magic eye doctor

Chapter 557 each with their own minds

Chapter 557 each with their own minds

The parents went upstairs to take a lunch break. The three couples from the Chao family brought their two children and Uncle Fang, who came downstairs to clean up the hall after dinner, and the others carried presents upstairs to the bedroom of Xiaofandanzi. Those gifts were all given by guests. Xiao Lele's birthday present, naturally, Xiao Lele decides to dispose of it by herself.

Fang's mother and others were also very happy. After running several times, they carried all the gifts upstairs. Then, they packed up the tables and chairs, and went to the kitchen to wash the dishes. his home, he wouldn't take good things to the hotel, and the place he took to work would definitely be robbed.

People from the ancient Wu and Guxiu clan who left the Chao family went their separate ways. Some people who were familiar with each other met to find a quiet place to drink tea and reminisce about the old days. Those who were not particularly close to friends and relatives went to different places, and some set off immediately. Going home, some stayed in Beijing for a while.

Penglai Immortal Master followed the Xuan family master to the backyard of the Xuanjia Teahouse. The Xuanjia Teahouse was equivalent to an upside-down seat in the front of the courtyard, and behind it was the Xuan family's other courtyard in Beijing. Each building was a two-story small courtyard, and the upper hall was set up according to ancient rituals. .

The patriarch Xuan asked his aunt to go to the hall of the upper room, and he and his nephew paid a formal kneel worship to their elders.

Penglai Xiandao's surname is Yu, and her boudoir name is Yu Ruxian. She is the eldest daughter of the former island owner. Her younger sister, Yu Ruyan, met Xuanyuan Wushang when she went out to gain knowledge. When the ancient Wu and ancient Xiu sect families were in turmoil and the Xuanyuan family was in deep distress, the disciples from Penglai Xiandao went out to the island to help, which shocked the ancient cultivator world.

Although the fairy master of Penglai looks like a beautiful flower and looks like a girl, he is actually over 70 years old. It is not uncommon for the ancient cultivator to live to be 30 years old. Those who are over 150 years old are rare. Ancient cultivators who are 70 years old are famous. A real fairy.

Jade Island Master talked about trivial matters with the younger generation of his sister's family, and asked his nephew and grandson, who was standing beside him, in a soft voice: "Xiao Chenbei, how close is your friendship with the little girl from Xianyimen?"

"Grandma Zeng, Chen Bei dare not bully me. My friendship with the little beauty is slightly better than that of the other young descendants of the Gu Xiu family, but it's not enough to be considered a confidant friend." Xuan Shao wanted to scratch the wall, and the little girl The beauty is not the kind of melon child who gets dizzy just by coaxing her. She has a self-defeating statement in her heart, but she will not be easily swayed by others.

"It's not bad to have a deeper friendship than other people. Is it okay for the little girl to speak? Is there a threshold for the patients?" Yu Island Lord asked in a soft voice, his aura was so restrained that no one could think of her. A powerful force.

"When the little beauty is in a good mood, it is easy to talk, but when the mood is bad, it is difficult to talk. She is very kind and respects the elderly. As far as Chenbei has seen, I have never seen her make trouble for patients. There's basically nothing wrong with having something that little beauties like."

"What's the little girl's favorite?"

"This, Chenbei is not easy to say, guessing that he may not care much about common things such as gold and silver, and is interested in the rare herbs and rare treasures that can be used as medicine. Chenbei saw the little beauty see the precious medicinal materials. Bright, nothing else is known."

"The He Yi I gave this time is a peacock feather cape, nineteen top-quality eastern pearls, two sets of head and face including gem-set hairpins, hairpins, step shakes, ear bridles, and jade bracelets, thousand-year-old sandalwood beads, agarwood A string of wooden beads, red coral beads, jade beads, and a set of six utensils, Gui, Huang, Zhang, Bi, Cong, and Hu, doesn’t it seem like a light gift, and it’s not enough to make the little girl look at it differently?”

Xuan Patriarch heard what the elders reported about the congratulatory gift, the corners of his eyes jumped imperceptibly, and he hesitated before asking: "Grandma, is the peacock feather cloak you gave you the one hundred-year-old peacock feather cloak?"

"Yeah, the general peacock feathers can't be used, and only the hundred-year-old peacock feathers can barely get on the table."

"The grandson thinks that the grandmother's He Yi is already a first-class He Yi, which is enough to impress the little girl." The head of the Xuan family couldn't help but wink. The tail feathers are woven with gold and silver threads.

As we all know, the lifespan of peacocks is only about ten years, and it is the limit to live for 20-25 years in the breeding environment. The lifespan of peacocks on Penglai Xiandao is much longer than that in other places, and they can live for about 50 years. Rare one in a millennium.

Each of the disciples of Penglai Xiandao has a peacock feather coat, and there are only three feather coats woven by a hundred-year-old peacock, a cape, a lady's skirt, and a man's robe. Clothes have always been inherited on the island. Passed down from generation to generation by island owners.

