magic eye doctor

Chapter 390 Target 1 Billion

Chapter 390 Goal [-] Million
The little girl and her friends were going to play, but the He family didn't hold back. They escorted the guests out of the hall, turned around and chatted with their in-laws.

The He family booked the elegant hall, the chess and card room, etc., and also booked accommodation. The distant guests stayed in the hotel, and relatives and friends who had nothing to do in Beijing could stay and play, or go out to play, and come back for dinner in the evening.

Jay Chou and the others accompanied the Chao family brothers and sisters downstairs to the New Century Building at the Crown Jewelry Company's celebration venue, because it was about a thousand meters away from the hotel booked by the He family.

The temperature is extremely low, and a layer of frost is faintly visible on the flowers and trees by the road, and the signs of snow are becoming more and more obvious.

Le Xiaoxue and all the young people are walking against the cold wind like the public. Even if the weather is freezing cold, Zhou Shaoji, Shao Xuan and Shao Xuan usually wear thin clothes, and there is no fear of the cold at all.

Before the group arrived at the building, the bodyguards of Zhou's family, Ji's family, and Xuan Shao were already waiting.

The building is 29 storeys high. Crown Jewelery's store is on the eighth floor, which is also the largest store. This year, the company celebrates its 20th anniversary. The ninth floor and the tenth floor, which used to be a conference building, are contracted for activities. The tenth floor is for on-site activities. The ninth floor is used as a stone gambling field.

The New Year's celebration starts in the morning. Except for specially invited guests, all new and old customers who have spent in Crown Jewels can participate in the event. Gifts or coupons will be given on a first-come, first-served basis. Participate in gambling activities.

To put it bluntly, celebrations are also giving back.

Jay Chou accompanied Zuo Shuo and the Chao brothers and sisters to take the elevator to the ninth floor to the Crown Stone Casino; in the passageway to the ninth floor, there are special security teams and service personnel to check the invitations and receipts.

Jay Chou has invitations, Chao Er girl brought her father's invitations with the crown, Yan Xing also has invitations from the crown to the He family, three invitations, it is absolutely no problem for everyone to bring three or five friends into the event venue.

There are several halls on the ninth floor. Each hall has different functions. According to the size of the hall, it is divided into different stone gambling halls. The rough stones of different prices are placed in different halls. There is a hall of [-] yuan, a hall of more than [-] yuan, as well as a tea room, a lounge, and a calcite hall. Those participating in the activity can drink tea and take a break when they are tired from playing. The purchased stones can be taken away or taken. Go to the spot to dissolve the stone.

The stone gambling activity started at [-]:[-]. Le Xiao and others were afraid that they would come early, and the crowd would crowd in, which would lead to accidents, so they delayed their arrival.

They arrived late, and the others had already arrived in various halls. There were people in each hall, men, women and children, ordinary salarymen, well-dressed white-collar elites, shrewd successful people, and people from all walks of life.

Xuan Shao and others crossed the elevator and the safety stairway to the ticket office on the floor, walked along the corridor, first went to the storage place to store the backpack with stones, and brought in the stones brought from outside in case something happened. Misunderstanding, trouble.

After saving the bag, I went to various places. When I passed a hall, I looked inward. It was a hall with a price of [-] yuan. Hundreds of people were playing with stones.

Le Yun turned on the X-ray scanning eyes and found a good aura. She was rubbing secretly to start the leak detection mode. Just as she was about to go in, she thought of a group of servants, and turned around to say hello to everyone: "I'm going to play, everyone wants to go. Wherever you go, you don't have to go out of your way to accommodate me."

"You're welcome, little girl, let's look around." Ji Shao walked into the hall with a smile.

The other few also agreed and walked to the hall casually. Rather than playing gambling stones, they wanted to see what other leaks the little girl would pick up and what surprises they found.

A group of handsome young men didn't intend to leave the team, and Le Yun didn't force it.

Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu are purely playing with his sister. Wherever Xiaolele goes, Yanxing Liu Xiangyang is also a bodyguard, so he will follow decisively.

Zhou Dong and Zhou Shao, Ji Shao, and Xuan Shao walked separately. Anyway, they were in the same hall. Everyone walked around, and it was not too late for them to follow when the little girl left.

In order not to be robbed of what she likes, Le Yun resolutely rushes to the target.

All the rough jadeite stones in the hall are placed on the shelves, the shelves are arranged in a row, and a layer of cloth is laid.

