magic eye doctor

Chapter 548 One more run

Chapter 548 Another one ran away

Yan Xing secretly rubbed and waited for the things that didn't look like people to appear. When they flew in the sky, they appeared in the range of the torch light to reveal their true colors. The two groups of objects were two human heads, dragging under their necks as neat as knives. A mass of internal organs, the internal organs dragged by a head are only the stomach, heart, lungs, and the internal organs dragged by a human head are complete with stomach, heart, liver, lungs and intestines.

The two heads are men's heads. The head with only the stomach, heart and lungs has long hair and can be tied into a ponytail at the back of the head. Possibly in extreme anger, with contorted faces and red eyes.

Now, Yan Xing finally understood what Little Loli meant by saying that people were not like people. The head that flew down was a human head, but it was dragging its internal organs and flying around, it really didn't look like a human or a ghost.

In the cold night, the lights are also cold, and the men and women standing next to the buttocks of the car wear blue peaking jackets, one tall and the other short, as if they are enjoying the scenery.

The flying head flying in the air saw the portraits of a man and a woman of different heights, and saw a mortal enemy, and grinned at the two of them, shaking the internal organs with the smell of excrement.

After putting down the light, Le Yun took out the gloves from her backpack and put it on, grabbed a packet of medicine powder in her hand, and waited for the flying object in her spare time. When she heard handsome Yan shouting for the flying head landing, she pouted silently, isn't that the flying head landing? That's why it is said that people are not like people and ghosts are not like ghosts.

She didn't speak, and stared at Feitoujiang with a smile: "Speaking of two heads, let's talk about life, we have no hatred and no grudges, who are you hired to assassinate me, so that you will not hesitate to cross the border to assassinate me, Presumably the price is quite high, if you are short of money, I will pay double the price, how about you go back and kill the people who hired you?"

"Woo!" The long-haired flying hair roared and rushed towards the little girl like a madman.

The inch-haired flying head charged at the tall man like a cannonball with the anger that he saw as death .

The flying head came, and Le Yun made a face at it, stuck out her tongue, raised her hand, and sprinkled a handful of medicinal powder on the flying head's face. The head is covered.

Yan Xing was not idle either, when he saw the flying head with short hair flying, he raised the steel pipe in his hand, smiled gracefully, and shouted with great joy, "Good day!"

He shouted words, and at the moment when the viscera of the flying head was thrown, the hand behind the palm gently swayed, and a ray of flame "huo" burned into a ball, divided into two, and a ball of fireworks flew towards the short hair. The head descended, and a group of flames flew towards the long-haired head and descended.

The short-haired flying head descended and didn't care when he saw the target man grabbing the steel pipe and punching himself. , unfortunately, the flames saw the wind soaring, turned into a big fireball with lightning speed, and wrapped him in an instant. Burning pain, he howled in the fire like a headless fly.

Yan Xing jumped up handsomely, threw the steel pipe in the beautiful posture of playing baseball, hit the fireball and made a loud "bang" sound, the fireball let out a roar, and slammed down onto the meadow, rolling and jumping, but couldn't roll. The flame was extinguished, and the smell of burning meat was accompanied by a shrill scream.

Flying towards the little girl's long hair flying head, seeing the little girl raising her hand and throwing powder, he closed his eyes subconsciously, at the same time, his stomach, heart, lungs and face were stained with powder, and he felt a sharp pain. He was about to fly high. , Suddenly the pain felt like a fire on his body, he opened his eyes, his eyes were blurry, but he clearly saw flames sticking to his head and stomach.

The flames burned, and the hair was burned with a swipe, and the scalp was burning for a while, the flying head jumped up, dropped the target, and flew into the distance.

Le Yun threw a handful of medicinal powder and waited to see Yanren show off his skills. He really lived up to his expectations, and the flames burned the flying heads in seconds. She smiled and admired the burning flying heads. Just chasing: "Flying head, don't run, in this situation, it is the most joyful thing in life to talk about it at night."

The flying head bullet flew more than ten meters in the air and slammed to the ground, rolling on the cold and wet meadow. However, the flames on his body did not go out. He jumped high again in shock and flew towards Namtso. Go, volley hurricane, and turn a blind eye to the shouting of the little girl behind.

Little Loli went to chase another flying head, and Yan Xing didn't worry about her. Little Loli killed a flying head by herself in Y Nan Province. Now that this one is on fire, it is better to deal with it and use her ability to deal with it. Up is more than enough.

