Chapter 524
Hei Jiu received a notice from the team and drove a jeep to the road that the captain had to go to the hospital to wait. The road he chose did not have many cameras.

Wait, wait, wait for more than an hour, and finally saw from the mobile phone location that the captain arrived nearby, got off the car, stood at the rear of the car with a blanket and waited, and soon a cheetah car veered off the three-lane road and stopped. Approaching the jeep slowly, stopping half a meter away.

Seeing the little loli in the passenger cab of the cheetah car, Hei Jiu took out the most friendly smile and sent a smiley face, and then ran to the main cab to find the captain.

Yan Xing got out of the car and went to the back seat to wrap the two-legged beast captured by Little Loli with a blanket, and took it out and handed it to Hei Jiu: "This person looks familiar to me, he may be of the same kind, please don't be careless."

"Understood." Hei Jiu hugged the special gift wrapped in a roll, shoved the person into the back seat of the jeep, handcuffed the hands and feet of the two-legged beast, and then returned to the car after listening to the captains' instructions. Go back to the cab and drive back to the station.

Yan Xing waited for Hei Jiu to leave before going to the hospital with confidence. It took more than half an hour to cross the avenue full of cars and people to reach the target hospital. After entering through the gate, he stabbed to the hospital complex. .

Finally reached the finish line, Yan Shao was also relieved, helped Little Loli open the door, got out of the car by himself, took out his mobile phone and called Jin Twenty-two to ask about the specific situation.

Before he finished the phone call, the guard of the mansion had already rushed down the steps and ran to the Cheetah with the military badge, and rushed to salute in front of the handsome young man: "Are you Colonel Yan?"

"It's me." Yan Xing just walked around the front of the car when he saw the security guard rushing towards him, looked at him with his eyes, and nodded.

"Master Yan and the doctor please go to the top floor, I will report it immediately, and there will be medical staff on the eleventh floor to pick you up." The security guard explained, turned and ran to call Dr. Wan Cheng.

The city hospital even told the security guard to wait for him first, so Yan Xing didn't need Jin Twenty-two to contact the hospital again. Seeing that Little Loli was still flipping through her backpack, he stood by the car and waited.

Le Yun's big back has everything. She took out all the things she didn't need to bring, and only brought a small backpack with regular items, and put other things in the car first.

Little Loli packed her luggage, Yan Xing wanted to help her carry her backpack, but she put the backpack back on her own, so he had no choice but to accompany her into the building and go upstairs in the elevator.

The hospital called the second-level police superintendent who was seriously injured and started emergency rescue. All the senior experts in each department who did not have surgery on hand were sent to the critically ill emergency room. In addition, other hospitals also sent experts to support. There are more than a dozen in the emergency room. Specialist.

The old experts, assistants, and nurses have a total of [-] or [-] people. Fortunately, the operating room is large enough to accommodate many medical staff.

After a few hours of rescue, a group of medical staff barely held the life of the wounded. They did not let Lord Yama take him to drink flower wine, and then debride his abdomen and operate on the injured part of the internal organs, only the heart membrane and blood vessels The glass piece on the top and the steel piece tied to the brain did not dare to move, only to keep the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels from breaking, causing the injured patient to die on the spot.

Dr. Wan Cheng was in charge of communicating with Yan Shao's base. He was very happy when he heard that Yan Da Shao found the little junior sister, and then he and his colleagues waited for the stars and the moon.

When Young Master Yan said that people were on their way to the hospital, everyone became more and more bullying to come. As a result, they waited for more than two hours before the news came, and the doctors couldn't help but feel anxious. The seriously injured patient on the operating table. The vitality of the body is getting weaker and weaker, and accidents may happen at any time. Time is equal to life.

After waiting for another half an hour, the security guard called to say that Young Master Yan was coming, and Wan Cheng Hongli made a quick decision and ran out: "My little junior sister is here, I'll go out and pick it up."

The General Hospital of the Military Academy sent Kang Jiaozong from the Department of Neurology and Director Qin from the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine. The Association sent Dr. Luo who had been to the Joint Clinic of the General Military Hospital last time, as well as Professor Li from the same second hospital and Chaoyang Hospital. Professor Duan and Professor Ding from the Municipal Psychiatric Hospital all know that Dr. Wan Cheng's younger sister is the little girl who is a genius doctor. Experts from other hospitals don't know much about it, so she is a little stunned. Who is Associate Professor Wan's younger sister?

