magic eye doctor

Chapter 398 Master's Nephew Is Really Handsome

Chapter 398 Master's Nephew Is Really Handsome

Thank her for what?
Yan Ren is inexplicably still very serious to say thank you, Le Yun is a little confused, what are you thanking her for?Is it to thank her for not beating him today, or to thank her for inviting him to dinner?
Handsome Yan's attitude is too good, and since it's a festival, she doesn't do anything to spoil the fun, and doesn't ask Yan people to thank her. When Yan Xing's footsteps reach the third floor, she closes the door tightly, locks the security door, and turns off the heating.

Take safety measures, brush and clean the large rice cooker, move it to the open space to connect to the electricity, take water from the space and pour it into the pot, and then remove the medicinal materials and throw them into the pot to boil.

After the medicine was put in the pot, don't worry about it for the time being. Le Yun picked up the backpack with stones and slipped back into the space. She turned on the flashlight and looked for it. The little fox and the little black monkey were sleeping in the dragon blood tree. They were awakened by the flashlight and stuck their heads out to look.

She bared her teeth at the little fox and the little black monkey, and checked other crops with a flashlight. The little fox collected mushrooms and some medicinal herbs. Some were too big and left for her to handle. For medicinal herbs, go to touch lotus root to pick flowers and leaves, and then pick tea leaves.

After taking care of the crops, sitting on the grass next to the stone base, digging out your own jadeite stones and jadeites and arranging them in a row, and admire them alone.

The little fox swallowed quietly in the tree hole. The few stones that the little human girl brought home are very pure in nature and metal, and I really want to eat them!
In order not to be regarded as a gluttonous fox by the little girl, the little fox silently hypnotized herself, and when she did not see the existence of the little human girl and her stones, she lay dead.

I found a bunch of stones. Some of them are of special use. Le Yun is so beautiful that I want to fly. I've had enough appreciation. I moved the stones to my private collection and put them in order. Brush the toothbrush clean, find a glass bottle, fill it with well water to soak the stone, seal it with film paper, and put it on the writing table for daily observation.

Check the boiled medicine, add medicinal materials and enough well water, take a bath happily, go back to the space to meditate, and sleep.

The first night of the new year in the capital city became the past in the rustling and falling snow. At the dawn of dawn, there was nothing but the vastness inside and outside the Great Wall.

The snow is still falling, and the grains and snowflakes are flying all over the sky.

This kind of weather is not suitable for driving. It is most suitable for enjoying the joy of heaven at home, or making tea and enjoying the snow with three or five friends. Therefore, people who get up early in the morning and do not need to go to work decide to stay at home and enjoy the last day of New Year's Day holiday. Leave, or call a friend early to make an appointment, or go for a walk to enjoy the snow or drink tea.

Professor Wan Teng's family got up at 05 o'clock, had breakfast at 30:[-], and set off at [-] o'clock. Eight people and two cars headed slowly towards Qingda University.

The brother of the Xiao family also rushed early and arrived at Chao Erye's house at 06:30. He didn't take a bus or drive, but trotted on two legs, which not only exercised his body but also tested himself.

The old men and the old ladies were also very happy when they saw Brother Jun who was really determined to exercise and lose weight. Mrs. Chao took the little fat man and his grandson to sit for breakfast together.

Successfully catching up with breakfast, Xiao Junyi was so happy that her eyes narrowed into a line, looking at him like that, the beautiful young man calmly said how delicious the noodles and lotus leaf roast chicken made in the oven bought by Xiaofendanzi was so delicious. Induce the little brother to insist on practicing.

The original intention of the beautiful boy was to stimulate Brother Xiao's perseverance, but not only Brother Xiao was drooling when he heard it, but the parents of the Chao family were also tempted. He gets along with the little powder dumplings at school day and night, and he can often enjoy himself.

Therefore, early in the morning, the beautiful boy attracted a lot of hatred for himself, which also caused him to be surrounded by the language of his parents and Xiao brother and sister all morning, and persuaded him to take the small dumpling home for three or two days during the winter vacation. Let her go back to E North's hometown.

On New Year's Day, Yan Xing was in a good mood and slept very soundly. He woke up naturally and found that it was just five o'clock. , Get up, put on sportswear and go out to exercise.

In the early morning, only the snow reflects the light, the sky is misty, quiet and peaceful, no one runs on a snowy day, and he is alone with the snowflakes, which is also very peaceful.

Bearing the snowflakes, I ran all the way to the Zhuangyuan Building, where the schoolmasters lived. It was quiet all around, no one was walking around, and there was no clanging sound made by washing people.

