magic eye doctor

Chapter 392 This piece is not for sale

Chapter 392 This piece is not for sale
The little girl was discussing the rough stone with the jade jewelers, and the onlookers also reacted, thinking of what she had overlooked: Does the little girl really know jade?

They clearly remembered that the little girl asked the man to follow him to get the stone, to earn back the money she lost, and then she took the man for a walk, and the man brought back the stone, which rose sharply.

After thinking about it, it only means that the little girl is an expert, or a particularly powerful expert, otherwise how can she do what she says?
The mood of the onlookers changed instantly, and they especially wanted to know what the stone that the little girl bought herself could produce.

The little girl promised Mr. Li the first stone to be opened. Jay Chou was a little impatient, intuition that the stones picked by the little girl were all good things, maybe the first one was a particularly good material.

Mr. Li received a promise, and his heart was filled with joy, waiting for the good material of the first stone to come out.

Chao Yufu and Yan Xing took out the stones they were helping to carry and put them on the ground. Chao Yubo also put down a precious stone that he was holding to make six pieces.

Take a look, Le Yun touches her chin, touches this piece, touches that piece, and struggles with which piece to throw out to be stabbed, and finally pulls the seven or eight-jin stone bought from the [-] hall out of the team. , take it to open.

The worker took the customer's stone and put it on the platform to fix it, and operated the machine to cut the knife in the designated place, cut it to the bottom, and then wiped the section, and the center area showed a touch of blue.

"Blue Fei!"

Everyone waited for a stone on the calcite table, and they observed it carefully. When they saw a little blue fluorescent light on the cross-section, they couldn't restrain their excitement.

The calcite observed for a while, calculated the thickness of the shell in rough steps, and estimated the knife again. After a knife, he rubbed the jade surface dangerously. After cutting out the knife, he also determined the calculated thickness of the oar, and started the knife again. The cutting work is much smoother. One knife on the left, one knife on the right, one knife in front and one knife in the back, one knife at a time, then turn over, adjust, and cut again.

After a round of cutting, a layer of waste gravel was cut off, and the original stone was removed one circle, showing blue everywhere, very much like a piece of cloth with blue clumps.

The staff picked up the stone and sent it to the grinder for grinding by hand, grinding out a small half of the place, finely grinding it with sandpaper to remove the residual shell, and then wiping it with a damp cloth to give it a clean surface.

When it is presented in front of people, the color of the stone is amazing, the whole body is blue, it is a faint blue, like a large blue rose blooming in the sun, enchanting and charming.

That blue is a gorgeous blue, glamorous and radiant.

The transparency of blue jadeite is slightly inferior to that of glass, similar to that of ice.

"Blue Enchantress."

The eyes of a group of bigwigs waiting for the result lit up. The blue enchantress is second only to the smurfs. The smurfs are pure and rational blue. The blue enchantress is a charming and charming blue. Known as the enchantress, and because of a bit of a coquettish taste, the quality is only ranked after the orthodox blue Smurfs representing loyalty, calmness and rationality.


"200 million."

"300 million."

"400 million."

After observing the size of the rough stone, those who have been eager to start bidding began.

Ji Shao Zhou Shaoxuan Shao Jiang Shao has only one thought in mind: The little girl really knows jade!She may not be a stone gambler, but she definitely has a set of skills to identify the quality of jade.

Chao Yubo only admires Chao Yufu. The stones Xiaolele starts are of high quality. She must have two eyes of fire and gold, so she can break the jade and know the treasure, and know which raw stone contains good materials.

The price is still rising, and the people who eat melon can hear mosquito coils in their eyes.The bidders are all rich people, willing to spend tens of millions to buy stones, rich people are willful.

"You guys are so unkind. This is mine. The little girl said she would give me the first piece, 4000 million!" Mr. Li almost wanted to get rough. The little girl had already promised him the first piece. How could those guys do that? snatch his baby.

As soon as the bidding price reached 300 million, Mr. Li raised the price to 4000 million in one go. The voices of the big guys vying for the quotation stopped abruptly, and there was an urge to be slapped in the face.

A stone weighing more than seven catties weighs about five catties after being cut in a circle, and two to three bracelets can be produced. Other materials are used to make earrings, jade buckles, ring earrings, etc., which fall into the hands of powerful jewelry companies. To maximize the benefits, the value can be turned up to at least 7000 million.

If the planning is good, if you buy it at the original price of 4000 million, and after deducting costs such as labor costs, you can earn at least 1000 million.