Wan Cheng Hongli rushed out of the intensive care unit without looking at the group of police officers waiting at the door, and hurried to the elevator.

A group of police officers waited outside the emergency rescue room, including the police superintendent and the police superintendent and police officers. They all stood on either side of or opposite to the unblocked door, waiting nervously. When the medical staff came out, they rushed out. Police C is even more nervous.

Wan Cheng Hongli hurriedly ran across a long corridor, and when he saw Young Master Yan and his old parents' beloved elementary school students approaching, he waved from afar: "Little Junior Sister, I'm here!"

Yan Xing accompanies Little Loli to the top floor in the elevator. As soon as she gets out of the elevator, she looks around. She only sees medical staff walking around, but no familiar face. It's becoming more and more like a teacher.

Seeing the master, Le Yun covered her eyes, and the master of the mother's family seemed to have a bit of potential.

Of course, she wouldn't say it clearly, and with handsome guy Yan rushing towards the master, he frowned, "Master, if you invite me to dinner with such enthusiasm one day, I will be moved to tears."

"I will invite the younger sister to dinner with enthusiasm." Wan Cheng Hongli walked up to the younger sister amusingly, and reached out to touch the little guy's head: "Xiao Lele is dressed in this dress, which famous mountain and lake are you going to play in? Come back in a circle?"

The eldest son Wantan ran to touch the little loli's head, Yan Xing was so annoyed that his teeth tickled. Since he didn't have a relationship with her, he dared to touch her head, and Little Loli would definitely think he was playing a hooligan and wanted to slap him again.

Accidentally touched her head, Le Yun shrank her neck weakly: "I'll go around the mountains in Xixiao Park a few times and dig back some wild vegetables."

"Master, do I have the good fortune to eat wild vegetable pancakes again?" When I heard that the little guy dug up the wild vegetables, Wan Cheng Hongli's eyes lit up, the pancakes made by the younger sister were so delicious, whoever ate it would never forget it.

"Who are you handsome, I don't know you."

"Oh, my little junior sister pretended not to know me, my brother I am sad." Wan Cheng Hongli rubbed the top of the little junior sister's head funny, the little junior sister heard that he was greedy and thought he didn't know him, must be He is a super foodie, afraid to eat poor her.

Le Yun rolled her eyes, turned around in the corridor, and saw Police C standing not far away, her eyes widened.

Wan Cheng Hongli led the junior sister straight to the emergency room, opened the door of the emergency room under the attention of a group of police officers, and went to the disinfection area to change the blue robe for the junior sister.

When Yan Xing, the escort, secretly threw countless knives at the eldest son of Wan Cheng along the way, followed up with the emergency room and changed into the clothes of medical staff, went to the ultraviolet light to sterilize, and then accompanied the little loli inside.

Dr. Wan Cheng ran to pick him up, and a group of medical staff were waiting in the ward. When the closed door opened, everyone looked over and saw that Dr. Wan Cheng was accompanied by a short man in a blue robe and a backpack with Zhang Zhang. A man with a pink face and a tall, tall, handsome young man entered the emergency room.

"Little doctor, I finally hoped for you."

"You're here, little girl."

Several experts and professors who had seen the little girl greeted her with joy, especially the experts who had visited Erye Chao's house to admire the stones and drink tea.

At this moment, all the medical staff in the room knew that the one called Little Junior Sister that Dr. Wan Cheng brought back was the magical little doctor, and his eyes were extraordinarily hot.

"Hello everyone." As soon as the door opened, Le Yun felt her body stick to hot eyes, her hair was standing up, and she responded with a bit of a slap in the face.

The whole room was filled with blue-robed medical staff. That rack was more than the one who performed a certain scientific operation at the Military General Hospital last time. At first glance, it was almost blue and white. The white coats were nurses, and the blue coats They are all doctors. It is said that a cobbler can hold a lot of Zhu Ailiang, and a room full of medical professors and experts can hold a dozen Zhu Ailiang.

The intensive care unit is full of high-end instruments, many tubes are connected to the patient on the operating bed, and the surgical cart is in the corner.

The wounded lying on the operating bed was covered with the quilt, gauze wrapped around his face and could not see the outline clearly. He was also wearing an oxygen inhalation mask. On his head was a piece of steel. The width of the steel piece was as wide as a kitchen knife. The position on the upper right side of his forehead was cut diagonally into the brain, and one side ate deeply into the skull.

After initial rescue, the wounded was shaved, and he could see the blood oozing from the wound on the steel sheet. Others were alive, but there were only signs of life. .