Abandoning handsome Yan's music, she ran after Feitou, and when she saw it flying towards the Tianhu Lake, she couldn't help but break out of joy. That guy is quite smart and knows how to put out fire with water, but will she let him jump into the lake? ?
The answer is definitely no.

Running out of the range of the flashlight, Le Yun no longer has any scruples, she spread her feet and ran hard, like a flying arrow off the string, flying across the undulating meadow, and within a minute of effort to catch up with the flying head and take out a Holding up a bamboo pole, running, and standing on the ground in a pole-vaulting posture, the person rises into the air and reaches the flying height of the flying head, takes out a hammer in the air, and smashes it hard at the flying head.

The flying head was burned with severe pain, and rushed towards the big lake like crazy. A gust of wind came, and it jumped up, but didn't want to hit him with a sledgehammer head-on. It hit him hard, and the sky was dizzy for a while. The ground spins, and it is impossible to tell the difference between the south, south, and northwest.

Le Yun, who supported the bamboo pole and flew into the air, threw the hammer back into the space, the person and the bamboo pole fell to one side, landed lightly, retracted the bamboo pole, and rushed to the place where the flying head landed to see what the flying head was like.

The flying head fell to the ground from the ten-meter-high sky, smashed heavily to the ground, rolled a few times, and the flame was still burning relentlessly. .

Le Yun, who arrived at the scene, was delighted when she saw the flying head. It had a large concave head, and flames flashed on its scalp and internal organs.

Probably because it was too far away from the master, handsome Yan's flame stuck to the flying head but did not spread. Le Xiaoxiao took a few glances, then reached out and grabbed the heart of the flying head without the flame, like holding a hammer, and swung it hard. , smashed it hard on the ground, smashed it a few times, it made it dizzy, and when it was lifted, it swirled in a circle, while running towards handsome Yan.

Yan Xing guarded a flying head and burned it, while looking at the direction of the little loli, he was far away, he couldn't see what happened there, only saw a cluster of flames falling from the air, and then kept shaking.

Soon, he saw the little loli carrying a flying head and running to the place where the light could shine like a hula hoop, and the little loli jumping was also very cute.

"Brother Yan, this is also for you." Running back to the parking place, Le Yun threw the flying head that was playing in her hand, and threw it at another ball of fire not far from Handsome Yan.

The flaming Feifei looked like a hammer flying into the air, and smashed it next to a burning fireball. Yan Xing shook his head: "Little Loli, be gentle, it will hurt to throw it like this."

The beautiful man's voice is pure and beautiful, and it sounds like the truth. Le Yun almost fell, paused, and silently looked at the skyrocketing flames around the flying head that he threw away, silently wiped away the cold sweat, murmured. Died: "Is it not painful to burn?"

"Fire should not hurt, because after cremation, the soul will go to the bliss of the West."

The handsome guy said it seriously, and a heart-piercing scream came from the fireball. Le Yun felt a chill on her back and sighed: "You won."

Fire doesn't hurt, so the screams just now were laughter.

Looking at the flame ball, she felt that if she didn't really want to show her face, it would be better not to provoke handsome Yan. His cultivation level is increasing day by day, and the flame can reach the state of mind and heart. If one day he throws fire and burns her, she will If you don't avoid the space, it is also a very difficult challenge.

The flames were burning, whistling in the wind, and her mood instantly became beautiful, she rushed to the handsome guy Yan with her small hands behind her back, jumped up and patted the handsome guy on the shoulder: "He Xiaolongbao, I feel more and more Our cooperation has become more and more tacit, and we have joined forces to wipe out everything, which is so cool."

"So you want me to follow you wherever you go. I'm not a vegetarian, and I won't hold you back." Little Lolita ran happily and stood next to her, Yan Xing's mood was suddenly light and light, he Not weak, really, Little Lolita often doesn't give him a chance to perform.

"Hey, I'll talk about this later." Le Yun giggled, not promising to go out for Yan people to accompany her again and again, and instead spit at the still rolling fireball: "Damn, you are a naughty immortal, and you will make a fool of your mother. Yes, auntie and you don't make water from the well. You ran up to the ground to assassinate my auntie, and now you taste the taste of burning meat. What's the matter, why is it not cattle now, wasn't it quite arrogant before, four people How does it feel to be annihilated when the troops are divided into three groups?"

