Chapter 404

Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang went home at noon, and when they entered the door, they saw the Tantai family's grandparents and grandchildren sitting in a row, husband and wife, you look at me, I look at you, their eyes are full of pride, their primary school students are so amazing, they really only need to use Let Tantai Xunyang wake up in ten days!
There was an exceptionally gifted elementary school student, a married couple whose tails were upturned, swish like a vine, growing up to the sky.

"Uncle Xing, grandpa and grandma Xing, hello." Tantai Xunyang Tantai Xunhuan stood up and said hello to the elders.

"Well, good." Professor Wan Cheng smiled and nodded while taking off his jacket: "Little Ayang, how long have you been awake, have you seen my primary school student?"

Mrs. Wang put her clothes on the hanger, walked towards Tantai grandfather and grandson three with a smile, and walked aside to write, admiring the handsome appearance of Tantai eldest young master.

"Uncle Xing, Ayang has seen the little fairy. Your elementary school students are very beautiful, cute, and very powerful. Knowing that your elementary school students rescued me, I am still shocked even now." Uncle Grandpa Xing and Grandma Xing educate primary school students about their love concept, Tantai Xunyang is very clever and flattering.

"It's natural for you to be shocked. My primary school student is extremely talented, so I'm so amazing at a young age. It's reasonable for you not to believe it." Xiao Ayang's indirect flattery was right in the right place. Professor Wan Cheng was very useful and didn't blush. compliment his pupils.

Mrs. Wang is also the proud expression of my elementary school students.

Brother Xing and his younger siblings were showing off their primary school students again. Tantai Mingguang was used to it. He felt strange that the couple didn't show their primary school students one day.

Professor Wan Cheng walked up to his wife and sat down. He brewed tea and drank the tea to moisten his throat before asking what happened. The couple was a little shocked. Their eldest grandson flew to Y country again this morning, so he couldn't. Meet with little Ayang.

Tantai Mingguang told the little girl's acupuncture process, the eldest grandson's awakening process, and the little girl's instructions. He was full of gratitude. If it wasn't for Xingdi and his wife to ask their primary school students to see his grandson, he would have to pay for it. It takes a lot of thought to find the little girl who is suspected of being a fairy doctor.

When they heard about the elementary school students, Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang were so excited that they were so proud that they were grateful and accepted by Tantai Mingguang.

Tantai Mingguang was overjoyed because the little girl woke up his eldest grandson. Another person who also had a crush on the little girl, Zhao Zongze, had become the enemy of all criticism.

I don't know who picked up his dark history piece by piece, including bullying classmates while studying, bullying girls, covering tender models, going to nightclubs, fighting with people, and confirming with Wang Qianjin that male and female friends are still frequent. Visiting nightclubs, opening rooms with young models and beauties, etc., have spread all over the city.

Mayor Wang didn't mean to lie to anyone, and left Zhao Zongze's black history theories spread in the circle to the old mother and niece to appreciate in person. The old lady Wang was so angry that she called Zhao Zongze a beast. deceived.

Wang Yuxuan always thought that Zhao Zongze was just Yan Xing's stepmother and was not liked by Yan Xing because of the identity that Yan Xing brought into Zhao's family. In other respects, he was good. He thought that Zhao Zongze was unlucky because he was a dragging oil bottle, as he said. So unbearable.

She only hated herself for being blind and crying like a mess. No matter how many calls Zhao Zongze made, she would not answer them, and she would hide at her grandma's house and never go out, so as not to be scolded behind her back.

His son, who is like a treasure, was instantly regarded as garbage by the bigwigs in the elite circle. Zhao Yixiong was anxious and painful, and tried his best to clarify for Zhao Zongze. His voice fell in the eyes of the elite circle. Covering his ears and stealing the bell, he also took another charge: Zhao Zongze was Zhao Yixiong's illegitimate son, and Zhao Yixiong spoiled the illegitimate son and wanted to destroy his biological son, Yan Xing.