Le Yun glanced at it, her little face collapsed, go, did the tempered plate above her head really fly in by herself?The position is so ingenious that the deep one will hang up on the spot, the shallow one will not endanger life, but it is stuck in the position of life and death, which makes people want to curse mother.

The little junior sister walked to the operating table, Wan Chenghongli was close to her right, and Professor Kang and others, who had been waiting for the little girl to show off her skills, also hurried forward and stood on each side of the operating table to facilitate viewing.

When the little girl came over, the doctors tactfully removed the quilt from the injured person.

The wounded wears a pair of loose trousers, and there is a hole the size of a bowl on the left side of the chest. The operation window is also opened for the operation, because the glass on the cardiac membrane and blood vessels has not been taken out, and the operation window has not been sutured. The gauze covers the isolation, and the holes are also sealed to prevent infection.

With the big hand on his head, Le Yun sighed resentfully and accepted his fate. The master must maintain an image in front of his parents and do not grab the opportunity to touch her head. When the elders are not around, he will try his best to enjoy it. The joy of being a teacher.

Scanning the wound number again at close range, grasping the wounded's hand to diagnose the pulse, and then peeling off the gauze for examination, he amicably revealed a fact: "There is still a piece about halfway between the spinous processes of the second thoracic vertebra of his vertebrae and lumbar vertebrae. A centimeter-long piece of foreign body."

"..." The experts wanted to jump off the building. They operated for a few hours, checked and checked again, but they still left a little foreign body and didn't finish it?
Wan Cheng's eldest son's reaction ability is also top-notch. He immediately asked his assistant to hand over the surgical tools, took the plate containing the tools, held them, and handed them to the little junior sister. The meaning is one: little junior sister, you can rest assured!
There is a master who has a god assist, Le Yun is also speechless, put on gloves silently, use tweezers to open the internal organs of the wounded number to find the place where the foreign object is stuck, clamp it accurately, and pull it out.

The few doctors who were watching the surgery recently saw the little girl's hands raised, and clearly saw that there was something covered with blood between the tweezers, very small and thin.

Throwing away the tweezers and the residue, Le Yun once again changed the tweezers and clamped a ball of cotton to disinfect and debride the place where the residue had been pierced, and then reset the internal organs and took off his gloves: "This person can't stand like this for long, so send someone immediately. Find fresh goat fat to give me medicine, don't break the goat fat, I need to extract the film coating on the surface of the fat; and then send someone to prepare surgical supplies, remember to add an alcohol lamp and beaker for the experiment, I want to use it for refining Sheep oil."

"No problem, we'll go to prepare immediately." The assistants and nurses of the city hospital responded immediately and acted quickly. Some of them went to pick up surgical supplies, and sent a message outside to notify the police C who was standing outside to look for sheep fat.

Police Cs have police cars, travel faster, and can go to the nearby vegetable market or fruit and vegetable store to buy sheep fat at the fastest speed.

A group of police officers waiting outside the door heard that they needed sheep fat, and immediately dispatched four people to go on a business trip. The remaining people remained in the emergency room, waiting for orders at any time.

"Little Junior Sister, how much hope is there for this operation?" Wan Cheng Hongli handed the plate to the assistant and took the Junior Junior Sister's gloves.

"People's lives are on the line, and there is only a [-]% success rate. Remember to ask the person who can make the decision to sign the operation book." Le Yun rubbed her forehead and said, "Master, you have gathered the top doctors, professors and experts in Kyoto. , your surgery is about the same success rate, why are you still insisting on looking for me?"

"Who said that?" Professor Kang was the first to veto: "Little girl, let me tell you the truth, I will preside over this operation. In order to appease the patient's family, I may have to tell a white lie that there is a [-]% hope. In fact, I know that as long as the steel plate on the head of the injured patient is taken out, the person will die immediately, and there is no possibility of a miracle."

"Indeed, there is still hope for success in the heart. If you talk about the steel sheet on the top of the head, there is no chance of success if I preside over the operation."

Associate Professor Luo of Xie University has also undergone numerous major surgeries, and has also worked in top foreign hospitals for a period of time. He also does not have any chance of success in the operation. After all, the piece of steel has penetrated one-third of the brain. Depth, the risk factor reaches the top level.

Professor Li of Renyuan also nodded. Ding Jiao and others all said that they had no chance of surviving even if they tried their best to injure the patient. The little girl affirmed that there was still a [-]% hope. Big surprise.

