Chapter 537
At the end of the day, the playground was full of people.

Le Yun saw a big man in a blue sweatshirt on the way to look for brother Chao, and happily chased after him: "Bian Yuan, classmate Bian Yuan!"

Bian Yuan was walking with the crowd, and when he heard someone calling him, he turned to look over and saw a girl in a white sweatshirt running over. The short girl was running among the students, looking particularly delicate.

Seeing the short girl who looked like an apricot flower, Bian Yuan's eyes widened, watching her run over to the front of several people, scratching her hair naively; "Le... classmate."

Le Yun looked up at the big man and saw his simple, honest and restrained appearance, she burst out laughing: "Bian Yuan, I'm sorry, we said when we started school that we would have time to play together, because I'm often not at school, so I didn't go to you. Learn and play together."

"It's alright, it's alright, I often play with the boys in your class. They said that you went outside to study plants. You saw classmate Guan a few days ago. You just returned to school, right?" Bian Yuan smiled innocently. With a shy smile, facing the pink and fair little girl classmate, she didn't know where to put her eyes.

"I only went back to school this week to study. By the way, are you free today? I invited you to be a guest in my dormitory. My tutor, my wife, and my brother Chao also went to dinner together."

"...That...will going to your dormitory like this cause you trouble?" Bian Yuan scratched his hair. He wanted to be a guest, but he was used to it. He had never been to the girls' dormitory, so he was afraid of being rude.

"No, my tutor and my wife are very gentle people, you don't have to worry about it," Le Yun jumped up and patted her big classmate on the shoulder: "Bian Yuan, it's settled like this, do you want to send it? Go back to the dormitory with the medal? You don’t need to send it off. If you want to send it back, you can find me yourself, or I will ask my brother Chao to pick you up at your dormitory building.”

"You don't need President Chao to pick me up, I'll send things back to the dormitory to find you again." Bian Yuan smiled even more naively, his eyes sparkling.

"Okay, I'll go to my wife and brother Chao, we'll see you later."

"Well, see you later."

The little girl waved her small paws and ran to the rostrum. Bian Yuan also waved her hand. When she could no longer be seen, she immediately got up and hurried back to the dormitory.

Separated from the big classmates, Le Yun ran to the chairman's audience, and found the professor, his wife, brother Chao, and handsome Yan and Liu, as well as coach Ou.

Yan Shao Liu Shao was caught by Li Commander and watched the track and field competition with the leaders of all parties for a day. It was also depressed for a day. When the closing ceremony was over, the two quietly withdrew from a group of leaders and guests, and found Brother Chao without a trace. Er and Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang.

In order not to be "welcomed" away by Professor Wan Cheng and Mrs. Wang, Liu Shao gave full play to his sweetness, praised their pupils for their great achievements in track and field competitions, and enthusiastically sent hundreds of lines of praise. , and successfully coaxed Mrs. Wang into a sweet smile.

The beautiful boy helped the cute girl carry the backpack, smiled without saying a word, and let Liu Shao flatter his contribution and praised him. Don't think he didn't know what the two young masters were thinking, and he just wanted to eat again.

When he saw the cute little Lele Sa Huan'er running, he quickly took two steps to catch him, hugged him in his arms, and lovingly touched a slippery little head: "Little Lele is really amazing, again Four championships."

"Xiao Le, you're amazing. As the coach, You Rong is with me." Ou Hai also hurried forward, patted the top of the little girl's head solemnly, and winked triumphantly at the beautiful boy.

"Little beauty, congratulations, congratulations, you have broken records again, I wish you another great success in the Spring Festival Games in colleges and universities." Liu Xiangyang also jumped up and rushed over to brush his face.

"Of course, as long as my little padded jacket is willing, the championship will not be captured." Mrs. Wang's mood is so beautiful that she will fly to the sky.

"That's right, don't even look at who Xiao Lele is in elementary school." Professor Wan Cheng was extremely proud as he held his wife.

Throwing herself into the arms of the beautiful young brother, sniffing his elegant body fragrance, Le Yun stayed still, raised her face, and smiled brightly: "Brother Chao, your sister is so powerful, are you going to carry me back as a reward? ?"

"Okay, my brother's back." Chao Yubo rubbed the little guy's face, stuffed his backpack into Comrade Xiao Ou, turned around and squatted down. Xiao Lele is actually misogynistic, so how could she be with boys when she was in high school? Being close, now I am willing to ask him to carry it, and I am willing to play with him and his little friends, which means that he is slowly opening his heart.

Brother Chao squatted down, Le Yun cheered and lay on the back of the beautiful young brother, clasped his back with both hands and placed his arms between the beautiful young brother's back and his chest, lying down, smiled brightly at the teacher: "I have a brother on the back. I feel so beautiful, let's go, I invited Bian Yuan to the dormitory as a guest, I want to go back and make food."

"Let's go!" Ouhai took the backpack that Xiao Chaosai had brought, and happily left first.

Xiao Lele slumped down firmly, Chao Yubo stood up and set off with Little Cutie on his back.