The crown is doing profit-making activities. The price of rough stones is lower than that sold in other jade fields or stores. The same size costs 800 yuan in other places. catty.

The place with the strongest aura in the music rhyme is at the end of a row of shelves. In order not to be noticed by others, you can walk along the space between the shelves and watch, walk to the end, and then go around to reach the destination, because there are many People surrounded the shelf, and there was no place for her, standing on the side, looking in from the gap, opening the X-ray red scan of the eyes, looking for the specific stone.

After a scan, the target was determined. The stone was not big, only about seven or eight pounds. She waited quietly, sweating in her heart, and someone turned the stone in her image over and over to appreciate it.

After the two of them were gone, Le Xiaoxiao took advantage of her petite body to grab a position. She just squeezed to the edge of the shelf, holding her prey in both hands and taking a flashlight.

"..." She said that she had a strong psychological tolerance and felt a little bit like a dog, so she could only pretend that her goal was not that one, picked up a rock, and looked at it with a muffler.

When the man abandoned her target rough stone, Le Yun calmly dropped a rough stone in her hand, moved the target to an angle, and pretended to look at it and touch it, looking at it several times, then picked up the stone and stepped back .

Turning around, there stood a beautiful young brother, a beautiful young sister Fu, and two door gods. Without saying a word, she shoved the stone into handsome Yan's arms and let him hold it.

Yan Xing, who has been in the air for a long time, followed Little Loli with a stone in her arms, her eyes raised in secret, and she was in a good mood. Little Loli was willing to let him be a porter, which showed that she did not annoy him.

Picking up a stone with spiritual energy, Le Yun was in a beautiful mood, and swayed slowly, Chao went to a place in another row of shelves, and started with a stone the size of a bowl, looked around again, and took it to pay.

Each hall has a cashier, which is very convenient.

The price cannot be negotiated. The seven or eight catties of stones cost 3 yuan, and the bowl-sized stones cost [-] yuan. The price is based on the production site. Both are old pit products, and the price is relatively expensive.

Xuan Shaoji and Zhou Shaowushao didn't make a move. Zhou Dong started with a rough stone. Seeing that the little girl was about to change positions, they also gathered around the little girl's siblings in an orderly manner and followed.

After paying the money, Chao Yufu stuffed the stone into his backpack and scrambled to carry it. Yan Xing did not argue with her, fulfilling Miss Chao Er's wish to be a transport worker.

Come out of the [-] hall, and go to the [-] hall opposite.

Le Yun walked and looked, and approached the place with strong spiritual energy. Halfway through, there were two stones with thin spiritual energy that were picked up and leaked. She slipped around and picked out a piece with her fist from a pile of stones, but she was careless. Take a walk around, pay, and leave.

Xuan Shao and others all withdrew empty-handed.

The next hall is a hall above [-] and below [-]. As soon as they entered the hall, the Zhou family, Ji family, and Xuan family bodyguards who came to scout the environment first reported to the master in a low voice, "The Fourth Young Master Lan and the Third Miss Tantai are also there. Here, there is also Third Young Master Jiang."

Xuan Shao, Ji Shao Zhou Shao quickly inspected the hall, and soon found Lan Shao and Tantai Mi Xue, a pair of handsome men and beautiful women were admiring stones by a row of shelves on the left side of the entrance hall; Between a row of shelves, Jiang Shao may have found their family and was looking at the entrance door.

The Jiang family has a sect branch in Beijing, and it is still an old direct line. The Jiang family in Beijing is also very prosperous. The Jiang family received the invitation from the crown, and Jiang Shao was idle and went to the crown celebration venue to join in the fun.

His original intention was to walk around and be active, so as not to become an ignorant guy and meet Lan Shao at the stone gambling venue.

Jiang Shao strolled around, and the people around him found that Ji Shao, Zhou Shaoxuan, and Shao Xuan's guards entered the hall to report to him. At first, he was a little surprised. When he saw Ji Shao Zhou Shaoxuan and Yan Shao accompanied the Chao family brothers and sisters into the hall, they immediately Take the initiative to find Xuan Shao and others.

Hearing Ji Jiaxuan's family talking about Young Master Jiang, Le Yun turned her head and asked in an inquiring tone, "You are talking about Young Master Jiang, is it the famous Jiang Ji?"

"Yes, it's him." Zhou Shao caressed his wrist and was delighted. The little girl has a good memory, and if she really mentions her surname, she will be able to put people in the right seat.

