magic eye doctor

Chapter 526 An appointment

Chapter 526 An appointment
It was almost 10:30 when Yan Xing left the hospital. The street was brightly lit and bustling. Others admired the scenery on the street, but he admired the little girl's sleeping face.

Little Loli slept soundly. He was afraid of bumping her, so he drove the car very slowly. When he arrived at Erye Chao's villa, it was almost twelve o'clock. He watched Erye Chao's house bright. He was a little embarrassed by the light on, he just wanted to enjoy the peace of being alone with Little Loli, but ignored the mood of the Chao family.

Little Lolita hadn't woken up yet, and Yan Xing didn't call her. She got out of the car gently, pushed open the unlocked gate, and then got in the car and drove the car into Erye Chao's yard.

Chao Er and his wife and Hu Shufang's mother knew that Xiaofan Tuanzi was going to come back and didn't sleep. The car drove into the courtyard, guessing that Young Master Yan had sent their little girl back, and went downstairs ding ding dong dong.

They ran downstairs, and Yan Shao's car also drove downstairs of the villa.

After Yan Xing stopped, he quickly got out of the cab and drove around the front of the passenger car, and lightly picked up the sleeping little Loli and walked towards the Chao family who trotted over.

When Chao Er and his wife saw Yan Shao holding the small dumplings, their hearts twitched, and they hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with our little Lele?"

"Little Loli was too tired after the operation and fell asleep when she got in the car. I was afraid of waking her up. The drive was a little slow, so the husband of Chao Dong and Chao waited for a long time. I'll take her upstairs." Yan Xing hugged her arms. The soft and fragrant little loli is very reluctant to hand it over to Erye Chao, and wants to send it to Erye Chao's house by herself.

"Give me the little dumplings." Chao Shengan trotted a few steps to reach out to Young Master Yan and extended his hand. Their old Chao's little girl's bedroom could not be peeped by other men, even if the Yan family boy was a soldier.

Yan Xing reluctantly handed over the Bai Nen little loli in his arms to the second master Chao. Seeing that the second master Chao gently hugged the little loli in his arms, he was very jealous and wanted to grab it.

Mrs. Chao Er took two small steps, went to her husband's side and rubbed Xiaofen dumpling's head, and sent Xiaofan dumplings home with her husband: "An, please walk slowly, don't shake the little dumplings."

"I understand." Chao Shengan had the first personal experience of being an uncle, and he was very happy. Xiaolele was so light, just like Ah Fu's childhood, soft, delicate and lovely.

When Xiao Afu turned ten years old, he grew fast. He and his wife could only walk a few steps with each other, and when he was ten years old, he would hardly let him hold him, so the feeling of holding a daughter became a memory, and I can finally relive it today. The happiness of being an elder.

Uncle Hu politely bowed to Yan Shao and said hello: "Yan Shao, do you have any luggage for our little girl?"

"Yes, many of them are medicinal materials." Chao Er and his wife took Little Loli away. No matter how depressed or jealous Yan Xing was, he could only endure it and walked to the car to help carry the luggage.

Fang's mother, Uncle Hu, quickly followed, and Young Master Yan took down some bags. Uncle Hu carried a large bag and trotted to open the small door next to the hall on the first floor and moved the things into the house.

Yan Xing helped carry two heavy bags of soil, moved all the bags back to the first floor, and returned to the garrison by himself.

Uncle Hu sent Yan Shao out of the yard, locked the gate, and then went back to carry the luggage with his wife, some of which were moved to the kitchen, and then went to fetch the baskets and helped the four girls to pour out all the medicinal herbs for ventilation.

After drying the medicinal herbs, an old couple went to the second floor to rest.

Chao Erye was in a good mood holding a small powder dumpling. He climbed from the first floor to the second floor, and then climbed from the second floor to the second floor of the jump. Even if he was a little out of breath, he didn't feel tired. He and his wife took the small powder dumpling back to her bedroom. , he is a man, lay the little guy down and go out first, and the lady will take care of the little powder dumplings.

Xiao Lele is always cute at home. It was the first time Mrs. Chao saw the little guy who was so tired that he fell asleep and didn't know what to do. She felt so distressed. Warm water to help wipe his face and feet can make the little guy sleep peacefully.

She took care of the child carefully and gently, and the little guy also gave face, obediently, and didn't beat anyone, only instinctively wanted to hide his face when he was wiped.

After waiting for the little guy to sleep well, Mrs. Chao Er washed the towel to dry, and washed her hands out of the bedroom. When she saw her husband outside, she smiled softly: "An, why haven't you gone to bed yet?"

"I'm waiting for you, isn't Xiao Lele not good?" Chao Shengan put his arms around his wife's waist and walked downstairs slowly.