People all over the capital and noble circles said that Zhao Zongze was his illegitimate son, and Zhao Yixiong was in a panic, for fear that the He family and Yan Xing grandpa would request a paternity test. According to the agreement, everything in the Zhao family, including Feixia's shares in his hands, will be returned to the He family. He will have nothing and will live on Yanxing's breath in the future.

Just when he was in a panic, He Qili, a businessman of the He family, spoke up, questioning the acting director of Feixia Group for being a public servant and misappropriating public funds for his stepson Zhao Zongze to squander. , and a more suitable person will act as the chairman of Feixia Group.

Zhao Yixiong was almost scared when he got the news. If he couldn't take charge of Feixia Group, how could he still be in Beijing?It is impossible for Zhao Zongze to inherit the Zhao family in the future.

He hadn't thought of a countermeasure yet, and a bigger wave of blows followed.

On the same day, the He family just spoke out against Zhao Yixiong and Zhao Zongze in the morning, and the second master Chao also said that the little girl of the old Chao family can not be bullied by any cat or dog. It will be like that.

The news in the noble circle spread the fastest. The statement of the He family and the Chao family spread to the circle of the noble family in less than half a day. The powerful people immediately smelled an unusual atmosphere and guessed that the He family and the Chao family formed an alliance. Think about it and understand it. The little girl of the Chao family is the little doctor who rescued Mrs. He Tai. In recent years, Zhao Zongze and Zhao Yixiong have suffered many grievances for the grandson of the He family. Zhao Zongze not only enjoys a luxurious life that does not belong to him as a stepson, but also delusionally thinks that it does not belong to him. He also had a bad idea about the little doctor who saved Mrs. He Tai, so naturally the He family couldn't hold back and decided to count the old and new hatred together, and it was normal to have an alliance with the Chao family.

Hearing that Second Master Chao also denounced his son, Zhao Yixiong was so anxious that his head was about to explode.

That’s not over yet. Next, Zhou Xin, who ranks No.12 on the Kyoto rich list, bluntly commented on a lunchtime financial interview program that a certain Mr. Zhao and his stepson are gentle scum, and they will use any means to achieve their goals, and they are ungrateful. An ungrateful person is one of the most uncooperative people. He disdains to cooperate with some people who belong to such scum, let alone discuss cooperation with a project that Mr. Zhao participated in.

Jay Chou did not name names, and everyone knew that he was talking about Zhao Zongze and Zhao Yixiong.

Jay Chou stepped down with his light foot, but there was no killing or bloodshed. However, it made Zhao Yixiong fall to the bottom in an instant. All companies and businessmen who have business cooperation with Jay Chou unanimously pulled Zhao Yixiong into the blacklist. At the same time, Some of them have cooperation projects with Zhao Yixiong, and withdraw funds as quickly as possible in order to minimize losses.

Zhao Yixiong always pays attention to financial reports to observe the reactions of the rich in Beijing, and analyzes whether there will be any top rich people who do not like him or if someone can take advantage of him when he needs a backer to throw an olive branch to him and recruit him for his own use. .

However, he did not receive any olive branch that wanted to recruit him, but he waited for a blow from the top rich Zhou family, and in shock, he collapsed in the chair as if he was collapsed, sweating profusely.

He Jiagang was dissatisfied with him when he spoke, but Zhou Xin, the top tycoon, criticized him as worthless, which means that Zhou Xin was very sure that the He family could no longer condone the Zhao family this time, so he first stated his position and would never help him secretly.

The little girl from the Chao family who saved the ancestors of the He family has excellent medical skills. There are many people in the elite circle who want to seek medical treatment. Even the top rich people like Zhou Dong have indirectly expressed their opinions. Who dares to be with him?Even the rich and powerful who are more powerful than Jay Chou's background are unlikely to risk offending the He Family, Chao Family, Little Doctor, and Yan Xing to help him. The Chao family came to subdue his value.

The panic in Zhao Yixiong's heart was like a flash flood, and even his soul was panicked. He sat in a paralyzed state for about an hour, hurriedly packed up his belongings, rushed out of the office and went downstairs in a hurry, and drove straight. Benqing University Park.

