Chapter 511
Xuan Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao and others were drinking tea slowly. When Ah Fu talked to passers-by, they ignored it. When Ah Fu said that the distinguished guest was coming, they knew that it was a little girl.

"It's coming."

All the young people got up with a smile and went out together, wanting to give the little girl a small surprise.

Wang Wenhao and Wang Ziyan asked the people outside the store and said that the store is indeed the main house that wants to entertain friends, so it is not open to the public, so she had to reluctantly give up Sanweixuan and wanted to go to other places to eat special meals. of looking around.

There are pedestrians on the roadside, no matter how you look at it, they don't look like they are very good. Only a handsome and elegant young man and a young man wearing sunglasses and carrying many packed bags accompanied them to the store. extravagance.

The moment he saw Jun Young Man for the first time, Wang Wenhao and Wang Ziyan took him to the seat in his heart, thinking that the two were the distinguished guests and friends of the owner of Sanweixuan.

However, when they looked at the handsome young man, the handsome young man was looking at the street they were facing, then turned to look at the street where they came from, and showed a gentle smile: "It is better to come early than to come by chance, I thought I was late, so the little girl and Yan Shao just arrived."

Wang Wenhao was surprised when he heard the young man saying "YAN", and he looked in the direction of the young man's line of sight. He saw a young man and a girl on the opposite side of the road walking towards Sanweixuan. He only felt that the tall and majestic figure was a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Yan Xing set off from Erye Chao's villa area, and it took more than an hour and a half to climb out of the crowded car group on weekends and reach the food alley.

Parking spaces are hard to find on weekends. They were afraid that there might be nowhere to park next to Sanwei Xuan, so before they got to Xuan Shao’s restaurant, they saw the car driving away and vacated a public parking space on the roadside to park first, then got off the car and walked.

Climbing out of the passenger cab, Le Yun smelled many familiar scents in the air, including the scent of Wang Xianhua, who had appeared at Jay Chou's banquet last night and was in the same school as her. At the entrance of Sanweixuan, he saw Wang Xiehua's figure.

That one is not related to someone from the ancient martial arts family, right?
Seeing Wang Xiehua and the young man beside her, Le Yun pouted silently, she didn't want to have any interaction with that Xiehua.

When the driver's Yanxing locked the car, he quickly walked around the front of the car and rushed to the little Loli's side. While walking, he looked at the situation on the street. There were many people, but because the evening came, most of them were looking for a place to eat instead of enjoying the scenery. Yes, pedestrians also go fast.

When he was about to cross the small street, he saw that the Sanweixuan door was pushed open, and a group of young talents emerged from the inside. The team was really lively like a gathering of heroes.

Yan Xing's eyes trembled when he saw how many people there were in the ancient martial arts family. Those people are really enough. Little Loli came to have a meal and came to brush her face, so why don't you give people private space?

To tell the truth, if he can do it, he will definitely go up and fight them one-on-one, beat them all, keep them all away from Little Lolita, and don't keep running to gain favor.

Unfortunately, due to the covenants and rules between the ancient martial arts family and the sect, he couldn't use his temper, and he could only secretly feel unhappy when he saw the group of young Jun Shao running in front of him to hook up with the little loli.

Many people went from the inside to the outside of the store, and everyone's guards were scattered on the side.

Young Master Xuan and the others stood together, watching Young Master Yan accompany the little girl across the street, and there was a little jealousy in their hearts, Young Master Yan was really lucky, he was there to accompany the little girl wherever she went.

Wang Ziyan and Wang Wenhao looked at Sanweixuan after looking into the distance, and when they heard a sound inside, they soon saw a group of well-dressed young people walking out, each of them so tall and tall, handsome and stylish, with an elegant and noble temperament. .

The two secretly looked at the handsome young people, and then looked at the people standing around them. Those men were clearly protecting the arrogant young people with extraordinary bearing.

The discovery made the hearts of the two of them jump, and Wang Wenhao was even more shocked. Among those people, he only saw one of them who was very familiar. Many of the guests at the banquet last night had never seen that one, but that one seemed to have a great position in Jay Chou's house.

When did so many seemingly extraordinary young talents appear in the capital?

