Chapter 388

The little girl, Xuan Shao and others left from the solution of the stone, and Lan Shao didn't have much interest in Tantai Mixue. Seeing that the stone that was being solved had not been cut out, he stopped watching.

After walking out of the isolation room, Young Master Xuan and others were long gone.

Lan Shao noticed that Tantai Mixue looked a little gloomy, and asked with concern: "Mixue, is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No." Tantai Misue shook his head with a tangled expression on his face.

"Why don't you look happy?"

"I'm thinking about the little girl's stone. I can feel a very kind and gentle aura, which can calm people's hearts and help in cultivation."

"Stones are very rare. If you think about it, the little girl might not give it to others."

"Well, so I can only think about it."

"Misue's luck has always been good. After two more laps, maybe you can find a leak and open a rare good news." The price of the stone in the little girl's hand has exceeded [-] million, which is beyond what she can bear. Lan Shao With a smile, Bo Jiaren didn't dare to say that she could help her, so she could only comfort her with a pleasant face.

Tantai Jin Mixue did not respond, and walked slowly, admiring the rough stones on the booth as he walked.

Because there were many people joined by Zhou Shaoji and Shaoxuan, Yanxing and Liu Xiangyang didn't have a chance to talk to Little Loli. When they retreated, a large group of people went downstairs, like a group traveling in a group.

The sky was grey, and the wind blew coldly.

After coming out of the lobby on the second floor and walking down the stairs, even if you have adapted for a while, going downstairs and facing the wind directly still gives people a feeling of being unable to adapt.

Out of the stairs, Le Yun turned to look at a group of handsome boys: "I'm going to dinner with my brother and sister. After dinner, I'll go back to school and play for a while. You can also have fun, and don't have to mess around with me."

"Little girl, let's go to dinner together."

"Little beauty, we have to eat too, let's do it together."

Zhou Shaoji, Shao Xuan, and Shaoyou are still unfinished, and don't want to end the journey. The little girl is like a treasure, and she has surprising potential from time to time. They want to tap more of her unknown side.

"But you can't always follow me. It's scary with such a large group of people walking around." The important thing was that it seriously interfered with the fun of shopping for her and Brother Chao.

"It doesn't matter, there are so many people."

A group of handsome guys smiled and said one sentence: I don't want to break up my partner.

"It's up to you, I'm shopping for me anyway, you can't blame me if you don't find any treasures." A group of people made up their minds to follow themselves as their tails, and Le Yun was particularly annoyed. According to this trend, she must be sneaky wherever she goes in the future. It feels very bad not to be discovered.

"Little girl, you can stroll around freely, we will find some fun." Ji Shao laughed in the spring breeze, as long as they didn't mind them following, they would have a lot of fun watching the little girl play.

"Okay, now I'm going to find something to eat."

"Little Loli, my great-grandmother's house has a reservation at the hotel, let's go there for dinner, and there is a jewelry company in the building near the hotel that He's house has booked. It's just right to play with rocks."

With Yan Xing's timely proposal, Zhou Xin's eyes flashed: "Yan Shao is talking about the annual celebration of the New Century City Crown Jewels?"

"Exactly." Yan Xing nodded.

"I also have an invitation for the crown jewels, little girl, Yan Shao's proposal is very good. Crown Jewelry is the largest jewelry company in Kyoto. This year, a large number of rough stones have been collected from various places for celebration activities. It is worth shopping for it." Zhou Xin also Very agreeable, his invitation to the Chao brothers and sisters was to invite to play with the crown jewels and stones.

"Brother Yan, don't think that I don't know that today is He Xiaowu's wedding. He's family reserved a table at the hotel for a wedding banquet. You asked me to go to the hotel for dinner. You have bad intentions."

"Nothing. My fifth sister didn't invite guests to drink when she got married. The close relatives of both men and women ate at the hotel to celebrate. My uncles packed an accordion, all by themselves."

"Lele, the He family is happy to return home. I think the He family will not despise us for taking a meal. It is also good for us to have a meal and feel happy." Chao Yubo knows the gains and losses in his heart, and it is rare to fulfill Young Master Yan's careful thoughts. , He's family's joy of marrying a daughter, without posting an invitation, it might be a little embarrassing for others to go, but when Xiao Lele goes, the He family will only be pleasantly surprised and not disgusted.

"Why would you dislike it, the He family welcomes little Loli at any time." Yan Xing glanced at the back of the Chao family's youth, and was surprised that the elder brother of the Chao family should be so righteous and support the little Loli to go to the He family for dinner today.

Liu Xiangyang's eyes lit up, if the little beauty was willing to go to He's house for dinner, she could play happily in the afternoon.

"Well, brother Chao agrees, then let's go." Le Yun didn't want to join in the fun, so brother Chao can go if he wants.

"Yan Shao's grandfather's family is happy to add makeup, and we will also go to have a cup of wedding wine with the little girl." Zhou Xin smiled away.