There is a faint smell of medicine in the air, in addition to the smell of snow.

Yan Xing sniffed the air and did not disturb the residents of the Zhuangyuan Building. He turned and ran around the dormitory area twice. The sky was bright, and he stopped running. He went back to the dormitory to take a shower, and then went to the cafeteria. I wandered around the vegetable market, purchased some items, and then came back slowly.

He drove back to the road to the west gate of the school and saw that one of the two cars in front of him was a little familiar.

What did Professor Wan Cheng do when he went back to school early in the morning?
He followed quietly behind the two cars and entered the school gate. After driving for a short distance, Yan Xing watched Professor Wan Cheng's car drive towards the staff dormitory. He immediately accelerated and went straight to the student dormitory area.

I took a shortcut all the way back to the dormitory, stopped at the Xueba Building, and saw that the time was still 5 minutes away from [-]:[-], and I hurriedly climbed the stairs with my big bags and small bags, and climbed to the fourth floor in one breath. The door, the door opened by itself.

"..." Seeing the cute and cute little Loli showing her body, Yan Xing was embarrassed, and she didn't know where to put her eyes, so she greeted awkwardly: "Little Lolita, early, are you going out?"

Based on the conscientious and responsible benevolence of doctors, Le Yun solved the problem of food and clothing in the morning, added some medicinal materials to the pot, packed up the medical tools, and was about to leave Professor Wan Cheng's house. Wait for a while, and let the person who went upstairs go over before going out.

Unexpectedly, the footsteps stopped directly at the door of his dormitory. Without thinking about it, he could guess 100% that it was Yan Ren with his knees.

Opening the door, he saw a handsome and handsome guy in a black suit, tall and straight, as strong and arrogant as Xiuzhu. Le Yun's sunny face turned into a tiger's face: "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

"Last night, I saw that there were no vegetables in your dormitory. I'll go buy some and deliver it in the morning." Yan Xing was stared at, but her tense heartstrings relaxed. When the little loli was fierce, it was actually not harmful. She had a bright smile on her face and eyes It's when it's cold that it's really hot.

He didn't need to explain it, Le Yun could guess what he was doing by looking at the pile of bags in his hand. She wanted to kill him just because she was a little upset. She ran to buy food early in the morning. Purpose.

One day's plan is in the morning. He wakes up early in the morning and stays in the dark regardless of the cold to buy food and deliver it. She can't yell at him too fiercely, stare at him, open the door, and let him carry things into the dormitory.

Little Loli didn't spit on her face, Yan Xing stretched her brows and eyes, and smiled at the corners of her lips. She entered the girls' dormitory on her side, ran to the refrigerator in three steps, put away the things she bought, and walked like a Fei jumped to the door, smirked, reached out and grabbed the bag containing the medical tools that Little Loli was holding to help him.

"I'm going to give acupuncture to Tantai's Sleeping Beauty again? It's snowing outside, and it's inconvenient to ride a bicycle. I'll take you there."

"!" There is a guy who is super good at being a man and a person who can be liked to come to be a drug boy, what else can Le Yun do?Crooking the corners of his mouth, he stepped out the door first and went downstairs.

Little Loli did not refuse her request to be the driver, Yan Xing was overjoyed, closed the door, and ran downstairs after the girl in the red winter clothes.

When they got to the ground on the first floor, the two got into the car. Major Yan put the medical tool box in the back seat and drove straight to the staff dormitory area.

Tantai Mingguang brought his two grandsons, the housekeeper, and Tan Yi to live at Professor Wan Cheng's house for a few days, and got used to it, cooking and cleaning by himself.

In the morning, the Tantai family had just cleaned up after breakfast. The owner, Professor Wan Cheng, and his family came to the school. Tantai Mingguang was also shocked and almost thought there was something urgent. Fortunately, I heard that it was Wan Cheng. The eldest young master wanted to come to the school to have a look, and the heart that he mentioned was able to come to the ground.

The two grandsons of the Wan Cheng family were named after the owner of the Wan Cheng family, and the two grandsons of the Tantai family were recognizable to everyone, so everyone was familiar with them. Therefore, when Wan Cheng Ruiye and Wang Ruichen went to their grandparents' dormitory house in the school After saying hello to Tantai Mingguang, I went to see Tantai Xunyang with Tantai Xunhuan. After that, Tantai Xunhuan and Wang Ershao got together to give full play to their gossip potential, chatting unscrupulously.

