magic eye doctor

Chapter 506 Banquet

Chapter 506 Banquet (1)
The old man of the Chao family and others sent Ji Lao Zhou and the other five people, and Le Yun was floating when he walked. When the Tuhao people's car was lucky, he slammed the beautiful young brother on the back with a squeak: "Brother Chao, Brother Chao, I'm rich! Haha! , I got rich!"

"Little rich woman, touch my sister's head!" Chao Yufu rushed over and rubbed the cute little head.

"Xiao Lele is amazing." Xiao Shao and Li Shao also approached, and Xiao Luoli earned more than one billion yuan without any effort. She is definitely the richest self-made sister among young college students.

"Our little dumpling can make money." The old men and the old ladies also gathered around, rubbing Xiaofan dumpling's head, pinching her cheeks, and their faces brightened with joy.

The young and old of the Chao family are sincerely happy for the little guy. Her money comes in a fair and clean way, and the money comes on the right way. That is her ability.

The cute little Lele jumped on himself when he was happy. Chao Yubo was in a good mood. He lifted the baby girl on his back and carried it on his back: "Little Lele is the best, Lele is so rich, shouldn't it be a treat?"

"Treat a guest, a small group must treat a guest."

"Little dumpling, I want pancakes."

"Little dumpling, please invite me to eat dumplings."

The little ones are making trouble, the big ones are also booing, and they are happy.

Seeing that the husband and wife were holding on to the fourth girl happily, and Uncle Hu smiled and supported the old waist, the poor fourth girl will definitely be loved badly this time.

Little Lolita sticks to Chao's brother when she is happy, the sour water in Yan Xing's heart pours out of her heart inexplicably, dripping all over her chest, and her whole body is sour.

Little Loli is happy or unhappy. She always smiles at Chao Shao. When she is happy, she gives him a smile. My brother's treatment in Little Loli's heart is one day and one place, Chao Shao is the one in the sky, and he is the one on the ground.

Seeing the little loli lying on the back of Chao's brother and laughing, Yan Xing felt sour and stuffy, and the whole person was like knocking over a bottle of five flavors.

Liu Xiangyang wanted to rub the little beauty's head in troubled waters, but unfortunately, he was still thirsty, so he could only itch.

Le Yun was so touched that she couldn't raise her head, and put her face on the back of her young brother: "If you touch my head again, I won't make pancakes, dumplings, or buns anymore."

"Okay, don't touch your head."

"The little dumplings are going to be delicious."

The old and young masters were too addicted, they withdrew their hands happily, and coaxed the little guy with a smile.

Chao Yubo walked back with the little cutie sticking to his back. A group of old and young people rushed into the courtyard and asked what kind of dumplings, buns, and pancakes they wanted to eat. The scene was lively.

The beautiful boy carried the small dumplings to the place where the stones were placed and put them down. Everyone helped to clean up the stones, some of them were sent to the utility room, and the large pieces of Emperor Green and Supreme Yellow were moved back to the second floor.

The young man was very strong and had a forklift, so he quickly transported the stones away and put them away, took down the tent and umbrella, and covered the four-ton stone with cloth.

The chefs and waiters packed up the tables and chairs in the hall and brought the kitchen utensils into the car back to the hotel.

The old and young of the Chao family and a few relatives went up to the second floor to drink tea and eat snacks. Fang's mother and the domestic helper set up dinner. The brothers and husbands of the Chao family divided the labor and who would attend the two important banquets in the evening.

The Chao family has received several invitations, including a birthday party for children, a business reception, a birthday reception for his wife, a birthday reception for his parents, and so on. We only chose two, one for Zhou Xin and Zhou Dong's birthday dinner, and one for Yuan. Lao's mother's birthday banquet, Yuan Lao's mother's birthday banquet was hosted by Yuan Lao sister, Yuan Lao is a high-ranking cadre in the state, and should lead by example and not advocate extravagance.

Chao Erye and Jay Chou have become business partners, and Chao Er and his wife will go to Jay Chou's house; Chao San and his wife are both working in the Ministry of State. It is most suitable for Chao Sanye to go to Yuan's old house. them.

Chao Er girl, Chao Shao and Xiao Shao Li Shao didn't go to join in the fun; Le Xiao classmate will go to Zhou's house with Chao Er and his wife, because Zhou Shao and Zhou Dong sent her an invitation, she sent Zhou Shao an invitation and he came, It's not good for him to invite her.

Little Loli was going to Jay Chou's house, and Yan Shao Liu Shao also went. The two of them ran to the car to get their clothes, borrowed Chao Er Ye's home to dress up, and cleaned up their handsomeness to a new level.

Seeing that the two boys were so handsome, Mrs. Li, Mrs. Chao and the three daughters-in-law of the Chao family quit the job immediately. They took the little powder dumplings to change their clothes. .