He has never seen those people at any banquet, and he has never heard of the recent appearance of the heirs of the capital in the capital. Who are these people in front of him?

With doubts, Wang Wenhao looked in the direction they were looking at. The two people, one tall and the other short, could already see their faces clearly. They were the grandson Yanshao of the He family and the little righteous grandson of the Chao family. He also suddenly realized, no wonder I thought the tall young man's figure was very familiar before, but it turned out to be him.

Recognizing Young Master Yan, he was full of surprises. Last night, the little righteous grandson of the Chao family left the banquet in the middle of the banquet, leaving everyone no chance to say hello. He didn't expect to meet here by chance.

Wang Wenhao couldn't contain his joy, and moved his position to make himself more visible, so that Young Master Yan and the little girl could see his existence.

Wang Ziyan and Wang Wenhao only recently showed up at the banquet of the upper class in Beijing. She has seen very few powerful people and first-class rich people. She doesn't know the young heroes in Beijing, and she can't guess what the young people at the entrance of Sanweixuan are. People, try hard to keep calm and show their most gentle, virtuous, dignified and generous good qualities.

When I saw who the handsome young man and the petite girl who came across the street were, my heart skipped a beat and my heart throbbed violently, how could it be her again?
Le Yun left last night, and the Wang family didn't have the chance to meet her surnamed Le again. She was very fortunate, but she didn't expect to meet again today after shopping for a meal.

Wang Ziyan didn't want to see Le Yun, so she secretly observed Wang Shao around him from the corner of her eye. He had a happy face and a bright smile. Standing with scalp.

Yan Shao and the little girl were getting closer, and Jiang Shao and the others were amazed. The little girl was wearing a little princess dress at the Chao family tea party. Today, it is a collarless ivory white spring coat in a free and spacious style. About five inches from the knee, a shirt with a vertical collar and no pleated collar, and black leggings.

Wearing that loose coat on her really reflects the sense of freedom and comfort without restraint. If yesterday's little girl was a pure angel princess, today's little girl is a free and lively sunshine princess.

The little girl has the innocent and cute face of a child, and has the attractive body of an adult devil. She is pure and hot, and she is beautiful in everything. Dressing up a little is always amazing.

Zhou Shao and others finally understood why the little girl usually doesn't dress up. If she goes out to enjoy the scenery, it may cause traffic or fights due to jealousy.

A man and a woman, one tall and one short, approached leisurely, and the warm smile between Xuan Shao's eyebrows and his eyes gradually deepened: "Little beauty, every time I see you, I always think that you are more beautiful than the last time, but fortunately you are a girl, and you don't compete with us for beautiful men. List, or else my third throne will be handed over to others."

"It's hard to give up on people's natural beauty." Le Yun accepted the compliment and smiled and blinked her big watery eyes: "It's like you are all beautiful, imposing, broad-minded, and personable, always like that at any time. Stunning Huanyu, but also calm, are all innate temperament."

"Young Master Xuan, you have done a great deed, tell the truth, and we are also praised by the little beauty for your honor."

"Xuan Shao, you are Huo Leifeng."

"Being so praised by the little beauty, I feel that I am also a beautiful man who is all over the country."

"I don't think you are so handsome on weekdays. After listening to the little beauty, I really think you are very handsome. I think you see me too."

Jiang Shao, Zhou Shao, Ji Shao and others laughed and joked with each other.

"Little fairy, you didn't praise me." Tantai Xunhuan, who was hiding beside the housekeeper and Jiang Shao, held the big bear in front of him and declared his existence.

"Wow, little handsome boy, you also have a girlish heart, and you actually like plush toys." Seeing the beautiful little handsome boy who appeared, Le Yun shoved the backpack to Yan handsome boy to help him, and rushed over by himself, reaching out and pinching his face: " Little handsome guys with girly hearts are more handsome and beautiful, and their faces feel great when they are pinched."

When the little girl saw the young master of Tantai's family, she ran to bully him. Many young masters looked at him happily, and Tantai young master's heart must be very sour.

The little loli slipped away to tease the little handsome guy, but Yan Xing was helpless and helped her carry her small backpack worth thousands of dollars, waiting for her to be happy enough to talk about other things.