The first snow of the new year was very heavy, and there is no sign of melting so far. People or vehicles stepped on the road, causing the snow to melt, and some were pushed away by forklifts. The road is accessible.

Zhao Yixiong was in a hurry and ran all the way. He arrived at Qingda when it was approaching four o'clock. He was going to the south gate, which was also the main gate. Vehicles were restricted. When he saw the notice board, he did not change to other gates and parked his car at the school gate. Outside the small square, he trimmed his hair, put on a thick coat, got out of the car with a man's handbag, and went to guard duty and asked at the guard booth.

When someone came to inquire about the matter, the doorman greeted him politely. Of course, he did not invite people to sit at the guard booth. One was outside and the other was inside. When Zhao Yixiong explained that he was looking for Yanxing, the doorman took his ID card, dutifully implemented the work procedures, and asked the visitor. Which department and which major is the Yanxing you are looking for?

"I... I don't know which major Yan Xing is in, I only know that he is here for further study." When asked which major and which department, Zhao Yixiong didn't know, and then the security guard gave him a questioning look, and his heart became even more flustered.

"Sir, you don't know which school or department you are looking for, and we can't help you find someone. The school's student roster is only available in each school, department and office. The guards have no authority to inquire, especially for advanced students. The right to inquire. Otherwise, you can call after class."

"His phone was turned off, so I came to the school to find someone because I couldn't get through. By the way, Yan Xing is... a soldier."

"That's the military training. We have no right to find out. It is illegal to divulge the whereabouts of the soldier. His mobile phone is turned off. You can call his friend or his mentor to ask if he is in school."

"..." Zhao Yixiong choked again, how could he know the phone numbers of Yanxing's friends or mentors?Feeling annoyed for a while, Yan Xing never told him his friend's phone number or the teacher's phone number, which made him humiliated.

He felt resentment in his heart, but he couldn't say it, his liver hurt, and after holding it for three or four seconds, his eyes lit up: "I remembered that Yan Xing's other friends are not at school, only with Chao Yubo, the president of the Youth University Student Union, and Chao Shao. , can I trouble you to ask Classmate Chao for help?"

"Oh, why didn't you say it earlier, it would be easier if you were friends with President Chao. We'll call and ask President Chao after class. It's not long before the first half of the second class in the afternoon, wait a minute. Hold on."

I heard that the person the visitor was looking for was a friend of Chairman Chao, and the security guard smiled a little more friendly.

The security guard's familiarity with Shao Shao showed that Shao Shao and Chao's family were well-known, and it also made Zhao Yixiong feel cold.

The security guard waited until the break of the second half of the class, and called Xu to inform President Chao that a visitor had come to look for Yan Xing, who he knew.

The beautiful young man was enjoying the fun of taking the class with his classmates. He heard the phone vibrate during the break, and he saw that the call was from the door guard. He thought there were many invitations for him and Xiao Lele. He smiled and connected. It was said that someone surnamed Zhao was looking for Yanxing, and he guessed who it was in seconds, asked the security guard to wait a moment, and he called Yanxing.

Temporarily interrupting the call, he instead called Liu Dashao.

Yan was not at school, and Liu Shao urged him to be a good boy who would study hard every day. He went to class every day. When he received a call during class, he found out that the little princess of the Chao family was looking for him, but he was shocked.

"Xiao Chao, what's the good thing for me?" Regarding the little beauty's brother, Liu Xiangyang's mentality is that he wants to fight but can't fight, he can't fight if he wants to, and the way of getting along with a smiling face does not make him feel much. complex.

"Young Master Yan's biological father, Zhao Yixiong, is here at the calibration gate." Chao Yubo made a phone call without talking nonsense, and explained the reason directly.

"...Oh, I see, I'll go meet him right now." Liu Xiangyang's tone first paused, and then he realized that Little Princess Chao wanted him to solve the trouble, so he answered calmly, ended the call, and put away himself In his book bag, the guy who put on his coat and took the meal left early like the wind.

For leaving school early and truancy, he was already as usual as eating and drinking, so he was never afraid of getting caught. He went downstairs, locked his computer bag in the seat of the car, put on his helmet, and rushed straight to the gate.