"Coach Ou, the leaders of the Sports Committee and the Education Committee are still waiting for you to eat." Professor Wan Cheng glared unhappily as he walked. The guy robbed his primary school student to the track and field team, and he still wanted to run to his primary school student dormitory. Steal his food, damn it.

"No, no, the school leaders know that I'm not good at drinking, so I don't need to go to the dinner party or something." Ou Hai took eight-character steps, and the school leaders also knew that the sports committee and the sports institute wanted to grab Lei students. I wish he was too busy to go to the dinner party, and then if Director Li of the Sports Committee and others discussed how to enjoy the classmates evenly, the leaders would be able to put all the responsibilities on him and change the topic easily.

Professor Wan Cheng glared at Coach Ou angrily, and took his wife to the parking lot outside the playground.

Liu Xiangyang and Faxiao looked at each other, said nothing, and immediately followed Mrs. Wang's side, acting as a follower.

Mrs. Wang walked beside Xiao Chao, put her hand on the head of the elementary school student, and smiled contentedly.

After the students dispersed, they all walked together in groups, leaving only the sports associations and referees who were packing the field supplies. Since everyone walked almost the same way, no one found that President Chao was willing to be a bull and horse, even if someone was far away. When I saw someone walking around with a person on their back, I didn't expect that it was President Chao.

Yan Xing glanced at Shao Shao as he walked, and his heart was blocked and bored, why didn't Little Loli jump on him?He is so tall and mighty, a hundred times less sturdy than Chao, and has a broad back. It would be more comfortable for her to lie on his back.

After finding the vehicle outside the playground, Chao Yubo put Xiao Lele down, opened the car door, put her in the passenger seat, and drove by himself.

The four cars lined up in a row, passing through the campus building in a flamboyant and low-key manner and returning to the Xueba Building, and happily climbed up to the fourth floor, when stepping on the little beauty's dormitory floor, Liu Xiangyang Yanxing was finally truly relieved. , Little Loli didn't chase them away, today is such a good day!
Back at the private small house, Le Yun first boiled the water for tea, then washed the rice and cooked rice, then chose the dishes, and turned on the oven to heat the roast chicken that she made yesterday.

The beautiful boy sat down for a while and went downstairs to wait for the next classmate.

At the invitation of Little Loli, Bian Yuan ran to the playground at the fastest speed and rode his bicycle back to the dormitory, then took a shower at the fastest speed, looking completely new, and went downstairs in a hurry. The Japanese goods store in the dormitory area bought a carton of milk and rode to Xueba Building.

Classmate Bian rushed to Xueba downstairs and found that President Chao was waiting for him under the eaves.

The beautiful teenager led classmate Bian into his sister's dormitory. Bian Yuan knew Coach Ou and had met Xiaoluoli's mentor several times. He didn't know Mrs. Wang.

"Okay, classmate Bian Yuan, right? Don't be restrained. You and the boys in my class can play too. I'm very happy that you supervise each other's studies." Professor Wan Cheng saw that classmate Bian also liked it. He is honest and honest, and he doesn't have any fuss. He also gets along well with the eight boys in his class. He is a good student.

"Sit down, classmates, don't stand." Mrs. Wang also greeted the young students with pleasure. She was a little padded jacket with a simple mind, and the classmates recognized by the small padded jacket must not be a shrewd person.

Bian Yuan sat down beside Mr. Ou, and acted as an obedient student with a smile on his face.

The beautiful young man made tea for the teachers and classmates, drinking tea and chatting for less than half an hour. The dinner was ready. Now fried, there is a boiled fish is freshly made.

There are four meat dishes, such as braised pork, spare ribs, roast chicken, fish soup, and four green vegetables, filling a table.

After dinner, Liu Shao and Coach Ou didn't want to bury their heads in the fight, but they made classmate Bian look stupid. It was not until the president of the beautiful boy urged him repeatedly that he woke up and hurriedly ate.

There is a saying that a well-behaved child has candy to eat, he is too simple and honest, and Mrs. Wang fights for him, giving him a chicken leg, giving her a primary school student, and letting the two children share it evenly.

Bian Yuan looked at everyone silently, and silently lowered his head to eat chicken legs, feeling very ashamed, and at the same time very... moved.

Liu Xiangyang wanted to maintain the image of an elegant and handsome guy, but he couldn't control himself, so he had to respect his heart and let himself go to satisfy his strong craving.

Yan Xing eats fast, but still maintains an elegant and noble temperament, and can help Xiao Loli with a serious face and give her the fish head under the eyes of the public with a handsome face.

A group of people finished their dinner happily, Liu Shao took away the task of washing the dishes, Professor Wan Cheng gnawed his teeth with satisfaction, drank the stomach-healthy and Xiaoshi tea, and left until ten o'clock.

Mrs. Wang wanted to abduct the primary school students to go home to play. Le Xiaoxiao had to give Yang Tuhao acupuncture in the morning, so she had to wait for the acupuncture to come back the next day before going to play. Mrs. Wang lived at the school first and brought the pupils home tomorrow morning.

The beautiful young man was rude to pick up the strong man and asked Comrade Xiao Ou to drop off his classmate Bian. Coach Ou readily accepted the entrustment and sent him to the dormitory before returning to the staff quarters.

(End of this chapter)

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