"No, the little dumpling is very good. I didn't wake up when I washed her feet. She slept soundly."

"It's good to sleep well."

Erye Chao was relieved, Xiao Lele slept soundly, and they could sleep soundly too.

Uncle Fang's mother saw the second master and the second lady go downstairs, and guessed that the fourth girl must have slept soundly. When the second lady and the second master went to rest, they turned off the lights in the living room and went to sleep.

That night, Chao Er and his wife slept soundly. They woke up early in the morning and waited for the little powder dumplings to get up.

When Le Yun woke up, she looked at the dark air at first and touched her head, she was stunned for tens of seconds before remembering what she had passed by, and she also knew that she was at Chao Erbo's house, so she immediately got up and changed clothes to go back to the space Meditate, complete the morning training and then train the body, wait for the dawn, rush to take care of the crops that have not been picked because I did not return to the space last night, busy until 06:30, hurriedly brush my teeth and wash my face and go downstairs.

Xiao Budian jumped downstairs. Chao Er and his wife saw that her face was rosy and her complexion was very good. They were also really relieved and took the little guy for breakfast.

After breakfast, Chao Er and his wife went to the company again. Uncle Fang and Mother Hu took all the domestic helpers out to drive to buy things.

Le Xiaoxiao slipped to the kitchen on the first floor, packed a few medicinal materials with a vacuum machine, chopped the rest into pieces, and moved the pots and buckets that were placed between the stones in the kitchen to start the pharmaceutical industry.

Almost all the people who went out to purchase came back around 11:30. The car was thrown out of the yard first, and the items were moved after lunch. In addition to the ingredients for food, they also brought back two large pottery vats and two small vats, buckets, basins, hundreds of catties Quicklime, dozens of boxes of ducks, eggs, rice bran, and straw.

Fang's mother took someone to wash and rinse, and cleaned the jars, basins and buckets, and placed the big jar under the eaves.

Chao Er and his wife made an appointment with the bank to withdraw cash in advance on Monday, and went to the bank to withdraw cash at noon. There were three large password boxes and one small box. When the two returned home with huge sums of money, they saw a group of people cleaning eggs. That picture was so delightful.

Uncle Hu helped the second master carry the money box up the second floor and sent it back to the fourth girl's bedroom, and then went downstairs; Chao Er and his wife also joined the great cause of laundering.

There were too many eggs, and a group of people were busy until the evening with a few boxes left unfinished. When Chao Yi, Chao San and his wife rushed to the villa without saying a word, they rolled up their sleeves to work.

The elder brother of the Chao family was busy with school, so he didn't go home on weekends. Miss Chao Er arrived home when she was about to eat. Seeing that the elders were busy on the first floor, they ran to look around. Xiaofan dumplings, after being beaten up, they help out.

Le Yun stayed in the kitchen while cooking medicine and making Yuqian dumplings, and made Yuqian pancakes in the afternoon.

The old and young of the Chao family continued to clean the duck eggs after meals, cleaned the remaining seven or eight boxes of duck eggs, happily ate a supper of Yuqian dumplings, accepted Xiao Budian's suggestion to go to bed early, and went to bed in a good mood.

No one was watching, Le Yun closed the door and took out the elm money from the space to make yu money dumplings and fried dumplings, and the medicinal meals made at night were hidden in the space.

The next day was Saturday, the old man and the old lady also rushed to Chao Er’s house early, and successfully caught up with breakfast. The family rubbed a meal, and happily went downstairs to make preserved eggs.

In fact, the old and young men are all joining in the fun. At most, they help to run errands, but they can't stand their enthusiasm for participating. Le Yun has to let everyone toss.

The old men put a layer of straw in the bottom of the big vat and the small vat. When the mud is ready, everyone put on thick gloves, soaked eggs and duck eggs in the mud, waited for a layer of mud to take out and put them in another A raw material is wrapped in a layer of specially made raw materials, and then wrapped in a layer of chaff and placed in a large vat.

Both men and women participated in the production. One group of people pickled eggs and another group of people pickled duck eggs. Everyone worked together to fill up the large and small tanks before noon. In the end, there were still some eggs wrapped in mud and there was no place to put them, and they ran again. Go buy back two small tanks and two boxes of eggs, and simply wrap all the mud.

The eggs are put into the tank, and then sealed and stored with thin nylon paper. If the temperature is suitable, it can be out of the tank in about ten days. If the temperature is low in winter, it will take more than a month.

Labor makes people feel happy. The old men and the old ladies are very happy to participate in the preserved egg production project. They go to the kitchen like children to ask questions about the raw materials of the small powder dumplings, because they frequently block the kitchen and seriously affect their work. The small powder dumplings of the medicinal dumplings rudely shut people out, a group of old and young men jumped up and down, shouting dissatisfied, and finally threatened by the success of the sentence "If you add more trouble, it will not be delicious", and quickly dodged away.