The husband and wife of Erye Chao ride in a car, with Li's husband, Uncle Li, as the driver; Liu Shaoyan and Shaole are in Yan Shao's car, and Luo Qi is driving the car. Removed and replaced with a normal license plate.

The dinner party at Jay Chou's family started at 07:30, and Mr. Chao and the others set off at 05:30.

Chao's family's stone appreciation tea party was over. Most of the guests who came to Chao's house once took their time and returned home. When Mayor Wang returned home, Wang Yuxuan hadn't returned home, and the couple didn't say anything. .

Wang Yuxuan did not return to the compound until half an hour later. When her uncle and aunt came back, she timidly hid aside and said nothing.

Mrs. Wang became more and more depressed. Yu Xuan and her uncle went to Chao's house to attend the tea party, but when they came back, they didn't go all the way.Could it be that Yuxuan made her uncle angry and threw people down halfway?
Mrs. Wang didn't go to Chao's house herself, so she didn't know what was going on, so she could only make a dull guess. She observed that her eldest son and daughter-in-law's complexion had always been light, and she couldn't see anything. ”, and then there is no specific explanation.

I couldn't ask anything from the son's mouth. I wanted to ask the granddaughter, but the granddaughter didn't say a word. The old lady felt that the eldest son must have wronged Yuxuan, so Yuxuan didn't dare to say anything.

She asked her eldest son to take Yuxuan to the tea party at Chao's house. If the boss gave his niece a grievance, it would be hitting her in the face and making her feel very uncomfortable, and she couldn't say anything to the boss like before. Not happy.

The old lady Wang was only depressed for a few hours. In the evening, she took her granddaughter to tidy up, and took the granddaughter to attend the dinner party of the richest man in Beijing, Zhou Xin, with the invitation received by the eldest son.

His mother took Wang Yuxuan to Zhou Dong's house to socialize, and Mayor Wang did not stop him. Anyway, his mother didn't have a long memory, and she never changed when she lost face at Chao's house. If she took Wang Yuxuan to Zhou's house, she couldn't complain if she lost face again. he.

Jay Chou held a dinner party at the most famous hilltop villa in Beijing. The villas there are all single-family houses. There are [-] villas on a mountain. The largest is tens of thousands of square meters, and the small is several thousand square meters. The owners of the villas are all super rich. Or a special family, the hilltop villa area represents not only money, but also identity, and even celebrities worth hundreds of millions of dollars do not have a share.

Jay Chou's villa is located on the mountainside near the top of the mountain. It covers an area of ​​several acres. There is a concierge for domestic servants and a separate gym. The main building has four floors. The first floor is a parking garage, and the second floor is a large and small hall for banquets. , tea room, expensive living room, etc. The owner lives on the third floor, the fourth floor is a guest building, the top floor is half a sky garden, and half is a tropical coastal swimming pool.

The main building is a combination of Chinese and Western architecture, which has Chinese national characteristics and a little Western European style. The mansion is majestic.

Mrs. Wang and her granddaughter arrived at Jay Chou's villa not too early or too late. It was exactly [-]:[-]. Most of the guests had arrived, and they were all chatting freely in the lobby.

The interior of Jay Chou's house is luxurious and not flashy. It is mainly made of light gold. The functions of each hall are different, and the decoration configuration is also slightly different. Under the crystal light, the hall is resplendent and dignified.

Mrs. Wang wore a dark red spring dress, elegantly dressed, and Wang Yuxuan wore an ivory white evening dress, graceful and ladylike.

Zhou Dong and his wife greeted the guests in the hall. The Zhou family’s son and daughter greeted the guests at the entrance. The Zhou family’s two sons were a daughter. Zhou’s daughter was the eldest, married and had children. Married, they have a daughter, only Zhou Xiaogong is still single, and he is also the object of the rich family's daughter who wants to marry.

Zhou Qianjin and her husband, Zhou Dagongzi and his daughter-in-law, and Zhou Xiaogongzi were all at the hall door to extend a warm welcome to the guests who came to attend his father's birthday banquet. Four leisurely drinking red wine not far away.

Mrs. Wang entered the hall with her granddaughter, and the eldest son of Zhou recognized her and gave her a hand with a smile: "Old Mrs. Wang's presence can be said to make the house shine."

"Young Master Zhou is very polite, my eldest son is busy with business, so I brought my granddaughter to congratulate Zhou Dong." Mrs. Wang explained the reason why her son and daughter-in-law didn't come, and also explained herself. He came here on behalf of his son and daughter-in-law, and at the same time handed the invitations and gifts to the domestic servants beside Zhou's son.

"Mayor Wang is busy with other affairs, and it is also my father's honor to honor you. Please come in—" Mrs. Zhou invited Mrs. Wang to see her parents in the hall.