"Little fairy, I'm a boy, I don't have a girlish heart." His face was pinched by a pair of claws, Tantai Xunhuan stuffed the big bear in his arms into the pretty little fairy, his eyes flicked to the beautiful Beautiful man: "Uncle Yan Shuai, don't look at me, I won't give you this, it's for the little fairy."

Xuan Shao and the others couldn't help but smile, their eyes sparkling with laughter.

"I don't have the heart of a girl." Yan Xing slowly retracted his gaze, he didn't like plush toys, and Tantai boy treated the mistakes of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"For me?" Le Yun was stunned, holding the pure-haired white bear with one hand and touching the little handsome guy's head with the other.

"Yes, I heard that girls like plush toys."

"But, I don't like it very much, little handsome guy, hold it and play with it yourself."

"Little fairies don't like fluffy bears. How about I still give you my brother? My brother is much prettier than bears."

"Little handsome guy, save your time, don't sell your brother to me, your brother is not as cute as you, you should keep your brother to spoil yourself."

"Then I'll give it to you."

Many young masters: "!" I will go, Tantai young master is too good at brushing his face!

"No, no, you're younger than me, and I don't like boyfriends younger than me. If you sell your brother and yourself again, I'll tell handsome Yan to beat your ass." Le Yun rubbed a little bit shorter than herself. The head of a little boy who can bully people younger than himself is so happy!
"Okay, I failed again." Tantai Xunhuan hugged his head and hid behind Young Master Jiang.

"Little Xunhuan, have you ever experienced failure?" Jiang Shao hilariously covered Tantai Xiao Shao who was using himself as a shield, and still teased him.

"Yeah. Counting this time, I failed three times, but it doesn't matter. Failure is the mother of success. I will try my best." Tantai Xunhuan hid behind Young Master Jiang, stuck his head out, and said seriously.

Xuan Shao and the others couldn't help laughing, Jiang Shao restrained his smile and encouraged: "Oh, you should work hard."

"Next time I will sell your brother to me and stab you with a needle." Le Yun curled her lips and said the grinning Weiwei Tantai Xiaoyang brother, turned around, and stuffed the boss's bear into Yan Shuai: "Yan Shuai, please give me a hug. "

"If you don't like it, you can still accept it?" Yan Xing hilariously hugged the bear and tucked it under his armpit. Little Lolita's commands became more and more smooth, which was extremely rare.

"Even if the dolls in my dormitory have occupied my bed and I have nowhere to sleep, the little handsome guy gave me a national treasure fluffy bear. It's still white. It should look good when I bring it back and put it together." Le Yun Duduzui, put on a cute smile: "Xuan Shao, when can I eat the stewed pork noodles I ordered?"

"The meal ordered by the little beauty, my chef is making it in the middle of the afternoon, and it can be served at any time."

"I thought you'd say you made it in the kitchen yourself."

"I think so, but with you, the super chef, Zhuyu, if I cook, everyone will probably say that I cook dark dishes. I have self-knowledge and don't seek abuse."

"Actually, we really want to taste Xuan Shao's craftsmanship."

"Well, I have thought about it for a long time, when will Master Xuan show his skills?"

Ji Shao and Zhou Shao immediately answered the call.

"Wait until I have exchanged cooking skills with the little beauty, and I'll talk about it when I get the scriptures." Hmph, don't think that he doesn't know their Huahua intestines, and it's fake to try his craftsmanship. real.

"Waiting for Xuan Shao's cooking skills to advance."

"Little beauty, let's eat pork stewed vermicelli."

The little girl has arrived, and chatting outside is not free. Everyone was about to go to the Xuan family restaurant. The Jiang family's guard whispered: "Lan Qishao is here, eastward."

The young masters looked towards the east end of the street. There, seven young masters of the Lan family dressed in white suits walked down the street like clouds, calm and peaceful, as leisurely as looking at flowers in the fog.

"Fang Bazhao is also here, westward." Ji's guard reported.

Everyone turned to look at the west end of the street, and there came a handsome young man. The silver-white suit wrapped around his tall body, which made him stand tall and straight like a strong bamboo, and his face was well-defined with a pair of embellishments. Peach blossom eyes, nine points of elegance and one point of evil charm.

