magic eye doctor

Chapter 531 Banquet (2 more

Chapter 531 Banquet (2 more

It was almost five o'clock when classmate Le Xiao returned to Chao's house after drinking afternoon tea. The old and young of Chao's family burst into laughter when they saw Xiaofan dumplings carrying large and small bags. She didn't say what it was, and they didn't ask. Guy hurts so much.

The three sisters had too much fun making the small powder dumplings. Finally, Mrs. Chao decided not to go to Lao Mozi's banquet. , interpreting the perfect term for a woman to go to the hall and go to the kitchen.

The third brother, Chao Yi, Chao, and the other two were extremely sad when his wife went to cook. It’s not even if they couldn’t eat the food at home. The saddest thing was that their wife had a reason not to go to the banquet at Wang Ju’s house. They couldn’t hide. .

To tell the truth, they didn't want to attend any banquets either, it was more comfortable and free to stay at home, but Wang Ju and his son both posted to them, it would be inappropriate for them if they didn't go.

At this time, Chao Yi and Chao San were very envious of Chao Er. Chao Er was in business but not in politics, so Chao Er could not go, and both of them and Wang Ju were in politics. They were colleagues.

Even if there are 1 people in my heart who don't want to go to the banquet, Chao Yi and Chao San have to pack themselves up and set off at 06:30. The two brothers are walking together, and one car is enough. Uncle Li, who was working, drove the two masters to the banquet.

Wang Ju's family held a banquet at the hotel, which is not very far from the villa area where Chao Erye lives. If the traffic is smooth, it will take less than 10 minutes by car, so Chao Yi and Chao San will not be afraid of being late until 06:30.

The traffic on Sunday was quite congested, and the car took a lot of time on the road. The three brothers Chao Yi and Chao arrived at the hotel where the Wang Ju held the banquet before 07 o'clock. The dinner started at 30:[-], and they arrived at a more appropriate time time.

The hotel has a waiter at the door to guide the guests. Chao Yichao San followed the guide and took the elevator upstairs to the banquet hall reserved by the Wang Bureau. There were waiters inside and outside the hall to greet the guests.

Wang Ju's father, Wang Yang, is 71 years old, and his hair is also mixed with a few gray hairs.

Yang Lao sat in the master seat, Wang Ju and Mrs. Wang Hao Shao accompany the old man to entertain guests, Wang family members and relatives also helped at the banquet, and the hotel's secretary brought his assistants by the side, and their duty was to lead some The guests who have arranged the seats are seated so that the guests cannot find their seats.

It should not be too extravagant and wasteful, and the birthday banquet is preset to thirty tables.

The invited guests were afraid that they would not be able to catch up with the banquet, so they all came early, almost three-quarters of the time. Those who had reserved seats were all at the table seats arranged by the host for them. Neighbors chatted in low voices.

When the handsome and elegant two masters of the Chao family entered the banquet hall, the guests who had been secretly paying attention to the door saw only Chao and Chao, almost all subconsciously suspected that their eyes were not good, and deliberately looked behind the two Juns, yes, the Chao family Sanjun only came to the two brothers.

Miss Chao didn't come, they could understand why even the wives of Erjun Chao's family didn't come?
The guests who don't understand are secretly watching the master's seat.

Wang Bureau's father and son couldn't help but stunned when they saw that there was only Shuang Jun among the three Jun of Chao family. Wang Wenhao was muttering in his heart. Maybe it was because Le and Qing Da Wang Xihua had a normal relationship, and they had seen him and Wang Xihua again. They thought he and Wang Xiehua were boyfriend and girlfriend together. What did she say to the Chao family's wives that made the three Chao family's wives disagree, so they didn't come to his house?
Wang Ju was also puzzled as to why Chao and Chao both came alone. When they saw Liang Jun approaching, they stepped forward to welcome them on behalf of their father, shook hands, and invited the guests to meet their father.

The birthday is a big one. The three brothers Chao Yichao sent birthday speeches to the old man and presented the small gifts they brought to the host. The dignitaries in Beijing do not accept gifts for banquets, and the guests of the banquet do not need to give red envelopes, but can bring some small gifts. It's good to represent your mind.

"How is your honor?" Yang Lao waited for his son and daughter-in-law to accept the gift, and greeted the old man and old lady of the Chao family with a smile.

"My parents and my mother are in good health, and they have worked hard to talk about it. I haven't seen Yang Lao for some days, and you are getting more and more spirited." Chao Shengguo took the tea handed over by the grandson of the Wang family and expressed his gratitude to Yang Lao.

"Old man, I am a half-year-old person, and my arms and legs are sore and sore when I move a little bit. I can't compare to you young people who are full of splendor and energy."

"You are old and strong, like the pine and cypress are full." Chao Shenghui smiled back, seeing a guest coming out of the corner of his eyes, smiling: "Old Yang has a distinguished guest, our brothers will not delay Yang Lao and Wang Bureau to entertain the distinguished guest. La."

Wang Ju also saw the distinguished guest in Chao's mouth, Mr. Wu, and he really wanted to entertain him and let his son accompany the two Jun of Chao's family to the seat.

Chao Yi and Chao San did not shirk, and went to the seat with the grandson of the Wang family, Hao Shao.

Wu Lao took a bodyguard and walked into the Wang family banquet hall. He saw the Chao family brothers talking to Yang Lao, and walked forward calmly. When he saw the Chao family brothers go to their seats, he went to say hello to Wang family birthday. .