Zhou Dong saw Mayor Wang's mother a long time ago, chatted with the guests a few words and waited until Mrs. Wang approached before greeting. Mrs. Zhou also expressed her welcome and invited Mrs. Wang to drink tea or get red wine first.

Many of the guests who arrived first knew Mrs. Wang, and they greeted Mayor Wang's mother politely when they came over. As for Qianjin Wang, the ladies' attitudes were all indifferent.

Wang Yuxuan was afraid that some of the guests who had seen her rejected at Erye Chao's house would humiliate her and dare not act alone.

Old Mrs. Wang happily took her granddaughter to talk to others, but she didn't follow, and indirectly let people see her granddaughter. After a few circles, she saw an acquaintance—the wife of Wang Jian, Wang Jian of the Capital City Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau. Now, Mrs. Wang brought her son Wang Wenhao and a beautiful woman.

When Mrs. Wang saw the beautiful woman beside Wang Shao, she couldn't help but take a few more glances. She was really beautiful. She was wearing a long purple dress with sloping shoulders. Beautiful, dignified and generous, you can tell at a glance that she is a lady of good origin.

She couldn't help looking at her granddaughter. She taught her granddaughter since she was a child and cultivated the temperament of a noble girl. Unfortunately, it was because of her mother-like genes. No matter how hard she tried to cultivate Yuxuan, she did not have the kind of calm atmosphere of noble girls in Beijing. Feeling, the image and temperament are not the same, so they are not well-known in the circle.

By comparison, Mrs. Wang also felt a sense of failure, but there was no sign of decadence on her face, with a decent lady smile, holding a red wine glass and chatting with the ladies around her.

Mrs. Wang took her son and son's new girlfriend to chat with Jay and his wife, and then went to socialize with the guests, and met with several acquaintances in the circle. She also saw Mrs. Wang and went over to say hello.

The two sides exchanged a few polite words, and the old lady Wang asked kindly: "Is this your prospective daughter-in-law? Which daughter-in-law looks at her."

"Old Mrs. Wang has a good memory, this girl is my son's friend, from Jiangnan. She was a top student who was admitted to Qingda University last year. , Coincidentally, she has the same surname as Mayor Wang, Wang Ziyan." Mrs. Wang enthusiastically introduced her son's new girlfriend with a light tone: "Ziyan, this old lady is the mother of the mayor of Beijing, and Mrs. Wang is the most It's kind."

Being given a long list of prefixes, Wang Ziyan smiled reservedly and dignifiedly, and when she heard Mrs. Wang's introduction to the identity of an elderly woman, she hurriedly bowed respectfully and politely: "Hello, Mrs. Annoyed, at first glance I almost wanted to call you Auntie."

Being praised for her youth, Mrs. Wang felt relieved when she heard it, and the smile on her face deepened: "It's really lovely, look at this beautiful appearance, not to mention the young man, even my old bones are happy to see me, Wang Jiaxiao Brother, good eyes and good luck."

Wang Wenhao was indirectly praised for his vision, and smiled and nodded to the old lady Wang. Mrs. Wang was very happy, and chatted with the old lady Wang and walked to say hello to the others.

Wang Wenhao and Wang Shao are 1.8 meters tall, less than [-]. He is quite long and handsome. He is not only a handsome man, he is also a handsome guy. He is young and handsome in a formal suit and tie; Beautiful, a young couple followed Mrs. Wang to meet people, and received a lot of compliments from the ladies in your circle.

Wang Yuxuan followed her grandmother, and when she heard the guests praise the girlfriend of Mrs. Wang's children, the boss was not convinced. She was no worse than that woman in figure, stature and face, so why did no one praise her for a while?A group of dog-eyed guys!
The guests chatted with each other, Jay Chou and his wife kept receiving the guests, Li Dong from the Crown Jewelry, Mr. Li from Jewelry Great, Mr. Tang and Mr. Qian also arrived one after another, and Mr. Ji did not leave, he came relatively late.

Zhou Shao took his personal Monday and Tuesday to watch the interaction between men and women, and enjoyed himself. When it was almost [-]:[-], he did not welcome the little girl from Xianyimen, but instead took the fourth young master of the ancient Wu Nalan family, Nalan Qing. Xihe Lan Qishao, Nalan Qinghu, came to wait.

Lan Si Shao and Lan Qi Shao attended the Zhou family banquet with Feng Lao’s son Feng Guangde and Feng Dong. Feng Guangde was a businessman and once invested in coal mines and then oil, and got along very well.

Zhou Shao only nodded to the Lan family and did not go to receive them. Lan Si and Lan Qi came with the Feng family. They were Zhou Xin's guests and ordinary guests. Door.

The two young masters of the Lan family and Zhou Shao nodded and went to see the master first.

(End of this chapter)

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