"They came quite in time." Xuan Shao revealed a meaningful chuckle.

"It's not too soon or too late, just pinched a little bit." The crowd agreed, the little girl hadn't entered the restaurant yet, and the two of them couldn't be here in time, it was all a routine.

Wang Wenhao was standing on the back in the direction of east and west. When everyone looked in the direction behind him, he also looked back, glanced at the young man who came calmly from a distance, then retracted his gaze, and when he detected Yan Shao, he stopped paying attention to others and took the initiative to say hello. : "Young Master Yan, long time no see, so coincidentally, you and classmate Le also went shopping today."

Yan Xing tilted his head casually, glanced at the young woman beside Hao Shao, and replied lightly: "It's Hao Shao, I didn't notice you were here. Do you also know Le Yun Xiaoluoli?"

Hearing Wang Xiehua's male partner call her by name, Le Yun turned her head to look at her, and said as always, "Brother Yan, who is that?"

"His surname is Wang, and he is one of the three kings in Beijing. Because people from the three kings often appear on the same occasion, in order to avoid confusion, we call them by their first names. It's Hao, who is the same as the short-lived Tanzi radical." Yan Xing burst into a smile, Xiaoluoli is a person who can't rub the sand in her eyes, she doesn't like Wang Xiehua, and naturally she doesn't like Wang Xiehua's friends. There will be deep friendship.

Many young people: "!" Yan Shao's black heart, to explain the Hao character of the same day's radical with a flash in the pan, is too immoral, Yan Shao has a festival with that young man?
"I don't know, there is no Wang Hehao's name in the invitation given to me by the surname Wang in Beijing. Is this king from my wife's family?" Yan Shuai explained the young man's surname, and Le Yun knew that that person was the Wang family that Brother Chao said. Flowers newly climbed tall branches.

Classmate Le mentioned Mrs. Wang when she opened her mouth. Wang Ziyan was a little nervous, afraid that Young Master Yan would embarrass her on purpose with the surnamed Le.

Yan Shao helped explain who he was. Wang Wenhao was very happy at first. He was about to answer and explain which king he was, but Yan Shao shook his head and answered decisively, "No."

"Is it the Wang family of my opposite Wang Yu's philosophical family?"

"Not at all."

"Oh, that's even more unfamiliar." Le Yun glanced at the handsome young man, then jumped to Jiang Shao, Xuan Shao and others to rub the head of the handsome young man Tantai.

Listening to the series of conversations between the Chao family's little righteous grandson and Yan Shao, he couldn't get in his mouth, and when she stopped talking, Wang Wenhao took the initiative to explain: "I am at Beijing University, and I am familiar with Chao Shao, the brother of classmate Le, and today is the first time I have been close. When I meet Lei from a distance, the beauties around me are also from Qingda, and they are Le's senior sister."

Wang Shao has already greeted people and pulled himself out. Wang Ziyan didn't make a sound and took the initiative to talk to Le Yun: "Classmate Le, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't see you until yesterday at Jay Chou's house this year. When will you be back? Jing's?"

"I'm going back to school in late March. Classmate Wang is busy with work, so naturally he won't pay attention to a nobody like me." Le Yun raised her brows with a smile on her face, ignored Classmate Wang, and looked at the approaching youth. : "Xuan Shao, your guest is here."

Le Yun didn't even bother to be polite, and Wang Ziyan was a little embarrassed to step down. Fortunately, Le Yun changed the topic, so she was not too embarrassed. She wanted to tell Wang Wenhao to stay away, but she was embarrassed to say it directly, and she felt uncomfortable.

Wang Wenhao's heart is full of doubts, isn't Wang Xihua of the same class as the Chao family's little righteous grandson, or a good friend?Why doesn't the relationship seem so close?

"That's not necessarily true," the little beauty obviously didn't care about the two young men and women, Xuan Shao looked at the young master of the Lan family who was slowly approaching, showing a graceful smile like a white lotus on his beautiful face: "Qi Shao Lan, you are here. Do I eat at home?"