Ordinary peacock feathers catch fire when they see the fire. The precious features of hundred-year-old peacock feathers are waterproof and snowproof, and they are not too afraid of fire, which means that under normal circumstances, they will not burn when they are lit with fire. If they are thrown into the fire for more than half Minutes can naturally burn up.

"When I came, I didn't know that the little girl liked medicinal herbs, I thought it was the little girl Fangchen, so I didn't expect to take the rare and exotic herbs as a gift. I should bring the medicinal materials such as thousand-year-old ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, and wait for the little girl's birthday. Find a time to send it, and I can't let the little girl see me alone."

"There is a saying that sending goose feathers for thousands of miles, the gift is light and affectionate, not to mention that the gift from great-aunt and grandmother is not light, presumably the little beauty will meet you, please be relieved, wait for the little beauty to come back, Chenbei has the cheek to look for the little beauty to make an appointment, just Aunt Zeng, if the little beauty is angry and stabs me with needles, you must remember to get some medicinal materials to redeem me, I don’t want to be needled, although it is good to be needled, it feels so shameful.”

The owner of Jade Island immediately burst out laughing, and the owner of the Xuan family couldn't help laughing and opening his eyes: "Is Chenbei stabbed by a little girl with a needle?"

"Well, the little beauty said that I still don't know anything, so she gave me a needle, and I felt very comfortable after the acupuncture, and the meridians were infuriating more smoothly during cultivation, and the expression on my face when I thought about the little beauty when she pierced me with the needle was always the same. I can't help getting a chill down my back." Xuan Shao held his face: "Aunt Zeng, you know what, when the little beauty pricked my face and head with needles, it turned me into a cactus, I almost thought I was This handsome face is hard to protect, but it made my heart skip a beat."

"Oh, your kid is cheap and good. When I see the little girl, I will definitely suggest that the little girl stab you again, and let me see how handsome Xiao Chenbei looks when he is tied into a cactus."

"Great-aunt, look at how delicate and handsome my face is, although it is far less than one-tenth of your and your great-grandmother's looks, but I have inherited a trace of beauty from you and your great-grandmother. Are you willing to give me a needle?"

"The mouth is so sweet, why is it not a girl, if it is a girl, I will bring it back to the island to accompany me to grow flowers and grass."

"Grandma Zeng, we have girls in our family, you like to bring one or two or three or five back to Xiandao to accompany you to relieve your boredom, and there are also boys who are as beautiful as me, you can also take them to Xiandao, at home. brothers and sisters..."

Xuan Shao immediately advertised for the brothers and sisters at home, and Bala Bala explained who was the mildest in temper, who was the most naughty, and who had advantages.

There is a sweet-mouthed little Chenbei who is coaxing the elders to be happy, and the Xuan family master is very relaxed, because there is a little younger son who is sweet and filial and said that he wants to make a good dish for himself. Stay overnight and wait until tomorrow to return to the Taoist temple.

Tantai Mingguang brought his two grandsons back to Beijing, and he did not stop there. He packed his luggage and went back to his hometown. Back then, Tantai Xunhuan was in poor health and was self-studying at home. At the end of the month, the junior high school entrance examination is about to take place, and Tantai Xunhuan wants to go back to his hometown to prepare for the senior high school entrance examination.

Shoubo stayed in Beijing in preparation for contacting the little girl, lest there was no one in charge, and he would not know how to deal with anything.

When the head of the Nalan family entered the capital, he did not live in the Feng family, but placed an order in a monastery in the west of the city as a tourist. First, it was quiet, and second, he hoped that the little girl would not confuse the Nalan family with the Feng family.

The incense in the monastery is prosperous, and there are many tourists during the day. Fortunately, the monastery area is a place where tourists stop, and there is no interference. When they return to the courtyard, the head of the Nalan family sits next to the stone bench under the tree in the yard, and the guards who stay in the monastery serve tea. Stand beside the master.

Lan Si Shao and Lan Qi Shao went to the monastery before the patriarch entered the capital. They also booked the rooms in the temple. After returning, the two stood beside the patriarch and did not dare to act recklessly.

Patriarch Nalan drank two cups of tea in a row, his brows were furrowed, and he continued with a third cup of tea, holding a white porcelain cup; after thinking for a long time, he made his first voice after returning: "Fourth, are you sure you are? Did you really do anything to offend the little girl?"

"Going home, Qingxi didn't offend the little girl, it's true that the young master of the Feng family had an old grudge with the little girl. He didn't understand the rules of Sanwei Xuan and made trouble in the Xuanyuan restaurant. I didn't stop it, and after that, I helped the young master of the Feng family to solve the acupuncture point. ." Lan Si Shao did not dare to violate yin and yang, and told the truth.