Le Yun sweated silently. A group of old doctors who were older than her were so calmly admitting that they were powerless. What else could she do?

It's impossible to get rid of the pick, so I can only bite the bullet and take over the hot potato, because the patient's vitality is very weak, give him a life-saving pill, and then give him a ginseng slice for death.

Since I have to be myself, I also accept the heavy responsibility of being the leader in a plain way, but I still know how to respect all the doctors and nurses: "You are too modest, and the professors and experts who are willing to be my assistants should also divide their labor and prepare for the operation in advance. The master will give me a In a quiet workplace, I need to dispense medicine. Handsome Yan took someone downstairs to help me move my large backpack and bag of medicinal materials to the dispensing place."

"Little Junior Sister, there is a doctor's meeting room on the floor of the emergency room, you come with me." Wan Cheng Hongli didn't care about other matters, he was only responsible for communicating and communicating with Junior Junior Sister.

Yan Xing was given the task of being an errand worker, and readily agreed to go to the place where the medicine was dispensed with the eldest son Wan Cheng and Little Loli. After leaving the emergency room, they walked through a long corridor to the public meeting room. The space was large enough to serve as a pharmacy.

After finding the place, Yan Shao didn't stop for a while and went downstairs to the car to pick up what Little Lolita had designated. He was very efficient in his work, and he had an elevator to travel around. She went to the back seat to carry out all the newly picked medicinal materials, carried four large bags into the building, and then took the elevator upstairs.

When someone helped her run errands, Le Yun just kept her mouth shut. She glanced around in the conference room and didn't see the camera. When I asked the master, the answer was that there was no camera. I sat down with confidence and put the bottles and cans in the small backpack. The cans are set out.

"Little Junior Sister, do you take these things with you wherever you go?" Wan Cheng Hongli wiped off a few sweats as he watched the little one keep taking out small items from his backpack.

"As long as all items with important functions are basically carried with you, after all, there may be special circumstances that require life-saving medicine, just like this time, if I don't have first-aid medicine with me, I can't do anything about it. Don't come to me to save a patient like this, since I saved that one last time, I can't save it this time, and I can't help you if you come to me in the future."

Le Yun nimbly placed the medicine bottle, slipped out of the copper medicine bowl, and mentioned her medicinal materials. Make sure that the patient does not get infected.

Wan Chenghong looked at the air, and he couldn't help but find the little junior sister. He personally wouldn't bother her, but it was difficult for the superiors to tell.

Yan Xing carried a large bag and a small bag to the conference room. When he saw the eldest son Wan Cheng and the little loli standing and sitting, he put all the things next to the little loli, and finally gave her a big backpack.

When the goods arrived, Le Yun went into the dispensing work, dug out several medicinal herbs from the four bags and crushed them with a masher to extract the juice, and then took out a set of glassware full of medicinal juice from the big backpack, mixed the medicinal juice, and finally extracted the medicinal juice from the bag. Reconcile the ointment in the refined bottles and jars.

A total of two ointments were prepared, and a poison-clearing concoction was prepared.

The police officers who went to look for the sheep fat took half an hour to come back, and they bought seven or eight catties of sheep fat. I heard that they had to knock on a store specializing in sheep beef in the market to buy the sheep fat.

Wan Cheng, the eldest son, went to get the alcohol stove and the big beaker to give the little junior sister the necessary medical tools, and then he became the door god with the young master of Yan.

Le Xiaoxiao carefully extracted the film coating from the surface of the sheep fat mass, and then threw a few pieces of suet into a beaker and heated it with a wine lamp to refine the oil.

Prepare to prepare the medicine, throw the medicinal materials and the big backpack into the conference room, and then go back to the emergency room. The eldest son Wan Cheng helped the younger sister hold the plate where she put the medicine, and Yan Shao was a pure bodyguard.

Professor Kang and other foreign aid professors and the main professors and experts of the city hospital waited for the little girl to dispense the medicine. Everyone was happily grouped into a group of four main experts with a few assistants. Each group is guaranteed to have cardiovascular, orthopedic, and brain medicine Professional experts in other fields.

Everyone divided the labor and cooperated, and arranged the positions of the surgical tools properly. When everything was ready, wait for the little girl to come back. After waiting for about half an hour, the little girl went back to the emergency room. The first group of assistants followed the shift. Stand on one side of the operating table, and the assistants stand on the opposite side.

The operating room supplies and personnel were all in place. Le Yun was on the left hand of the injured patient. She put her medicine on the surgical cart, and then arranged the scalpel and medical needle. go to work.