The security guard waited for President Chao to call back, and after another 2 minutes, he waited for Yan Xing's visitor to ask about the situation, and told him that President Chao had conveyed to Yan Xing's friend, asking him to wait for the news.

Liu Xiangyang rode his car, and in the heat of the car, he rushed to the main school gate with wind and rain, parked the car on the side of the road, and walked to the school gate empty-handed, to the school gate. He saw a man in a fur collar jacket and a round hat standing in front of the guard pavilion. He raised his chin and walked out.

Zhao Yixiong was blowing the cold wind outside the gate guard pavilion. He heard the sound of shoes stomping on the ground. He turned his head to look in the direction of the school. He saw a young man wearing a medium-length trench coat with his hands in his pockets walking over. His face, handsome and noble, raised his chin slightly, with a look of indifference and indifference.

Seeing the handsome and arrogant young man approaching, Zhao Yixiong put a smile on his face, trotted two steps to meet him, and greeted him very friendly: "Nephew Liu, are you also studying at Qingda University, nephew is young and promising and has a bright future."

"Please pay attention to the name, who is your nephew? My Liu family has no friendship with your Zhao family. Don't try to get too close to me, please call me Liu Shao, or Liu San Shao." Liu Xiangyang raised his chin high, The arrogant and cold look at the old man who came up to him gave him no face at all.

"...This, I..." Zhao Yixiong blushed as he was embarrassed by Liu Shao's meal in front of the security guard in the security booth only a board away.

"What am I? I'm not a petite. Let you and Zhao Zongze, you, unconscionable father and son, mother and son, come and drink. All you eat, drink and live are all earned by Yan Xing's mother. The family squandered the wealth earned by Yan Xing's mother, enjoyed everything in Yan Xing, and used the resources of He Jiayan's family, but never regarded Yan Xing as a human being, a group of ungrateful white-eyed wolves.

Your stepson and your little three mother, son, mother and daughter all want Yanxing to wipe their ass, but the business negotiated by Yanxing and Hejia's connections is settled on Zhao Zongze, like you and your little three'er, a pair of male prostitutes and female thieves If you want to have a relationship with this young master, you are close to it. If you die, this young master is not like Yan Xing, even if he is regarded as a bull and a horse by you, he still thinks that blood is thicker than water, and he cannot bear to expose your ugly face. "

After scolding Zhao Zha's father all the time, Liu Xiangyang let out a little bit of malice. Seeing that Zhao Zha's father's face turned pig liver, he squinted and asked in a cold voice, "You came to the school to find Yanxing. What's up?"

Liu Shao was indiscriminate, regardless of the occasion, angered his family and revealed the fact that the Zhao family had been trying to cover up. Zhao Yixiong was angry and angry, his lungs were about to explode, and his whole body was shaking with anger. But he was stunned that he didn't dare to speak out, and he didn't dare to be dissatisfied with Liu Shao.

He can't afford to offend the He Jiachao family, nor can he offend the Liu family.

Liu Sanshao is also favored in the Liu family. Not only the elders of Liu's family condone him, but even his brothers indulge him and let him do whatever he likes.

Liu Shao dared to point at his nose and curse, he would never dare to point at Liu Shao.

In front of people who can't be provoked, Zhao Yixiong is worthy of being a grandson, and he swallows the humiliation and squeezes out a blunt smile: "Liu Shao, something happened in my company, I need to consult with Yanxing, and I have been unable to call him. So I came to the school to find him and told him to go back and discuss."

"Bah," Liu Xiangyang raised his eyebrows and sneered, "You think I'm an idiot like Wang Yuxuan, can you be deceived by just a few words? What happened to the company? A catastrophic disaster, offending someone who can't be offended, Mayor Wang's daughter canceled the marriage contract between Wang Qianjin and your stepson, and someone suppressed your illegitimate son and you for Tianxingdao. Wrong, so I think of Yan Xing again, I want to hug Yan Xing and the He family's thighs, let Yan Xing be the scapegoat, and help you to intercede, right?"