"Young Master Xuanyuan didn't help people to solve the acupoints, presumably just wanted to punish the young master of the Feng family by making him stand. You didn't stop the people who came with you from bullying people and helping people solve the acupoints, not to mention her, even I wouldn't give it to you. The color looks good." The head of the Nalan family slightly tilted his head to look at his son, and he hated that iron was not steel: "Forget it, it's useless to say more about it, you should think twice about everything yourself, and in the future, it will be up to Lao Qi. Responsible, Seventh, the elders of the family have high hopes for your trip. Be smart. Be sure to find a way to repair the rift between the Nalan family and the little girl, and do not ask the little girl to treat the Nalan family and the Xuan family Zhou Shaozhong's family. As friends, at least I hope the little girl can treat Nalan and the ancient martial arts such as the descendants of Tanglang Quan as equals."

Lan Qishao is not very good, let him clean up the mess?Can he run?He didn't want to take the hot potato, but the order of the head of the family could not be violated, so he could only bite the bullet and take the order: "Qinghu will do his best."

Fourth Young Master Lan lowered his head slightly, no matter how distressed he was, there was nowhere to complain. He was just a momentary loss. Who would have thought that it would cause the Nalan family to be so passive.

Lan Qi expressed his stance, and the Nalan Patriarch was very satisfied and let the young man do his own thing. He went back to the monk's room to meditate for the afternoon.

No need to wait by the master's side, Lan Sishao went out for a walk, walked around the temple, looked at all kinds of tourists, and felt annoyed. He didn't succeed in befriending the people from the Immortal Doctor's Sect. Instead, he was with him because of a small mistake. The bad relationship is even more serious because he was rejected by the Xianyi family, and the family sent Lao Qi to Beijing.

The seventh is also the best among the descendants of the direct line, and is one of the candidates for the next head of the family. The seventh has always had no intention of competing, but who can guarantee that the seventh is truly indisputable, rather than appearing to be indisputable on the surface?
The arrival of the seventh is tantamount to the fact that the family has high hopes for him. If the seventh succeeds in completing the family task, then the possibility of the seventh being established as the next heir will increase from [-]% to [-]%.

Lan Si Shao was unhappy, walked a few laps, and went back to the monk's room to meditate and meditate. If he wanted to win the position of the head of the family, his cultivation was also very important and could not be neglected.

The Jiang family has another courtyard in Beijing. Therefore, the owner of the Jiang family is also one of the first people to return to his own site. After returning to the hospital, he and his nephew returned to the upper room. .

After drinking a cup of fragrant tea, the Jiang family's eyebrows overflowed with a shallow smile: "I feel that the famous tea in our hometown is not as good as the tea prepared by the little girl. Saburo is blessed and can often drink the tea from the little girl's house."

Jiang Shao looked at his eldest uncle with a faint smile, and silently dripped a drop of cold sweat: "Uncle, have you made some crooked ideas again?"

"I just envy you for having good luck. In your eyes, is your uncle the kind of person who always makes crooked ideas?" The smile between the Jiang family's eyebrows deepened, but there was a serious expression on his face.

"When my uncle shows a fox-like smile, it basically means that he is thinking about something messy." Jiang Shao didn't show the uncle's face. Their brothers knew the uncle too well. , they played the spirit of twelve points.

"The exception this time, I just saw that you finally ate meat at noon, and I felt relieved."

"The braised pork in the special braised soup made by the little beauty is delicious."

"Oh, you said it yourself, I won't ask you how you feel about eating meat. If you are not a partial eclipse, I can rest assured. Did the little girl say whether the medicinal materials your two brothers are looking for are enough? Do we need to find other medicinal materials? ?"

"The little beauty didn't ask us to find other medicinal herbs, and I was very happy that we helped her find the Rou Congrong. I told the little beauty that if there are any medicinal herbs that are special products of our hometown, if you need them, you are welcome and let our family find them. ."

"That's good. The little girl has a good relationship with you. With you in Beijing, my elders and I can rest assured. You only need to be in Beijing. There are things at home with your father and me. Elders, you don't have to worry."

"Have you found the guy who ate inside and out?"

"We... know in our hearts, the matter may not only be as simple as the dispute between our family's descendants, it may involve the entire ancient martial arts and ancient cultivation world, it is not appropriate to tell you these juniors for the time being, lest you be shocked by the grass, you brothers should not know anything. ."

"I know."

The younger nephew was calm, and the head of the Jiang family was very relieved. After repeating the instructions of the elders again, he only talked about trivial matters in life, chatted for two hours, and went to the airport to take a flight home.

It was not only the Jiang family who left Beijing that day, the Hua family, the Ji family, the Si family, the Chen family, and the Huo family only stayed at their respective places before leaving.

 Dear little fairies, it's New Year's Day, everyone is happy, I wish everyone a lot of New Year's money.

(End of this chapter)

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