"Let's also go ask for a wedding drink." Xuan Shaoji and Zhou Shaoyi were willing to join in the fun.

"Okay, let's go to the wedding banquet, get a good deal, and make a lot of money in the afternoon." Everyone wanted to go, and Le Yun didn't do anything to spoil the fun. The minority obeyed the majority.

"That's it. Have a glass of wedding wine, and make a lot of money in the afternoon."

Xuan Shaoji Shao Zhou Shaowu Shao was eager to try.

Since he said he was going to have a wedding banquet, it was time to set off. Jay Chou arranged for a bodyguard to pick up the stone and return it to the car, and he accompanied the young master to set out with the large army.

When leaving Panyuan, the group did not drive, and the traffic was congested. They might not be able to reach the car until the afternoon, and they did not take the bus. In order to experience life, they ran to borrow a shared bicycle.

So, a group of people, each with a small yellow car, formed a riding team, and the hula-la ride was very cool.

Even if the streets on holidays are so cold that they freeze, there are still a lot of people, cars are lined up in dragons, and they are struggling to move forward. Riding a bicycle on the city's roads is far faster than a car.

A group of people rode for a total of ten minutes, arrived at the hotel booked by the He family, and returned the car at a place about [-] meters away from the hotel. In order not to cause trouble to the owner, Ji Shao, Zhou Shaoxuan Shao only brought a personal guard, and the others found a place first. Have a meal.

The handsome guys and beauties walked to the hotel, and when they arrived at the door of the hotel, He Mingzhi flew out to greet him.

The He family led the way, went directly into the hotel, and then took the elevator upstairs.

A hall on the ninth floor of the Hejiabao usually has more than [-] tables, and the He Kong family only reserved [-] tables, so the seats are not crowded.

There is a holiday on New Year's Day, and the He family has work assignments during the holidays, and they cannot get away to return to Beijing. The rest of the people all return to Beijing to attend He Xiaowu's wedding. The relatives and friends of Guan Kong's family are relatively small, and there are more than 100 people in total.

The bride has been pregnant with the baby for more than five months. She has not worn foreign wedding shirts. She and the groom are wearing Chinese orthodox red wedding dresses, modified simple wedding dresses, bright red and festive.

The bride and groom are very close to the door of the elegant hall, and there are tables and chairs for the best man and the bridesmaids to rest. The relatives come to stand up to greet them, and no one comes to sit first, so as not to get tired.

The He family did not expect the little doctor to come, and received a call from Xiao Longbao to inform him that the little doctor was coming. Ancestor He and his children and grandchildren also waited near the hall door. The parents of the groom and the bride were with him. Greeting guests to the newcomers, still standing with the newcomers on the right hand side of the door.

The in-laws of the two families were also shocked and waited for the guests.

The He family only waited for three to five minutes, and He Shiwu led a group of people to arrive, and the waiters opened the hall door wide to welcome the distinguished guests.

Zhou Xin, Ji Shao and others accompanied the Chao family brothers and sisters to the elegant hall reserved by the He family. When they saw the frame, they all took a step back and let the three Chao family brothers and sisters take the lead.

Yanxing Liu Xiangyang turned into the master in seconds, and He Mingzhi stood by the door, inviting the guests into the hall.

"Welcome to the little doctor."

"Welcome all distinguished guests."

He Qiwen, the third-generation eldest of the He family, stood near the door and led his brothers, sisters, nephews and children to welcome the little doctor and distinguished guests.

"Don't dare, we came uninvited and disturbed everyone, so please don't blame." Chao Yubo took Xiaofan Tuan's hand and calmly entered the hall, with a gentle smile on his warm and jade-like face.

"Don't dare to be, don't be, come uninvited, and I hope the master is not to blame." Xuan Shao and others also repeatedly said that they dare not be, they are the light of the little girl, how can they be honored guests.

"It is an honor for the He Kong family to visit the little doctor and the distinguished guests. Brother Chao, please accompany the distinguished guests in if you wish." He Qiwen smiled and welcomed the guests into the hall.

The bridegroom and the bridegroom saluted the guests, and the parents of the bride and groom bowed in unison.

"You don't need to be polite to the bride and groom. The distinguished guests are all friends of my sister and Young Master Yan, that is, friends. You can come and go as you please. You don't need to be too polite." Chao Yubo unkindly normalized the following guests, so as not to be a newcomer When I see someone bend over, I can't even straighten up when I bend over.

"Chao Shao said it very well. We are old acquaintances of Yan Shao and friends of the little girl. You are welcome to the bride and groom."

Xuan Shaoji Shao Zhou Shao deeply felt that the goddess of luck had come again, and he could be accepted by Chao Shao as a friend, and the relationship with the little girl took a small step closer.