The first operation was to take a glass piece tied to the patient's cardiac membrane. She used a gold needle and a silver needle to puncture the big acupoint on the chest of Uncle Police C to protect the heart, and then disinfected to remove the foreign body.

When the little girl pulled out the glass and blood gushed out from the wound, the assistants who had already prepared immediately started to take protective measures, and then disinfected the vicinity of the wound, and handed it to the little girl again, and she personally glued the damaged heart membrane and blood vessels. During the operation, they saw with their own eyes that she sealed the wound with a thin film coat, and then sealed it with ointment. After about ten minutes, the ointment solidified like super glue, and the film coat was firmly adhered, allowing the The membrane coating is integrated with the cardiac membrane coating and the vascular surface.

The little girl applied the ointment several times, and finally handed it over to the assistants to clean up the air and residual blood in the abdomen of the injured person. It was close to the operating window. As for the incomplete hole, first, it could only be sealed with a prosthesis to prevent the air from being squeezed into the abdominal cavity. Flesh and skin grafts are leaked from other parts until suitable skin is found or the injured person is stabilized.

When the assistants were finishing the abdominal surgery, Le Yun checked Uncle C's head again before the surgery, and carefully finalized the steps and strength of the surgery. go to work.

The assistants line up in an orderly manner and come on stage when an assistant is needed. Everyone complements each other and cooperates perfectly.

Le Xiaoxiao only asked his assistants to do the preliminary disinfection work and do some trivial things that asked them to help when he couldn't help himself. He first opened the skull of the injured person, and did every step of taking the steel piece by himself, which took about [-] minutes. The steel sheet was taken away from the police C's brain without any risk.

The gold needles were used to seal the acupoints. After the steel sheet was removed, there was no large blood spurting. The red, red and white juice was gushing out from the gap, and the picture was very scary.

No one spoke, all held their breaths to see how the little girl rescued the injured brain.

The little girl opened the wounded number's skull again, revealing the human skull, and found the small pieces of the skull that were smashed by the steel sheet, and then looked for the wound on the pierced brain from the forehead wound. The brain is soft tissue. , Every movement of her is careful, find the wound, debride, detoxify, apply ointment, wrap it in a film coat, and then apply medicine.

She searched very carefully, dressing every wound in the finest detail. There were nearly a dozen wounds, large and small, which also reduced the amount of ointment she prepared little by little. When she put the brain back on her head, the medicine Bottomed out.

The skull bones were repositioned, ointment was applied, and the skull fragments were assembled. The places that could not be filled were temporarily sealed and bonded with a film coat. When she filled a long gap, her medicine was also used up.

The most important wounds were fixed, the scalp was sutured and other follow-up work was taken over by the assistants. Le Xiaoxiao stepped back to a place out of the way, took out a pill, swallowed it, and closed his eyes to rest.

Yan Xing helped Little Loli pack up her medical tools, put them in bags one by one and put them back in the small backpack. He also stood aside to accompany Little Loli.

A group of experts worked together to complete the suturing work in nearly half an hour, and then the assistant doctors in the hospital helped with medicine and bandaged the injured patient's head.

The little girl stood and rested quietly, and Dr. Wan Cheng and others didn't make a sound. First, she lightly packed up her medical tools and wrote a written report on the operation to wait for the little doctor to breathe.

After waiting for another half an hour, the little girl slowly opened her eyes. The redness in the originally watery and beautiful apricot eyes was slightly lighter than when she had just finished the operation, and there was still blood.

"Little girl, can you still hold it?" Professor Kang and others were very worried about the little girl's body. Every time her eyes were red after the operation, it was obvious that the load was heavy.

The overloaded work made the brain a little chaotic, Le Yun rubbed her forehead and heart, and shook her head: "I'm fine, everyone has worked hard, the end of the operation does not mean that it is complete, and the person is not out of danger, first isolate and observe and treat, if 72 hours No infection or fever within the period is basically equivalent to saving life. There are two possibilities in the future. One may be cerebral palsy. Family members are asked to be psychologically prepared first, and not to provoke the injured, strong emotional fluctuations are extremely dangerous to him."

"Junior sister can rest assured and go back to rest. We will arrange the follow-up matters." Wan Cheng Hongli rubbed the little head of the junior junior sister distressedly. Their junior junior sister is a child with a knife-like mouth and a tofu heart. On the surface, she is occasionally fierce, but her heart is kind and soft. , I don't see people suffering from pain.