From Zhou Shao's answer, it can be seen that Zhou Shao and Jiang Shao have a good relationship. Le Yun guessed that he would have to say hello to the boy. The Latin American boy brother and sister Fu stood aside and stood in a relatively remote place, so as not to block the road.

He stood still and looked for who was Young Master Jiang. After a round of searching, he was quickly placed in the seat. If he didn't miss out, the slender, sassy, ​​intellectual, mature and beautiful man who came to the entrance of the hall should be Young Master Jiang.

People are good looking, it's just weight...

Le Yun pouted, that one is underweight, the elder brother of the Xiao family is overweight, and the younger one of the Jiang family is underweight, overweight is a disease, and underweight is also a disease.

Jiang Shao saw that the little girl, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao and others were standing and didn't leave. Zhou Shao was still winking at himself. He quickened his pace, passed the people passing by, walked out of the shelf area, and walked quickly while sorting out because there were too many people. Got a messy suit and shirt.

Zhou Shao and everyone waited for Jiang Sanshao to come over, and laughed and teased: "Jiang San, you don't need to make up your face, anyway, they are all beautiful men. You just need to squint the phoenix eyes, and you can discharge a lot of beautiful women."

"Then, can you electrocute the little girl?" Jiang Shao hit the snake and followed the stick, blinked his phoenix eyes, and discharged electricity at the white and tender little girl. As the data said, the little girl who was suspected of being a fairy doctor was really watery, so white and tender. Yes, I don't know how many boys will be greedy.

"!" Liu Xiangyang really wanted to suggest that Xiao Xingxing start a fight. The little beauty was obviously the military doctor they had chosen first. Who, one or two of these people came to grab the little beauty and wanted to kill them!
Yan Xing raised his eyebrows lightly. He was so handsome that he couldn't be attracted to Little Lolita. Whoever wanted to use a handsome man's tricks would only end up "planting onions on the slate - a waste of effort".

Ji Shao Xuan Shao Wu looked at the little girl with a smile, wondering how she would answer.

"No." Le Yun gave the answer very seriously and seriously: "I don't have face control, beauty tricks are useless to me, it's too difficult for me to bow down under someone's suit pants, the possibility of being beaten down by me bigger."

"Fortunately, I'm not stupid enough to want to use the stupid trick of the beauty trick. After all, even though I'm good looking, I'm not as good as Young Master Yan, as beautiful as Young Master Xuan, as heroic as Young Master Ji, as calm and reserved as Young Master Zhou. Advantage." Jiang Shao's long and narrow Danfeng eyes overflowed with a smile: "Little girl, Chao Shao, Chao Er girl, hello, let me introduce myself formally, I am Jiang Ji."

People took the initiative to come over to say hello, and they were so easy-going. Le Yun also politely reached out to shake Jiang Shao's hands. Even if they couldn't be friends, they weren't enemies at this moment.

"It's a pleasure to meet." Chao Yubo reached out and shook hands with Shao Jiang, and Chao Yufu also reached out and shook hands with Shao Jiang, and said politely "Good meeting".

Shaking hands with the Chao family brothers and sisters, Jiang Shao met Yan Shao’s Fa Xiaoliu Shao, and shook hands with Jay Chou to say hello. Xuan Shao originally wanted to drag the silver-clothed beautiful boy out and introduce him to Jiang Shao, but he glared at him fiercely. I had no choice but to let everyone be familiar with it without introducing it.

Officially brushing his face successfully, Jiang Shao asked with a smile: "Little girl, what do you want to do quickly, so as not to be snatched away, I hesitated for three seconds before, a stone I liked was taken away by someone, and a spring belt was opened Cai, it made my heart ache for a minute."

"If you've ever seen the baby that the little girl opened, you will probably feel heartache for an hour. Little girl, go, go, and let's see who's lucky." Ji Shao punched Jiang Shao, eager to try to find the target to start.

"Okay, everyone, let's see who is lucky enough to catch the leak." Le Yun didn't talk nonsense, she started running in a hurry, and I don't know what day it will be today. With such a good chance, she went to meet Shitou and strive to earn [-] million today.

The little girl ran away, and Jiang Shao looked at Zhou Shao: "Is the little girl an expert?"

"She said no, but the little girl knows medicine, and she found a piece of treasure by smell. Someone asked for two hundred million. I won't tell you, and I will pick it up. Maybe I'll be lucky and I can make extra money. ."

Zhou Shao Shi Shiran was talking, and Shi Shiran walked to the shelf area with a serious tone and a hidden smile.