Professor Wan Cheng, Mrs. Wang and Tantai Mingguang made tea and watched the snow from the window.

The last time I visited the staff dormitory area, Yan Xing also knew where Professor Wan Cheng lived. He drove the car downstairs, helped the medical tool box and backpack, and followed Little Loli upstairs.

Outside Professor Wan Cheng's house on the second floor, I vaguely heard the cheerful laughter, Yan Xing stretched out his arms, stretched forward from one side, and knocked on the door for Little Loli.

Professor Wan Cheng and Tantai Mingguang were citing Bogu and talking eloquently. When they heard the door slam and laughed and interrupted the topic, Mrs. Wang stood up happily and looked at it: "It must be my little padded jacket."

Tantai Xunhuan ran faster, swooped out, ran to the door before Uncle Xing, opened the door excitedly, and saw the beautiful little fairy, smiling with Bai Yingying's silver teeth: "Little fairy, we Waiting for you for a long time."

He first saw the little beauty, and then he realized that the tall and beautiful young man standing behind the beautiful little girl shouted "Hello, Master Yan."

When Tantai Mingguang and Professor Wan Cheng heard Xiao Xunhuan's words, they knew that Xiaolele was really here, and when they heard the sentence "Master Yan", their eyes were deep, why did Xiaozi keep sticking to the little girl?
Wang Ruichen was first surprised, and then a little depressed. He was afraid that Little Loli would hit him.

"Little handsome guy, touch your sister's head!" Seeing the fair-skinned handsome boy, Le Yun decisively bullied the children at a lower altitude than her. As soon as she stretched out her little devil's claws, she landed on the Tantai handsome boy's head, messing up his hair, and feeling emotional It was great, and ran inside with a rippling smile: "Mother and wife, your elementary school students are here again."

Tantai Xunhuan was helpless when a girl who was a little bit taller than him touched his head, and he couldn't avoid it. He rubbed his head and turned around with a bitter look on his face.

When Xiao Xunhuan went to open the door, Wan Cheng Ruiye turned around calmly and looked at the door. He was sitting facing the window with his back facing the direction of the kitchen. After turning around, it was easy to observe the door.

At the moment when I heard the sound of the crisp jade bells colliding, a flash of red light jumped into the room, the bright red color, festive and warm, the person wrapped in red was petite and slender, the short hair was neat and smooth, and the hair was as smooth as silk. Her concave and concave figure is easy to be mistaken for a boy at first glance.

Young Master Wan Cheng wanted to cover his eyes, no wonder grandparents kept saying that elementary school students are really small.

Before Mrs. Wang reached the door, she heard the little girl calling her cheerfully, stepping on her small high-heeled shoes, and jumping to the place facing the door in three or two steps, and a petite person rushed over and was hugged.

"Ouch, my Lele little padded jacket, how do you know that Mistress is back?" Holding the little body with a little chill in her arms, Mistress Wang smiled happily and freed one hand to rub the little guy's head.

"I can smell the fragrance of my wife, as well as the unique fragrance of the elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law. I know the beauty by smelling the fragrance, so I know that the beautiful mistress is back."

Lou Yueqing and Du Qiuhe laughed so hard, the little guy's mouth is too sweet, it's really funny.

Yan Xing was a step behind, and when he stepped into the door, he saw Little Loli fluttering in the arms of Mrs. Wang, acting like a spoiled child. He silently closed the door and nodded to Professor Wan Cheng and others. When he saw the young master of Wan Cheng, he suddenly realized that it was no wonder Professor Wan Cheng. I will go back to school early. It turns out that Wan Cheng Ruiye came back, presumably to see the little loli.

Wan Zhai Ruiye Wang Ruichen recognized Yan Xing and greeted him with a smile and a nod.

"Stinky little Lele, I'm back too, why didn't I see you and say hello to the teacher?" The primary school student threw himself into his wife's arms, and Professor Wan Cheng was jealous and shouted dissatisfied.

"Professor, you are a loving wife and a model husband. I already knew that you chase after my wife wherever she goes. However, although you are very handsome, you are still not as beautiful as your wife. If you are wronged, you will be ignored for 2 minutes, and you will be jealous." It's useless, your primary school student is covered by your wife."

Professor Wan Cheng snorted to express his dissatisfaction, but he was not unhappy at all. If a primary school student could make his wife happy, he would be happy to see his wife's favor even if he could share it.