Le Yun pulled out her backpack and took out a fistful of rough jade stone: "Our brothers and sisters didn't bring any gifts to congratulate the newlyweds, this is a piece of jade stone that was bet on today, as a gift for the newlyweds, wishing the bride and groom the harmony of qin and se, and the harmony of luan and phoenix. "

Jade itself is a kind of husband and wife bird, representing the harmony of husband and wife. It is excellent as a wedding gift.
"How embarrassed to let the little girl spend money." He Qishu was embarrassed, but still accepted the gift for the newcomer.

"I didn't bring a congratulatory gift either. This stone has purple color, which means festivity. The right is a congratulatory ceremony. I wish the newlyweds a hundred years of happiness and a full family." There is a precedent for a little girl, and Ji Shao also used the violet jade as a congratulatory gift.

"I wish the sweet couple Tiancheng, and the fifth generation will be prosperous." Major General Xuan Lan Piaohua Jadeite as a congratulatory gift.

"I wish the newlyweds will be of one heart forever and grow old together forever." The beautiful young man in silver clothes gave him Huang Fei as a gift.

"I wish you and your wife a deep love, and the world will last forever." Zhou Shao gave the golden jadeite stone as a congratulatory gift.

Zhou Xin followed suit and took the green emerald stone that he opened as a gift.

Then, He Qishu and Qian Yuying helped to accept a pile of jadeite stones, which was especially embarrassing. It was not easy to return the gifts given by the guests to the newlyweds. Let’s accept them. Each stone is worth tens of thousands of dollars at least. Following the ceremony is too heavy.

The in-laws are also special... Shocked, they all gave jadeite to each and every one of them, Tuhao!
"Uncle, auntie, these noble Hakka families are rich, and one or two pieces of emerald are less than a drop in the bucket for their family. Feel free to help receive the congratulations."

Yan marched into the hall and presented a piece of her own piece of spring-colored jade to the fifth sister as a gift.

He Qishu was speechless. If others gave jadeite, why did Xiaolongbao join in the fun?
Ji Shaoxuan Shao Zhou Shao has the urge to throw a knife at Yan Shaokang. Their family is indeed very rich, but those families are ancient knowledge inherited from their ancestors, and they can't be taken out. Look at what Yan Shao said to them. It's like a rich old man. If they go to someone's house for an entertainment someday, wouldn't it seem that they are stingy and stingy?

Even if they understood that Young Master Yan had tricked them again in secret, the young masters of the three major families could only bear it. Who said they were guests now, and if they were playing, they wouldn't mind pulling Young Master Yan to the corner to talk about it.

After giving gifts, Chao Yubo took his sister to say hello to Mrs. He Tai and the old ladies of the He family. Mrs. He Tai took the hand of the beautiful boy of the Chao family and accompanied the guests to their seats in person.

He Er He San and the elders of the Qi generation accompanied Zhou Dong, Zhou Shaoji, Xuan Shao Wushao and others. He Jiaqi was in business, and He Qili had business dealings with Zhou Xin, so it was not unfamiliar.

A large group of He's family and guests walked to their seats, and the in-laws of the two families also stood up to greet the guests who came later.

Even if there is no large-scale treat, the seats are divided into priority and second. The in-laws and the old ladies are all seated in the main seats, and the other in-laws are seated in order. Go to the seat at the door one by one.

The beautiful young man and the others came very late. The He Kong family's guests were only one or two away before they arrived. The other elders were already seated. Chao Yubo was considerate of the host and declined Mrs. He Tai's kindness to take them to the seat, and insisted on going on a first-come-first-served basis. Empty seats.

Zhou Xin and Young Master Xuan had no problem at all. They came because of the little girl, and they were purely for fun. It would be inappropriate for them to sit on the table.

"How did this happen?" Old Ancestor He grabbed the Chao family boy's hand and refused.

"We're late, so why should other distinguished guests give up their seats? Mrs. Hetai, the old man and the old lady are left to our brothers, sisters and friends, so we are more comfortable."

"Mother, it's up to the little doctor and the little brothers of the Chao family to let Xiaolongbao and the little eight brothers accompany the distinguished guests here. Young people have common topics together." The little doctor did not want to go to the group of old men and old ladies. Sitting inside, He Zirui did not force it, but comforted his old mother.

"Okay then." Ancestor He was not good at forcibly dragging the little girl and the teenager to the circle of the elderly to listen to the rambling homely talk, and the young people agreed.

Chao Yubo took Xiao Lele's hand to the empty seat, and found the table closest to the wall, which would not hinder people from coming and going; Xuan Shao, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao Wu Shao and Zhou Xin accompanied him to the seat, and Liu Shaoyan Shao just made a table for nine people, The bodyguards of Zhou, Ji, and Xuan Shao were sitting at an adjacent table.

Before taking their seats, those who wore coats took off their thick coats and sat on the chairs. All of them were handsome in suits and leather shoes, and the invisible light they radiated brightened the surroundings.

(End of this chapter)

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