"It was originally going out for a walk and passed by by accident. I saw Jiang Shao's car, and saw Zhou Shao's car. I guessed that they might all come to Xuan Shao's house for dinner. I also shamelessly came over to join in the fun. I didn't expect Miss Le and Shao Yan. Also, the ancients said that it is better to come early than to come by coincidence, I came by coincidence, everyone, Lan Qi is polite," Lan Qishao smiled brightly, clasped his fists at everyone, and deliberately gave a deep salute to the pretty and sweet little girl: "Little beauty , Guan Wai Lan Jia Lan Qi is polite!"

The youth and Le Yun were talking, and Wang Ziyan was shocked. What did Le Yun do to make so many people respect her?

"You are Lan Qinghu, the seventh young master of the Lan family who sent me two invitations?" Le Yun looked at the young man, Lan Qishao was a talented person, and he was more personable than Lan Si.

"Little beauty has a good memory, it's Lan Qi." Her name was remembered by the little girl, Lan Qishao replied calmly: "Little beauty is famous, the Lan family looks up to the little beauty to learn, Lan Qi is ordered by the elders to enter During the visit in Beijing, my elder brother Lan Siyou also invited a large number of young ladies for his misdemeanor, Lan Qi chose a day to hold a banquet to make amends, and the little bastard who did not know Jing Shanyu begged the little girl to apologize."

"Don't, Lan Qishao, don't bring the rascal to my eyes, it's too eye-catching, ask me for a doctor and clearly say that the consultation fee for the Lan family will be tripled, and those who don't like it will be paid five times. If it's a rascal's family, hehe, the consultation fee is more than ten times, otherwise don't open your mouth."

"Ouch!" Xuan Shao covered his eyes: "Little beauty, my heart is not good."

"Little beauty, my heart is not very good." Zhou Shao Jiang Shao's eyes jumped, and the consultation fee was doubled. It can be seen who really offended the little girl.

"I don't want your medical fees, what are you doing?" Le Yun rolled her eyes.

"I feel bad." Many people want to touch their hearts. The consultation fee of Xianyimen is not based on money. Ten times the price means paying ten times the precious treasures. It is conceivable that people feel distressed .

"Thank you little beauty for being magnanimous." Even though he didn't know what the price of the consultation fee was, Master Xuan and others showed distressed expressions, Lan Qishao still expressed his gratitude generously.

"Hey, are you all here?" Fengshenmei, a young man who came from West Street, also arrived at the entrance of Sanweixuan, saw the rising stars of all the families, and clasped his fists: "I saw a person from a distance who seemed to be Young Master Yan, and rushed to catch up on purpose. Come on, it’s really Young Master Yan, and I heard the beautiful voice of a young girl like Huang Ying Minggu, guessing that the little beauty Le may be there, and it’s true, it’s better to meet by chance, the little beauty, in all directions of the family below, Jin Lei is polite!”

"Fang family, Fang Jinlei? The one who invited me to enjoy flowers on February [-]nd, Huachao Festival, and March [-]rd in a post?" Le Yun clasped her hands in return.

"It's right here. Fang Ba sent a message to the little beauty to invite the flowers to enjoy the flowers and spring, and there was no news for a long time. I thought it was Fang Ba's face, but later I found out that the little beauty was not in the capital, but Fang Ba treated the fault of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. , I'm really ashamed." Fang Ba Shao smiled heartily, exposing his own shortcomings.

"He looks very handsome, very personable, and looks very pleasing to the eye. I want to ask the doctor to say that the Fang family's consultation fee has doubled, and it is difficult to say that I am not pleasing to the eye. As for inviting me to drink I don’t need to enjoy tea and flowers, I’m too busy to be arty.”

"Little beauty, if my brother is disrespectful, please ask a lot of them, and Fang Ba will hold a banquet on behalf of the Fang family to make amends." Fang Ba Shao gave a deep salute.

"It's fine to make an apology. Your brother didn't really offend me. He just suffered an innocent disaster." His posture was extremely low, and Le Yun didn't want to save face. He cast his eyes into the distance: "300 meters away from the west street The old man under the tree is a visitor from afar, why don't you drive to the Sanwei Pavilion and have a drink together?"

(End of this chapter)

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