"Stop—" After taking a breath, the price soared up, Le Yun hurriedly called a stop: "There is no need to increase the price, a man must keep his word, 4000 million, belongs to Mr. Li."

"..." The bosses who haven't had time to make an offer all looked at the little girl invariably. Li Dong also looked at the little girl for the first time with a formal, rival-like look. The little girl looked small and ignorant of the world. However, the means of dealing with the world is sophistication, and it can be unswerving, not a mortal.

It's a pity that the money didn't go into your pocket, so you feel a little stuffy.

"Thank you, little girl, I'll give you two sets of pendants when the jewelry is made." President Li beamed with joy.

The auction of the stones was completed on the spot. The calcites moved the stones to the platform, wrapped them in waterproof soft paper, and put them in a bag.

Mr. Li picked up the bag with a smile on his face, held it in his palm and stroked it, as gentle as stroking a lover.

Le Yun didn't pay attention to what Mr. Li said, and secretly counted her own money with her fingers. There were 600 million plus 600 million in the morning, and a total of 200 million. After deducting the capital, there were still nearly 9000 million, plus the current 4000 million, one hundred and thirty million.

Exceeded the million-dollar mark.

Counting them, Le Xiaoxue was so happy that thousands of flowers were blooming in her heart, and her heart was bright with spring, and her eyes narrowed with a smile.

She was so happy that she was completely absent for nine days. When Mr. Li's secretary asked for the number to transfer money, Chao Yubo called her and didn't respond. He took out his mobile phone and transferred the bank card number of Xiaolele to Mr. Li's secretary for transfer. .

"Little dumplings, little dumplings..." Chao Yufu eagerly wanted to continue dissolving stones after the surprise. He asked Xiaofan dumplings which piece to solve, but no one responded after calling twice, and reached out to squeeze Xiaofan dumpling's tender cheeks.

"Well, Sister Fu, you're bullying me again. I'm going to tell my grandparents that you've been pinching my face and deforming my face." The mind wandering around was pulled back, and Le Yun pulled away the pervert Fu Fu. My sister's claws protect her face.

"Who told you to ignore me." After pinching Xiaofan Tuanzi's face a few times, Miss Chao took it away when she saw it.

"Sister Fu called me something?" IQ Online, Le Xiao classmate asked slowly.

"Yes, which stone will you solve next?"

"Let me think about it," Le Yun squatted down and pointed her stone: "You, you, you, or you, no, no, no, you are a beauty, you can't undress in public, you are a medicine girl, you can't undress, forget it , it's up to you to accept the baptism of skin peeling and cramping."

After picking it up for a while, he picked up a stone that was less than a pound in the [-]-price hall, and said that he would let it go out and be stabbed. In fact, he couldn't put it down.

The little girl was thinking about it, and many people were covered in cold sweat. When she finally seemed to have chosen a target, she was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when she heard that the solution was described as a skin cramp, and she almost choked. The bear child is still a bear, and the character of the little genius doctor collapses!

Chao Yubo has a sense of Xiao Lele being dropped. Xiao Lele is clearly a clever, clever, sensible and innocent little angel, how could he become so speechless?
Seeing her pull out the stone, he bent down silently, took the stone from her hand and handed it to the staff, so that Xiao Lele would not regret it again.

Each piece of stone selected by Le Xiaoxiao is complete, and it is full of stew ingredients. The clear ingredients are peeled, and the semi-bright ingredients are open to see the tip of the iceberg through a small window. The complete ingredients are stew ingredients.

The staff picked up a small piece of stone and took it to be polished. He was very careful and took a look at it. When it was polished to a faint gemstone luster, the thickness of the paddle layer was determined. Grind the skin on a grinding wheel.

One helped to cool down with water, the other was responsible for polishing, grinding off a paddle layer, and then rubbing it gently with sandpaper, and soon the color was revealed, and he showed the stone to everyone.

"Red Fei?"

There was a red light between the gray and white skins about the size of an adult's fist, the luster was bright, and the red was extremely bright.

The calcite let everyone see that it is a big increase. It is not too late. Grind again, grind off the paddle layer piece by piece, make a few circles, remove the rough shell, and then rub it with fine sandpaper to carefully wipe off the residue. He was so excited that he couldn't control himself.

When he turned around, everyone saw a red light flashing. When the stone was placed on the platform, everyone could not wait to appreciate it. There was a bright red stone lying on the soft cloth. Open color, delicate and transparent jade, stunningly beautiful.