Little Loli had nothing to do and was talking to Feitou, who was burning like coke. Yan Xing looked at her with a funny look. It was really interesting that Little Loli was proud of her victory, and it was only at this time that she looked like a little girl. child.

"Little Loli, did you hit the target with your shot?"

"You treat me as if I'm too idle to play fire and play, three bombs and two people, with the rear of the car as the coordinate direction, one on the right at two o'clock, and one on the left at ten o'clock, about 900 meters away, deal with it Remember to dispose of the other two corpses after these two heads are lost."

Le Yun stretched her waist: "Xiaolongbao, I'm going to take a look at the limelight, you should pay attention to your own safety, we killed four and ran one, and I don't know if we will kill the carbine, don't be careless. "

"One ran away." Yan Xing didn't quite believe it. With the character of Little Loli who pays attention to money and pays back, she advocates killing people to silence them. How can they let the enemy slip through the net.

"Well, there is another one in the dark. It is estimated that he is guarding the bodies of the two flying heads. Before the flying heads shouted and reported people to leave, it should be to let the person take their bodies away."

"Do you understand what they say?" Yan Xing was beyond surprised, does Little Loli understand the language of flying heads?

"Xiaolongbao, you thought I was a fool for a few days with Yang Tuhao in Y Nan. I don't understand everything Feitoujiang said, but I do understand one or two sentences, one of which has the word 'dead'. , the sentence has the meaning of 'go', it should be a message to the dark that two companions have died."

Le Yun explained and rushed to the left of the car: "For your safety, I'd better go and collect the corpse and bring it back for you to burn."

Yan Xing watched Little Loli run away like a monster. Her talent in medicine was enough to amaze Huanyu, and she was so talented in language, how could other geniuses live?When she thought that she said she was worried about his safety and went to help dispose of the corpse first, her heart became hot, and when she touched her ears, both ears were also hot.

Said she was going to collect the corpse, Le Yun took out a small flashlight to illuminate the road, dashed towards the place where her sniper target fell, ran quickly to the ground, saw the sniper target and the black guy who fell, squatted down and pulled Open the mask, his face is somewhat similar to the faces of the two flying head descendants. If you guessed correctly, they should be from the same family.

The man was dead, his body was stiff, and even the blood was solidified. His sniper rifle exploded, the barrel was deformed and twisted, and several parts were scattered on the ground.

He picked up the dead guy and moved a few steps away, took out a packet of medicinal powder and sprinkled it on the broken minced meat and viscera. When the medicinal powder touched something, a white gas was created, and the minced meat and viscera pieces turned into bloody water.

In line with the principle of proper aftermath, Le Yun picked up the broken gun parts one by one, put them in a plastic bag, and proposed a bucket of water to rinse the places with blood and residues, and incinerate the blood and water into The dirt of the water is diluted and dispersed into the dry grass of the meadow seed, and the spice is sprinkled to remove the smell.

Retrieve the dropped bullet, grab the rigid body and walk laterally to the other place where the sniper was killed, find the target, pick up a dark golden rifle that fell, and see that his face is also the same as that of the Flying Head. There are similarities in the external characteristics, and the corpse powder is also used to destroy the blood stains and visceral residues, and then rinsed with water, leaving no traces.

Finding marbles from the dead grass, Le Yun twisted the corpse in one hand, ran back to the camp with a trot, and threw the dead guy on the ground, and handed the seized guns and broken parts to handsome Yan.

Little Loli came back with two dead beasts. Yan Xing stepped forward to check and saw the location of the wound. One was right in the heart, and the other was slightly off Xiao Xu. She was so shocked as if an earthquake had occurred. Little Loli was shooting a target during military training. The accuracy they showed at the time was very good. They felt that with a little professional training, they would be able to become sharpshooters in time. However, tonight, the little Lolita even achieved a 100% hit rate in sniping in the dark. A sharpshooter comparable.

Little Loli is too mysterious. Every time he thinks he sees her taking off her veil, she is actually covered with a veil after her veil, which is mysterious and weird.

Enduring the horror, Yanxing little Lolita put away the things she had seized, extracted fingerprints and blood clots of hair and nails that could detect DNA, and then went to the car to get a camera to take pictures, dismantled the guns and put them in the car to hide them in the car for convenience after returning to Beijing. After further research, throw the two humans and beasts into the two fireball piles that have not been burned yet.

(End of this chapter)

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