Jay Chou and Ji Shao were also scattered, looking to see if they could find any leaks.

The beautiful young man in silver clothes must have dragged Xuan Shao to run. She couldn't find a porter, so it was the best choice to pull Xuan Shao.

A bunch of people scattered, Jiang Shao and Zhou Shao walked together, and the guards of each family also scattered to keep up with the young masters.

Lan Shao found that Xuan Shao and others, saw Jiang Shao go over to say hello, and watched the group of people disperse, and became more and more puzzled, did he ignore something?Why did Ji Shao, Zhou Shaoxuan, Jiang Shao greet the little girl and seemed to get along well, but the little girl did not accept his invitation?
When Xuan Shao and others scattered everywhere, he secretly paid attention, and no longer went to the little girl to say hello.

Xiao Lele ran away, Chao Yubo and Chao Yufu were chasing after him again, Liu Xiangyangyan did not hurry, and fell behind warmly.

In the mentality of working hard to make money, Le Yun took aim and aim, secretly thinking about whether to buy all the stones with spiritual energy and take them away, and then sell them on the spot, make enough money, and then pat on the buttocks and leave.

Thinking like that, a person grinned happily, his eyes rolled around, glanced at this row of shelves, glanced over there, and touched here and there as if to join in the fun.

Chao Yufu thought that the small dumplings would start in large numbers, but Zuo Zanxigu, the small powder dumplings, just didn't start, which made her unable to calm down.

After walking for half a circle, Le Yun started with a three-pound rough stone with yellow and white skin. According to the mark, it was produced in Laokengkou, the place of origin. The price was also surprisingly high, [-].

Turning around again, I bought a gray-white raw stone, less than a catty, 15 yuan, calculated to cost nearly [-] yuan, my heart hurts slightly, thinking that there is still a hall I haven’t visited, and the other few rough stones have aura but are very weak , Give up first, hold the stone to pay.

The beautiful boy followed, helped pay by card, and loaded stones.

Jay Chou took a fancy to a stone and was still watching, so he was temporarily behind. Zhou Shao and Jiang Shao each started a piece of material and went to checkout. Ji Shao went straight out of the hall, and Wu Shao dragged Xuan Shao away.

Ji Shao and Wu Shao Xuan Shao first went to the hall of more than [-] yuan. They wandered into the high-end raw material area, watched slowly, and found a few acquaintances who had a relationship, that is, they met at the calcite in Panyuan in the morning. Ji Lao, Qian Zong, Li Zong and Tang Zong who have known Jay Chou.

The beautiful young man paid, and Zhou Shao, Jiang Shaoyan, Shao Liu Shaohuang went to the largest original stone hall, raised your feet high into the hall, and saw the rows of shelves covered with red cloth, and the stones were lined up like a team of students in military training, neat and tidy. The people in the hall are well-dressed.

Ji Lao was watching the stone, his sleeve was pulled, and he turned his head. Mr. Tang saw him and whispered: "The little girl and her friends are here again in the morning."

"Huh?" Ji Lao followed Mr. Tang's instructions to look at the hall door, and he saw a small, cute, white and tender girl walking into the hall with a beautiful young man's arm on his shoulders. There were a few handsome young people next to him. Look in another direction. There are also little girl friends.

Ji Lao suddenly came to the spirit, waiting for the little girl to pick the stone, and when she went to dissolve the stone, he followed to snatch it.

Mr. Tang could also guess what Ji Lao was thinking, smiled and continued to watch the stone.

"Xiao Lele, go play, and buy it if you like." Xiao Lele's beautiful almond eyes turned smartly, and Chao Yubo didn't hold her back, rushing her to buy and buy happily.

Chao Yufu smiled and supported his waist. It was rare for the beautiful younger brother to support the girls to buy, buy and buy.

The beautiful young brother didn't stop himself, Le Yun ran away, Zhou Shao Jiang Shao smiled brightly, the little girl was a little childlike when she was lively, and she really looked like a little adult when she was not happy.

Yan Shao and Liu Shao were the little girl's valet, they didn't chase after them, they walked to the other side by themselves, they intuitively followed the little girl and couldn't pick good things.

Le Yun left the tail behind, scanned the target as she walked, found the target, and killed it. There were a group of people crowding around to admire the stone, waiting patiently, waiting for others not to touch the target she was interested in, then quickly pulled it out and picked it up. The stone went straight to the cashier, and the corners of her mouth turned up with joy. Her goal was: [-] million, [-] million, [-] million!
(End of this chapter)

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