"Liu Shao, please don't chase after the wind, what you said is nothing." Zhao Yixiong was so angry that his liver was about to explode, and he had to endure it and continue to be a grandson.

"Oh, when you say I'm chasing shadows, do you mean that the cancellation of the wedding between Mayor Wang's niece and Zhao Zongze is a rumor, or that you and Zhao Zongze have not been suppressed? Or that Zhao Zongze did not rape girls, did not enter the bureau, and did not take drugs to sleep tenderly. Model? Or, Guo Furong is not your mistress, she was originally your lover who agreed with you. You two have long been in a relationship with each other. Because your family was poor, you were forced to approach Yan Xing's mother on purpose. Marrying Yan Xing's mother was just for money? The news in the circle is not true?"

Liu Shao was unreasonable, Zhao Yixiong's lips were trembling, his eyes were red with urgency, the blood in his chest was rushing, and his throat was sweet. "Liu Shao, the rumors stop at the wise. Those rumors are not credible. The engagement between Ozawa and Wang Qianjin was only postponed due to the illness of Mr. Wang, and it was not cancelled."

"Really, then I'll call Mr. He San and ask the He family to ask Mayor Wang if he is still going to accept Zhao Zongze as his niece-in-law."

"Liu Shao, Mayor Wang is so busy, and the old man He San is so old, so don't bother them. I'm just looking for Yan Xing, I just ask Liu Shao to help him out, and I don't dare to bother Liu Shao with other things. Big drive."

"During New Year's and holidays, I've never seen your family say anything about Yan Xing, and they want to find Yan Xing when they encounter problems. You are such a good father. Forget it, I'm too lazy to be ungrateful like you. The gentle scum is reasonable, Yan Xing is on a mission, and his whereabouts are kept secret. In addition, the old man He San asked me to tell you a sentence: "The He family will find Guo Furong's mother and daughter to settle accounts sooner or later. You can do it yourself." Where are you going?"

Liu Xiangyang gave a cold snort, didn't give Zhao Zhafu a straight look, turned around and went straight to the guard booth, two steps away from the guard booth, with a cold face and sunny, kindly asked: "Brothers, please ask, these two Are there any invitations from Yanxing, Liu Xiangyang, Wancheng, Fu, Zhai, and Le Yun?"

"There is an invitation from classmate Le Yun." The security guard also smiled warmly.

"I happen to be looking for little beauty Le Yun. I'll bring the invitations in by the way. Xiao Chao is busy today, so he doesn't have time to come out and help his sister get the invitations." Liu Xiangyang's smile became more warm and sunny, and he took out his own from his pocket. The military ID is handed to the security guard to prove his identity.

The security guard checked the military ID card, took out an invitation, and gave it to Young Master Liu. Young Master Liu was a soldier, and President Chao called and notified the person who came out to see the visitor, which is credible.

When Liu Shao got the invitation, he cheerfully turned around and wanted to go back to school. He found Zhao Yixiong standing still, his face pale and pale. He snorted sarcastically, bypassed him, and strode back to school with his head held high.
When Liu Shao conveyed the words of the He family, Zhao Yixiong's brain exploded like a mountain torrent, and the old man He San asked Liu Shao to convey the words to him, indicating that the He family would no longer be the husband of the granddaughter of the He family. And being merciful, the He family is ready to fight against the Zhao family!
When he received the signal that the He family was going to use a knife on him and his younger son and daughter's step-wife, his heartbeat stopped for a moment, as if someone strangled his throat and couldn't breathe.

He didn't even notice that Liu Shao abandoned him and ran to the sentry box. He seemed to hear and did not hear the words of Liu Shao and the security guard, and his mind was in chaos.

When a cold snort came into his ear, Zhao Yixiong, who was rigid all over his body, shivered violently, his nerves were tense, and he was almost unable to stand up. Chills poured into his back, and he didn't care about his composure, lowered his head, and hurried to his car.

Climbing into the car, the panic in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and it surged up like a tide, his hand holding the steering wheel was shaking, but he did not dare to stop, started the car, and hurried home, the He family wanted to face the Zhao family. To start, he must discuss with his father how to let the He family let them go.

(End of this chapter)

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