"Blood Beauty?!"

The big men who knew the goods crowded around excitedly, their eyes glued to the red jade and could not tear it off. If you look closely, the jade is as delicate as the skin of a beautiful woman, with vitreous luster and high transparency, only slightly worse than glass. , more transparent than ice, reaching a high ice level that is almost close to glass.

A small stone dances like a beauty in red clothes. The bright red color brings light and warmth to people, and makes people feel infinite enthusiasm at first sight.

Mr. Qian, Mr. Li, Mr. Tang and Jay Chou watched with enthusiasm. The piece of red jade that the little girl opened in the morning was of the top grade, and this one was of the highest quality, and it was also a rare treasure among the red jade.

"5000 million." The blood beauty is too rare, and Li Dong rushed to snatch it immediately.

Xuan Shao, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao thought... wanted to tie up the little girl and rob him. That child opened a red jadeite in the morning, 600 million. They thought it was a rare and good jadeite, but in a blink of an eye she produced a top-quality jadeite Blood beauty, I have to admit that the little girl has the potential to attract hatred, and they can't help but want to be jealous of her.

No less: "!" This world is too crazy, she is going to Mars.

Chao Yufu laughed so much that the corners of his mouth were pulling behind his ears, the little dumplings can make money, it's incredible, at this rate, the little dumplings are going to become rich women.

Chao Yubo pouted bitterly, Xiao Lele is so powerful, he can cure diseases, and can make money, he doesn't need to worry about anything, his brother has become a decoration, and he... is a little heartbroken.

Yan Xing can only sigh. Little Lolita has never been her own. She is a blockbuster. First, she became famous in Beijing's elite circles with her superb medical skills. boundary.

Liu Xiangyang was dumbfounded, 5000 million!This piece is twice as much as the red jadeite in the morning. This money is so easy to earn. Let those who go out early and return late to move bricks to support their families know how heartbroken it must be.

The onlookers were stunned by the sky-high price.

"Fifty one million." Jay Chou raised the price instantly.

"200 million." Mr. Tang was not to be outdone.

"Fifty three million." Mr. Qian was not far behind.

Ji Lao anxiously said: "6000 million."

"Sixty-six million..."

"Eighty-two million." When the price soared to 200 million, Li Dong increased his price again.

"Stop, stop, stop-" the bidder shouted too fast, the price made Le Yun elated, and she still decisively stopped: "This piece will not be sold, no matter how high the price is."

"Little girl, sell it."

"Little girl, the price can be negotiated."

Hearing that the owner of the stone said he would not sell it, a group of jewellers were anxious. High-grade red jadeite was hard to find in a hundred miles, not to mention the best-grade blood beauty.

Le Yun rushed to the platform of the calcifier, picked up the blood-red stone on the board, and neatly stuffed it into her backpack for collection.

When everyone saw the best blood beauty, he disappeared, and his eyes turned to the other few stones of the little girl, and his eyes were hot.

Not letting them down, the little girl slipped back to her pile of stones, picking and picking, picking out a fist-sized stone bought from the [-] hall and a bowl-sized stone from the [-] hall and sent it to the solution.

Two workers took the stone, one with a fist-sized piece and the other with a bowl-sized piece. Anyway, there are more than enough staff members, and calcining the stone can improve efficiency.

The two went to work at the same time to polish the shell skin. The rough jade stone is small and the skin is relatively thin, so the speed is naturally faster, and the color is quickly seen. The small one is purple, and the big one is blue.

The two calcites carefully polished it, and it took about ten minutes. The rough stone with the size of a fist successfully removed the shell, and then used sandpaper to polish it, and finally washed the dust.

Men, women and children have been waiting for the result. When the staff turned around, he couldn't help but stare blankly. He was holding a small purple ball in his hand, a deep dark purple, the texture was as transparent as glass, and the purple ball was graceful and generous. Expensive.

"Purple eyes, purple eyes!"

Someone in the general audience shouted.

"Transparent, plump, water head and foot, eggplant purple, Laokeng glass kind of purple eyes?" Ji Lao was amazed: "I saw the best blood beauty, I thought it was a worthwhile trip today, and now I have the best purple eyes, it's really big Eyes open."

"Wow, purple, so pretty." Chao Yufu smiled and hugged the tomboy's shoulders, jumping with joy.

The corners of your mouth are not small, the little girl is too strong, her heart has been hurt by [-] million points, and she needs someone to comfort her!

Many sighed again, they wanted to rob!

(End of this chapter)

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