set off at five in the morning, and the journey of one and a half minutes originally took four and a half hours. Only barely squeezed into the vicinity of Pan Garden.

They are not bad. The military cheetah car makes people have scruples, and no one dares to jump in the queue or overtake, so they take advantage of it. If the vehicles that are eager to jump in the queue block the road, the speed will be slower.

Turtle crawling to the vicinity of Pan Garden, Liu Dashao couldn't take his breath, and he kept looking for a parking lot. He found a place in a private parking lot. The four of them rushed to Pan Garden. The crowd flowed, Yan Shao Liu Shao spontaneously walked behind the little loli and the beautiful boy to escort them.

Chao Dingbo hung a mountaineering backpack brought by Xiao Lele on his left shoulder, with a smile on his face, and his mood was extraordinarily light. Before, he was too weak to run around, and he was ashamed to say it. Even the natives have never visited Pan Garden. Once, it can be said that I am not impressed. This is the first time I have come here, and I am accompanied by Xiao Lele. Just thinking about it makes people happy.

It was the first time to accompany the beautiful young brother to run around the world. Le Yun held the bag in front of the back and held the beautiful young brother's arm. She was in a particularly good mood, and she was not afraid of the crowd, and flew into the garden lightly.

Followed Yan Xing, who was a follower, with a backpack that was bulging on his shoulders, and little brother Hefa walked behind, secretly jealous of the boy, stabbed the boy's arm with a knife, and the little loli never put his arm on his arm, except to beat him. At most, the most intimate action is to pull his sleeve.

Even if he hates the young man being treated gently by Little Loli, he can only throw a few knives in secret to exude sullenness, and he should protect him.

Chao Yufu waited and looked around, almost being frozen into ice balls by the air-conditioning, he almost wanted to jump, grabbed his phone and looked, but didn't call to ask where he was, for fear of affecting the mood of Meiren's younger brother and Xiao Tuanzi.

Wait, wait, patience is almost exhausted, look, look, when a few figures in the crowd pouring into Panyuan flashed into her eyes, she jumped up in joy, and rushed out to find someone. .

Lan Shao and Tantai Mixue, who had been keeping an eye on Miss Chao Er, understood in their hearts, moved to the side, and followed the direction Chao Er went to search for the person Chao Er was waiting for.

After a search, Lan Shao easily found Yan Shao Liu Shao Chao Shao and the little girl who came from outside the door. The four of them were two red and two black. The combination of red and black was like the relationship between darkness and fire, which was extremely dazzling.

Men always have a different taste when they wear red, and the Chao family boy wearing fiery red clothes really shows the extreme enthusiasm and arrogance of fiery red. Against the fiery red, the young man is as beautiful as the rising sun in the sky.

The petite girls around the teenagers wear light purple, like the first blooming redbuds, beautiful but not charming, arrogant but not cold, expensive but not demonic, with indifference to the world, and detachment of the world.

The little girl is good-looking, her skin is white, and she can hold everything she wears. Purple is a mysterious and noble color. Many girls can't hold back her color and will look very old-fashioned. Purple looks so lively and vivid on her body. Give birth to a light and empty inspiration beyond the noble and mysterious.

Red and purple are bright and warm, and the black they wear is contrasted by bright colors, and they are no longer dull, and they have more vigor and vitality, while red and purple and black are combined, and they are more calm and quiet.

Such a combination is light and ethereal with calm atmosphere, warm and quiet, and complement each other.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Lan Shao couldn't admit that Chao Shao was more suitable for wearing red than Tantai Mixue.

When Chao Yubo entered the garden, he looked around, and soon saw the second sister who came running, and took Xiao Lele to get out of the crowd, and waited to the side, there were many of them, and it was more convenient for the second sister to drill around alone.

Going around to avoid the pedestrians, Chao Yufu ran to the four waiting for him, a bear hugged the cute and cute dumpling, and ate tofu: "Little dumpling, you are cute again. Today is more pink and tender. , let my sister kiss."

While talking, he nibbled at the tender face of the powder dumpling, one hand was rubbing the small dumpling's hair, and no one else was taking advantage of it. Chao Yubo couldn't see it. Hair, while staring angrily: "Second sister, you are enough. If you continue to ravage Xiao Lele like this, I won't call you next time you go out to play."

"You don't want to play with me, just have a little dumpling to play with me." Being threatened, Chao Yufu was unwilling and had to succumb to the beauty's younger brother's lewd power. Picking up the hand of the small powder dumpling: "Let's go, let's go to Taobao."

Yan Xing and Liu Xiangyang were only staring at Chao Er's behavior of taking advantage of the little loli. The two smiled at Miss Chao and said hello, and walked behind Xianyun towards the direction of the jade venue.

(End of this chapter)

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