The little powder dumplings were making medicine, and the old men didn't want to disturb her, but they were afraid that she would run away and make trouble. She was really busy, and they wouldn't really run to affect her to do serious things and have fun.

Le Yun stayed on the first floor in the kitchen because she couldn't use the space materials for a long time. She only made some toast during the day. At night, when everyone fell asleep, she frantically made medicinal meals. She was so busy that she ended work when it was almost dawn. She stayed up for two nights and two meals. Almost during the day.

However, it was still delayed until dawn, and she didn't have time to worry about other things. She kept mixing ointments and rubbing pills. She was so busy that she was so busy that she couldn't get it done after the meal time. She was busy until nearly 08 :30 to make the last pot of ointment into pills.

The old and young of the Chao family didn't see the little guy open the door until breakfast time, guessing that her medicine was probably ready, and they didn't know when it would be finished, so they ate breakfast first, and when they waited eagerly until eight o'clock, the little boy who had been busy all night finally finally Emerging, the old and young hurriedly dragged people to eat breakfast and fed her well before letting her pack up her tools.

Le Yun returned to the first floor to neatly clean up her own pots and pans for medicine, and moved it to the utility room where the rough jadeite stones were stored. Now, pack two packs of pills and pack a backpack and go downstairs, walk out of Bieye and wait for handsome Yan outside.

She sent a message to someone Yan yesterday and asked him to come over today. With the style of that guy who likes to come beside her whenever he has nothing to do, she told him to come around nine o'clock, and he estimated that he would arrive around eight o'clock.

As expected, when she walked to the gate of the villa area, she saw a cheetah leisurely approaching. Although it was not a military license plate, the car was very familiar.

Yan Shao escorted the little loli back to the second master Chao's house on Thursday night to find the brothers. After learning who the guy who was familiar with his intuition was, he didn't have any opinion on how Chi Shishi and the others dealt with the scum. Analyze some of the things that Liu someone got after deciphering someone's mobile phone.

He didn't go back to school on Friday, and stayed at the station with someone Liu to be the thirteenth man. When he received the news on Saturday night that Little Loli asked him to go to Erye Chao's villa on Sunday morning, he was secretly excited for half a night. Get up early in the morning, leave the troubled brothers and go out to eat breakfast by yourself, and then go to the little loli.

In fact, he had already arrived nearby, deliberately wandered around until it was almost 08:30 before going to the villa, but as soon as he entered the villa, he saw a little girl in a red spring dress, so he turned around first, and then walked back seven or eight meters Pick up a pretty little girl.

When handsome Yan came, Le Yun lightly climbed into the passenger seat and told Yan where to take her.

"Little Loli, who do you have an appointment with?" Little Lolita's address was the "Sihai Lai Ke" teahouse in Tea Street not far from Cuisine Hutong. That teahouse and Sanwei Xuan belonged to Xuanyuan's family.

"Well, I have a tea appointment." With a grinning face, Le Yun took out a packet of pills in a red bag from her backpack and gave it to someone Yan: "Give this to your buddy Liu Shuai for his sweetheart. My mother sent it. It is still eaten before going to bed. One piece a day. Remember to tell Tian Junsao that it may be easy to get up at night in the first few days. Pay attention to your own safety. Drink more boiled water in the morning during the day. Generally speaking, drink a pound more than usual. Water around you is enough, and you don’t need to drink too much.”

"It's for Aunt Tian again." Yan Xing took the bag away and put it in the windbag bag behind his seat. He was always jealous. Little Lolita was very concerned about Tian Junsao's affairs, why did she never treat him? Be mindful of things.

"The medicine I told you to give you last year has already been prepared, but I didn't give it to you. You are a broken body, and you can't control your mouth. I'm afraid that you will go back to your rogue father's house and someone will mix it up. The delicious food will take your life away." Yan handsome boy's tone was resentful, and Le Yun rolled his eyes angrily.

"I..." Yan Xing's face was a little hot when he said that. He didn't know the konjac like a horse's hoof and took a bite. Why does Little Loli keep talking about his embarrassment?
Then she was happy again. Little Loli helped him prepare the medicine and didn't give it to him because she was worried that he would be killed, which showed that she also cared about his affairs.

He was struggling, and Little Loli took out a file bag from her backpack and handed it over. He knew that it was the blueprint of the medicine stove that Little Loli said she was looking for, and she was busy putting things in her backpack. The mood was also instantly good, and she happily sent Little Loli to the teahouse to make an appointment. She was not annoyed when she arrived at the field and was blasted away by Little Loli, and returned to the station with the medicine and medicine stove drawings for Mrs. Tian Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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