Mrs. Wang was surprised when Mrs. Wu was accompanied by a middle-aged man. Mrs. Wu didn't even bring the Lejia daughter this time?You must know that in the past, whenever Mr. Wu went to attend a private banquet, he would usually bring his daughter from the Lejia family to attend, just like everyone in the circle knew that Xiao Xiang, the daughter of the daughter of Lejia’s daughter, had taken the medicine of the elder brother of Chao’s family. Later, Mr. Wu still took Le Qianjin to Chao's house, so he knew how much Mr. Wu loved Le Qianjin. It's surprising that he didn't bring Le Qianjin to Wang's family this time.

Seeing Mr. Wu, Mr. Yang stood up and shook hands with the guests. After a few minutes of greetings, he asked his son to send Mr. Wu to take a seat at the table.

The Chao family brothers took their seats at the seats they had arranged. In order to avoid favoritism over the other, Chao's and Chao's seats were arranged at two adjacent tables.

Chao Yi's table is still a few seats. If they all bring their wives to fill the table, and Wang, He, and Luo all arrive, the seats for Chao and his wife are missing. Since Mrs. Chao did not attend, Chao Yi sat down. There is still an empty seat.

In the same way, Chao San sat at the table with He Qishu and He Qishu's husband and wife. Another was Li Qingyunqing, an old friend of the Chao family, Chao Yi's father-in-law Yang, and Chao Er's parents-in-law Zhou and his wife. They were all acquaintances, and when he sat down, there was an empty seat beside him.

Chao San just sat down when He Xiaoying asked, "Chao, what is the little doctor busy with these days?"

Mentioning the little girl from the old Chao family, Chao Shenghui couldn't keep the smiles on his face: "Our little guy went to the mountains to study plants a few days ago, and only got out of the mountain on Thursday evening, and he was given to him by He's nephew Yan as soon as he emerged. Please go to the hospital for rescue, go home in the middle of the night, only slept for half the night, then crawled into the kitchen as soon as possible and was busy making medicines. I didn't finish my work until this morning. I sent the medicine away and went to see a doctor for someone who had an appointment before. After a few days without rest, I finally got home in the evening, so exhausted that the panda was paralyzed, but I worried about the old lady and the old man. I, Zhuojing and her sister-in-law, also felt sorry for the little padded jacket, and went to the kitchen to make supplements for the little guy. I didn't even come to dinner."

Luo, who was at the same table with Chao, also wanted to ask the little girl from the Chao family, but when he heard He asked, he didn't say anything. He listened to Chao's answer with everyone. When Chao explained, everyone suddenly realized, no wonder Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Chao Didn't come, it turned out to be the distressed little girl coaxing the child to make delicious food at home.

I heard that the little doctor was invited by the grandson of the He family to the hospital to help with the operation. He wanted to cover his face, and Xiao Longbao ran to ask the little doctor for help. Sooner or later, the Chao family would be angry.

"It's been hard work for the little doctor. The little doctor has worked tirelessly for the patients at such a young age with a benevolent heart. He has made selfless contributions regardless of pay. It really makes the old and young of the He family feel ashamed, if Chao sees that he is not pleasing to the eye, he will beat him up, if the Chao family does not have a cane or stick, I will go home another day and ask the boys to prepare a few to send to the Chao family for use."

Hearing that He Rang and Chao San beat Sun Yanxing, the He family's grandson, Yang Laoqing and Zhou Lao couldn't close their mouths with laughter, Zhou Lao Furen pursed her lips, her eyes almost narrowed into lines, Bo Ge'er's sister is a pain in the ass. Little baby, they all want to hold their love in their pockets. The grandson of the He family asked Xiaofan Tuanzi to see a doctor, and he really should be called.

Chao Shenghui nodded solemnly: "He's suggestion is very good, next time, the boy Yan will ask my little boy to help him until he faints from exhaustion and then send it back. The old Chao family will beat the boy Yan with the rattan, and spank his ass to bloom, it's okay. Consider sprinkling a few handfuls of pepper or cayenne pepper."

"Chao, you won, remember to call me when you sprinkle chili powder, and I will bring the old and young at home to form a team to watch."

He's words amused everyone in the same seat.

"Yo, is boy Yan really your grandson?"

"Yan kid must be so sad when he hears that he doubts his life."

"Pity the grandson of the He family...."

Mr. Yang and the others were especially sympathetic to the grandson of the He family, Sun Yan, who was also drunk on such an uncle.

He and his wife smiled and listened to everyone's one-sided sympathy for Xiao Longbao. They wouldn't say that Xiao Longbao was not afraid of beatings. Xiao Longbao's skin was rough, and ordinary rattan sticks would leave some bruises at most. Unless you get a special barbed rattan.

Master Hao sent the two masters of the Chao family to the table and went back to the elders. He only heard Chao and He discussing the topic of the little girl of the Chao family. When there were no guests, he quietly told the elders what he heard from the Chao family. .

Yang Lao and Wang Ju heard that the little girl of the Chao family was exhausted, and the third wife of the Chao family was coaxing the children at home, so Chao Yi and the third wife Chao did not come to the Wang family, and they were relieved.

After Mr. Wu, guests arrived one after another, and all those who could come were present before the opening of the meeting. The meeting started on time at half o'clock and ended at 09:30.

Because there were no special guests, Yang Lao's birthday banquet did not have any amazing episodes. It started flat and ended peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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