"Yeah, I'll go first, thank you for your hard work." After the operation, she really has nothing to do with herself, so Le Yun won't stay for others to pull her for a "friendly" exchange, she turned around quickly and left, Take off the blue surgical gown while walking.

"The little girl has worked hard and has a good night's dream."

The doctors said goodbye one after another. The little girl's medical skills are really high, and she easily completed the operation that they thought was 100% impossible to succeed. The abilities of medically gifted people are really not comparable to ordinary people.

You Yan followed his little junior sister step by step, Wan Cheng Hongli hurried to the door first, unlocked the operating room password, opened the door, and waited for the junior sister to come and take the surgical gown from her hand and hang it on the outside wall Then open the door of the operating room outside, and send the little sister out first.

A group of police officers at the door stood guard at the door as long as the chief entered the operating room. When the door light of the emergency room finally dimmed, a group of people stood up from where they were sitting or sitting on chairs, and stood neatly in two rows at the door. , stood up straight, when the door opened, someone shouted "salutation", police C saluted the door of the emergency room and saluted the medical staff who came out.

Wan Cheng Hongli opened the door, saw the neatly lined police officers, and nodded slightly: "The operation was successful, but the wounded is not out of danger yet, and needs to be observed. The chief surgeon is too tired to go back to rest first, your boss will come back later. Go to the ward."

"The doctor has worked hard!" After hearing the success of the operation, the middle-aged and young police officers couldn't contain their excitement. They thanked them in unison, and their salute became more firm and powerful.

Wan Cheng eldest son walked in the front, Yan Xing accompanied Little Loli one step behind, when he saw the police officers salute, he returned a military salute, and silently accompanied Little Loli out of the emergency room.

Le Yun, who was following the back of the master, because of his short stature, only saw the back of the master. Hearing the salute, he turned his head to look, and saw a group of police uncles saluting at the door. Respect, no matter how tired it is!

She didn't show up, she followed behind the buttocks of the master and passed the police officers, and went to the conference room to pick up her luggage. She didn't need to do her own bag, but handsome Yan and the master helped her carry it.

Wan Chenghongli and Young Master Yan, who were watched by Police C, were carrying backpacks and bags. He personally escorted the younger sister downstairs, loaded the luggage into Young Master Yan's car, and watched the car drive out of the hospital to the outside on the road. After turning around and returning to the hospital, the operation was over. He still had a report to write, and he had to entertain all the colleagues who came to support him with the hospital leaders.

Professor Kang and others watched Dr. Wan Cheng take the little girl out of the emergency room, and then started post-operative work. They routinely checked the wounded's postoperative indexes, made records, and then unplugged some temporarily inconvenient devices. The doctors from the People's Hospital and their assistants pushed the operating bed and some instruments out of the emergency room to the ward.

The police officers sent away the first doctor who left the emergency room and stood on a wooden stake again. When the door of the emergency room opened for the second time, they saluted again and thanked the medical staff.

"You're welcome, the little girl who left before is the chief surgeon, you can just thank her."

After receiving the most solemn salute and thanks, the medical staff of the city hospital felt well-deserved. It was the little girl who really saved the wounded from the line of life and death, and they did not do much.

"Every dedicated doctor is the most respectable doctor." The leading third-level police inspector expressed his most sincere gratitude to the medical staff. So far, they have not dared to inform the boss's family about the boss's serious injury. Now the boss has left the emergency room , they are more at ease.

The medical staff also understood the feelings of the police officers and did not explain too much. When they came around to help, they told everyone to be gentle, and they sent the operating room to the isolation ward of the inpatient department with the police officers, then connected the equipment and arranged medical care. Staff on duty.

Professor Kang and others waited for a while before leaving the emergency room. They excitedly went to the conference room to discuss their experiences and insights from watching the operation process before. The eldest son Wan Cheng returned to join the ranks and held a lively seminar with his colleagues.

Yan Xing took Little Loli out of the hospital and drove onto the avenue at a constant speed. After getting in the car, Little Loli closed her eyes to do eye exercises, and soon fell asleep on the back seat.

He called Erye Chao's house with his mobile phone and told them that he sent Little Loli over there, and asked them to leave someone to wait for the door to open. When he closed the phone, he quietly reached out and touched Little Loli's head. She was quiet, no Hide didn't roll his eyes, he was extremely docile.

The quiet little loli is the cutest.

He rubbed her little head, and after he was so addicted, he drove Little Loli back to Erye Chao's house.

(End of this chapter)

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