"Lele little padded jacket, don't worry about your teacher's vinegar bucket, come here, I'll introduce you to a handsome young man." Mrs. Wang beamed and helped the elementary school student straighten her hair, turned around with her little paw, and let the caring little padded jacket follow her Grandson knows.

Turning around, Le Yun saw the owner of another body odor she smelled. The handsome guy turned the chair sideways and sat facing the door. He was wearing a shirt and a white sweater. , The face is handsome and elegant, and the bearing is calm and peaceful.

When she looked over, the handsome man stood up, tall and elegant, elegant and elegant.

Taking a look, classmate Le Xiao blinked her big watery eyes and grinned: "Mother, I know who the handsome guy is, he is the eldest grandson of you and your tutor studying abroad, the only son under the lap of the master, Wang Erxiao. brother, right?"

"Oh, you guessed it right again, why is my little padded jacket so smart." The crow's feet at the corners of Mrs. Wang's eyes swayed into waves of laughter: "Little Lele, my eldest grandson is Wan Cheng Ruiye, the same year as your brother Chao. , My family was born in the first half of the year and is a few months older."

"Well, Wang Erxiao is the son of the second senior brother, and the junior nephew. The eldest grandson of the wife's family is my master nephew."

The two grandsons of Wan Cheng's family instantly turned bitter.

Tantai Mingguang is unbearably happy, and Wan Chengxing's primary school students are so daring and daring to make fun of her teacher's grandson.

"Pfft hahaha, Aye Xiaochen, please tell your little uncle to listen," Mrs. Wang couldn't help laughing, "It's too interesting, no, let me laugh for a while."

"Hello, little uncle." Wan Cheng Ruiye struggled for a while, and called out to uncle little uncle.

"Well, Master, nephew, you are fine. Also, Uncle Master wants to say that Master Nephew is really handsome, but the altitude is too high. Uncle Master will look up to you when he talks to you. I'm a little stuck."

"Haha-" Professor Wan Cheng was so amused that he couldn't help laughing.

Wan Zhai Hongli and Wang Hongzhi turned his head away, holding back his laughter.

Du Qiuhe and Lou Yueqing were laughing so hard that they could barely straighten their waists.

Wan Cheng Ruiye silently looked at the little girl whose grandparents were the baby. She was white and tender, but her mouth was a little unforgiving. If she could make her grandparents laugh, it was no wonder that her grandparents loved her.

Grandma didn't mind her primary school students calling her little grandson Wang Erxiao one by one. Wang Ershao begged for mercy with a bitter face: "Little Loli, please change the name, can you not call me Wang Erxiao."

"Well, yes, that's Wang Xiaoer?"

"..." Wang Ershao's face turned black: "Can you call me by my name, I have a name."

"Oh, it's not impossible to call your name, plus swimming in front..."

Before she could finish speaking, Wang Ershao jumped up instantly: "Don't, don't, no, Wang Erxiao is Wang Erxiao, even if it's Wang Xiaoer, don't add a prefix."

"Well, Wang Erxiao is a good boy, really good, I'll call you Wang Xiaoer in the future." Le Yun got a bargain and sold well, and Xiao Mimi used the new name Wang Xiaoer.

Wang Ruichen was so aggrieved that he was hurt, and he didn't say anything if he knew it, but he made himself even worse. Wang Erxiao was always better than Wang Xiaoer.

None of the grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts objected, and Wan Cheng Ruiye silently did not stand out, and did not go to fight for his brother's name.

Madam Wang laughed enough, and lovingly helped the little girl take off her coat: "Little Lele, take off your coat first, and drink a cup of tea to warm you up. It's hard for you to come running on such a cold day."

"Mother, I'm not cold, handsome Yan drove me here, I didn't get hit by the wind and snow." Le Yun obediently unbuttoned her coat: "I won't sit anymore, it's the right time to give acupuncture, I'll go give it first. Tantai Sleeping Beauty gets a needle."

When Tantai Xunhuan, who had been invisible for a long time, finally came alive, trot went to the room first and waited for the little fairy to give his brother a massage.

I heard that Tantai Xunyang was given acupuncture first. Wan Cheng taught the father and son, and Tantai Mingguang also stood up. Shoubo and Tanyi stood up to greet the little girl when she came.

Xiaolele's medical ethics is noble, and she is anxious about the patient's urgency. Shima Wang did not destroy her good style. She helped her take off her coat and put it on a chair, and took the little guy's soft hands to the guest room.

Brother Wan Cheng also wanted to see the little girl's medical skills, and naturally it was impossible to fall, so a large group of people went to the guest room to watch the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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